Former Restaurant Critic Tries Hand At Politics

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Warren Kinsella’s Spin Machine“…we’d like a Minister of Immigration who isn’t a xenophobic mouth-breather…[imposing visa restrictions on the Czech Republic is] taking Canada back to the days when it closed the door to Jewish migrants trying to flee Nazi Europe.”
Paul Wells Wayback Machine“[The Chretien government] reinstated visa restrictions on the Czech Republic [in 1997] in hopes of discouraging immigration by Czech Gypsies, or Roma, after more than 1,200 arrived this year seeking protection as refugees.”

45 Replies to “Former Restaurant Critic Tries Hand At Politics”

  1. I love it! You’d never see this kind of balance in the MSM. They’re too busy trying to get back on the PPG gravy train courtesy of a Liberal majority government.

    Kinsella is a complete f-ing retard. Perfectly at home with today’s Liberal party.

  3. Just the small clip of WK’s you quoted here is enough to reinforce my self imposed rule to not give the clown a hit on his site. It will be the same old crap with name changes.

  4. Let’s not forget it was Kinsella’s beloved Liberals who turned back the Jews on the SS St. Louis. Or that the immigration laws restricting Chinese and Indian immigrants were either created or strengthened by Liberal governments. He’s the guy that gets bent out of shape because some country club used to exclude non-WASPs (Warren, they ALL did that), and says he could never be part of something that was racist in the past. Except the Liberal Party of Canada, I guess.

  5. Sheesh… Kinsella has the nerve to cite the wartime banning of Jewish refugees of Nazi Germany.
    Doesn’t Warren know that it was the Liberal government of William Lyon Mackenzie King who refused entry to the Jewish refugees of Europe?
    Does Warren know that the Liberal PM also said, of Jewish immigrants to Canada:

    “None is too many”

    What a maroon, that Warren!
    Why don’t leftist bloggers bash that nasty guy like they bash me? I may be a “hard-hitting” blogger, but that Kinsella’s far, far, far worse than I’ve ever been!
    And he’s in denial about the Liberal Party’s horrific history of intolerance and xenophobia.

  6. WK is de facto saying Europe is still Nazi.
    It’s an interesting question as to why we are seeing refuges from Europe.

  7. Some fathers would be proud of their sons’ dedication to The Truth – others, not so much.
    Anything for Power, because, in their own minds, Libranos are Righteous.
    Theft is not righteous, however. Neither is lying.
    They would render their own mothers down to tallow for their chance to grasp power, where a good percentage of the spoils of the economy can be siphoned off through various back doors…
    Perhaps in heaven there is a Special Righteousness award handed out for those who consistently defended and promoted thieves and liars. Assuming a belief in heaven, of course… perhaps Catholicism is merely a convenient decoration used as a prop for gaining power, and not a fervently held belief… not that any amount of hypocrisy from this windbag would surprise me anymore.
    Purple fuzzy coffee-boy.

  8. I hear the “Republicans for Ignatieff” are looking to sign on Warren Kinsella.

  9. Katsmella relative to your narzi reference – 2 words; Godwin’s Law
    Section 3, subsection 4c, clause iv; “you have only to say ‘Godwin’s Law’ and a trapdoor falls open, plunging your rival into a pool of hungry crocodiles.” Smithsonian, wiki

  10. Ah…good ol’ Warren….can always count on him to have one foot in his mouth and the other up his a** – it’s actually quite a talent he has.

  11. I wonder what Warren thinks of Chretien accepting an honour from the Queen when he made Conrad Black give up his Canadian citizenship to accept a Knighthood? Oh never mind I don’t care what he thinks.

  12. speedy – exactly. Now can we never hear of him again, even to mock? I don’t care about what he’s doing, now, and not ever.

  13. OK. On one hand you have the Liberals who have, time and again, shown themselves to be liars and thieves. They have a weak leader who has spent the majority of his life in the USA and a spokesman (Kinsella) who is quite obviously a fool with a penchant for making idiotic statements. They willingly entered into a coalition agreement with socialists and separatists (sorry … sovereignists)in a vain and desperate attempt to seize power from a duly elected government.
    On the other hand, the Conservatives, under the strong and principled leadership of Stephen Harper, have managed to steer Canada through some perilous times even though they are constantly under threat of being ousted by a combative and uncooperative opposition.
    Yet, if you believe the polls, the Liberals continue to run neck and neck with the Conservatives. What the hell is wrong with Canadians?

  14. Don’t be silly, it’s only a “major diplomatic incident” when the Conservatives do it.

  15. Hmmmmm 1997.
    Let’s see Warren “The Pussy” Kinsella was up to his eyeballs in Liberal Party activities. That was the year he tried for his lip-lock on the public teat by running for Parliament – he got his skany butt whupped by Ted White/Reform.
    So the Head Liberal Pussy can’t say he was involved in the LPC in 1997 when his bestest buddy Jean “ADSCAM is My Legacy” Cruton laid on the visa requirement.

  16. Kinsella and Iggy two gifts that keep on giving, if the left think the information ads were hateful for telling the truth I suspect they’ll be bleeding from the eyes when the Cons start using Spinsella’s blog post as info ads on how low the left go.

  17. Haven’t read thru all postings. Too ticked to think straight. But I DO know this:
    The people who really closed the doors to WWII era Jews seeking refuge from the holocaust were members of the LPOC. In fact The Liberal Prime Minister of the day is the one that “shit[head] from hell” is really gunning for, ’cause the libs are caught out yet again, with their anti-semitism out in the open, twisting in the wind, for all to see.
    “…On May 15, 1939, the St. Louis, a steamship carrying 907 German Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, set sail from Hamburg, Germany for Havana, Cuba. However, on May 30, when it reached the Havana port, the Cuban government refused to recognize the passengers’ entrance visas and none was allowed to disembark. No other Latin American country would admit the refugees, and the St. Louis had to leave port.
    Canada and the United States were the Jews’ last hope, but Mackenzie King ignored the protests of Canadian Jewish organizations and said the crisis was not a “Canadian problem.” Frederick Charles Blair, the director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources was quoted as saying, “No country could open its doors wide enough to take in the hundreds of thousands of Jewish people who want to leave Europe: the line must be drawn somewhere.”
    Canada, under a Liberal Government, only took in 8,000, or one percent of the 811,000 Jewish refugees admitted into countries across the world.
    When asked how many Jewish refugees Canada could embrace and shelter, WWII-era Liberal Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King adopted the policy of “‘NONE IS TOO MANY!” regarding Jewish immigration into Canada.”
    And remember dear hearts. This redneck racist is one of the other two lib PM’s awarded royal merit badges.
    t.e. & o.e.

  18. The move to force visas on Mexican’s and Czechoslovakians this week is a welcome step forward for Canadian immigration policies!
    I believe that these initiatives are a positive preventative action made by our government. The Czec requirements are a necessity for the overwhelming migration of criminal gypsy crime families that have been plaguing Europe for centuries.
    Here is what happened in Northern Ireland last month when the government didn’t react and the public took matters into their own hands.
    What the MSM didn’t explain was that there has been a culture of wandering gypsies throughout Ireland for centuries who have been at the root of much of the islands crime. These indigenous gypsies have attained a “protected species” status within the society not unlike native peoples of North America. These newer European gypsy immigrants have been attempting to capitalize on these “special status” rights, by trying to integrate within the existing gypsy communities. The Irish had had enough.
    I believe the Canadian movement on Mexican nationals requiring visas, is a precursor to the eventual collapse of certain southern US states. Mexican immigration applications has risen x3 since the US financial crisis began and you can bet dollars to donuts we could expect a tsunami of third world invasion if the US deteriorates much further.

  19. The problem with illegal Mexican immigrants has been going on for a while. This story is from 2 years ago,— ,— My old home town,the unemployment capital of Canada was inundated with the illegals,upwards of 200 in one week,and they didn’t come with pocketfuls of money to paint the town red. I know someone who was involved in the processing of the ‘new’ Canadians,she was not impressed,not at all.

  20. Australia has had a visa program in place for decades?? Why are we not reading about this?

  21. This would only come as a surprise to a professional “progressive”. Yet more proof, if any was needed, that a liberal is somebody who thinks that history began yesterday.
    Canada required visas from Czech visitors when I was working at NATO HQ. Prague responded by requiring visas from Canadian visitors, titski for tatski, eh. That was in 2000-02, during the…oh, I don’t know, let me see, it was so long ago…yeah, CROUTON era.
    This sort of comment is inevitable when people have attitudes instead of knowledge.
    BTW, what’s the big deal? It’s a freakin’ VISA. I needed one to get into France in 1989, and I was BORN there. One of the few genuinely legitimate functions of the state is to control who does and does not get in the door. Canada could stand to be a little more choosy about who we let into our demented dominion. It might save us problems down the road.
    KHADR .

  22. Posted by: wallyj>
    “The problem with illegal Mexican immigrants has been going on for a while”
    Agreed – and it’s about to become much worse. With No jobs, No Education & No skills they will flee the US like locusts from a stripped field as the economy tanks. Following along like an umbilical cord will be gangs like MS 13, infectious diseases and a strain on our infrastructure every bit the same as California has experienced. Schools, hospitals, fire & police, welfare offices, natural resources, lowered salary expectations and on and on…………
    Unfortunately our “unprotected border” is a hell of a lot longer than the US/Mexican “unprotected” border, with far fewer security resources to draw from.

  23. Btw,the cbc website had this story open for comments last night.Surprise,surprise,no really,the commenters were in favour of the moves by the gov’t.

  24. Don’t go to National Post articles comment sections if you are not in the mood for reading the bleeding heart liberal types’ comments re how damaging and racist is the decision to impose visa requirement on the Gypsies and Mexicans. According to those comments Canada will loose its shirt due to the Mexican tourists being discouraged from visiting. Also fallout from Czech discontent will damage Canada’s reputation in the world.

  25. Posted by: DN at July 15, 2009 7:43 PM>
    “BTW, what’s the big deal? It’s a freakin’ VISA.”
    Exactly! Canadians require a visa for almost everywhere in the world aside from a “few” Commonwealth countries, mainly the UK.
    They are in place for very good reason, and we seem to be one of the only knucklehead nations on earth that can’t understand that. Least of which will give Immigration and Police additional powers over illegal’s once caught in the country, along with terrorists posing as Mexican tourists with fake ID’s.

  26. Warp’in Kinfrellya, says with a perfectly straight face, “When Conservatives do the identical thing that Liberals have done, its wrong. If Liberals do it again later, -then- it will be ok.”
    And you wonder why we mock you.
    Will no one rid us of this troublesome cat eater?

  27. Why does having to obtain a visa mean a reduction in tourism? I’ve had to obtain visas for travels to various countries, including Russia and the Czech Republic (which required a Visa from Canadians a few years ago); and Estonia..
    No visa for places such as France, Germany, etc.
    But – why does having to obtain a visa mean that you won’t visit that country?

  28. “But – why does having to obtain a visa mean that you won’t visit that country?
    Posted by: ET at July 15, 2009 8:49 PM ”
    Because,hopefully,ET,it will mean the people who issue the visas will spot the criminal types trying to get into our country.But I’m not holding my breath.

  29. Refugees?!! From the Czech Republic and Mexico?! And we are treating this with great administrative seriousness? Letting them cool their heels on social assistance for a year or so while their files get through the system, or fade into the “community”?
    Sometimes foolishness just has to be encouraged…
    Hey! All you poor, disadvantaged Americans! The “Man” puttin’ you down? Don’t get no respect? Bein’ discrim’nated against? Come to Canada! Free food! Housing (color TV is a RIGHT)! Free health care.
    Let’s advertise this in Chicago! Or Flint…

  30. by the comments of some of the posters in here you would think that gypsies are thieves and scammers, we JUST tell your fortune, well, and maybe pick your pocket:-))))

  31. Dear Warren,
    Don’t let your catgut get too knotted, just think of it as Canada’s contribution toward fulfilling our obligation under the Kyoto accord. You know, the one your hero ratified.
    If unqualified refugees stay where they are, rather than traveling in search of a bountiful welfare state as a result of the Visa requirement, we have helped immensely in reducing their carbon footprint, and so have gone one step further in saving the planet.

  32. I know Gypsies like camping, has Kinsella got a large backyard? And don’t they say down Mexico way, my house is your house? Kinsella can return the compliment. He and his band can play while Carmen and Consuela dance.

  33. He’s still around? Thought he broke his leg and died or something? Oh well, life is full of disappointments of one sort or another.

  34. Voting Block …. denied!
    One for the good guys…… No wonder Kinsmellya is yapping!
    And …. still proving that he is totally full of Sh!t.

  35. justthinkin – I’m aware that the process of visa review may enable the authorities to spot a criminal. That’s not my point.
    My question was directed at those people who are in an uproar that such a demand by the Evil Conservative Government will harm tourism in Canada; that is, that it will discourage visitors to Canada.
    If you genuinely want to visit Canada, then having to obtain a visa is hardly a problem.

  36. Good CBC documentaries here.
    Hitler in 1939 threat.
    “If International Jewish Finance in Europe and elsewhere” (Red Shield ???) “ever manages to cast Europe into another world war the result won’t be global Bolshevism which would mean the triumph of Jewry but liquidation of the Jewish race.”
    Then watch Money Masters doc. on net
    Liberal Appointment ?????
    The SA Generals and the Rise of Nazism by Bruce Campbell States:
    “132. When he rejoined the SA, he actually joined the SS, which was a part of the SA at the time, whereas earlier from 1927 to 1928, he had been a member of the SA proper.
    “134 The four Reichstag deputies were Joachim Meyer-Quade, Robert Bergmann, Otto Herzog and Count Finck von Finckemstein.” (Heinrich Graf Finck von Finckenstein)
    Count Konrad Winrich Graf Finck von Finckenstein, now Chairman of the Canadian CRTC on January 25, 2007. Started public service in 1973, in numberous senior positions acquiring broad experience in the areas of trade, commercial and competition law and Justice of the Federal Court during 2003 to 2007.(immigration cases me thinks a bad idea ????)
    These roles included Assistant Deputy Minister and Assistant Attorney General in the Canadian departments of Industry, Justice and External Affairs, overseeing the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and negotiated the dispute settlement mechanism of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, plus supervised the drafting and implementation. During the 1980s, he served as Senior General Counsel with Industry Canada and the Trade Negotiations Office.
    Mother: Countess Eva Grafin Finck von Finckenstein (Schubring) who had as her
    closest adviser and good friend Prof. Dr. Theodor Oberlaender.
    A scandal forced in 1955 the resignation of leading GB / BHE members Eva Grafin Finck von Finckenstein and Prof. Dr. Theodor Oberlaender and in 1956 the CDU / CSU parliamentary group.
    Oberlaender in 1982 joined as co-signatory of the Heidelberger Manifest in appearance, which is against further immigration to Germany proceedings.

  37. Seriously folks, knock off the attacks & slurs on Mr. Kinsella. You just might make Mr. Ignatieff reconsider keeping him on his staff.
    And since Mr. K is such a wealth of bombast and vitriol and has the predilection of uttering inane statements whenever he opens his pie-hole, he is proving to be a veritable treasure trove for the next election.
    BTW, what is it with the liberal think tank? PM Martin hired that moron Feschuk to write speeches for him (remember Paul Martin had us invading Norway instead of Normandy?), Dion hired his hair-dresser’s son to shoot his video farewell immolation, and Count Ignatieff hires a creep who loiters around washrooms with a digital camera.
    Liberalism must be a mental disorder.

  38. Alienated, the Libs are broke. They have to cut corners. As their Senators retire, the LPC has less and less free labor to draw on to do partisan work.
    It’s gonna get worse when Harper appoints another block of Senators. Soon we will have almost all the advantages over the Libs–except for the mostly unfriendly msm.

  39. Its always year zero in socialist land. I’m surprised they remember their birthdays let a lone the fact they forget legislation they passed themselves. Which means its only evil if a Conservative does it?
    They eat hypocracy like a dog will its own vomit.

  40. The few people who hear catsmeat slag the CPC will most likely not have hear of Chretien’s Visa restrictions and so will buy into catsmeat’s lies.
    That is where his evil ways are effective. It obviously isn’t in truth.
    To a leftard/liberal/Liberal, public ignorace is their bliss.

  41. Posted by: Alienated >
    “Seriously folks, knock off the attacks & slurs on Mr. Kinsella. You just might make Mr. Ignatieff reconsider keeping him on his staff.”
    The Harper government couldn’t ask for more!!!
