34 Replies to “BoTax”

  1. Roth, a plastic surgeon at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., said it “would be a discriminatory tax against women,” noting that 86 percent of patients are female
    No, the Dems won’t lose Hollywood, the “stars” can afford the tax, but they do risk losing a truckload of support from women.
    Maybe they were just waiting for Michael Jackson to die before trying this tax notion.

  2. Will Dems loose the Hollywood street?
    Naw. 10% beautification tax will be offset by a 10% increase in grease for the studios. Actors will continue to do what they are told.

  3. If they decide to go back in tax years that could bankrupt Joan Rivers!
    Is Barry going to secretly send a clause before the vote to wave ‘minorities’ off this tax? I men social justice and all…

  4. If it goes to pay for Henry Waxman’s make-over, then it’ll be worth every penny.

  5. This is discriminatory against whites because everyone knows, BLACKS DON’T CRACK.

  6. This is discrimination against whites because everyone knows black don’t crack.

  7. Only from a Liberal would you hear a new tax described as “kind of fun”. Good god!

  8. If he intends to bring in the Canadian death care system someone should tell him you do not pay for any operation, including abortion at anytime.

  9. This is brilliant! If they make it retroactive, Nancy Pelosi could pretty much wipe out the entire deficit with the accumulated tax on her Botox injections.

  10. what idiots. The gain in tax revenues will be offset by the loss in income tax paid by plastic surgeons. The majority of plastic surgeries are carried out on average Americans, and adding 10% to the cost will result in less surgeries. People will have to save up more, or they may decide the price is too much. I’m pretty sure you’ll see some surgeons relocate to the Caribbean, Mexico, or elsewhere and continue to offer Americans affordable plastic surgery.

  11. Au contraire, O pale one….BLACKS DO CRACK!!-
    A whole lot of it in fact!(in certain demographies, anyway). But that’s another issue…

  12. rich, nancy ALWAYS looks scared. She is going to have to fork over mucho dinero for her permanent scary-looks

  13. Plastic surgeons will never feel the pinch of universal health care rationing. Human vanity rules supreme (and yes I do know that there are legitimate plastic surgery procedures such a cleft plate, club foot, burns, etc.). It will be easy to deny grannie and gramps end of life procedures, but there will always be money for the nose and boob jobs to enhance self-esteem. Cheers

  14. Human vanity rules supreme

    Very true.
    But people can only afford so much.
    I think a 10% tax when the economic situtation is dire will be bad news for many female Democrat supporters.
    This is what the stock market looked like over the period of the Great Depression.
    I think we are in the 1929 period of a replay right now.
    Notice the “dead cat bounce” that occurs in 1930 before everything slides into the gulf at 1932.
    The market never recovered to the 1929 level until 1954,…..23 years later.
    That’s a whole generation, lost time.

  15. IIRC some of my colleagues in the plastic surgery business in this country (where there is a tax on this) classify the procedure as medically necessary to repair deformity, allowing it as a write off for medical expenses on T4.
    Hence the surgeons circumvent the tax anyway. As usual people look for a way around the tax, increasing these luxury taxes never gives the full expected income.

  16. Speedy,
    “Not before Michelle gets her patented pi@#ed off look removed surgically.”
    I agree. She scares me. It’s like her face is frozen in a permanent state of “I’m going to bite your head off and then scratch out your eyes” look.

  17. No-one (nice handle, brave boy):
    I agree. She scares me.
    Really? Why? Think she could take you in a fight? Were you scared of Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, or Laura Bush? Were you scared of Hillary Clinton?
    Oh.. wait..

  18. KevinB,
    I happen to be female…and yes, she looks angry even when smiling. BTW – who wouldn’t be afraid, given those famous Michelle Obameh arms – Bet Obameh even watches his step around her. Bet she could take him, probably you too.

  19. Don’t worry everyone, the government knows what is best for us. I have KevinB’s every assurance.

  20. Rather than the 10% plastic surgery tax driving the celebrities away from the Dems, wouldn’t it be Obama’s proposed taxes on the wealthy? When he stands up and says that the wealthy have to pay EVEN MORE, that means the celebrities, too (have you SEEN how much they make…or how much their divorces cost?).
    It would be nice to see that concept bandied about a bit.

  21. “…cosmetic surgery deemed unnecessary for medical purposes”
    How long until reconstructive surgury on burn patients, knee replacements, and all other “elective” surgeries are included?
    One week or two?

  22. (nice handle, brave boy):
    Yes, nothing says “name and address” like KevinB…

  23. “If it goes to pay for Henry Waxman’s make-over, then it’ll be worth every penny.”
    Posted by: JDN
    I’ll second that, LOL!

  24. It’s not just that he has the face of a cross between a pig and a troll (look at his picture, remember that truth is a defense), but he is shorter than the Red Queen, Nancy Pelosi. He looks like a character out of a Grimm fairy tale. Since he represents Hollywood, it is possible that he is just a CGI joke on the rest of us.

  25. Michelle Obama is the first Klingon-American First Lady in history. Being a black Klingon is just icing on the cake, eh?
    The cranky look is hereditary, and yes she can definitely kick Barry’s a$$. If a stained blue dress shows up someplace I bet we get to see her do it live on CNN. Batleth style!
    I don’t know where she got the brow ridges off, maybe the same guy who did Michael Jackson’s nose?

  26. BTW, if the First Lady is kicking the POTUS’s @$$ for cheatin’ on her, does the Secret Service:
    A) taze the crazy beeatch for hitting the POTUS?
    B) taze the POTUS for hitting a girl?
    c) sell tickets?

  27. It’s definitely the eye brows – having a high arching eyebrow was touted on Oprah as being the “5 minute face lift” Prominent brow arches are now the rage, as are putting those bump it thing’s in your hair to give that 60ish beehive on your head look. Some persons simply do not suit a high arching brow – makes some look devlish and angry; especially, if they have generous space to begin with between the eyelid and brow. I wonder if she will adopt the beehive look next.
