23 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: This Is Not Your Father’s Paper Sailboat”

  1. inquisitr.com/30859/smart-car-tossing-becomes-a-big-sport-in-the-netherlands/

  2. The Smart is between 1650 and 1700 lbs (3/4 ton) so it would take a few guys to move it. These cars are huge fun when you’re burning around the tiny medieval streets in cities in Europe. Also they are really good for honour killings – you can easily stick some Muslim women into them – and toss them into a canal.

  3. Ah marketing. I can buy a vehicle that is ‘ram tough’, one that is ‘built like a rock’ and now one that is ‘smart’. Why can’t I buy one that is cheap?
    30 HP engine, no safety crap, the bare minimum of smog stuff. Used to be able. Not any more. Get rid of the Gummint meddling and I could.

  4. I think the message sent by the pranksters is important.
    They are essentially mocking the idea that climate can be controlled by the right consumptive purchasing patterns or by patronizing the “right” brands.
    Ludicrous thinking deserves ludicrous reaction.

  5. You could be right Billy Bragg or it could be just a bunch of Eurotrash ne’erdowells doing damage.

  6. I don’t know why some of you get blocked from Don’s site, but I’ve changed up the links a bit so that you can at least get to the original item.

  7. “The London Sun quoted Casper de Jong, whose Smart car was last seen floating by his apartment:”
    Mr. de Jong evidently bought the Wilbur Mills model, rather than the Teddy Kennedy model.

  8. Just think of the oil and gas that enters the canals. Smart cars are bad for the environment

  9. “They are essentially mocking the idea that climate can be controlled by the right consumptive purchasing patterns or by patronizing the “right” brands.”
    BB… sarc,right?
    Pranksters don’t think past the present moment, or beyond their immediate space.
    Best prank I knew was the VW in the dining room one morning at camp…classic, lot’s of laughs and no damage to the car, or ‘the environment'(meaning the floor of the dining room).

  10. Oh yes this will become an epidemic with every Smart Car in Europe in a waterway…
    Has everyone taken leave of their senses completely? How about some police work? Use a Bait Car.
    On the practical side how about Smart Car Stands like Bike Stands you can lock your car to.
    What can you expect form the country pushing wind power on the world. I wonder how they are doing on their new natural gas and coal power stations? ( they readily admit that wind will not handle base load and they sell the intermittent wind power to Germany for the most part )
    Dutch Does Duplicitous Dance Dodging Draconian Dreams

  11. You see, all the UK needs is more mosques. Big room, lots of carpet, no annoying need for alternate seating arrangements, or musical distastes. Simple no?
    Should have thought of this centuries ago, dummies.

  12. Any thinking individual abhors vandalism. Yet, there is something quite satisfactory in seeing the little shxtwagons all but belly up in the water. LOL.

  13. Smart Cars are going in the canal because they are so small that four drunk kids can pick them up and chuck them in. They also float for a while I’d guess, which makes it funnier because then they float down the stream.
    Question: do I want to trust my very valuable butt to a car so small four drunks can chuck it in the drink? More to the point, do I want to pay $20k for the privilege?
    That’s why every time I see one I sing “Dumb car, dumb car!” really loud.

  14. If I want a clean car, I will go to the car wash.
    If I want a green car, I will go to the paint shop.
    If I want a smart car, I will put some smart pills in the gas tank.
