88 Replies to “Live From Pelosiland”

  1. I thought I was depressed after the 24/7 Michael Jackson coverage, but now after watching this I want to kill myself, and if I don’t have the courage to do so, please, someone do it for me.
    Actually, no, upon refletion, I live in Alberta, so I’m OK, thanks.

  2. I loved the applause after her spiel. The manner in which she rotates her arms to help explain her point of view helps quite a bit.
    Will she return next week, to discuss how the public school system in California needs more funding? She’s an aspiring actress right?

  3. “We can be rich, and cotton, and mining metals, and silkworms. . . .
    and we can make things, and we can make things things, cars, the machine can make it for us . . . .
    On the east coast they have slaves, and they believe in slavery, and made in China, but, um, on the new west coast, the new west coast, we don’t believe in that, . . . . ”
    She is awesome. I wish I could have clapped after she spoke. Even worse, I wrote “refletion” in my post above. I can learn a lot from her

  4. reflexion? haha, I become stupid by like, listing to her!
    I think it’s funny how her like, belly jiggles too, but her arms are worse… do you know what I mean like?
    a little bit less like-ing of that organic Ben & Jerry’s? or something? like.

  5. Stopped that at 45 seconds. And, I really, really want those 45 seconds back!

  6. Like so really good you know – fruits and vegetables come from trees you know thats where they come from. Easterners have slaves you know in the west we don’t do that – we’re union so thats like really really good. We can make stuff you know and have machines help us and sell them in stores which would be really really like good.
    Whats worse – she probably has political plans – first city councilor, mayor, Governor, perhaps a senator – then her ultimate goal – the first Valley Girl POTUS from the with a Green party and Marijuana Party agenda.
    And people actually made fun of Sarah Palin-they should have listened to this women before they commenting on Sarah. I think this women should have an interview with Couric – for karmas sake.
    To her credit, she actually took the time to present/voice her idea’s. If nothing else, she is a women who stands by her convictions.

  7. Unfortunately the display of dazzling intellecutal brilliance displayed by this moonbat is not a singular occurrence. Many examples of similar moonbat species can be found in Vancouver. Fortunately their range appears to be limited and they don’t seem to stray far from coastal areas. This makes it much less frustrating for me living in the interior of BC as I don’t see any local examples of such idiocy.

  8. Santa-Cruz is one of my favorite places for sea food; on the ocean side wharf. An Epic Center on the fault exists ~ halfway between San-Jose and Santa-Cruz, but the idiots keep building houses in the vicinity… prone to mud slides Etc.
    She most likey lives on the Fault and has a special insight into nature…Fruit-loop

  9. I watched that last week. My IQ is just now recovering. Shan’t watch it again.

  10. I saw this a day ago on the Tim Blair blog. I note that was pre-implosion California (13 May 2008).
    Wonder how things are in Santa Cruz now?
    No doubt she’s thrilled with the IOU the state government sent her this spring in lieu of a tax refund.

  11. Best Kelly Bundy imitation for a long time. I really like the idea about the backyard veggie trees. She even had the lefty Envirowacko/union banning of imports down pat.

  12. And she thinks babies grow on trees.
    I’d like to show her how babies are really made.

  13. Someone (here?) once said:
    “It’s a comfortable, urban, messianic liberalism befogged by psychiatric pharmaceuticals.”
    Gotta run now. Must tend to my slaves.

  14. This is like what happens when you like don’t read and stuff and like things and like stuff and like Micheal Jackson was the king of pop and stuff and when they pick the vegetables from like the trees and bushes and stuff and organics pesticides and things with electric metals and stuff the people with like hands make and stuff….
    You know what’s funny, I don’t think I heard anyone laughing, so either they have immense personal discipline or they agreed with her.

  15. Sounds like Biffy, LIEberal leader, speaking against the Cnservatives.
    The problem is, she made more sense than Biffy. Sad, very sad commentary on Biffy and the LIEberals.

  16. Pelosi could only be elected in San Fran.
    She is just one of the many reasons that silver-spoon idiots should be banned from holding any position of power in society. I don’t begrudge them the enjoyment of their money, I just don’t want them to have any power over my life or finances.
    If you have never worried about your future, you should have no say over mine.
    The Prince of Wales, all Kennedy’s, the Rockefeller clan and many more could be added to the list.

  17. Pat, 2:23. You are right. We like have moonbat stuff here in Canada to, especially in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and this disease is being spread by Marxist-liberal agitators.

  18. As Dave wrote above; that’s some serious discipline on city councils side. I would have been doubled over laughing my ass off at her. And then thanked her for her nice comedy skit.

  19. Two minutes, thirty four seconds… I’m never getting that back.
    We are all poorer for having listened to that twit. She is the reason why I firmly believe in a written exam before voting (in EVERY election) as well as a written and practical exam before taking part in the 5 minute airplane restroom ritual that is baby-making. Anyone who fails their exam cant vote or procreate.

  20. Now you know how BamBam, Pelosi and Boxer got elected……what an epiphany…….

  21. Democracy is doomed.
    For every wise man who can vote their are 100+ vacuous fools who can still scribble an X.

  22. You folks need to get out more. When’s the last time any of you were at a public hearing? This level of reasoning is unpleasantly typical of much of what you hear at any public hearing (all right, she’s a bit more of a dolt than most). These are the people who run around demanding wind mills and renewable energy and no animal testing and organics in every store. What takes some time to realize is not that much of the vocal opposition is calculating and malevolent; rather it is blindingly dumb.

  23. I want one of those vegetable trees, that machine that makes cars, the free food to sell, and the recipe to make frozen food last forever. I am disappointed no one told me about the easterner slaves and I had to learn about it here.
    This could become one of my favourite TV shows.

  24. Colin- I stopped at :45 as well, I guess we have the same tolerance level for pain, that is far too much like living in CA which I did for over a decade.
    She is a typical lefty prodigy familiarizing herself with the process and exercising her political voice. Look for her on City Council after the next election cycle, that is why they did not laugh they were her a short time before.
    Living in Vancouver I have to mention that the ratio of people who, while not exactly speaking this CA “like..” ramble-slang, are about the same calibre is much higher than in CA. I would estimate 1:10 here and 1:20 in CA, though population means that the sheer numbers are overwhelming in CA.

  25. Some very funny comments here.
    Unfortunately, the situation is not so amusing. In both the US and Canada, the number of voters who don’t pay any taxes has overtaken the number who do.
    The parable about killing the goose that lays the golden egg is more valid than ever.
    Regrettably, only taxpayers know this story.

  26. If we limited voting to net taxpayers you’d wipe out the NDP completely and most of the liberals.

  27. Not a bad political speech at all. Other than the stuff about the free everything, I actually agree with everything she said…

  28. I, uh, uh, hmm, and uh, you know, and uh, uh, vegetable trees.
    My God,,, she talks just like my Liberal Niece, and I, uh, hmm, still can’t figure out where she learned how to talk like that. I mean, my niece is from Texas, for Christ’s Sake.

  29. Carefull now, posting this may start a Canadian Lib party drive to replace Iggy with her.

  30. UBC sign her up as a professor of sustainable studies, she talks as much sense as all the others.
    This people is where affirmative action and “everybody’s opinion is valid”. “there is no such thing as a stupid question” type learning leads.
    Shocking to think that somebody as dim as her can negate my vote.
