Reader Tips

Welcome to the Wednesday (EBD) edition of SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight we feature a tune from Richard Berry. He is perhaps most famous for writing the song Louie Louie, which became a controversial hit for frat rock band The Kingsmen. The controversy pertained to the lyrics: although the words were in fact entirely innocuous — banal, even — the recording was so poor as to render them unintelligible, which effectively turned the song into a blank slate upon which prurient teenagers — and concerned parents, as it turns out — could lyrically etch their wildest thoughts. When the FBI decided to investigate whether or not the song violated federal obscenity laws it was in large part due to outraged parents like this one, who wrote to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in 1964:

“My daughter brought home a record of ‘Louie Louie’ and I, after reading that the record had been banned from being played on the air because it was obscene, proceeded to try to decipher the jumble of words. The lyrics are so filthy that I can-not enclose them in this letter…I would like to see these people, the ‘artists’, the Record company and the promoters prosecuted to the full extent of the law…”

Alas, the FBI ran the radio-friendly single through their lab and found the evidence to be wafer thin: “The lyrics…could not be definitely determined…(so) it was not possible to determine whether this recording is obscene.”
Berry, for his part, went on writing, recording and performing until 1996. Tonight then, for your dancing pleasure, here is Richard Berry singing the persistently yet indeterminately suggestive Have Love Will Travel.
Feel free to drive by and deposit your Reader Tips in the comments.

83 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Is that what Richfisher heard on his recording? I don’t recall hearing anything crude of sexy, but I can’t say for sure I even listened to the words, I was too busy dancing to this most danceable of tunes.
    Well second maybe to Brown-Eyed Girl.

  2. I may have posted this(modified now) earlier at AGNW ,but I am not sure it went through,and only there first, because Kate is out of town.It is about ‘wafergate’and then some—Our national voice the CBC,spent at least $30 million,but likely much more,covering the Mulrooney/KHS BS story.Last week the CBC sent a news crew to a volatile part of Afghanistan to interview a greiving family at the funeral of their daughter.I cannot imagine them NOT pursuing this ‘wafergate’story without follow-ups from the reporters,interviews with other people at the funeral,and even interviews with the ‘man on the street’ that may have seen a conservative possibly tossing a small white disc shaped object into the trash.There is more to this. The reporters and the newspaper have to be compelled ,and I don’t know how, to tell the taxpayers of Canada if our taxpayer funded national voice,knew of these lies,and WHEN . Did they run with the story believing it was true,or did they run with the story knowing it was untrue? Is it incompetence,or is it an absence of morals and a complete abandonment of their mandate? CTV is private and can broadcast what they want. However,WE ALL pay for the CBC and we deserve the truth. I would bet that the CBC contacted the reporters and then after consultation with ‘stakeholders’ decided that it was in everyone’s best interest to lay low and hope that the truth doesn’t come out. Is this plausible? FIRE.THEM.ALL.

  3. Not usually one to criticize Adler, despite his bombast and blather, {OK, I will- This guy can dangle more participles, run clauses and phrases end-to-end ad-infinitum, make the most long- winded, circuitous, barely related concepts into a single monologue (I was going to say sentences, but I think the rules say you can only use no more than twenty-five punctuations in one of those). Gawd, I’m sure his elementary English teacher now resides in some rest home, drapes tightly drawn, drooling and quivering in uncontrolable spasms}. But hey, the guy gets it done! And, he don’t like liberals!
    What I did not like, however, was his comment today while talking about ‘Wafergate’ (and I despise that connotation too). He referred to the blessed host as ‘the damn thing’. That is an outrage, and an apology is due. Totally unacceptable.

  4. The cop was wrong. I am a relief letter carrier and to be stopped by a cop because I am not the regular carrier would have me screaming,not to the a-holes at the HRC but right at the cop.Letter carriers wear easily recognizable uniforms that are not available to the general public. The cop was wrong,unless the letter carrier was doing something suspicious outdside of his regular duties.

  5. Sorry,again. My letter carrier post was in reference to Zeppo’s human rights post,not just random typing which I do occasionally.

  6. Obama, who is only able to ‘community organize’ or ‘campaign’, is at it again.
    In today’s Town Hall, he mocked those who were adamant that Congress MUST read the health bill before voting on it. Remember, Obama wanted that bill passed BEFORE this weekend. But no-one had read it!
    Just like his stimulus bill, which he insisted MUST be passed ..without reading it.
    This time, there’s been a lot of complaints about Obama’s insistence on the vote being held without full debate and importantly, without the time to read the 1,000 plus pages.
    So, Obama is ‘smarting’ from the criticism. Obama doesn’t like being criticized. In his Town Hall today, he walked around, telling everyone that ‘OF COURSE, the Congress will get the time to read it! They’ll be able to take it home for August, and read it!’ [Aren’t they supposed to be meeting electors during this time?]
    But wait – he wanted them to pass it by this weekend. Now, he’s pretending that this demand of his never occurred. Now he’s mocking those who rose up and criticized him and said that he must give people time to read it.
    He’s even, in his way, belittling the act of reading. Because he immediately inserted his authority and his insistence that you do as he wants without question, by trivializing reading the bill.
    He showed this by his repeated almost mocking statements of ‘of course, (sigh) they can take all the time they want to read it’ (sigh)…which suggests that there is something wrong with the Congressman who needs (sigh) all this time and doesn’t trust His President.
    Because what this really means to Obama, is that it meant that no-one TRUSTED him. This is important. By insisting on reading the bill, it shows that people don’t trust him. Obama doesn’t like this; he wants you to do as he says; to be in his control. Notice how he did this.
    First, by his belittling and trivializing the act of reading it – by his saying in a mocking and despairing voice..’they’ll have the whole month to read it (sigh)’…which suggests an impatient parent.
    Second, by then going on and saying..”And then they can come back to Washington and ask ME questions about it. And I can go over it with them, line by line, and answer all their questions”. Again, this is the voice of the superior parent.
    This suggests, of course, that questions arise ONLY out of the Congress member’s adolescent stubborn ignorance and can be answered by The Wise Man.
    This man’s arrogance is incredible.

  7. anon,sorry: Your rant isn’t receiving much sympathy from this corner of the galaxy. I remember a day when the Police were feared and respected. Crime was low and people didn’t need to lock their doors or hide their property in their cars. Why not? Because the beat cop ‘owned’ his beat. If you were a stranger or doing strange things you were stopped and asked to identify yourself and provide a reason for your antics or presence. BTW I’ve seen quite a few letter carriers out of uniform delivering mail. The next time your house is broken into or you are randomly jumped on the street you will rethink your nonsensical spew.

  8. Of course Owebama wants the congress and senate to pass ‘his’ bills without reading them. He hates it when he is the only one to be completely in the dark about important legislation. I mean its not like Owebama has read ‘his’ legislation. As far as Owebama knows the bills could be re-instituting slavery! He is just going with what his handlers are insisting thinking that by doing so he looks important.

  9. et, I really like your Obama analysis.
    Just some thoughts on the Obama enigma.
    Contrary to what Obama has said about his extradordinary basketball playing skills at Punahou, his coach said he was a benchwarmer.
    Obama never seemed to have a summer job except scooping ice cream briefly. Since he claims to have had little funds, this seems unusual. It might tie in with the spoiled factor.
    The woman who served on Harvard Law Review with him said he did no work and wink wink worked from home. Is this a pattern?
    I once read that when Barack was a community organizer in Chicago, there were jokes that he spent most of his time looking in mirrors.
    Jack Cashill’s articles at AT and on his website have convinced me and many other non-kooks that Bill Ayers wrote much of Dreams. This is so disturbing on who is Obama that I understand why many don’t want to go there.
    When Obama said to Harry Reid, “Harry, I have a gift.” Obama revealed a self-love that was truly astounding. He doesn’t write most of those speeches, but in his mind he does.

  10. Obama *is* imperious like a toddler. He’s essentially been making the case that discussion, examination and debate is the cause of the diminishing support for his scheme; Debate, to him, is simply a sign of non-compliance. Amazing that a “community organizer” could be so very unclear on the concept of democracy.
    “The legislative process is a little bit like sausage making, and the sausage factory is not an attractive place.”
    He says.

  11. Right on Snagglepuss and Joe. As for postal workers, some of them are the scariest looking people walking our streets and approaching our door-
    steps. Adler, much like Peter Warren was when he worked in Vancouver, could be very boorish at times.

  12. syncro – I saw it on FOX’s Greta Van Susterin tonight. I was a bit stunned. Here he had been pressuring Congress to pass it by the end of this week and suddenly, he’s acting as if this pressure had never existed.
    And he has that capacity to ignore what he wants to ignore. Remember, Obama lives in a make-believe world, not reality. What exists in this world is only what HE wants to exist.
    So, here was Obama, prancing around, telling everyone that ‘of course they’ll have the whole month to read it!’ if such an action, such a requirement, was never in any doubt.
    I had been wondering why Obama was, in a sense, rejecting democracy, rejecting the right and duty of debate, questions, analysis and insisting on Congress passing his bills ..all of them..without reading them. Then..I wondered..
    Obama is an elitist; this means that he sees himself on a higher plane – morally, intellectually, authoritatively..than others. Add this to his pathological narcissism and you’ve got quite a mixture.
    So, he sees himself as the Community Organizer and Congress as the uneducated, impoverished hapless who do as he tells them. He operates in a hierarchy of rights and privileges.
    If the lower realms of Washington, i.e., Congress, want to read his Bills and debate them this puts THEM on the same hierarchical level as him!! He refuses this. HE, as he so frequently reminds us, is the President. They are NOT.
    Obama feels that they have no right to question him because this shows a lack of trust in him and puts them on the same intellectual and moral and authoritarian level as him. He rejects this.
    I think this is very important. Obama is an elitist; couple that with his narcissism and he cannot handle Others who question him, who criticize him. This leads to his transforming Congress into his Rubber stamp, to his insertion of czars, to his firing of anyone who questions or rejects his views.
    He expects them to trust him completely, ask no questions and do as he says. Because he is their Superior. Instead, they have the temerity to question, debate, even refuse!!! Outrageous!
    Person of no colour – yes, I’ve heard the same about Obama. As Krauthammer said of him, ‘he’s never so much as run a candy shop’.

  13. I am inclined to agree that the cop had no reason to stop the letter carrier. On the other hand, as Margaret Wente argued in Tuesday’s Globe, community policing is about getting to know the people in the neighbourhood and the mailman was, unfortunately for himself, new. If anything, the police force should have a body or panel that can hear complaints in cases like this, as opposed to taking them to the kangaroo court / thought police that is the HRC.

  14. Chuckle for the night:
    “Dan Rather wants Obama to help save the news”
    ““I personally encourage the president to establish a White House commission on public media,” the legendary newsman said.
    Such a commission on media reform, Rather said, ought to make recommendations on saving journalism jobs and creating new business models to keep news organizations alive.
    At stake, he argued, is the very survival of American democracy.
    “A truly free and independent press is the red beating heart of democracy and freedom,”
    “…..The free press, as established by the First Amendment to the Constitution, ought to operate as a public trust, not solely as a money-making endeavor, Rather argued, and it’s time the government make an effort to ensure the survival of the free press. ….. Without action, he predicted, America will lose its independent media.”

  15. ” BTW I’ve seen quite a few letter carriers out of uniform delivering mail.” Then by all means ask for ID. —————– ” Because the beat cop ‘owned’ his beat.” ——- Still,unless you are doing something suspicious,you should not be challenged in any neighbourhood.——–” As for postal workers, some of them are the scariest looking people walking our streets and approaching our door” — Amen to that,try working with them,leftwing nutbars searching for a vegetable tree,but they are very good leftwing nutbars. Trust them and remember them at Christmas.

  16. As for Louie Louie, if you listen closely, just before the second verse begins, you can hear a faint but clear shout in the background that may or may not be an obscenity, and which is possibly the source of the myth.
    Good song, although I’m much more a fan of Wonderful Summer by Robin Ward, which was out at the same time.

  17. A surprising interview with Lawrence Solomon on the CBC Ideas program. LS is interviewed on Ideas regarding his book “The Deniers”.
    And “it’s not a smear”. It is surprisingly balance considering this is the Dr. Fruitfly network …
    See the Western Standard :
    That link, as of 10 PM PDT, is pretty slow. The link to CBC itself (I’m sad having to link directly to cbc, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do) can be found here:
    It’s 53 minutes and it’s worth it.

  18. The Toronto municipal strike is over unless City Council balks later today. If not, then the strikers are going back to work on Friday.
    For what it’s worth, the comments in the CBC strike stories are surprisingly like what I would read from everyone here if they were blogged here. There’s a lot of calls for getting rid of ‘NDP’ Miller.

  19. Uh wow. Both the urls I gave above seem to be horrifically slow. I did however manage to snag a copy of the CBC interview with Lawrence Solomon on CBC Ideas and save it. It can be found here for the next 12 hours. ie. until about 10:20 AM PDT.
    It is worth saving and reposting.

  20. ET
    Thanks, I caught that on the next cycle. I left a comment earlier that got caught in Kate’s spam filter…I suspect i know what the offending word was but I stand by what I said if it does clear.
    That said, the narcissism and glib elitism of the O is something to behold. He went so far as to offer to tutor any legislators that didn’t understand the healthcare bill, line by line if required.
    This from the same fella who couldn’t answer some blogger from the leftard Huffington Post on a question regarding private healthcare options.
    What a piece of work.

  21. @ken : Standing. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it, despite the length! (And the book is very much worthwile as well)

  22. Paranoid much?
    I’m not at the tinfoil hat stage yet myself, but my sleep patterns (or lack thereof) are certainly going weird, as you can tell if you look down at the time-thingee on my post.
    I don’t like
    this very much.
    Look, has he released a proper birth certificate yet? Did I miss it? I mean, I might have, it’s possible. What does Whoopi Goldberg think?

  23. With respect to the letter carrier, the OHRC found that the police officer was being racist, even though there was absolutely no evidence that the stop was based on race. This is the point. Were there five relief carriers on duty that week, four white and one black, and only the black carrier was stopped? This would lead one to believe that the police officer was acting based on race. There was no such evidence. Stopping a relief carrier going about his/her business may or may not be okay vis a vis the Charter, but stopping a relief carrier and asking for ID is not racist, even if the carrier happens to be black. The point is the police officer was found guilty of unconscious racism. The HRC said it was up to the police officer to prove the stop was not race based.
    Please read the article again.

  24. I was told today by a manager from SaskPower, (the Crown responsible for saving us Saskatchewanians from the evil practices of for-profit corporations that would sell electricity to us) that their method of instituting the mandated increase in electricity rates would, through the law of averages, even out the disparities of changing the rate of the charge for electricity as applied to the customers, in the middle of the billing period, whether or not the Crown knew what consumption (actual consumption as opposed to the ‘estimates’ that SaskPower uses to bill customers), had occurred at the moment the new rate came into effect, on June 1st.
    In my case it worked out to $6.91 in the favor of the Crown, (that is to say they ‘refunded’ the difference to my account based on charging me the new rate based on a computer estimate of what my meter actually read on June 1st) but, as it was explained to me the net result was that the Crown suffered no ‘loss’ as a result.
    Think about that a minute. Half the subscribers to the services of SaskPower had money taken from them and that money was given to the other half. Except of course those customers that have their meters read on June 1st, the day the new rate came into effect.
    For the Crown, this nets out to zero, by the law of averages, but as I explained to the manager from SaskPower, what it really meant that people like me had (or would have had, had I not waded through four levels of ‘customer’ service representatives) ‘a few dollars’ taken from them.
    Just for the sake of argument, assume I am an exemplar and that ~$7 was the amount taken from half of the 400,000 ‘customers’ of this Crown, to be given to the other half, 200,000 time 7 equals 1.4 million dollars.
    Talk about redistribution of wealth.
    I got all sorts of verbiage as I worked my way up the ladder from the CSR that took my first call to the as yet un-named manager about how it is expensive to read meters, and was offered the option of reading my own meter every month (does that make me a scab?) but unless your meter was read on June 1st, you either had money taken from you (to be given to other subscribers) or were given money (taken from other subscribers).
    I offered to this manager the opinion that if I allowed my customers to even suspect I was taking their money (and does the amount really matter?) and giving it to other customers so that the for-profit corporation I work for had a net loss of zero, that my customers would react badly. Very badly. Perhaps badly enough to withdraw their business permanently.
    I told this manager this action by the Crown was not acceptable, and found that the next rung on the ladder is the Vice President of Customer Services for SaskPower, one Judy May.
    Can’t wait for her call.

  25. BTW I got the above link from The Anchoress , probably the best political round-up on the web that I know of, present blog naturally excepted.

  26. Suffering from Kate withdrawal, folks? Need something to chew on while you anxiously await her return? Well, if y’all haven’t been over lately to my site, there’s plenty of stuff to scroll down thru, including my own take on the scandal that’s hit the Liberals, the Big Media and the billionaire Big Oil Irving family…
    Ignatieff Liberals Fingered In ‘Wafergate’ Fake-Report Scandal
    Includes some hard-hitting graphics.
    Y’all see, the Liberals, both federal and New Brunswick, are in bed with both Big Oil and Big Media, and obviously, yes, actually, conspiring to demonize the Harper Conservatives with malicious, false “news” stories… How much more of this crap is happening Canada-wide? I’m certain it’s not an isolated incident, and is just one of the little fish that’s been caught in the net, to use silly stereotypical Herring-Choker-speak.
    We got to keep this whole story alive and keep digging for more evidence of liberal corruption and collusion with wealthy elites and Big Media, with their agenda of cheating their way back to absolute power and with their dream of creating the Soviet Union of Socialist Provinces of LibranObamananuckistan…

  27. More thoughts on my previous post. The police officer was essentially subjected to a reverse onus and asked to prove that he did not act based on unconscious racism. How would he do that? How do you prove that you did not act on a thought you never had? This ruling is more than creepy, worse than thought crime. The police officer is guilty of a thought he never had.

  28. [quote]I was told today by a manager from SaskPower, (the Crown responsible for saving us Saskatchewanians from the evil practices of for-profit corporations that would sell electricity to us) that their method of instituting the mandated increase in electricity rates would, through the law of averages, even out the disparities of changing the rate of the charge for electricity as applied to the customers, in the middle of the billing period, whether or not the Crown knew what consumption (actual consumption as opposed to the ‘estimates’ that SaskPower uses to bill customers), had occurred at the moment the new rate came into effect, on June 1st.[/quote] Dana
    The problem with Crown Corporations is that regardless of the issue they will/can pass any and all costs onto the customers.
    I had an issue with Sask Power “Meter Standards”, but after getting the documentation (hard to find those pesky specifications) realized that they (SP) would just pass the COST on to the consumers and everybody would get screwed.
    It’s one of those NO WIN situations
    Good Luck

  29. Shona Holmes is a hero in Canada.
    Kudos to Shona Holmes.
    Stand with Shona Holmes.
    More, please.
    “Medicare naysayer famous in US but blasted as traitor back home
    Globe and Mail – Jennifer Yang – ‎2 hours ago‎
    South of the border, she’s become the poster girl for privatized health care and a familiar face on television. But here in Canada, Shona Holmes of Waterdown, Ont”

  30. Animal Farm:
    All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. (H/T GO)
    “Doctors told to give priority to gypsies (UK)
    They should be given longer consultations, and should be seen by GPs when they walk in without an appointment, even if doctors are fully-booked.
    The average length of a consultation is five or ten minutes but travellers will be given 20 minutes and allowed to bring relatives into the consulting rooms.
    The guidelines have been introduced because, under race laws, gypsies and travellers are defined as minority ethnic groups and the NHS is obliged to consider their special needs and circumstances.
    Yet no special treatment is promised for other groups such as those from the Asian sub-continent or Africa, the Daily Mail reported.”*
    “Selective multiculturalism
    Diversity. Tolerance. Multiculturalism.
    Anti-discrimination. These are the supposedly universal values that inform our secular cultural canon. The words sound nice. The problem is that they’re not actually “universal.” Western societies — Canada included — exhibit zero-tolerance attitudes toward the vilification of certain minority groups. But it’s no-holds-barred when it comes to bashing less politically fashionable constituencies.”

  31. Jack Cashill’s articles at AT and on his website have convinced me and many other non-kooks that Bill Ayers wrote much of Dreams. This is so disturbing on . . . ”
    uh, Person, this isn’t new.
    kennedy did it.
    nixon did it with ‘6 crises’.
    LOTS of them do it.
    B.O. jes’ followin’ the herd if that’s so disturbing.

  32. Obama, who is only able to ‘community organize’ or ‘campaign’, is at it again.
    In today’s Town Hall, he mocked those who were adamant that Congress MUST read the health bill before voting on it. Remember, Obama wanted that bill passed BEFORE this weekend. But no-one had read it!:
    ET: and likewise, how many congressmen and women read the fancifully renamed 700 page patriot act? which curiously was all ready a month after the towers attack gave the opportunity to present it.

    Interesting Howard Levitt column in yesterday’s Financial Post about contrasting Ontario’s Human Rights Policy and Employment Law. Fortunately, they’re not the same.
    For example: An employer rearranges the shifts and Molly’s now on the back shift. But she can’t arrange day care. According to OHRC, she’s being discriminated against. Employment law states otherwise.
    The whole column is a remarkable insight into just how pervasive the OHRC is trying to become.
