Reader Tips

Welcome to the Wednesday (EBD) edition of SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight we feature a tune from Richard Berry. He is perhaps most famous for writing the song Louie Louie, which became a controversial hit for frat rock band The Kingsmen. The controversy pertained to the lyrics: although the words were in fact entirely innocuous — banal, even — the recording was so poor as to render them unintelligible, which effectively turned the song into a blank slate upon which prurient teenagers — and concerned parents, as it turns out — could lyrically etch their wildest thoughts. When the FBI decided to investigate whether or not the song violated federal obscenity laws it was in large part due to outraged parents like this one, who wrote to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in 1964:

“My daughter brought home a record of ‘Louie Louie’ and I, after reading that the record had been banned from being played on the air because it was obscene, proceeded to try to decipher the jumble of words. The lyrics are so filthy that I can-not enclose them in this letter…I would like to see these people, the ‘artists’, the Record company and the promoters prosecuted to the full extent of the law…”

Alas, the FBI ran the radio-friendly single through their lab and found the evidence to be wafer thin: “The lyrics…could not be definitely determined…(so) it was not possible to determine whether this recording is obscene.”
Berry, for his part, went on writing, recording and performing until 1996. Tonight then, for your dancing pleasure, here is Richard Berry singing the persistently yet indeterminately suggestive Have Love Will Travel.
Feel free to drive by and deposit your Reader Tips in the comments.

83 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “which curiously was all ready a month after the towers attack gave the opportunity to present it.”

    Curiously? Subscribing to some conspiracy theories, are you George? Because it’s impossible to get a 700 page act together in a month when facing a major crisis, right George?

  2. curious_george: uh, Person, this isn’t new.
    kennedy did it.
    nixon did it with ‘6 crises’.
    LOTS of them do it.
    B.O. jes’ followin’ the herd if that’s so disturbing.

    Ted Sorensen = Bill Ayers…LOL

  3. curious george – you have missed my point, which is that Obama feels that Congressmen ought to do as he says, rather than putting themselves on an equal level with him and read a bill, debate it, question it, rewrite and revise it, and accept or reject it.
    Obama has made it clear that if they actually don’t trust him and insist on reading it and have questions, he can answer all their questions. This suggests that any questions arise from ignorance on their part rather than a rejection of the content of the bill. As noted, he is treating them as his students, as his workers, who don’t understand a document; he offered to tutor them in it and go over it line by line with them.
    This disdain for Congress, and for the rights of the people to govern themselves is obvious.
    A 700 page document in a month? That’s nothing! A team of people are putting it together; quite frankly, such a first draft of such a document could be gathered together in four to five days. You spend the rest of the time revising, fine-tuning and printing.

  4. Curious George doesn’t seem to realize that Owebama hasn’t read the bills he is trying to get the congress to pass without the congress reading the bill.
    If Owebama hasn’t read the bill and Congress hasn’t read the bill and the Senate has not read the bill….
    To use a well worn phrase: If they won’t read the legislation they are voting on..FIRE THEM ALL.

  5. “PET Cemetery Announcement: TBA.”.
    Here it is; right on time from the leftist MSM.
    “The Globe called him the “Liberal strategist who wrote the rule book,” The Canadian Press, a “parliamentary strategic master,” his hometown newspaper, the Kingston Whig-Standard, “the man with the answers.”

  6. Iggy “firms up the present by experiencing it from the future as a moment in the past.”*
    WolfyIggy is crying wolfy again: Iggy’ll huff and puff and blow hisself down.
    Iggy’s “thinking thoughts” agagaain.
    Iggy: >>> “”but he said it was “not an unreasonable extrapolation.””
    Iggy is an egghead; can we not excuse Iggy for his verbal prolixity?
    But, whatthf? Why is Iggy such a dumpkopf of a politician?
    As Dionky (a former egghead leader) spoke, Iggy speaks with the same words, It’s not fair:
    ““It’s not fair that what you can get out of the system depends not on what you put in, but where you live,” he said.”
    “but he said it was “not an unreasonable extrapolation.””
    (Echoes of failed Ad$Cam PMJr coming through Iggy’s actions-nonactions: IggyDithers.)
    Iggy is a classic procrastinator:
    Iggy “firms up the present by experiencing it from the future as a moment in the past.”*
    “Ignatieff hints at forcing fall election”
    (*H/T André Aciman: Arbitrage)

  7. Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
    Geologist Ian Plimer takes a contrary view, arguing that man-made climate change is a con trick perpetuated by environmentalists
    Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine of global warming, and he seems to relish the damnation they heap on him.
    Plimer is a geologist, professor of mining geology at Adelaide University, and he may well be Australia’s best-known and most notorious academic.
    Plimer, you see, is an unremitting critic of “anthropogenic global warming” — man-made climate change to you and me — and the current environmental orthodoxy that if we change our polluting ways, global warming can be reversed.
    (printed in a paper on the Left coast no less!)

  8. Charles Adler:
    “The pushback I received from some was that I should take the WAFER Caper seriously because serious journalists — not entertainers like me — serious journalists like Peter Mansbridge and his crew at the National were taking it seriously. CBC was taking it seriously. And I said I don’t care….
    “I could find you a video of the Queen holding a baby in one frame and then edit out the baby and ask the question, ‘What did the Queen do with the baby? Is the Queen a baby killer? Let’s interview experts for reaction…..The public has a right to know whether their Queen is homicidal and whether she targets babies.'”

  9. Obama the intellectually superior ruler doesn’t see Congress as a facilitator of needed compromise. Obama thinks His way is the only way. But in a country of 300 million people there is no right or wrong answer or permanent solution, there is only a compromised starting point that can be agreed upon by all the factions.
    By disregarding the role of Congress, ironically Obama is wasting an opportunity to appease his leftwing supporters who are mad at him for dropping their push for a Canadian style single payer system that would eliminate thier notion of capitalist greed of the for-profit insurance companies.
    The other irony that is turning on Obama is his fear tactics. If everything is such a crisis that bills must be passed in month, like the relatively simple Patriot Act was after a real crisis of 3000 people murdered on American soil, then Americans are thinking these crisis bills need more scrutiny.
    In short Obama does not behave like an elected executive, his talents are only suited to campaign, to rule. It’s easy to appear “cool” if you have no intentions of working hard to persuade with details and to compromise.

  10. Michael Yon, Night Into Day
    After breakfast, the soldiers pulled on their body armor and what seemed like dozens of sorts of weapons: rockets of various sorts, different types of machine guns and rifles, grenade launchers with odd sorts of grenades, hand grenades, pistols, knives, radios (probably most deadly of all) and lots of attitude. A few soldiers smoked last cigarettes and then we trod on foot into some of the most bomb-laden stretches of Afghanistan. Everyone wore night vision gear, but it was so dark that I left the PVS-14 flipped up, on standby mode, and used what little ambient light was there…

  11. When something is free, the demand is infinite:
    If it’s a medical emergency, Erie County 911 will respond, but there is one address many of its dispatchers know by heart.
    They find Scott Graham usually waiting at that Buffalo address for his ambulance several times a week.

    Graham doesn’t have a job, insurance or car. So, when he feels bad, he doesn’t call a cab. He calls 911 to have an ambulance drive him to the hospital.

    Medicaid picked up the tab for each ride, costing taxpayers at least $118,158.
    Graham estimates he’s requested even more rides. “I’d say about a thousand times.”

    Graham says he requests an ambulance because he can’t see his doctor as much as he needs. He also says he gets help quicker by arriving in an ambulance rather than by cab.
    2 On Your Side contacted Medicaid to have them look into the number of times Graham used an ambulance. Medicaid appeared more interested in how we got the information, rather than how much it cost taxpayers to pick him up.
    Maybe that whole euthanasia thing isn’t such a bad idea sometimes…

  12. Agreed, nomdeblog. And what is becoming clear is that Obama doesn’t respect the views and work of others. He considers himself Supreme.
    That includes those in history – his knowledge of history and previous and current governance and political and economic thought is miniscule and shallow.
    And doesn’t he realize that many in Congress have far more knowledge, expertise and experience than he has? Remember, as Krauthammer said, Obama has never so much as run a candy store.
    But his narcissism is so extreme that he considers his decisions must be accepted without question. It’s incredible how he acts as an autocrat, demeaning any and all who question, criticize and dissent from His Bills. His contempt for democracy and its process of full debate and analysis is astonishing.
    That Town Hall of yesterday, where he essentially mocked the desire of Congress to Read The Bill, was revealing. He set himself up as their Mentor, as their Tutor, saying that if they had questions, he’d walk them (poor unintelligent things that they are) through the Bill, line by line.
    But that’s not the issue. The issue is that Congress might disagree with the suggestions in the Bill. Obama doesn’t allow that. If you disagree with Him, it’s only – and I mean only – because you are biased. You have a fault. He is Supreme and he considers Congress a waste of time.
    Rasmussen polls puts his index today at minus 12. That’s his lowest rating. The strong approval vs strong disapproval is 28 to 40. Also, his strongest disapproval so far.
    The general approval/disapproval is 48 to 51 which is a statistical tie.
    Now, what will Obama and the Democrats do, faced with these numbers? I suspect that there’ll be a lot of Chicago thuggery political pressure in the background to make Congress do what he wants. And more Town Halls and photo ops for Obama. Will it work?

  13. Further to ET’s excellent running analysis of Obama’s living in a fictional world, consider reading Paul Johnson’s The Intellectuals.
    The overarching theme is the overwhelming web of lies that intellectuals weave. As Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Helman, “every word she wrote was a lie including and and but” (close approximation of the famous quote).
    Be warned, it can be very depressing. I’ve found it best to read piecemeal — no more than one chapter at a time, preferably before having a shower. This way, it can be more hilarious than depressing.
    My only quibble with ET’s analysis is her apparent shock at his arrogance or her apparent belief that there is anything unusual in Obama’s fictional life. ALL liberals live in a fictional world, as of course do ALL contemporary Marxists like Obama, especially today given history’s irrefutable verdict!
    Finally (was it Margaret Thatcher?) I love the phrase I recently encountered: FACTS ARE CONSERVATIVE.
    Presumably, then, it would seem to follow that FICTION IS LIBERAL.

  14. me no dhimmi – I like that phrase of ‘Facts are Conservative’ and ‘Fiction is Liberal’.
    But don’t confuse my outrage at Obama with any shock that he is arrogant or surprise that he lives in a fictional world. I’m fully aware of the fictional realm of postmodernist phenomenology.
    My outrage is that a non-realist is in a position of power where realism is required. Obama belongs in the academic world of the humanities and social sciences, where he can pontificate, preach and feel himself superior to all his undergrad students. The problem is, he’s too lazy and shallow to even write up a set of lectures!
    Again, Obama is not a Marxist; that requires some analysis, some agenda for the people rather than for oneself. Obama is a narcissist; his focus is only on himself.
    Obama is politically..not intellectually.. embedded within the hard socialist left, which can be Marxist – because those people want a Supreme Leader, a totalitarian Big Government and reject Reason, questions, independent thought, freedom of the individual, private business, the Individual who innovates, etc. (Sounds rather similar to Islam, doesn’t it. )
    This socialism enables Obama to gain power within his narcissistic fantasies. He’s the Supreme Leader, as he keeps reminding everyone. And he certainly rejects freedom, individual questions, dissent, private business etc. Why? Because such behaviour empowers Others. And Obama doesn’t want Others to have power. That’s why he rejects Congress. They must, in his view, accept what he says and not question him.
    My point is that Obama’s behaviour can be explained by his psychological pathology, rather than his being committed to any political intellectual ideology. He isn’t. His commitment is to himself. As Himself. He’s Supreme. You are nothing.

  15. “ALL liberals live in a fictional world”
    There is certainly some truth in that.
    But Paul Martin and Chrétien were just elitist power mongers; they weren’t totally in a fictional world. Bill Clinton looks pretty realistic, by comparison to Obama … even Carter was more realistic.
    Obama is truly like Chancy Gardner in Being There, it is quite frightening how deep in the bubble he lives.
    I too am “shocked” that Americans would not only put Obama in the White House but give Pelosi and Reid majorities and the Supremes are going to get loaded up with “wise” lefties. Canadians living in a bubble that America will always look after us need to rethink this one. Americans can’t look after themselves anymore.
    It’s odd how many Americans voted for Obama to gain world respect, they are now losing respect rapidly; moreover they aren’t even feared anymore.

  16. “Look, has he released a proper birth certificate yet? Did I miss it? I mean, I might have, it’s possible. What does Whoopi Goldberg think?”
    Black Mamba
    Careful honey, you might get your tin foil hat too like I did around here.
    I mean, this is a serious Conservative blog which I guess also means that you have to put a pair of blinders on too, for some anyway.
    The left and now the msm and Washington are in panic mode. I get the same feeling too, BM.
    It is just too weird that in the space of about 1 week:
    – Lou Dobbs have been attacked by all his journalist associates. They don’t cover the story, just attack the messenger.
    – Minutes after Dobbs was going on air, the Prez of CNN issued a memo to Lou’s team saying the story is dead (aka Shut the f^*# up!)
    There is deliberate attempts at murking the story too so that curious people just starting to look into it immediately question the validity of it. Fact:
    CNN’s prez also stated that Hawaii’s birth records prior to 2001 had been destroyed and only the electronic ones exist.
    The next day, Hawaian official said it was simply not true. Every record is still there.
    What CNN conviently ommited to state is that some old BC’s have been put on microfilm. A common practise around archives depts including land registries and even newspaper organisations.
    It works because now some are repeating the CNN deceit on blogs and even newspaper which reports this lie still.
    Every news article that I’ve read is the same, incomplete, deceitful with no analysis. Just attack the questioners.
    Another fact: Google is owned by left wingers. Since one week or so, if you google anything pertaining to Obama eligibility by using key words like: birth certificate, usurper, impostor etc…The top links are now sites that questions the “Constitutionalists” (The proper term IMO instead of “Birthers”) although the most visited sites BY FAR where the ones who had the most accurate, thoroughly researched sites, questioning his eligibility. Such a site is “World Net Daily” who have spend the most time and money investigating it. These guys are journalists on the field, it is not a blog like many think. One reporter goes at the White House press briefings quite often and has been ridiculed by Robert Gibbs many times.
    Saul Alinski playbook: Ridicule your enemy and refuse to answer his questions. Plant lies and repeat them. Plant things and then contradict them.
    Some say that because an Hawaian official states that “I’ve seen the BC and Obama was born in Hawaii” is all the proof they need. Obviously those same people must of taken Clinton word when he said: “I’ve never had sex what that woman”.
    Politicians can lie. Politician can also be FORCED to lie. Rewards are common. Blackmail is also a possibility.
    In the end the truth will prevail and I have a sense it is soon coming. Who knows the narcissist in chief might just be embarrassed that he lied prefusely in his 2 memoirs and that his mom actually returned to Hawaii with no husband or a different daddy is on his BC or simply that he’s too vain to show that in 1961 “Negro” or “colored” was entered in the race box. It could also be “white” if his mom was single parent which would cost Barry many minority votes. African is not a race.

  17. I much preferred Sam the Sham and the Pharoah’s Wooly Bully. And, while it escaped my attention even while singing along dozens of times, that song actually is filthy. While loading a Zune recently, listened to a version by Joan Jett and realized at that moment:
    Uno, dos, one, two, tres, quatro.
    Matty told Hatty about a thing she saw.
    Had two big horns and a wooly jaw.
    Wooly Bullyyyyyyyyy. Wooly Bully. Hahahahaha.
    Ignorance is indeed bliss.

  18. The problem is, he’s too lazy and shallow to even write up a set of lectures!
    Or too devious, i.e., not wanting to hard-copy his Marxism, which would make it impossible for him to have won the election. He was marketed as a standard left-of-centre liberal, a post-partisan, post-racial healer, when we all know (and knew) he is a race-baiting practitioner of hard-ball Chicago political racketeering.
    BTW, ET, I’m not sure if this is right, but I read yesterday of his connections with Nation of Islam and that he participated in the Million Man March. I’m most likely using the term “marxism” in a looser sense than you would, due mostly to what I see as the class-warfare, exploitation-oppression, zero sum game world view he, and most of his friends, harbour. And I’m sure you agree that narcissism and marxism are not either-or. I also use a kind of rough-measure reverse logic here and keep looking for anything from him that would NOT fit a thoroughly Marxist world view. So far, I’ve come up empty.
    Obama and his wife are class warriors who see winners and losers as exploiters and victims, who have no grounding in the blessings of free markets, who see all solutions coming from a kind and caring state. It is in this sense that I tag him a Marxist, as I do Wright, Louis Farakhan (sp?), Jessie Jackson, Gates, Ayers, his mentor Frank Marshall, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven, et al.
    ACORN, Organizing for America, Black Liberation Theology, Nation of Islam, are all neo-marxist institutions in my view.

  19. me no dhimmi – you still don’t get it. My point is that Obama’s only focus is on himself. Not on any ideology. If being a Conservative would enable that focus and empower it, then, he’d be in the Conservative Camp.
    But conservativism empowers each and every individual, therefore, Obama has to be in the socialist leftist camp which sets up an elite as Rulers over the disempowered mass. It is only in this set of people that Obama can be an elite and Supreme.
    Now, his wife, Michelle, is ideological; she’s a firm believer in an elite, in socialism as that patronizing ‘care of the unwashed masses’; in anti-white, anti-American themes.
    There’s a nice article in the National Review about Obama’s Islamic upbringing, the murkiness of his parental ties, and his ‘tales about himself’..all of which are false, all of which he makes up to empower himself and manipulate people.
    National Review. Andrew McCarthy, ‘Suborned in the USA’. I suggest that it’s an important article.

  20. The Obamination went to the wrong church.
    He should have been going to this guy’s church:
    The Rev. Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II, the flamboyant minister better known as the Reverend Ike, who preached the blessings of material prosperity to a large congregation in New York and to television and radio audiences nationwide, died Tuesday in Los Angeles, where he had lived since 2007. He was 74.

    “This is the do-it-yourself church,” he proclaimed. “The only savior in this philosophy is God in you.”
    One person who benefited from this philosophy of self-empowerment was Reverend Ike himself.

    He became, as he told Mr. Riley, “the first black man in America to preach positive self-image psychology to the black masses within a church setting.”
    (how much better than Obama’s “god damn america, blame it all on whitey” grievencemongering racist pastor?)

  21. Thanks ET, will read.
    Well, as mentioned many times, I certainly agree with your analysis. It’s just that you seem to be suggesting that true marxists are not just concerned with themselves, but are “concerned” for “the people”. Put another way, you seem to have a uptopian view of utopians, so to speak, whereas I think, using your analysis, that “concern for the people” is just a fiction perpetrated on “the people” to enslave “the people”. I simply never buy people who purport to be “concerned for the people” or “concerned for the planet”, or “concerned about the poor” etc. Those are just statist marketing slogans to me. When I hear the word “concern” I reach for my gun.
    Now, his wife, Michelle, is ideological
    See, I just can’t go along with this at all. To me, Michelle merely shows her anger/bitterness/resentment more, hides it less well than her husband. Obama is the more effective psycopath, in other words. Obama is a charmer (rapidly disintegrating), a snake oil salesman, a huckster. I can’t buy the notion that Michelle is ideological, but Obama not.
    BTW, do you agree with me that their anger/bitterness surviving through their obvious material prosperity evidences a deep sense that as affirmatvie action beneficiaries they’ve been cheated?

  22. The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel on the “dirty secret” behind the health-care battle:
    “Democrats won everything in last year’s election…”
    “The party of the left owns the White House, a filibuster-proof Senate, and a 70-seat House majority. As one House Republican aide quipped: ‘We could have every GOP congressman and their parents vote against a Democratic bill, and still not stop it.’ All Democrats have to do is agree on something.
    “That they can’t is testimony to Team Obama’s mismanagement of its first big legislative project….”

  23. O’Narcissist’s socialism wins a trifecta: a Threefer.
    “There are basically three forms of socialism: utopian (Robert Owen, Saint-Simon, and Francois Fourier), revolutionary (Marxism-Leninism), and fascism (Fabian, Social Democracy).
    Continuing attempts such as those listed above to establish some form of utopian socialism reinforce the observation of Alfred North Whitehead—“the European philosophical tradition is . . . a series of footnotes to Plato.””
    Amend title to:
    Creating a Hell On Earth.
    “Creating a Heaven on Earth
    What do the following places have in common: Trumbull Phalanx in Ohio, Modern Times in New York, Brook Farm in Massachusetts, New Harmony in Indiana, United Order in Utah, Amana Colonies in Iowa, Oneida Community in New York, a kibbutz in Israel, and the Pilgrim’s Plymouth Plantation?
    Each was an attempt to establish a form of heaven on earth, or put another way, to establish through socialism a utopian community by (1) abolishing private property and (2) eradicating self-interested acquisitiveness.
    There are basically three forms of socialism: utopian (Robert Owen, Saint-Simon, and Francois Fourier), revolutionary (Marxism-Leninism), and fascism (Fabian, Social Democracy). Continuing attempts such as those listed above to establish some form of utopian socialism reinforce the observation of Alfred North Whitehead—“the European philosophical tradition is . . . a series of footnotes to Plato.”
    Whitehead was himself an influential twentieth century philosopher and mathematician, who saw that Europe and America were enamored with Plato’s “general ideas” scattered throughout his various writings, none more so than the communistic ideas in his Republic.
    In fact, the pilgrims came to these shores establishing Plato’s communistic utopia. Plymouth Plantation’s William Bradford mentions him by name, referring to “that conceit of Plato’s and other ancients applauded by some of later times; that the taking away of property and bringing in community into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God.” Bradford learned by experience, however, that God is wiser than Plato.
    By experience, it seems as if the United States failed to learn her lesson from our early Fathers, as we find ourselves once again toying with Plato!”

  24. me no dhimmi – certainly, both Obama and his wife Michelle are very angry people.
    I see Michelle as ideologically angry – with a deep but shallow and ignorant intellectual connection to slavery and ‘being black’. She refuses to acknowledge that the world is a messy place, that you can’t reduce good and bad to ethnic or racial divisions, that slavery was an economic mode of life for thousands of years including Rome, China, the Muslim world, all irrigation societies (China, Egypt, Inca, Aztec).. and that blacks in Africa and Asia were part of the slave traders caputring ‘lesser tribal peoples’ to sell into slavery. She refused to ‘get over it’ and applaud the courage of America in ending slavery.
    Obama, on the other hand, is psychologically angry. If he hadn’t met Michelle with her handy racism, he’d fix on some other idea – because he’s a very angry man, a very neurotic person.
    Obama wouldn’t see himself as a recipient of affirmative action; by the time any of this occurred, his narcissistic defect had taken over his psyche. He’d see everything good happening to him as due to his ‘gift’.
    maz2 – yes, an accurate description of the nature of socialism, but all of them are utopian for all of them operate in an IF-THEN structure. IF big government does such and such, THEN perfection will emerge. The best analysis of the utopian society is Karl Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies. He has a scathing denunciation of Plato’s repressive utopianism, as well as that of Marx and Hegel.

  25. Democrat resists subpoenaing VIP mortgage records
    WASHINGTON (AP) – House Democrats have declined to subpoena available records that might reveal whether other members of Congress got discounted VIP mortgages from subprime lender Countrywide Financial Corp. similar to the sweetheart deals given Democratic Sens. Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad.
    (I bet no MSM pick up the story. I can’t imagine what the sticking vermin have to hide…)

  26. O’sOcialism update:
    O’Beer Belly socialism.
    Yes, the religion of socialism is a stomach*, a beer belly.
    “Obama hails chat with Gates, cop as ‘thoughtful'”

    WASHINGTON – With mugs of beer and more-carefully chosen words, President Barack Obama tried to push himself and the nation beyond a political uproar, hailing a “friendly, thoughtful” conversation with the black professor and white policeman whose …” (asspress)
    *Socialism is a stomach, “nothing but an enormous stomach”.
    The Psychology of Socialism
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    Gustave Le Bon, The Psychology of Socialism, 8 ephemeral existence. …… the end, as at the beginning, a stomach. Nothing but an enormous stomach, …

  27. Washington Times poll (some of the comments are interesting, too):
    President Obama will meet with Sgt. Jim Crowley and Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. at the White House on Thursday. Mr. Obama has said he hopes the whole incident can be a “teachable moment.” Do you agree?
    Response Percent Votes
    Agree 6% 435 votes
    Disagree 88% 6312 votes
    Undecided 1% 142 votes
    Other 3% 261 votes
    7150 total votes

  28. Notice how Biden, a white man, was called in at the last moment, to ‘even the colour scheme’.
    As for a ‘teachable moment’ that is such a sanctimonious, patronizing and smug phrase. Who exactly is the teacher, the source of wisdom? And, who will gently in his kind wisdom enable the lesser beings to learn at his feet?
    The phrase is a red herring; it diverts attention and removes all responsibility and intentionality for bad actions and instead, redefines them to suggest that these same actions can instead be used ‘to teach us something’. So, rather than blaming Gates and Obama for their racism, we’ve redefined these acts in a positive way. They are going to function as ‘teachable acts’. Disgusting.
    As for David Miller, I agree; he should be impeached. It’s quite remarkable to listen to him; he lies, constantly, misrepresents data, manipulates, threatens, ..quite the show.
