The time for debate was ten months ago

A Rasmussen poll released today shows Obama’s Approval Index sitting at minus 12 percent, his lowest number yet. 40 percent of American voters now strongly disapprove of Obama’s performance, compared to just 28 percent who strongly approve. Perhaps more significantly, a slight majority of voters now oppose his multi-trillion dollar health-care scheme, with the gap most notable among those who express strong opinions: 41 percent of voters now strongly oppose his planned reforms, with only 25 percent strongly in favour.
The lost ground certainly isn’t due to a lack of raw ambition or nerve on the President’s part. Within the last few weeks he slagged doctors as blood-money butchers (“The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, ‘You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid’s tonsils out”), made clear that he views the very existence of a congressional debate on health care as a needless holdup, a throwback to the pre-Obama years (“The legislative process is a little bit like sausage making, and the sausage factory is not an attractive place”) and blamed Republicans for blocking his reforms, despite the fact that

“The Democrats won everything in last year’s election….(They own) the White House, a filibuster-proof Senate, and a 70-seat House majority. As one House Republican aide quipped: ‘We could have every GOP congressman and their parents vote against a Democratic bill and still not stop it.'”

There’s at least some degree of obstinate innumeracy in play. It can no longer be denied that Obama is trying to elide the issue of where the money for his multi-trillion dollar fast-track socialist rewrite is going to come from. When, during last week’s press conference, a reporter noted that Congress is “trying to figure out how to pay for all this reform,” Obama responded “Well, before we talk about how to pay for it, let’s talk about exactly what needs to be done.” Pretty bald, that, considering that his essential demand is for talk and debate to stop in the interests of facilitating passage of his glorious reforms. Questions, too, are evidently unnecessary at this point. From that same press conference:

Q: Thank you, Mr. President. On Medicare, there are obviously millions of Americans who depend on Medicare, and when you talk about bending the long-term cost down, or when you talk about cuts in the current proposal on Capitol Hill, you talk about cuts in Medicare and they talk about cuts in Medicare, but there are never many specifics. Specifically, what kind of pain, what kind of sacrifice, are you calling on beneficiaries to make? And even if not right away, aren’t future beneficiaries going to be getting less generous benefits than today’s?

President Obama: No. No.

Q: And a subsidiary question….

You get the idea. Earlier the President had sternly warned: “This debate is not a game.”

42 Replies to “The time for debate was ten months ago”

  1. I think everyone is tired of this guy he is a wasted hope he is a wasted change …his intentions are not for the betterment of america and even if they were truley for the betterment of america his policies will not better america only weaken it more ….he is not for the people he is for controling the people …it is about him he is not a democratic person he is a dictator in a republics cloathing ..sad state of affairs …he has got to go !!

  2. This oily b—–d wants to drink beer with the police officer who had the audacity to do his job just so Mr. President doesn’t have to be an adult and apologise for his mistake. It would be as though nothing touched him. I hope to God he is kicked – literally- out of the White House next election.
    Again, what were the voters thinking when they put Mr. Socialist Narcissist in? That health-care came off of trees? Obama will bankrupt America and run off to his palatial estate after his one term in office.

  3. The Community Organizer wants to waive a wand and add 47 million people to Health Care.
    That’s essentially taking all the hospitals/clinics and Doctors and nurses in Canada X’s 1.5 and suddenly creating capacity out of thin air for 47 million patients.

  4. Face it America, you got snookered by Operah and Geffen, you elected an imecile narccisistic slime ball and you effed up.. Get rid of him before you break the entire world and GROW UP! vote in an Adult. We here in Canada played with an idiot too.. being Turdeau, almost broke us,and and our children, we,along with our children, will pay the price , for along time with our current taxpayers, and many yet to yet be born.

  5. “The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, ‘You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid’s tonsils out”
    Of course he believes this — it’s exactly what a lawyer would do, and he’s a lawyer. He can’t imagine that anyone would do otherwise.

  6. I think that EBD summed it up in his headline, “The time for debate was 10 months ago”
    I don’t believe, this candidate was vetted to the degree that other candidates have been. Neither by the Democrats, or by the MSM.
    They were afraid to ask the questions that needed to be asked then, and they seem unwilling to ask those questions now.
    When the chorus of “We told you so” really starts to be sung… (much more than it is now!) it is my hope that we can contain our anger, and simply point out the hypocrites with clarity…

  7. Posted by: Osumashi Kinyobe>
    “This oily b—–d wants to drink beer with the police officer who had the audacity to do his job…..”
    You know I had a different take on the whole “Beer Fest” thing. Did you notice that the whole time (MSM footage) that they were having a “private” discussion that no one was talking but ol Henry Gates facing off with officer Crowley – His jaw wagging and hands flying like he was lecturing one of his students?
    I could just imagine what the “private” conversation entailed – “I told you back in my house white boy, you keep F*cking with this black man an I’m gonna land your white behind in shit you never dreamed of. Now look where you at dumb ass!”
    It sort of reminded me of one guy getting a couple of big buddy’s to hold another down while the wimp punched his lights out!
    Obamba nodding and smiling – Hope and Change my friend, Hope and change.

  8. The Commander in Thief’s polls are crashing. Why that’s just good news.
    I am not sure 0 will finish his term. The 1970 recession set the table for Nixon’s impeachment during the 1974 recession. Serious economic declines can turn minor issues into monsters. 0 probably commits a WaterGate style coverup per day. Probably worse. His timing was better than Nixon’s and he survived the first severe economic/stock crash with ease. After the current lull, its quite probable that this unfinished monster bear market (25 year secular bull move corrected by a 2 year bear?) will suffer another serious decline well before his first term is up. Should that occur, in that environment, one of 0’s WaterGate’s might become explosive. He’ll either be impeached….or quit before his first term is up. Too thin a skin to take the heat.
    His only good card is he’s black. Otherwise he’s a crook with 330 million economic cops on his tail.

  9. Citizens of the US will become medical tourists – travelling to other countries for treatment that is unavailable at home. First stop Cuba (they may end up having a superior medical system to the US). There will be opportunities to earn greenbacks from desperate Americans shopping for medical care that has been rationed at home. The Castro brothers may have the last laugh.

  10. Well considering that overall medical care in the United States is judged as being worse than Canada’s and ours being judged as top 40ish. When it comes to making our system better, just like in the States, alot of things now make those kinds of changes much more difficult.
    Anyone seriousily campaigning for change in health care here in Canada does not look south for a better model because our health care here in Canada is overall better. And yeah, health care could be a lot better and still suck here.
    If you were looking for a way to do health care in your country you wouldn’t be looking at North America for a model.

  11. Americans going to Cuba for health care? er, no. I think not. Perhaps the clinics associated with the seaside resorts appear ok, but they couldn’t possibly care for the number of americans being alluded to here… and they deal with cuts and minor breaks, not cancer, not brain tumors. When these people in Cuba are real sick, they go home to die.. and then, they are finally free again! pick your room!

  12. Obama is the Democrat’s problem… They put a cheap petty Chicago hood in the Whitehouse…, but Congress has been stuck in a stupid mode for ~15 years. The beard changes, but not the game played in DC. Both parties need a shakeup/wakeup as PLL are sick of the same old payola glad handing jerks in Congress.
    A third party could run a slate of unemployed Plumbers and win going away… We don’t need any more McCains/Pelosi/Boxer/Waxman or other dead wood.. The elite of both parties need to get lost along with the Chicago Crime Bosses..

  13. As a watcher of US administrations for some decades now, I can’t recall a President or administration that was this universally loathed so soon in a mandate. These opinions will not change for the positive because it is ongoing agendas which the voter is opposed to.
    As time goes on an unpopular and heavily criticized admin tends to get paranoid and reactionary and we see some of that now.
    Thankfully the US system provides a safety valve for public distrust of a bad administration in the staggered voting schedule. Look for Dem incumbents to be decimated in the 2010 elections.
    Frankly, with the bipartisan love of the new aggressive crony corporatist statism there may be no use in choosing between Republicrats or Demicans. A house with a large block of independents is the only way to clear up the malfeasant cronyism in congress.

  14. Just heard a francophone radio commentator summarize the whole Gates-Crowley story and guess what was his conclusion? “Has there ever been a president so original as to have the two antagonists come to the White House and share a beer?”
    The polls may be going down in the States but the media here are even more in the tank for Obama.

  15. If the viote on healthcare gets delayed until
    the fall it is not going to pass in any formthat BO has been talking about. It may pass in a very watered down form so that BO can declare victory and try to move on to something else center stage while behind stage he and pelosi and Reid amend it into some thing is substance. This is the big worry amoung opponents now.
    The above is more likely to happen if BO can stabilize his popularity numbers and reverse the trend down.
    This I think is not possible for two reasons:
    1. He has really pissed off many of the healthcare centres of influence – doctors especially but also those who are simply more engaged in the political scene including a lot of moderate dems. These dems are coming to realize that this guy is not their idea of a democratic president – he has given them exactly zero to be proud of thusfar – they are not socialists- many voted for reagan back in the day.
    2. American by and large are not interested in “fixing” healthcare right now nor are they interested in cap and trade. What they are interested in and what they see BO failing miserably at is reversing the economic slide – particularly job losses – and restoring economic confidence. If the stimulus had worked the health and enviro bill would have passed.

    Next up is immigration and I think the scale of his defeat on this will dwarf the healtcare loss (and i think that this is already weighing on the minds of moderate dems as they look at where they stand on healthcare and the heat they are taking on it, the growng awareness of their electorate that the stimulus was really little more than a party interest money grab of unprecidented proportions, the general opposition to cap and trade, and the fact that 2010 is coming up very fast and they will have no legislative success to celebrate and a popularity rating that is barely out of the high teens.).

  16. his multi-trillion dollar health-care scheme
    Stop lying to your readers, Kate. It’s between 1 and 1.5 trillion over ten years.

  17. Troll: “Stop lying to your readers, Kate. It’s between 1 and 1.5 trillion over ten years.”
    Trust the troll to lay bare the truth and zero in on the crucial point. It turns out Obama’s not even talking serious dough. If only people knew this and would just get behind his plans instead of arguing!
    BTW: the post came from EBD, not Kate.

  18. Yeah Kate stop lying…The US is going to be bankrupt in 2 years, not 1 year…Trolls!
    Anyway, Barry’s numbers dropping fast are not that surprizing really. In today’s super consumerism, celebrities come and go faster than ever.
    Afterall, Barry is just a flash in the pan celebrity, is’nt he? All he does is entertain his fans in town halls and now his popularity is going down so fast he has to book smaller venues like supermarkets. deehee!
    A faux President entertainer. The difference between Minni Vinnilli and Barry? None, they are both cheats.
    Lip synch versus teleprompter.

  19. It’s between 1 and 1.5 trillion over ten years.
    ~Troll at July 31, 2009 9:28 AM
    Says who?
    The guy who underestimated the number of employed there would be?
    The guy who says none of the stimulus went on pork?
    The guy who says that the stimulus wasn’t a stimulus but was actually a stabilizer and that there needs to be another stimulus?
    The guy who said there would be no new taxes?
    The very guy who said that the America was broke(out of money) last month?

  20. Actually, Troll raises a valid point. Over and over again we see, in the media, in blogs, and in ordinary conversation, people throwing around temporally ongoing monetary or other resource expenditures without reference to the temporal axis. In other words, since we aren’t talking about a single fixed cost, but rather a perpetual ongoing cost, the total expenditure is not relevant; it is the rate of expenditure, the first derivative with respect to time, that is relevant. So are we talking dollars per month, per year, per century, what? Surely, if not specified, one would assume annual in cases like this, since that is the budgetary period upon which such expenditures are allocated. But no, people are throwing around dollars per three years, dollars per five years, dollars per ten years, while not telling you what the denominator is. Therefore, they are providing you with no useful information, while claiming to be providing you with useful information: in other words, they are lying to you, but since people are innumerate, they can’t even tell. Call for Mr. Barnum, white courtesy telephone, please.

  21. I guess we are going to see if the Founders were clever enough with their architecture to enable America to withstand having their government taken over by people who hate America, hate its people and hate freedom generally.
    Second Amendment looking like a better idea every day, eh?
    Incidentally, trolls, imbeciles and Leftists should not conclude from this remark that I favor armed insurrection. I do not.
    What I favor is people like Barry O -fearing- an armed insurrection. A really, really well armed insurrection.
    Fear of being shot is a good thing in a robber.

  22. Troll the CBO puts it at a trillion every five years once it is fully implemented.
    That is in stark contrast to BO’s original assertion that government healtchcare was going to SAVE americans money. that trillion every fiveis going to have to be paid for via more debt – and the interest cost of that debt – or taxes which no one disputes will reduce economic growth and thus it will cost americans more than the trillion every five.
    Therefore Kate’s assertion that it is a multi-trillion dollar plan holds water…

  23. Yeah, Troll, Obama claims his plan would SAVE money.
    The American middle class has called BS and his numbers continue to plunge the more he opens his mouth.
    That’s why everybody should encourage him to keep talking.
    All hat, no cattle. This guy’s nothing but hot air.

  24. The US Constitution is a much more robust entity than many realize.
    ie the USSC…..Justices are appointed for “life” and can only be removed by the USSC itself. Many politico’s have appointed buddies and then found these “untouchables” to be beyond their influence.
    The midterm congressional elections provide a form of recall…..and congressmen and senators are fully aware of this and at this point are already contemplating getting re-elected….a dim prospect the way the polls are going.
    Many democrat members will throw BamBam under the bus to get re-elected…..initially by voting against his latest agenda’s….impeachment will come later.
    As far as the Second Amendment, it’s power is more potential than acute. The prospect that the general public has purchased more firearms and ammo since January, than needed to equip the combined forces of India and China is very much on their minds….and BamBam’s.
    And Sarah Pallin is still out there lurking…..

  25. You’re wrong, Sasquatch. The congress has the power to impeach judges and the president.

  26. Vitruvius: “Actually, Troll raises a valid point.”
    If he did, it isn’t the point he was trying to raise. His point, as far as I can see, is contained in the word “lying.”
    He’s too intemperate to be making the rational point that you discuss.

  27. nomdeblog. 47 million without out insurance still get medical care. period. no discussion, that is the truth.

  28. “All they need to get those poll numbers up is a nice little terrorist attack.”
    Nah, I don’t think so. Presuming you mean an attack on American soil just after Barrytone went around the world apologizing, bowing to the Saudi king and licking dictator booths, I think Soetoro would be toast.
    Right now as we speak, US and British envoys are trying to negotiate with the Taliban.
    I think Barry image is already projected. He is not George Bush.

  29. Set You Free wrote:
    “Sarah Palin’s speeches have become totally incomprehensible.”
    What do you mean? Are her speeches in Klingon? Because they have dictionaries for that, you know.
    What would we rather see: Obama smoothing over his mistakes with cheap American beer or Sarah Palin fighting off bad guys with a batlith?

  30. Osama: Bud Light, no apologies from President Light
    Gates: Red Stripe, a Jamaican beer
    Cop: Blue Moon, brewed in Canada
    Palin: Wackier by the minute in speech patterns filled with nebulous imagery

  31. “What would we rather see: Obama smoothing over his mistakes with cheap American beer or Sarah Palin fighting off bad guys with a batlith?”
    The sooner people stop thinking that Palin is the next Margaret Thatcher, or even a serious candidate to be President, the better for conservatism in the US. As I’ve said before, I like her, but she doesn’t have what it takes.

  32. What’s a Trillion here or a Trillion there when you’re broke?
    Simply more ink and paper.
    A little like giving loans to sub-prime borrowers no? Sounds familiar, at least the US has allot of practice and Obamba can now be a momentary spark in history as the man who gave his people HOPE! False hope, but hope nonetheless. It’s the Change part that will be everlasting and infamous.

  33. Hope is but an absence of results.
    Change? Why change the best country on earth?

  34. Health care debate in USA and may we can fix
    health care in Canada too
    as the best example
    Doctors in USA such as Michael’s jackson doctore
    either may got too much for pay thier
    150,000 monthly from Michael ‘s fee to that doctor pay his morgage and if he did not got his money for 3 month MAY kill over anger or not pay attention to his health like past in last day before his death
    it ring the bill
    low end doctor mid end docotr and high end doctor who go lot of money need to get control their abused or may got abused by their patient too
    we can also see MAY we do not know Michael abused his doctor to do what he asked as most rich usually sound likd that or I do not pay your bill sinc he may be in endiction to some epidorm drug over pain
    last ngith he dnace his body has pain and need strong pain killer and he force his doctor
    therefor rate for docotr need to review by goverment and proof USA healht care are dnager as well can be good too
    pay too much gas to Enbride and all stock price
    it is like cost of one chicken is # 3 / killo and we need to pay $ 5/kilo to Loblaw to made them rich to keep buy more property and stores
    then we need to own stock share hold from each companywe buy to get return of high cost we pay to Enbridge and Loblaw or walmaert too
    all is wrong and need check regulator before we get allow right and freedom to them to rip us out to pay too much cost for food and gas to private or we call them public I call them private for themselvel not benefit public at all
    this need to get review and all health care need to free with limit and some can be private with bondary we can not let
    like insurace disability both medical can be keep say wrong for made too much money and god knows if the person disability how get fix as corrputed odf insuracne comapny for get too much
    insurace car from us
    all thing need to fix from USA before Canada review those topic in here
    we can not also put taget to docot of Michale jackson easy we need to may suspected paiten abuse too cause fear of doctors too for pay his bills and etc…
    power and money are danger and need responsiblity to handle it

  35. Here’s a guy who says he’s born in hawaii, but there are no hospital records of that, and wont release his school records or bith certificate. Why did his own grand mother say he was born in kenya along with hospital and doctor records that confirm this.
    I’m not even sure he’s an american citizen where’s his green card?. He’s nothing more then a flim flam man that cheated his way through life and now office, he should be in jail not fixing health care.
