29 Replies to “An Idea Whose Time Will Come”

  1. It’s thoroughly wacky but also deviously clever.
    What better set-up for a bank than just sitting there earning interest off deposits that will never be touched?
    On the other hand, great potential for a scam from anyone who can work out a late depositor’s “past life” withdrawal clue.
    Ha ha! It’s nuts. I love it! the ingenuity of mankind in fleecing suckers knows no bounds!

  2. If readers haven’t seen the Steve Martin movie “All of Me” with Lily Tomlin, then it’s recommended viewing on this thread topic.
    Funny too.

  3. This should be of interest to the PRC, who are looking for places to put their US dollar investments.

  4. I seem to recall that in my past, one of my lives was King Solomon of Israel.
    If only I could remember where I stashed all that gold.
    In all my other past lives I was murdered by Arthur Dent.

  5. Identification will be a problem: “I’m sorry, sewer rat, but you’re clearly not Mr. J. Engblom.”

  6. Knacker said “I’m starting to feel like I left some money in my past life.”
    Shhh. They may get the idea to start taxing us on money owed from past lives. Just try and dig up those receipts to prove you don’t owe anything.

  7. Interest? Interest!? Interest hell, you have to transfer ownership of the asset …and its Head Office is in Gibralter. Good luck with that. You might as well just call it a charitable donation.
    As folks here are prone to posting, “Crickets?”
    (If I make it back, I’ll be lucky to be a cricket…)

  8. Are you kidding? Once was enough for me I paying someone to kill me again before I take the ride back to this hell hole.

  9. 🙂 …it just occurred to me! Once you’re ‘deceased’ you cease to be a person as far as CRA is concerned. All your assets will be declared for probate of your Estate and your Beneficiaries will get the last laugh as your reincarnation savings will be long gone by the time you get around to making your claim.

  10. Pyrates had a way with them things. Specially Capt Kidds beneficiaries..writers, treasure seekers, film makers, historical folks, and probably presentday pirates.

  11. They already tried this in the late 1700s. Trust me, it didn’t work…and I was a pretty important duke back then, I would know.
    BTW oz, I agree; this idea needs to go “bagh een bole!”

  12. Just think of all those goldfish you flushed down the toilet as a kid. I bet your kicking yourself now, eh?

  13. I have this special rock in a box right here, that has the power to locate your car keys in a future life. Supplies are limited. Order yours today. Allow an eternity for delivery. Don’t leave life without it.

  14. What would a “run” on a ‘reincarnation bank’ look like?
    I’m just tryin’ to picture Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life” trying to assuage all the ‘reincarnates’, suggesting that they just don’t need all that they think they need…

  15. The Liberal Party has just solved it’s coffers issues…
    Can I poop in a deposit box?

  16. Let’s make sure that the Liberals, if they are ever trusted with running the government again, don’t make this a registered charitable donation for tax purposes.

  17. Withdrawals:
    “To prevent cheats and false claims the terms and conditions will apply. Make your claim as follows:
    As in this life, blah blah blah ….. Once this has been satisfactorily achieved, funds/property will be handed back to you and the account closed.”

    What – account closed? Not interested in repeat business? What kind of a reincarnation financial security business does that?
    Sounds like a ‘flaky’ reincarnation bank to me.
    Not in it for the long haul…pff, not getting my assets!

  18. my guess would be there are millions of people who think they are coming back. how would a dog claim his money?

  19. You better leave yourself a taco stand, prayer mat and a communist handbook to cover your bases!
    The future is sooo uncertain after all.

  20. An Idea Whose Time Will Come – taxes too !
    Kate, how n he!! do you think up all the titles ?
    Short, sweet and hit like a tonne of bricks !

  21. Im starting to remember being Howard Hughes.
    note to self.
    stop cutting my toenails tomorrow.
