Y2Kyoto: Houston, We Have A Moonbat

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Al Gore, climate nazi fighter – …. said sceptics who refused to believe dramatic cuts in carbon emissions could be delivered should consider the example of the young scientists in the NASA team which put a man on the moon on 1969.
Buzz Aldrin, (who walked on the moon in 1969) – “If it’s warming now, it may cool off later. I’m not in favour of just taking short-term isolated situations and depleting our resources to keep our climate just the way it is today.

Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation, here are Mr. Chet Atkins and Mr. George Benson performing Help Me Make it Through The Night ¤ (4:10). Very nicely done, gentlemen. For those of you who like tonight’s artists: our previous Chet Atkins shows were 2008-08-08, 2008-10-10, and 2008-11-14, and, of course, we covered George Benson’s Breezin’ on 2008-03-07.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

Y2Kyoto: Tracking Al Gore

And I, for one, welcome his new microchip overlords;

To fairly divide the climate change fight between rich and poor, a new study suggests basing targets for emission cuts on the number of wealthy people, who are also the biggest greenhouse gas emitters, in a country.
Since about half the planet’s climate-warming emissions come from less than a billion of its people, it makes sense to follow these rich folks when setting national targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions, the authors wrote on Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

That said, the ear tag does have a certain appeal.

Is There Nothing That The Car-Salesman-In-Chief Can’t Do?

Your bail-out dollars at work…

When it was deciding where to build its new compact car, General Motors Corp. made a point of saying it would push politics aside and use strictly commercial criteria.
So Tennessee’s three top officials were astonished last month, in a meeting with GM, when they were told the first two criteria were “community impact” and “carbon footprint” — or how the choice would affect unemployment rates and carbon-dioxide emissions.
“Those didn’t strike us as business criteria at all,” said Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, who was joined in the meeting by fellow Republican Sen. Bob Corker and the state’s Democratic governor, Phil Bredesen. Those factors, Mr. Alexander said, “seemed odd for a company struggling to get back on its feet.”
On June 26, after a monthlong competition, GM tapped an existing factory in Orion, Mich., pushing aside competing plants in Spring Hill, Tenn., and Janesville, Wis.
All the sites had merits, but the Michigan plant had additional attractions. It is embedded in a struggling state that is a Democratic stronghold. The Orion site, 35 miles from GM’s Detroit headquarters, is also close to tens of thousands of current and former United Auto Workers union employees, whose pressure previously helped persuade GM to scrap plans to build the car overseas.

Meanwhile Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd., which did not pursue any public aid, climbed to the top of the monthly market in June for the first time since 1949.”

Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

June 16thU.S. lawmakers on Tuesday sought a review of the U.S. listing of a Uighur Muslim group in northwestern China as “terrorist,” accusing U.S. authorities of relying on intelligence from Beijing.
July 6thAnother Han Chinese man, who owns a shop in the city’s central bazaar, said he saw Uighurs “with big knives stabbing people” on the street. He said crowds of Hans and Uighurs were fleeing the violence. “They were targeting Han, mostly,” he added. “We need to hide inside for a few more days.”

Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends

Words that every conservative politician needs to print out and read each morning before getting out of bed:

The essence of modern conservatism — and its source of strength — has been the vigilant and rigorous reform and renewal of flagging institutional governance, based on balancing maximum individual liberty with social order. That message was the catalyst for policy and political progress. To their detriment, Republicans have fallen into the Information Age’s false premise that the messenger is the message. Such a mindset is tailor-made for liberals, who have perfected the politics of personal destruction and have erected an unprecedented infrastructure for mauling conservative messengers.
Too many Republicans go weak-kneed in the face of chattering-class criticism of personalities that don’t conform to a clichéd, insular ideal of urbanity — which, not incidentally, never includes conservative Americans. Rather than defend the true superstars of message-coherence and -delivery, such as Rush Limbaugh, they jump on the trendy totalitarian bandwagon in the absurd belief that they will either be let into the club or spared its wrath.

Source: Reuters

Hunter Smith, July 5th;

“He did see an older man in a white shirt reach down into the blood pool and cover his hands. He then wiped them on his shirt to make it look like his blood or that he had been involved. Hunter saw what he thought was an AP photographer take the man’s picture. Hunter said if you see it on the web, don’t believe it. It was faked.”


More at Gateway Pundit.

“Non Appétit”

William H. Gross;

Unsurprisingly, what still can be modeled is the direct correlation of real profit growth to real economic growth, assuming a constant division of the “pie” between profits, labor and government. If long-term economic growth declines by 1½% then profit growth will as well. This, after settling at perhaps half of absolute peak profit levels of 2007, because of the rise of savings rates from 0 to 8% or higher. But to add to the woes of the investor class, one has only to observe that their share of the pie is shrinking. What does the General Motors example tell us all about the rebalancing of power between the investor class and the proletariat? What do trillion-dollar deficits and the recent reinitiation of PAYGO government programs tell you about the future of corporate tax rates? They’re headed higher. Do you really think that a national health care program can be paid for with cost-cutting as opposed to tax hikes at insurance companies and benefit-paying corporations throughout all sectors of the American economy? The new normal will not be investor-friendly unless your forecasting dial is turned to “Pollyanna” or your intelligence quotient is significantly less than 100.

h/t to Kevin B (whose comments here are always worth your while)

Distinguished Lecture, Documentary & Interview Series

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week’s SDA distinguished lecture, documentary & interview series installment. Today, for your delectation, here is Dr. Gregory Chaitin, from IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, giving his Alan Turing Lecture on Computing and Philosophy, Epistemology as Information Theory: from Libnetz to the Omega Number, II, III, IV, V, VI, & VII, at Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, in 2005. If you find that interesting, and would like a little more information, here is Professor Chaitin’s Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture in 2000: A Century of Controversy Over the Foundations of Mathematics, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, & VIII. Please note that this is not Reader Tips, our regular Reader Tips entry will appear tonight as scheduled.
