24 Replies to “All The News That’s Fit To Twitter”

  1. Guess it was too cold to pull down their pants. Wait til after the frat party Friday night.
    But that won’t be a protest.

  2. “A group of about 25 students marched across the Dalhousie University campus Monday…”
    Math gets a little overwhelming after you run out of fingers and toes, eh Vincenzo?

  3. Sylvan, I checked out your link and both my jaw and knuckles were dragging on the floor. These students are past grade two right?

  4. Why is it a shock that the Warmist Students act like idiots, all Warmists, students or otherwise, act in a strange fashion.

  5. I think you guys are being a little rough on this guy, he’s obviously not a political journalist or commentator, more of a human interest writer. It’s the Chronicle Herald’s editors who deserve the flak, along with the rest of Canadian MSM, for continuously publishing global warming themed fluff stories front page while completely ignoring Climategate.

  6. Lunacy of the people he’s writing about aside keep in mind that often grunt-reporters don’t have a lot of choice in what story they get.
    I have worked in news-media for years and any reporter will tell you that you go in to the newsroom in the morning, get assigned a story, told what angle to take and off you go.
    Especially if the deadlines are tight there often isn’t time to do a longer, investigative piece. The reporters go out, cover the event, get quotes go to office, write story, file story, go home.
    I’ve had to cover many stories and many angles I personally thought was absolutely bat-shit insane but I did it because that’s what I get paid to do.
    Going after reporters for the content of the interviewees quotes is like shooting the messenger. You want to counter the Climate-change mumbo-jumbo take the names he’s provided, and the student organizations and start sending emails. Go for the source.

  7. Apparently, he’s as immune to insulting the people who buy the Herald’s product as he is free with his phone number.

  8. “Going after reporters for the content of the interviewees quotes is like shooting the messenger. You want to counter the Climate-change mumbo-jumbo take the names he’s provided, and the student organizations and start sending emails. Go for the source.”
    Which is precisely why journalism is going the way of the dodo bird. They have always been the intermediary. Thanks to Al Goracle, inventor of the Internet, bloggers et all can now go directly to the source. We have our own “informants, so of them named and right up there in pixels on screens, others anonymous, but still, there is no need for the middle man, especially since he’s not making enough dough to keep himself and his employer in business.

  9. What AtlanticJim said @8:33
    A friend of mine used to work in their ad department and I remember him emoting in disgust after he’d impulsively conducted an office survey and ascertained that noone there even knew what the GOP was, let alone what the letters stood for. He was quite apolitical, but the level of brainlessness was sapping his will to survive. He wound up moving to Korea.
    Even their Sudoku sucks.

  10. This bird cage liner is what passes for a paper in my town. 400 emoting, infantile twits who between them couldn’t pass a math or science course. Of course, their direction comes fron one Dan Leger, an idiot’s idiot if ever there was one. I remeber him being on Mansbridge’s political panel one night, and Leger said something moronic in a falstetto with air quotes; Andrew Coyne looked like he was going fly down here to personally bitch slap that fool. I wouldn’t wipe my @ss with that paper just in case stupid can be caught.
