“Let’s go to the pub.”

An excellent presentation, with an excellent addendum;

Slice your average environment correspondent through the middle and you’re going to find a left-leaning liberal arts graduate who is utterly out of his/her depth. Their world view is being swept from underneath them and they are being shown—in ways that they do not really and have never had to understand—that the guys they thought were the goodies are in fact “at it” and that those they have spent a decade disparaging as deniers were in fact spot on.

49 Replies to ““Let’s go to the pub.””

  1. LOL!! Amazingly, the very last comment posted on Bob McDonald’s CBC article on December 1st goes as follows:
    You must be a political scientist.

    Anyone with real training in science has a real job.

  2. Terrific analysis by ‘P-G’!
    One can only hope those graphs get into the hands and minds of our government and PMSH will present a clear ‘No..I’m going to the pub’ in Copenhagen.

  3. “Their world view is being swept from underneath them”
    . . . and their little pinheads are imploding.
    Such a glorious sight !

  4. Great work, Kate!
    There are hardly any comments at davidsuzuki.org, I think he deserves some attention.
    Also, everyone write your MP!

  5. Yes, the Godfather of the Fruit Flys has been uncommonly quiet, since he has an opinion on everything.
    Either he’s been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, and hopes it blows over, or, he’s doing an ostrich routine, and will come out of hiding later (when, he assumes, his pals in the MSM have quickly beat down the opposition and those damned denier/racists/dinosaur/baby-eating capitalists!)
    Let’s keep the heat up, it’s rather enjoyable not hearing is ill-informed and deceptive narrative.
    Unfortunately, Lizard doesn’t get it, and has turned up the hype

  6. The MSM dimwits that were so easily hoodwinked by this enormous fraud pushed the industrialized west’s politicians deep into the tar pit.
    Each of these parties now has a dilemma: how can the MSM dimwits change their position without shredding what’s left of their credibility? and, how can the politicians save face after having been pushed so far into the tarpit by the MSM dimwits?
    I don’t see that the MSM dimwits have a way out now. Their credibility is spiraling in if either they accept that they were so easily hoodwinked by Gore et al., or if they try to stubbornly cling to an obviously irrational position in face of a rising ocean of evidence of fraud.

  7. Logic doesn’t work with them, true, but they are 20% of the population. Logic works with the persuadable, who are not as vocal. You can wait the rest of your life if you are waiting for a liberal to concede he or she is wrong.

    “… the only certainty about the weather on planet earth is that it keeps on changing in very strange ways. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes wet, sometimes dry. This mind blowing discovery that affects all our lives has been dubbed Global Norming. Otherwise know as Climate Strange.”
    Use it!

  9. The problem is not left/right thinking its lack of life experience. When you are raised in a modern urban environment where everything is artificial you come to understand your world as being an artificial construct that is easy to manipulate. Ask an old farmer who is delivering a calf at -30 what he thinks of AGW warming and you will get a snort of derision. As a urban metrosexual as he steps from his pre-warmed car into his underground parking stall on his way to his air conditioned office what he thinks of AGW and he will tell you not only is it true but its the farmer’s fault for raising cattle.

  10. The MSM world wide seems to be having a problem reporting on this, its not just Canada’s MSM. I find that very interesting. Seems from their comment section they do to.

  11. To suggest that ‘lefties’ are simply naive theorists is one thought. I am more inclined to have a more fundamental economic reasoning. Whether it be global warming or religious extremism it usually comes down to how am I going to feed myself tonight. I have more sympathy for the religious perspective as their poverty is a reality. The ‘lefties’ are usually educated souls who simply took the easy courses or simply got sold a bill of goods that has left them with no marketable skills. Instead of directing their anger where it belongs they target the ‘capitalistic’ reality that they cannot function in.

  12. Michelle Malkin is all over this today with particular emphasis on the Obama administration and its cadre of warmists.
    All the president’s ClimateGate deniers

  13. Joe…well said. I’ve been there…delivering those calves.
    I think your observation is right on!

  14. Unfortunatley this climate warming thingy is just a tool for the “Elites” to establish their super government powers over the economies of all western countries.
    I am sure they think Climategate is just a blip on the screen and their Socialism will win in the end sooner or if need later.
    The more pressure we put on our PM, MP’s, and MLA’s as voters, who will or will not vote for them, depending how they vote (or support or not support) at Copenhagen will go a long way in getting the proper outcome for the people not the “Elites”.

  15. Warmists have spent so much time, standing on pedestals of their own making, shrilly announcing the end of the world and denouncing Normalists, that they cannot climb down off of those pedestals without breaking their necks and irreparably wounding their pride.
    Wounded animals are the most dangerous.
    As grand a result as it is, the end of the Climate Crisis isn’t going to be pretty.

  16. Maybe I’m just impatient, but it seems to me that, despite the magnitude of the global warming scam, it hasn’t yet resonated with the average guy on the street. Conversation revolves around the Roughriders or Tiger Woods’ latest problems. Until a majority of the citizens realize what has been taking place and advise their MP’s accordingly, politicans will continue to sit on their hands. Of course, this apathy is largely due to the MSM’s refusal to report on the fiasco. Until the MSM develop the cajones to tell it like it really is, the climate change bandits will continue on their merry way.
    I would love to see PMSH go to Copenhagen, tell them “Thanks, but no thanks”, return to Canada immediately and then address the nation with the reasons why he wants no part in the debacle.

  17. Just emailed the PM:
    I kept it short and sweet.
    Dear Prime Minister:
    I sincerely hope you will not commit Canada to any Cap and Trade tax at the upcoming Copenhagen conference.
    Surely, the recent scandal at CRU in East Anglia should give us all pause to conclude that the “Science is Settled” mantra should no longer be sung. The science is far from settled. Too many real scientists have been vilified and scorned by charlatans who, at the very least, should be criminally investigated.
    We cannot afford this kind of waste.

  18. Here’s an idea. Why don’t we just take a leaf from the old Commies’ book and… “Delete the Elites”.
    It would probably be much less damaging to our society than it was to theirs. The elites the Stalinists deleted were mostly a real intelligentsia. Today ours consist mainly of political fixers, lawyers and bureaucrats, “activists” and urinalists of various stripes, in short, the type of folks that were deleting the real Russian intellegentsia.
    Hide the decline. Delete the elite.

  19. Conversation revolves around the Roughriders or Tiger Woods’ latest problems. Until a majority of the citizens realize what has been taking place and advise their MP’s accordingly, politicans will continue to sit on their hands.
    This is why governments take our taxes to fund sports, it is an ancient form of misdirection.
    Bread and circuses citizen, bread and circuses.

  20. Not only do I want our government to sign nothing at Copenhagen, I want the incandescent light bulb ban repealed.
    Now that the Climate Crisis has been demonstrated to be junk science, the entire justification behind the light bulb legislation has been removed and we are left with the incontrovertible fact that CFLs are a mercury laden environmental disaster in the making.

  21. And now this (courtesy of WUWT)
    “Scams in many countries are subject to investigation by authorities
    Authorities in several countries investigate VAT tax fraud stemming from the Danish CO2 quota register
    Denmark is the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper.
    Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries.
    Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved.
    Ekstra Bladet reporters have found examples of people using false addresses and companies that are in liquidation, which haven’t been removed from the register.
    One of the cases, which stems from the Danish register, involves fraud of more than 8 billion kroner. This case, in which nine people have been arrested, is being investigated in England.
    The market for CO2 trade has exploded in recent years and is worth an estimated 675 billion kroner globally.”
    Any politician that goes along with this fraud deserves to end up like Mussolini.

  22. Hide the decline. Delete the elite.
    Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It was preceded by the 1100 Charter of Liberties in which King Henry I voluntarily stated that his own powers were under the law.
    Time for the next step, to limit the power of the “barons”.

  23. Even the climate shifts the AGW hucksters manufactured for hysteria effect was NOT unprecedented, According to TDK’s logic chart, the AGW scammers owe us all a drink – last one to the pub is a quack!

  24. The author echoed my view, and oilman has nailed the motive. I’ve been saying for sometime now that those that vote left believe it’s an injustice that plumbers and electricians make so much more money than they do.

  25. “The Harry Read Me file shows just how badly KNACKERED the HadCRUT temperature series really is.”
    Delighted with the “GOOSED & CENSORED” chart.
    The East Anglia CRU crew display all the talent that reputedly may be more easily be experienced in the SOHO district of London.
    Is there such a thing as “data prostitution”? Hmm…ah yes it is the “Devil’s Kitchen”.
    There you have it…Paul Martin’s “hell or highwater” come with a vengence.
    In this case however, both outcomes have been asserted:
    The East Anglia CRU team have come up with data “HELL and HIGHWATER”…
    We would like to thank the Pedant-General over at the Devil’s Kitchen for clearing up that little misunderstanding.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  26. Even the climate shifts the AGW hucksters manufactured for hysteria effect was NOT unprecedented, According to TDK’s logic chart, the AGW scammers owe us all a drink – last one to the pub is a quack!

  27. Joe 10:02 Bin there, done that. Loading grain at -30 and replacing bent rub bars at +30 are not fun either.

  28. We cannot afford this kind of waste.
    Posted by: Ghost of Ed at December 2, 2009 11:04 AM
    Sorry to trash your hopes dude, but “Jim Prentice’s Tax on Everything” has been in the works since last election.
    The Cap and Trade is already done.
    You, and most Canadians, have missed the boat.
    Pay up.

  29. Goleacle Lepolt: This mockely/lidicure edition coming to youse flom UNaBomber Mao Stlong, Canadian “Liberal leader” Bob Lae’s Uncle Mo.
    “The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers
    From the brains behind Iran’s Green Revolution to the economic Cassandra who actually did have a crystal ball, they had the big ideas that shaped our world in 2009. Read on to see the 100 minds that mattered most in the year that was.”
    “5. Rajendra Pachauri
    for ending the debate over whether climate change matters.
    Chairman, intergovernmental panel on climate change | India”
    “Now it’s serious, Daily Show’s Jon Stewart mocks Gore and Global Warming
    2 12 2009
    Jon Stewart Mocks: ‘Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented!’”

  30. ” The ‘lefties’ are usually educated souls who simply took the easy courses or simply got sold a bill of goods that has left them with no marketable skills. Instead of directing their anger where it belongs they target the ‘capitalistic’ reality that they cannot function in.”
    Says it all.

  31. ” Slice your average environment correspondent through the middle and you’re going to find a left-leaning liberal arts graduate who is utterly out of his/her depth.”
    Hello Jeffrey Simpson 🙂

  32. This Morning I went to the Copenhagen (white Porcelain) and deposited a Danish…..Flushed
    The History of “Lies & cheating” may be found in the Danish transition (Danish War) from Monarchy to the Communist Elite. (The Middle Class in Europe are non-entities).
    LIES & CHEATING are not the foundation you build science upon… or political policy….
    Have a Danish.. and flush..
    Have a Mann.. and flush
    A Gore, Pelosi, Boxer, Suzuki…may be defined as data Constipation… you will need help!
    Rumor is that the Urinals in Copenhagen will have a sticky picture of Obama…may be a form of water boarding…

  33. I’m coincidentally (ok, not really), in the middle for reading Atlas Shrugged right now, and wow, just wow…..

  34. I want the incandescent light bulb ban repealed.
    Posted by: Oz at December 2, 2009 11:18 AM
    Agreed. Until I see it happen, however, I will continue to stockpile.

  35. Until I see it happen, however, I will continue to stockpile.
    ~Colin from Mission B.C.
    Stockpiling is good sense, if one can afford it, because rampant inflation may make everything more expensive in the near future anyway.
    Additionally, when was the last time we saw any legislation repealed?

  36. hardboiled, if legislation was repealed government would shrink, or a least plateau in the area of the legislation, as a byproduct of the repeal.

  37. He really nails this one, turns out they’re (the msm)just not that smart.
    Lastly and as a slight aside, why so little from the MSM? That one is easy. You need to have a decent analytical brain just to deal with the chain of events. You need to have a decent analytical brain, a mathematical/scientific mind and a good grasp of some very hard statistics to understand what is being done to massage the numbers and to see how significant it is to the chain of events.

  38. The analysis was spot-on.
    I’m waiting for the day when people- en masse- bang on the doors of the green capitalists and demand their money back. We’ve been lied to and robbed. For anyone still to cling onto these ridiculous green fantasies is just beyond the pale.

  39. He really nails this one, turns out they’re (the msm)just not that smart.
    Lastly and as a slight aside, why so little from the MSM?

    The MSM(Decline Hiders) are analytical enough to spin topics, which indicates that they can understand them enough to grasp the meaning of Climategate.
    That is why some of them are starting to release bits of the e-mails, but then probably strange to you, reaffirm their belief in Climate Change.
    The truth is that they have invested their pride and credibility so deeply in AGW, they said the science was settled and ridiculed those in opposition, that they can’t climb down because everything they have said in ridicule would rebound on them.
    Don’t underestimate the Decline Hiders intelligence, just remember they underestimated ours.

  40. The left are not averse to being given money in exchange for their silence or baying at the moon provided it comes from and serves to strengthen “their” capitalists. By the time the green wreckage from climategate fraud is sorted out, more banks and ponzi practitioners will be busted.

  41. “I want the incandescent light bulb ban repealed.”
    So do I! I hate the cold pseudo-light those overpriced coilers throw off.
