67 Replies to “The Sound Of Relatively Clear Science”

  1. suxs to be canadian, sez heather mallick.
    only if you don’t live in quebec?
    the world is upside down (apologies to the aussies, who seem to have it right)

  2. Prentice is an ass.
    Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick are the real Canadian heroes.
    Its too bad the Nobel has been discredited.

  3. I am so glad that EM Prentice is open to the possible issues and implications of climategate and how the CRU dataset is the foundation for nearly every published paper on AGW including the IPCC a UN body, the same UN hosting the Copenhagen Conference. I thought for a minute that they would just pretend the whole incident never happened, instead they are simply dismissing it.
    I feel so much better now.

  4. Layton’s response was the most ridiculous of the lot.
    I’m so glad he’s irrelevant.

  5. my faith in my government is on the line here, if they go politically correct on this instead of showing the sense the aussies have. I think I’ll have to find a Canadian leader who will go rogue to support. and one must exist somewhere! ( I still have hope for mr Harper) thank you for the coverage Kate wish cbc had your integerty.

  6. Don’t be too hard on Prentice. He’s not my favourite guy in this role, but as the scandal has received precisely zero coverage in mainstream news, coming right out to declare that Copenhagen is off would spark a feeding frenzy, aimed at the government, rather than the scandal.
    That said, I wish it were Jason Kenney’s file.

  7. I think the plan is to play along and pray like hell that Copenhagen is a bust. If Harper takes a stance on this now, the opposition unites and calls an election, and the only issue covered by the media will be this. It’ll be “Big Oil lovin’ Harper” smear after smear. So while I’d love Harper to tell them to take their CO2 emissions and sequester them up their collective arses, it just won’t happen.

  8. Hans Christian Anderson had it nailed: It takes courage to call out the naked emperor.
    It’s early. The Globe and Mail/CTV won’t even admit this story exists, such is the media investment in AGW. The Globe editors must be stressed. Horrified by the story and wanting to write a “nothing to see here” boilerplate, yet immediately fearing that admiting to the existence of the story would draw even more attention. All the while observing with growing alarm the mounting coverage in the MSM.
    Since politicians tend to follow the media it is going to take time.
    Look for a change after the upcoming COP15 failure and the death of the Waxman/Markey cap and tax scheme in the U.S. Senate.
    No lie lives forever.

  9. No serious government will cripple themselves over the “climate change” issue
    At the heart of it all, it’s just kabuki theatre, like most of politics. A multi-act play, whereby people go to meetings, eat nice food, say they will reach some sort of accord, and agree to some watered down version of nothing that means even less, and agree to meet in the future.
    The Climate change scientists painted themselves into a corner by first positing this as “global warming”, which then became “anthropogenic global warming”, which then morphed into “Climate Change” as the evidence just wasn’t there.
    They could have drawn this out longer by portraying this as a “how man impacts the environment” issue, ie clean drinking water, aquifers, impact of fertilizer, etc etc, but as climate guys, they wanted this to be “their baby”.
    Sad really.

  10. And from the ‘Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight’, a headlong run into a goalpost….
    Wednesday, December 2, 2009 4:02 PM
    Liberal campaign puts Harper on climate hot-seat
    Daniel Leblanc
    The Conservatives have spent millions of dollars on ads that portray Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff as someone who would rather live and work anywhere but Canada.
    “Just visiting,” is the famous Conservative tagline about the former world-traveling university professor.
    Now the Liberals are launching their own campaign to portray Prime Minister Stephen Harper as someone who would rather do anything but go to the Copenhagen conference on climate change this month.
    The Liberal budget is much smaller, thus a “photo challenge” in which contestants use their computers to manufacture a picture of Mr. Harper somewhere other than Copenhagen. The winner gets one of three prizes, as listed in the following document handed out after Question Period by Liberal staffers….”

  11. I’ve been telling you people that PM Harper will sell each and everyone of us down the Big Green toilet if the status quo wills it. After all, he’s turned into nothing but a liberal; obsessed with a majority, and salivating at any underhanded way to buy Eastern votes to get that majority. Imagine his pleasure, when cap’n tax if “forced” on him by the world and he gets a revenue stream to buy Eastern votes.
    My conservative friends, you are being taken completely for granted by the CPC … they’ve got you bent over real good on this one because they know that no matter how hard they screw you, you’ll keep covering for them.
    I expect the usual sobbing from Conservatives though … something about the big bad media not helping poor Stevie out …
    God help us if this country has a real crisis and needs genuine bold leadership instead of the vote whores the CPC are.

  12. As I said in 2008, “they’re lying!” At least Hardboiled and I can agree on that much.
    Through work experience and genes I have a very accurate BS metre, and that metre went off the charts when a journalist asked Stockwell Day if he believed in AGW. His response was along the lines of “Yes, I’ve been up north and spoke to the people…”. This was classic liberal rhetoric coming from a Conservative, and it was blatant. At that time I stated “I feel betrayed” by the Conservatives. Since then I’ve stepped back and looked at what I believe to be the bigger economic and political picture, and opined on it at SDA regularly.
    Look at the bright side, the Leftards also know that the government is paying lip service to AGW, and at the same time stalling the effort. The collective left in Canada are political eunuchs once you castrate them by removing their AWG tool. Remember, Canada is the bane of enviotards worldwide! We can at least hope for the best, and enjoy the fact that PMSH has usurped the AGW throne. JMO
    There are many issues Canadians face, I suggest we follow PMSH’s lead and fight the left on the field of our choosing. Lets focus, and fight them on basic common sense economics and crime with punishment. The AGW debate is too complicated, and it is outside PMSH’s influence if you look at the big picture.

  13. Prentice is an unaccomplished bureaucrat, capable of nothing but expanding government.
    He failed Canadians in Caledonia as Indian Affairs minister.
    He failed Canadians with a crap DRM that set the whole thing back 3 years.
    And he has failed Canadians by installing a Tax on Everything – that you’ll get to pay next year.
    Then again, I guess we could give him a big hug, a tweak on the nose, and an ‘aw shucks’ because we know he’s trying his hardest.

  14. I live in Kenney’s riding and I have e-mailed him at his parliament address every day for the last 6 days… crickets
    I am going to try his riding office
    Kate, I agree with you that they need to play this close to the chest as with the exception of the NP, I don’t think the Canadian MSM is touching this (but I wouldn’t really know because I don’t watch them).
    My suggestion is that PMSH take a page from Obambi and go on TV… pre-empt Little Mosque on the Prairie and lay it all out.
    I think if the Tories don’t get ahead on this issue the scum sucking Libs might actually be smart enough to about face and take the Global Warming is a Fraud position. After all, what do they have to lose, and it would put the Tories into a very nasty situation. If I was Iggy that’s what I would do.

  15. Paul, I think an outright ban on “dirty” Canadian goods/exports would be a “real crisis”.
    Please explain to everyone how running straight towards a “real crisis” is preferable to attempting to side-step one.

  16. I feel so much better now.
    Posted by: Illiquid Assets at December 2, 2009 6:01 PM
    I would too – except that while Prentice does acknowledge the state of affairs at East Anglia, the base fact exists:
    “It does not change the position of Canada relative to the Copenhagen agreement and the Copenhagen thoughts. The science overall is relatively clear on all of this and as a conservationist and as a responsible environmental steward Canada wants to see carbon emissions reduced.” Jim Prentice
    All the other words are hot carbon dioxide.
    Prentice’s carbon tax is a tax on everything, for nothing.

  17. It is Day Umpteeen or so of the CBC News embargo on Climategate. They continue to believe that by not reporting Climatgate that the story doesn’t exist and they can carry on with Business as Usual. The 22,000,000 million Google hits are some kind of technical error.
    That’s the sad news.
    The good news is that even the bozo-brains that run CBC News realize they are in a pile of doo-doo and have cut off Dr. Fruit Fly’s microphone.
    Hopenchangen is Danish for “Gong Show” isn’t it?

  18. Governments are looking at this like climate scientists at grant money . What do I have to do to get at this endless supply of money ?

  19. Sent this to Mr Prentice
    “We’re all interested in getting to the bottom of that, finding out exactly what happened,” Mr. Prentice said after the daily question period in the House of Commons. “It does not change the position of Canada relative to the Copenhagen agreement and the Copenhagen thoughts. The science overall is relatively clear on all of this and as a conservationist and as a responsible environmental steward Canada wants to see carbon emissions reduced.”
    Dear Mr Prentice
    Have you actually read the material yourself?
    Controlling the “peer review” process?
    Adding “tricks” to the data?
    And, especially this: bad computer program with bad data that is tweaked?
    Perhaps you should before you conclude so airily “The science overall is relatively clear on all of this”.
    And commit us taxpayers to spending a bunch of money that will only end up stolen.
    Spend a couple of minutes a day checking out this site, please.

  20. Homez: Politicians the world over are now taking a stand. Climategate has given the CPC a golden chance to get ahead of this issue … but they aren’t taking it because … THEY WANT THE REVENUE STREAM TO BUY VOTES.
    Quit guessing at what the CPC are doing and assuming their intent … judge them by their actions.
    Have you tried talking to a CPC MP lately … try it and then come and restart this discussion. We’ll see if your still happy to bend over for them.

  21. I have to agree, Kenney shoots straighter than anyone in that group. I predict a shift toward substance, and away from image, in the political world. I think Obama might deserve some credit for that.

  22. I will be having lunch on Sat. Dec 5 with MPs James Lunney and Jason Kenny…should be interesting! I have sent them tons of info over the last couple of weeks so i expect some feedback.

  23. Treason is treason is treason. Selling Canadians out to a one world government is all of that. Call it what it is.

  24. Even Jim Hansen (global warming freak extraordinaire) is calling for Copenhagen to fail. Not for the right reasons, mind you, but fail in any event. That would give more time to rip the heart out of the AGW fraud and let the politicians know that they are our REPRESENTATIVES….NOT our leaders. They work for us….NOT the other way around.

  25. If the conservatives don’t walk away Hopenchange deal then I’ll be looking for the Libertarian party to support. I’m disappointed with Jim Prentice!

  26. Harper’s environment Minister seems to be as oblivious to corruption of climate science as his minister of Justce seems to have a similar tolerance for dcorruption of human rights law.
    Perfect compliment of insensate blobs Harper has ther.
    All I know is they screwed us on deficit spending, they screwed us on the HRC corruption issues and they’re poised to screw us with climate tax burdens in a recession.
    Remind me again how Harper hopes to retain his core support?

  27. Ah, the troll of the day is doing a driveby…….sorry troller, adults are having a discussion here.
    No worries with PMSH. Indeed, he is side-stepping the issue, saying all the right things while committing to nothing.
    Thing is, your hero the Cretin and his Fiberals signed the Kyoto agreement, then thumb their noses at everybody, making them liars and untrustworthy, as if they weren’t already.
    Nothing will happen at Hopenchangen, expect a group hug. Hell, the Chinese are more disingenous than anyone with their so-called reductions…..instead of their emissions rising by double, they’ve promised to only let them rise by 80%….wow, big whoop, that’s saving polar bears now, n’est pas?

  28. Al W.. the 5th is Jasons Christmas party at the Carriage House.. I am planning to go. Is that what you are referring to?
    DanBc..I hope you are not referring to me as a troller. Personally I believe that PMSH who I really like, needs to lead this issue and there are perils if he doesn’t .. see Australia for example. From a political strategy perspective the Tories need to get out front. For example on Fox News tonight, Charles Krauthammer was advising Obama to get in front of the issue and use it as an excuse to stop the push for Cap and Trade. (however he admitted the chance of this was zero). But, PMSH is not of the same ilk and he could do it however he needs to sell this hard.

  29. The wheels are rolling off the AGW buggy and the people sitting in that antiquity are still sitting in it waiting for a volunteer horse to show up , hitch himself to the buggy and pull them out of the toxic, filthy hole they have dug themselves into…they are relying on the horse to magically show up and get himself dirty saving their sorry hides so he can slave for them in the future. Horses are not like that – they serve only bosses who like and respect them. The
    AGW bedwetter’s chances of survival are very slim because the cost to all taxpayers, including the leaning left, to impliment this fraud is beginning to hit their mini radar screens. The left fools always thought that the West and Newfoundland (in Canada) were going to get the bill and the east would get cash for recycling toilet paper and driving dinky toys. They will squawk loud and long when they come to the realization that they will be paying for not getting paid to(that would apply DIRECTLY to the lardy province that speaks only French).
    The left coup troika(Liberanos/Dippers/Blocheads) would LOVE to call an election over this “non issue” – they have already planned it by coaching their enablers at the msm (and they, the troika, passed that Climate Bill a few days ago in the HOC imposing the Kyota Hoax on this nation); the troika coupie dupies assume that Canadians do not know how to use the internet and that we have lost our ability to communicate! All the left wing ‘believers’ I meet, who know that I have never believed the hoax, are looking very nervous and they are being very nice to me, in the hope that I will not ask ..so far I have not confronted them..I am keeping my powder dry. I suspect our PM is doing the same….I do yap about it on my own however..all the time , as I always have, and I forward them information from Kate’s site; all the time. By allowing “believers” to ‘discover’ the truth themselves, especially the truth about the cost of the scam, they will turn into “well this thing is dead in the water” types. An election would be very bad for Canada right now, IMO.
    I’m with you and India on this Kate – I wish Jason or Mr. Sorenson were the minister running it but Prentice is no dummy, I think he can handle it to the advantage of Canadian citizens.

  30. Jeffrey Simpson
    “But the government knows the United States remains a long way from legislating an emissions-reduction target. That means delay, which is great for a Canadian government not really committed to fast action.”
    Ole’ Jeff is really pissed-off – because;
    PM Harper is not playing into the Canadian media’s hands the way other non-Liberal politicians have over the last century.
    If the Harper gov’t ever said anything at all against the global warming fraud – bingo !! The media would have a feeding frenzy and may be able to install the NGP once again.(Natural Governing Party)
    It burns Simpsons ass that Harper is playing the media like a fiddle. Harper knows the US senate will never pass anything like Copenhagen anytime soon. Especially not with Climategate going viral.
    Climategate, with the help of blogs, will gradually nibble Copenhagen to death and the Simpsons of the world will not be able to pin it on Harper.
    Having said that, I had better not be wrong !! Am I?

  31. That is clearly what they are doing. But there are perils in that approach as I stated earlier.
    Maybe they could give us some sort of secret sign so we know that they know and they know that we know that they know.
    Then I would stop bitching.

  32. James, instead of a secret sign, maybe the could grow a spine and send up a flag to see who salutes it by getting some of their loyal but less important backbenchers to bring up Climategate in Parliament.

  33. They’ll never give us a sign.
    I wrote my MP and Harper, (separate and differently worded emails) and got no reply from either.
    To me, if politicians don’t respond, it raises a red flag. Incidentally, my emails were written in a polite manner.

  34. Maybe hurting them in donation receipts might get some action. I told the latest canvaser two weeks ago, nada, until I see some evidence they are not becoming Joe Who clones.

  35. James: There has been a change on the Dec 5 luncheon, James Moore will be there with James Lunney…Kenney`s plans were changed. Like you said he is probably going to a different function that you are at. The one i am going to is at the Nanaimo Golf Club.

  36. I just received a response from the CBC with regard to my complaint to the Ombudsman about their lack of coverage of Climategate. It is about as expected:
    Mr. M*******:
    Thank you for your e-mail of November 27 addressed to Vince Carlin, CBC Ombudsman. Since CBC News falls in my remit, perhaps I can reply.
    You wrote, in substance, to ask why CBC News had not carried a story concerning the thousands of e-mails and documents from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit that had recently ended up on the Internet.
    I suppose the short answer is CBC News did carry the story. On CBC News.ca, it was posted on November 26 under the headline, “Hackers skewed climate-change emails: scientists”. I expect we will be carrying more stories about the stolen documents and the fallout from their publication in the days before the opening of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on December 7.
    With the clearer vision afforded by hindsight, we should have noticed the story and picked it up sooner than we did, but its absence is certainly not evidence of partisanship.
    To be fair, the story’s significance seemed only gradually to emerge. As I understand it hackers tried to post the stolen e-mails on a scientific website on November 17. By the weekend, climate change skeptics were analyzing and re-posting them, arguing that they demonstrated collusion among climate change researchers in an effort to overstate the case for global warming, a conclusion vigorously disputed by the scientists involved. The growing debate sparked wider attention the following week (I see The New York Times carried the story on November 21, the National Post on November 24, the Toronto Star on November 28 and The Globe and Mail on December 1).
    As you might expect, CBC News editors are faced daily with choosing – from among the thousands available in Canada and around the world – the few dozen stories that they feel are the most significant and will be of the greatest interest to Canadians. It is a decision made all the more difficult by the limited resources and time available in our news programs and our Internet pages. Of course, we cannot include all, or even many, of the stories taking place around the country and the world, but thank you for drawing this one to our attention. We will continue to follow it.
    Thank you again for your e-mail.
    Finally, it is my responsibility to inform you that if you are not satisfied with this response, you may wish to submit the matter for review by the CBC Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman, an independent and impartial body reporting directly to the President, is responsible for evaluating program compliance with the CBC’s journalistic policies. The Ombudsman may be reached by mail at the address shown below, or by fax at (416) 205-2825, or by e-mail at ombudsman@cbc.ca
    Esther Enkin
    Executive Editor
    CBC News
    Box 500, Station “A”,
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5W 1E6
    cc. Vince Carlin, CBC Ombudsman

  37. puddin n pie @ 6:15 pm-
    Now why would you want Marg Delahunty to have anything to do with this? Nothing but a loud, braying bitch, and as leftist as they come.
    The balls she portrays….nothing more than lumpy constipational excretions. How else would she be profferred the CBC megaphone?

  38. These enviromoonies are flipping out at proportions to a greater degree than I could have never imagined.
    Too bad the math says their god doesn’t exist.

  39. Something about Climategate on the CBC national tonight! Not sure how balanced it was, as just caught the end of it.

  40. I to have called Prentices office, might as well call Heidi Fleiss’s office. Prentice has made decisions in the past that should remove him from a serious decision file, Jim’s a Joe Clark clone if that tell you all what you need to know. Leader of a pride parade nothing else.

  41. Ghost of Ed,
    I too sent emails to my MP and PMSH last Friday, and wondered why I had not received a response, especially from my MP who is usually quick to reply.
    Let’s hope it is because they are being innundated with emails from us “deniers”.
    I received a reply from my MP today.

  42. jamie,
    Saw the whole CBC report. It wasn’t particularly balanced. It did, however, acknowledge that the UEA had suspended Phil Jones and was launching an investigation.
    This tends to implicitly blunt the “nothing to see here” tone. The other encouraging thing was the references to “the debate”. The spurious doctrine that the “debate is over” seems to have been abandoned.
    Local Citi-TV in Calgary also had a report tonight. They even mentioned the evident resistance of big media to the story.

  43. The front runners,rent seekers, and their public and private backers are going to be left destitute if they can’t get access to the revenue streams this scam depends on. It ain’t going to be pretty when the music stops and the arrests start.
