67 Replies to “The Sound Of Relatively Clear Science”

  1. bartinsky…you’ve precisely nailed the little snivler. I need to know if the twerp will be given his leash at Crappenhagen or if it’ll be yanked back by saner minds.

  2. I wrote to Jim Prentice. He hasn’t replied, of course. But, he didn’t send me a political love mail either.
    Prentice and Harper, and most Canadian Conservatives, know this is a crock. They are reluctent to be Czeck Klauss and call BS.

  3. google.ca search climategate
    Results 1 – 10 of about 197,000,000 for climategate. (0.20 seconds)
    yep that looks viral

  4. Here are the party platforms simplified:
    CPC — “I know this car has no tires, but I have the money to get some later, meanwhile, I’ll park it in my driveway for show.”
    LPC — “It is only fitting that we should drive a car with no tires, but we will decree that it has tires, thereby removing much of our angst.”
    NDP — “What are tires?”
    Green Party — “We think it is immoral to drive, so we will carry out leader around in the car with no tires.”
    Bloc — “Let the anglais buy the tires.”
    Rhino — “Looks like another upswing for us.”
    CHP — “Jesus has all the tires we need.”

  5. The commentary by Gavin Schmidt over at realclimate.org just gets more interesting as time goes on. In response to a posting (#200 on the first thread on the website) in which someone questions the notion that CO2 is warming up the planet, here is Gavin’s response:
    “[Response: Sorry, but your example was a flawed thought experiment. Try coding this up with the following equations: c dT/dt = F_ext + 5.3*log(CO2/CO2_orig), dCO2/dt = a*(T-To) with suitable values for a,c, To etc. Then play around with the external forcing F_ext – sinusoidal maybe, and see what happens. If you get it right you’ll see T following F_ext with some lag (depending on a and c) and CO2 following along in both the ups and the downs. c is the heat capacity of the system, pick ‘a’ so that you get the observed glacial-interglacial difference for the peak to trough difference in F_ext. With large ‘a’ you’ll see a runaway affect, but for realistic values you won’t. – gavin]”
    A statement like this pretty much sums up the usefulness of mainstream climate science these days. All that’s needed to “prove” global warming is to “play around” with baffling mathematical formulas and see if we “get it right”. Presumably, if we don’t get it right, we’ll play around with even more numbers and “see what happens” until we bloody well get the result we’re looking for.
    Is it any wonder that the more the average citizen hears from these self-obsessed twits the less he buys what they’re selling?

  6. Relatively clear as mud? – but not settled. The out.
    Relatively: (adv) in comparison or relation to something else; not absolutely.

  7. I did it. You do it.
    That is: Send e-mails to your local representative (i.e. member of parliament); send letters to Jim Prentice (environment minister) and Stephen Harper (Prime Mibnister)
    Frankly, I understand these folks to be of my opinion, that AGW is a scam. Unfortunately,. until the socilist CBC is laid to rest, they cannot say thkis.
    Death to the CBC and all other yelping jackels!

  8. Awe inspiring what has gone down in the last few days. Shine the bright light of truth on them.
    You can’t hide anymore.
    we are watching you.
    and we’re on to your tricks.

  9. I hope the Conservative Piggies don’t build their house of straw. The wolf is coming for the global warmists. Its hungry!
    Harper used to bean admirer of John Howard in Australia. Lets pray he’s watching events unfold there.

  10. Mike Mc.
    That was a pretty disgusting response from the CBC. They claim to be impartial yet use the word skeptics in their response to you. And listing the dates that other organizations ran with it is just stupid.
    I suggest you write back and ask them how long it took for the CBC to cover “Wafergate”.

  11. No James, certainly not at you, it was at Paul the troll @ 6:17 PM.
    In a perfect world, yes PMSH would jump out in front and lead with his chin on this. However, politics is a master chess game, where you can’t move to quickly.
    No move is better than a wrong move.
    He will jump out soon, I believe, as the citizens of our country have been led astray by an ignorant MSM. Jumping too early means he’s just another denier. If he times it right, it will be on the cusp of the transition of the story. We are near that point.
    Obama is a true believer, look who he has surrounded himself with. He’s a puppet for others, not capable of any original thought.

  12. Jim’s a Joe Clark clone if that tell you all what you need to know. Leader of a pride parade nothing else.
    Posted by: bartinsky at December 2, 2009 9:20 PM
    Bang on.
    Prentice is an unaccomplished bureaucrat.

  13. As I told my husband, Harper has always seen AGW as the scam that it is. Do you not all remember the letter he wrote calling Kyoto a scam and wealth redistribution scheme? What a smoking gun the Liberals felt they had at the time, hence the nuanced approach we have seen since.
