87 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Heather Mallick”

  1. Dear Non-Canadian Guardian Readers:
    Heather Mallick is a hateful Rabid Leftist who has endlessly disgraced herself on this side of the Atlantic.
    Some of us are now raising funds to give her a permanent trip away from the country she so clearly & deeply loathes. We’re hoping you in the UK will take her.
    Robert W.

  2. I just finished listening to Adler’s podcast….great stuff. He’s very good at making his points, like his recent one defending the troops or a few of his oldies when he rips into Layton and Iggy.

  3. Cross-posted at Reader Tips at 5:35 p.m.:
    Thanks, Soccermom, for the link.
    That Heather Mallick is a piece of work, living lavishly off the avails of the Canadian taxpayer.
    She’s a spoiled, entitled brat, and I’m one Canadian who’s really embarrassed and pi**ed off by her.
    I’ll contribute to the $133 Charles Adler says he’ll give her so she can apply to leave Canada to go to some other country she’s not embarrassed by.
    Take a hike, Heather. We wouldn’t miss you at all.

  4. Gary K
    That’s excellent. Couple that with Adler’s offer to contribute 133 dollars toward her departure. I’m sure we can raise enough money here to buy her way into say China, where she can do a little blogging from the filth there.
    After all, she’s use to working in the gutter.

  5. Hey, we could probably raise enough money here at SDA to send Heather Mallick “to the moon!” (Courtesy, Ralph Kramden/Jackie Gleason)

  6. I haven’t read anything quite so nice as Mr Adler’s views in a very long time. I also agree to the suggestion of her moving to China with the provision she tries to live in Linfen
    Fantastic observations from Charles Adler.

  7. Remember, this lady is a shopoholic; her idea of ‘a best day’ is to spend, spend, spend, in Holt Renfrew and other high-priced stores.
    I’d say her invective and hate-filled rants are symptoms of an individual who is profoundly angry and unhappy; the shopaholic needs suggest such a problem. She’d be unhappy and angry anywhere in the world. Nothing to do with Canada.

  8. I doubt if China would take her. Cuba and North Korea seem to be good fit, as that is the sort of regime she and CBC would like to install here in Canada.
    I just love the way Charles Adler the last few months has told it like it is.

  9. She’s a moonbat! Check out this excrept from her post:
    “What takes place when a nation can’t decide on a government and lets a rightwing minority, quivering with hate, have just enough power?”
    WTF? Oh, right she works at the CBC.

  10. My favourite line from her….typings:
    “We have shamed our better natures. But we Canadians will rid ourselves of Harper and rise again to be the decent and intelligent nation you Brits once patronised with such delight.”(emph. mine)
    Get thee to a dictionary; why wouldst thou be a breeder of malapropisms?

  11. There is only one Heather Malice. A venomous little creep too good for the backwoods still trying to locate the road to her spiritual home in some third world marxist hellhole.

  12. Wouldn’t it be interesting if, tommorrow morning, big oil would say: “You know, the greens are right. We’re shit. But now we’ve seen the light. So we’re shutting down. We’ll stay shut down until Heather Mallick tells us it’s OK to resume production, and then we’ll produce only as much as Heather thinks appropriate. So please don’t bother us anymore. Take your concerns to Heather. If we don’t produce enough oil to suit you, talk to Heather. If you think we’re producing too much and are trashing the planet again, work it out with Heather. Remember, we’re too corrupt to make these decisions ourselves, but Heather has a degree in English, so you’re in good hands.

  13. Meh.
    To hell with Mallick! Who cares?
    After all, (ha ha!) the science is settled: we’re a “thuggish petro-state”* now!
    To quote Mark Steyn: “I’ve waited my entire life for ‘Canada’s image’ to ‘lie in tatters’ and, if it takes laying the entire planet to waste, I say go for it.”
    I’m guessing those Caterpillar 797s are only about four million each. Since we’re all petro-thugs and lowlifes now, let’s buy a couple and do wheelies around Heather’s apartment block in Toronto.

  14. Out here where I live this pig couldn’t attract BEARS! Ms. Mallick is the most vile lieberal of them all, makes Turdeau look like Jerome Iginla/that means likable. Go away Mallick you represent all that is the CBC, vile detestable ugly self loathing ditch pigs, go to hell.

  15. Does she actually think a lib/ndp government would shut down the oil sands? They would need that money for their various client groups far more than a Tory government.
    Mallick is not really a columnist, she’s more like a case study in hatred and emotional dysfunction.

  16. Oddly enough, I hate Canada too but for the exact OPPOSITE reasons she does — and I don’t accept Canadian tax dollars as my salary, so that should count for something. 🙂

  17. “Mallick is not really a columnist, she’s more like a case study in hatred and emotional dysfunction.” (hudson duster).
    That was actually my first thought after reading her column. She reminds me of Maureen Dowd, whom Mark Steyn has described as “the elderly schoolgirl”. She thinks she is addressing “issues”, but she is actually wrestling with personal disappointments.

  18. The Mallick comes across as a nasty little snob, who attempts to disguise the fact by ranting about “the Right”.
    If there were a Nazi party in Canada she’d be right in there.
    If she’ll leave I’ll be happy to contribute $133.

  19. Ghost of Ed ;
    She still doesn’t get it. We’re all embarrassed that she’s a Canadian.
    Hard to top that!

  20. On second thought, is there some way we could encourage her to take a position in Michael Ignatieff’s
    war room? I wonder if she likes Warren Kinsella? – although I don’t know whether he is still an insider.

  21. Yes, I would be willing to donate to get rid of her – When I lived in Toronto she was a nasty piece of goods, but she was a shopaholic as one comment posted – I am sure she would be happy any where in a communist country – she could give back to the “little people”.

  22. Is somebody gonna start a new political party that is willing to actually do something about this monstrosity (and several others of Liberal legacy)?

  23. Ever notice that those who sponge the most of our tax dollars are the most ungrateful, and undeserving?

  24. I’m amazed at what has happened to Canada. The people who have so much and have done so little to deserve it complain the most. I could live with that but these same people deride and condescend to the very people who have gotten up for work everyday of their lives for generations to pay the freight for these deadbeats. No thanks. Just utter contempt and disdain for the average working guy.(or gal).

  25. The first 50 comments that I read over at the Guardian were frequently sensible, funny, and mocking of Horrible Heather.
    The Guardian!

  26. Actually, I need money for Christmas gifts. Maybe I’ll file a few Human Rights complaints and see how much money I can shake out of the old bat.

  27. Oh my, a whole comments thread on my Pet Hate!
    Back when she wrote for the Globe I used to buy the paper religiously every weekend pretty much exclusively to experience her latest thorazine-level-paranoid solipsistic lunacy (and this was back when it was still possible to buy the National Post in the Maritimes). Who could invent this mad parody of a parody of a hate-filled lefty hack? She makes Antonia Zerbisias look like Thomas Sowell*. I can’t shake the suspicion that she’s really a performance artist – a female Sacha Baron Cohen. In some impossibly twisted way I actually sort of adore her.
    (However, that being said, we can’t start deporting people just because they hate Canada. I mean, would you be rid of Mallick if it meant giving up Shaidle? Plus, there are a lot of better ways to waste $133.00)
    *At least I assume she does. I don’t exactly go out of my way to read Zerbisias.

  28. (It is actually possible to buy the Post in the Maritimes. It’s just really really hard.)

  29. No Miss Matt, the Guardian comments are hilarious!
    “Monbiot, a hero of mine”
    I kind of gave up after this.
    choke, or
    Heather is of the stream of unconscious school of writing. It has been some time since we understood anything she has had published.

  30. While we are at it, why don’t we raise money to help other angry, hateful and bitter journalist/leftists to leave… I’m thinking Neil MacDonald and Antonia Zerbisias…. I am sure you folks can think of others….

  31. I went to my Merriam-Webster today to look up the definition of “Vacuous” – and sure enough – along with the pictures of Chairman O, Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean was none other than Heather!!! Oh ya – Michael Iggy was there too.
