87 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Heather Mallick”

  1. Actually, Heather’s embarrassment is an extrapolation and reassignment of the embarrassment she feels because she has to shave her back.
    As for the country, Heather just doesn’t understand Canada. She probably shouldn’t be writing about stuff she doesn’t understand.
    Adler’s right, she should leave.

  2. Oddly enough, I hate Canada too but for the exact OPPOSITE reasons she does — and I don’t accept Canadian tax dollars as my salary, so that should count for something. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Posted by: Kathy Shaidle at December 2, 2009 9:11 PM
    WTF? Maybe you should flock off too. You seem to be the opposite side of the same coin.

  3. she should be stripped of her citizen ship and dropped off in somalia in a sports bra and a pink mini skirt.lol.
    Paul in calgary.

  4. Reminds me of the sort of thing I always wanted to say to the “No Blood for Oil!” protesters, or the more vehement AGW advocates:
    “So how’d you get down here to the protest, anyway? You drive? Carpool? Take the train?
    “Did you eat breakfast first, from the food stored in your fridge? Those clothes you’re wearing, were they machine-washed? D’you make ’em yourself, by hand?
    “You gonna go home tonight, turn on a light or two in your heated home, watch TV to see if this is on the news? Catch Law and Order after that? Maybe listen to a CD, or your iPod, or maybe watch a DVD? Surf the ‘Net a while after that, trade stories and photos about the rally today?
    “‘Cause you know, all of that, all of it, or 70-80% of it at the very least, would have to be shut down to achieve the kind of emissions cuts or oil reduction you want. We’d all have to give it all up, across the board. The most stringent cap-and-trade scheme ever proposed would be like putting a band-aid on a six-foot crack in the dam.
    “You think Al Gore would be happy with cutting his power use by 70-80%?”
    But I’ve never had the time or a sufficient degree of spite to indulge myself this way. Being right will have to be satisfaction enough.

  5. Kathy works and pays taxes. She has a right to complain. Heather is a tax. She doesn’t contribute to the pot she takes money out of the pot. And she complains constantly about the people who are putting money into the pot.

  6. I wonder if Charles Adler could get this mutt to come on his talk show and justify her bull$hit. Or he may not want to waste his or our time.

  7. gord- Do you hate Canada? I don’t. I hate some of the garbage that’s landed here lately. I complain, probably more than I need to, but if it comes to the point I hate Canada, I’ll leave.
    Mallick is a very conflicted person. Her mother was a real sweety, but her dad was a self-centered little bugger. That, along with the fact they were interracial, probably turned little Heather into a very confused girl.
    I wonder if Heather has dual citizenship, since her mother was from Scotland? It might be easier to get rid of her than we think. If she realizes how many Canadians really despise her, she’ll head across the pond, like a shot.

  8. The stupid cow says, “American travellers used to shove a Canadian flag on their backpack for better treatment overseas”.
    I know where I’d like to shove a Canadian flag.
    BTW, I spent about 10 years working overseas – mostly in third world countries, and I never met one of those famous false-flagged Yankees. Could this be an urban myth?

  9. “While we are at it, why don’t we raise money to help other angry, hateful and bitter journalist/leftists to leave… I’m thinking Neil MacDonald and Antonia Zerbisias…. I am sure you folks can think of others….”
    Jim – the list is long, yet surprisingly undistinguished….

  10. I can see the headlines tomorrow on blogs:
    “Charles Adler thinks Canadian soldiers are worth $1”

  11. Since so many are calling our oil dirty, perhaps in the coming budget the finance minister will stop asking AB to contribute to equalization funds. Wouldn’t want all those canadians to subsist on our dirty oil money. Or perhaps our Premier could stop paying equalization and tell the other premiers we don’t want to contaminate you with dirty money. Oh, and be prepared for large unemployment lines as no one from outside AB will want to work and earn dirty money. And, as you don’t want our dirty money, you probably don’t want our dirty oil. You would rather have blood oil from those countries killing our troops.

  12. Since so many are calling our oil dirty, perhaps in the coming budget the finance minister will stop asking AB to contribute to equalization funds. Wouldn’t want all those canadians to subsist on our dirty oil money. Or perhaps our Premier could stop paying equalization and tell the other premiers we don’t want to contaminate you with dirty money. Oh, and be prepared for large unemployment lines as no one from outside AB will want to work and earn dirty money. And, as you don’t want our dirty money, you probably don’t want our dirty oil. You would rather have blood oil from those countries killing our troops.

  13. What a piece of useless trash. For someone that lives off of the Canadian tax payers dollar, Heather sure can dump all over our country like it is a garbage dump. She deserves to be fired. Unfortunately with her lack of work skills, no country would take her. It would be sweet justice to see her in the unemployment line……..You can’t get EI if your fired for the right reason!

  14. Heather Mallick is an irrelevant sanctimonious unpatriotic turd.
    Posted by: Jed at December 3, 2009 12:01 AM
    Which is why she should be completely ignored…It seems to be a trend these days with Liberal hack celebrities and journalists to say and write things that they know will incite controversy…thus making them think they are relevent. In reality she is an unproductive, bottom feeding hypocrite that does not create, produce or assist in the production and creation of anything that is of any value to anyone. I wonder how that feels?

  15. That’s so true, mot.
    It seems that Leftist “journalists” like Mallick are writing to compete with the Leftist “artist” who put a crucifix in a jar of urine to be relevant.
    Mallick is relevant alright.
    Jarringly relevant…as they say.

  16. The venom this woman spews against the country that has fed her for years is astonishining. She is a whore, willing to take money from the people she so obviously hates, in exchange for food and shelter. She then bad-mouths her tricks to the rest of the world.
    I would pay for her one way ticket to anywhere at all, just to get rid of this insignificant tick sucking away at the life-blood of Canada.

  17. A big ‘shout out’ for the mallick screech. Right off the ‘songbook’ and squawking to what she thought would be the ‘choir’!
    Comments are not what she expected in Brownies world.
    Cost of sending Heather to China $133.00, cost of involuntary subsidization of Heather $100,000.00+++?, watching heather bomb in GB (our ‘graceful patron?) -priceless.
    Charles – right out of the ballpark!

  18. So, Hotshot Heather, why don’t you just leave Canada,then, you sanctimonious piece of Liberal $#!+?? You sure have your gall. Only a useless Liberal vomit bag like yourself would bite the hand that feeds you. How typically Left. By all means, if you’re so embarrassed to be a Canadian then catch the next available flight elsewhere-any elsewhere. Now. And I hope the door DOES hit you in the ass on the way out, and knocks you on your face..

  19. Perhaps we could pool our $133 contributions and put a message on a billboard near the CBC offices, to wit:
    “Dear Heather Mallick: The feeling is mutual…we’re embarrassed you’re a Canadian, too. Sincerely, The Rest of Canada”

  20. Hey there – count me in. Do you accept US dollars? Not many do these days. How about a gold bracelet? That would send her into orbit, yes?

  21. I’ll donate all fees, one way air fare and a bums rush out the door.
    How much could we raise if there’s a group good to go?
    Privatize CBC, or fire. them. all. included their (useless to the public) ombudsman.
    A billion dollar budget yearly that could go towards our health care instead of the useless cbc.

  22. Steve @ 8:55……you owe me a keyboard, LOL. It takes 100,000 inklings to make a clue and heather mallick doesn’t even have an inkling.

  23. Unfortunately Heather’s views are shared by many of our friends and neighbours in the Maritimes. Sad really, but we can’t ask all of them to emigrate. All we can do is try to change minds one at a time, issue by issue. Calling them names we find doesn’t really work either – but it is fun to read about at SDA. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Just another (of many) reasons to cut the CBC loose and put the billion plus dollars to better use.
    What’s the hold up? C’mon PMSH … get ‘er done!

  25. Somehow I think, if she didn’t have a job with the CBC, she probably would be in the food services industry…
    You want Ketchup with your fries????….

  26. Send her to Africa. Let’s see how much her heart bleeds when she realizes how good she had it here.

  27. Heather Mallick is welcome to take herself and other malcontents to North Korea if she likes. She might complain that the North Korean chic and food is not to her liking but- oh well.

  28. JGH – if that happened, she’s just start whining about how the perfidious West had ruined Africa.
    If she found Africa prospering, it would be proof that everyone else is superior to evil old us.
    North Korea is America’s fault too, you know. I don’t know how that might be, but Heather could work it out for you.
