Y2Kyoto: Just In Time For Hopenchangen

“Carbon trading” and “fraud” – not just synonyms anymore!

Denmark is the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper.
Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries.
Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved.

Critics often compare today’s carbon trade to the tulip bubble of the 1600’s. I disagree, for the two differ in a fundamental way. When a trader placed a tulip on the auction block, he actually had a tulip to sell.

52 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Just In Time For Hopenchangen”

  1. It just ocurred to me.
    The science is settled.
    There is NO global warming.
    For proof read the Nutley CRU files.

  2. Those who forget history, soon find out it repeats itself.
    Quote,”This is one time when the popular misquotation—”Something’s rotten in Denmark”—is a real improvement on the original. But you ought to be careful around purists, who will also remember that the minor character Marcellus, and not Hamlet, is the one who coins the phrase. There’s a reason he says “state of Denmark” rather than just Denmark: the fish is rotting from the head down—all is not well at the top of the political hierarchy.”

  3. Kate,
    There is one other difference that you missed. When the tulip bubble burst, you could always eat your tulip bulbs.
    CO2 isn’t that nourishing.

  4. In the UK the most common VAT carousel fraud was based on bogus car sales. Now apparently it’s gone green. As goes life, so goes crime.

  5. “When the tulip bubble burst, you could always eat your tulip bulbs.
    CO2 isn’t that nourishing. ”
    Don’t tell that to a tulip, they love CO2 🙂

  6. Anyone care to guess what Gore’s hundred million in ‘carbodoxi’ shares will be worth after it’s crash?
    dust to dust
    ashes to ashes
    hot air to hot air
    At least the NASDAQ is still worth half of it’s 2000AD peak.
    The pet rock will stop a door.
    You can eat a tulip.
    The Y2K proof computer does actually work.
    Snake oil may stop a squeak.
    But, the tonne of carbon dioxide that Big Al holds in his hand ca ……

  7. So the Chinese have been caught in the CO2 cookie jar as well . . .
    “The United Nations organisation in charge of the management of carbon trading has suspended carbon credit approvals for over 50 Chinese wind farms. According the the Financial Times, suspicions have arisen that the rising superpower is manipulating industrial policy to take rake in over $1bn from the scheme.
    China has benefited more than any other developing nation from the Carbon Development Mechanism, a scheme to encourage the development of greenhouse gas-reducing technologies in developing nations with money from the first world.”

  8. The real money is in brokering carbon trading. The smart crooks aren’t actually investing, they’re just taking a cut on the trades. I’ll bet Gore, et al, haven’t invested a lot of their own money. They’re like mutual fund managers. They wouldn’t touch most of their clients investments with a ten foot pole. They can make money on trades, whether the market is rising, or falling. Gore will walk away from this mess, with his fortune intact, unless there’s a way to charge him with fraud, and that is unlikely.

  9. Pajamas Media is all over it too.
    Now Claudia Rosett is after the UN.
    Climate bureaucracy has become a major aspect of employment throughout the UN system, with almost every UN agency and program enlisting fresh bevies of staff to work the climate angles. On its climate “Gateway” web page, the UN lists more than three dozen UN-system “partners on climate change,” from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the UN Development Program (star of the Cash-for-Kim scandal two years ago in North Korea) to the International Telecommunications Union.
    Read the whole thing (and others at PJM)

  10. It is truly a sad commentary on our society (driven in a large part by the MSM)when people are more interested in a sport celebrity’s personal life than in a scandal costing billions of taxpayers money.
    My thoughts…western society has had it too easy and have become complacent. Too much concern for things that really don’t matter and have no direct bearing on out lives over those that do.

  11. When talking of frauds, bubbles, scams, Armageddons – the phenomena of Kyoto is nothing new. Just the orders of magnitude are.
    alien crop circles
    perpetual motion machines
    oil for food
    global cooling
    franken foods
    super mileage carburetors
    anti-gravity machines
    chain letters
    pyramid schemes
    madoff investments
    fountain of youth
    flat earth society
    snake oil
    lost city of Atlantis
    West Nile
    Shroud of Turin
    Roswell spaceship
    Earth Charter
    killer bees
    Bre-X gold
    DDT ban
    Fortune Tellers
    Bermuda Triangle
    Malthus food shortages

  12. The other comparison is that carbon trading is like buying indulgences. Not quite. A person buying indulgences did so voluntarily and with their own money. With the various carbon taxes and trading, the government/industry takes by force and you get nothing additional in return, not even forgiveness.
    You will never reduce your lifestyle or after-tax income enough to satisfy the green statists. You can already see how the innocuous “suggestion” turned into a guilt laden “you should” and now to a state enforced “you must”. The introductory suggestions about recycle, reuse, rethink have expanded into all-encompassing demands about the ‘correct’ choices about your home, car, meals, fertility etc (with the hint of an “or else”).
    These people are far scarier that the loudest bible-thumping, fire and brimstone preacher.

  13. “Hope ‘n Whoring” treaty is a dead letter.
    No government worth it’s election balance, is going to sign onto such a useless sovereignty stealing gong show in the name of ClimateGate fraud.
    To be an Esau selling his birthright for a mess of carbon trading pottage, will have some serious repercussions at the ballot box.
    Governments knowingly participating in a fraud are generally regarded as illegitimate, and can be roundly rejected for having forsaken their sovereignty.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. James- I watched the Jon Stewart clip. In the end, he still supports AGW theory. He ended the piece with a comment about polar bears dying, and using the word denier. These people will never be convinced. They are hopeless. We need to ignore them, just as they’ve ignored all the honest scientists, who’ve voiced skepticism.

  15. James,
    Except for actually talking about some of the e-mails, Jon Stewart doesn’t help our cause.
    Jon Stewart reaffirms his opinion that Climate Change is real at the end of that vid.
    It seems like all of the MSM is operating this way.
    Limited hang out, then mocking the Normalist position which is based on the CRU revelations by reaffirming their commitment to the Climate Crisis.
    Truly, these people have so much of their pride and credibility invested in the Climate Crisis hoax that they can’t climb down from their lofty perches without breaking their necks.

  16. ∞² nails it !!
    “No honor among thieves”
    The biggest scam ever perpetrated by thieves will be the biggest & best entertainment ever !!

  17. I attended geologist Bruno Wiskel’s talk at the Frontier Centre this morning. Bruno’s a very lively presenter to say the least, and he made the point that one of the keys to the success of Global Warming purveyors is that they employ Hollywood celebrities to promote their cause. He doesn’t suggest that having a celebrity promote a cause means it must be true, only that a large part of widespread knowledge of the AGW theory comes from deft promotion.
    On the issue of carbon credit fraud, Bruno pointed out that he recently bought a wind farm “certificate” from the Pembina Institute. When he investigated where his money was going, he found out that it went straight to Transalta, which is one of the largest generators of CO2 in Alberta by virtue of owning several coal-fired generating stations. He wasn’t being critical of coal-fired generators, but was pointing out the hypocrisy that underlies many “green” schemes.
    His talk was otherwise pretty straightforward: any current warming we are experiencing is largely the result of a post-glacial rebound in temperatures which is likely to continue for another 6000 years.
    Bruno mentioned how, at the end of the last glacial period in North America, the ice sheet moved rapidly northward across the prairies within the geologically short period of 250 years. This indicates a massive and extraordinary rise in temperature in the complete absence of any human influence, something that the AGW theory can’t deal with.
    That got me to thinking: if the AGW crowd is going to hang their hat on the notion that rising CO2 causes rising temperatures, then what caused the massive cooling that we have seen in more than a dozen glacial periods in the past? If the increasing-CO2-causes- increasing-temperature thesis is true, then its inverse must be true as well. In that case, what caused gargantuan amounts of CO2 to be withdrawn from the atmosphere in past glacial events such that half of North America could be covered in ice?
    In any case, if you have a chance to see Bruno Wiskel talk, please go. If you can’t see him, then buy some of his books.

  18. I was contacted by the Conservative Party today,asking for a donation, in “case Mr.Ignatieff forces an election”.
    Perhaps PM Harper has a surprise for the AGW crowd at Copenhagen that’s going to spur a call for en election.
    I immediately sent another E-mail to the PM’s office giving him my support IF he says NO.
    And,yes,I’m YELLING that sentence because we can say whatever we want at SDA, but the PM needs to know our position on AGW and the whole bloody scam.

  19. So will the various school boards be instructing their teachers to teach the children that it was all a scam and that they had lied to them about the floods, hurricanes and polar bears?
    The kids should never have had to worry about these things in the first place. They’re kids for Gods sake.

  20. I’m a little disappointed there is no global warming. I was looking forward to the seas rising and having a piece of ocean front property here in Ontario.

  21. Dmorris–email sent. Also sent one to CBC ombudsman to complain about the coverage (not) of this issue. Probably won’t do any good but I won’t submit to this without emitting a small peep of protest.

  22. Mann on Mann.
    >>> “Climategate is an attack on man-made global warming scientists.(sic)”.
    “Climategate Used to Settle ‘Vendetta,’ Says Mann
    Michael Mann, Penn State University meteorology professor, said Climategate is an attack on man-made global warming scientists.
    “I think it is unfortunate that some scientists out there are using this situation to settle personal scores, to settle a vendetta,” Mann said, in an exclusive interview with AccuWeather.com’s Katie Fehlinger.
    Mann said that the e-mail leak happened just in time for the Dec. 7, 2009, United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, where world leaders, including President Obama, hope to come to an agreement on a framework for future international climate change mitigation.
    “It is not a coincidence… that this event happened in the weeks leading up to the summit in Copenhagen,” said Mann. “They’ve taken scientists’ words and phrases and quoted them out of context, completely misrepresenting what they were saying.”
    Despite skepticism, Mann insisted that global warming is real.
    “My main interest right now is to make sure that this manufactured controversy does not distract policy makers,” said Mann.”

  23. Doug: “western society has had it too easy and have become complacent”
    This has been going on for at least two generations now. Prosperity appears to carry the seeds of its own demise. Mushy-headed thinking appears to be one of those seeds.

  24. Doug, I agree.
    I used to lament and mourn the death of North American ascendancy
    Now, I think in general, we don’t really deserve it anyways, so I don’t care anymore
    Your example is excellent. A friend told me they showed Tiger’s home on TV yesterday – there were news vans and antennas lined up as far as the eye could see. Yet the climatequiddick stories?
    “Not interested, thanks, by the way, what’s Brittany doing again?”

  25. “…one of the keys to the success of Global Warming purveyors is that they employ Hollywood celebrities to promote their cause.”
    There’s a joke about Fatty Arbuckle benefiting the champagne industry in there somewhere…

  26. “My main interest right now is to make sure that this manufactured controversy does not distract policy makers,” said *Mann.”
    Main interest right now?
    When has it not been your main interest?
    (*Michael Mann, Political Scientist)

  27. From the article, “One of the cases, which stems from the Danish register, involves fraud of more than 8 billion kroner. This case, in which nine people have been arrested, is being investigated in England.”
    One billion Danish Kroner equals about $202 Million US. That means an 8 billion kroner fraud would be $1.6 Billion US.
    Surely a fraud of that amount would be noticed, even by the media here.

  28. This morning CTV reported that liquid hand sanitizers do not kill the percentage of germs they’ve been claiming their product does…
    …I guess the science of hand sanitizers was not settled after all.
    BTW, CTV Canada AM had a poll:
    Do you think mankind can stop global warming?
    Yes: 23%
    No: 77%
    And of course the 3~4 comments were filtered to exclude the probable thousands that attacked the scam dead on.
    I wish they would ask the right question:
    Do you think AGW is real?
    But who’s kidding who. That’s the best you can expect from CTV on this…Still better than CBC

  29. Press Release:
    During Phil Jones’ involuntary temporary (ha!) absence, the UEA CRU has been renamed the CCRU …
    Concocted Climatic Regurgitations Unit

  30. It is difficult to guage the impact of Jon Stewart’s comments.
    I would speculate that this was the first time a lot of his viewers had heard of Climategate.
    The venerable statement “…the is no such thing as bad publicity…” has some merit.
    Stewart could resist poking fun at Hadley for the discarded raw data….that alone is critical….”the dog ate my homework”….

  31. The Red-Green lines are drawn, er the “red lines” are drawn.
    PM Harper, you know what a red line is. Get out of the AGW fraud. The game is over.
    “Big developing states reject Copenhagen climate plan
    NEW DELHI/LONDON (Reuters) – China and other big developing nations rejected core targets for a climate deal such as halving world greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 just five days before talks start in Copenhagen, diplomats said on Wednesday.
    China, the world’s top emitter, together with India, Brazil and South Africa demand that richer nations do more and have drawn “red lines” limiting what they themselves would accept, the diplomats told Reuters.
    The four rejected key targets proposed by the Danish climate talks hosts in a draft text — halving global greenhouse gases by 2050, setting a 2020 deadline for a peak in world emissions, and limiting global warming to a maximum 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times, European diplomats said.”

  32. LC Bennett, you beat me to it. The best comparison for carbon trading is the selling of indulgences. The differences lie in the fact that only one authority, the church, could sell the indulgences (although I’m sure the IPCC is aware of that and is plotting just such a monopoly), one was not compelled to buy them, and having bought one, one could at least go out and enjoy a royal good pi$$ up with no more guilt than occaisioned by the resulting hang over. Carbon trading doesn’t even get you that!

  33. CRU Jones “was being treated as a ‘victim of crime’ rather than a suspect in any criminal investigation.”
    “Professor in climate change scandal helps police with enquiries while researchers call for him to be banned
    The scientist at the heart of the climate change email scandal was today interviewed by police about the scandal.
    Two plain clothes officers arrived in an unmarked car in the afternoon and took Professor Phil Jones to Norfolk Police’s headquarters in nearby Wymondham to give a statement.
    Sources said the interview concerned the theft of emails from the university and alleged death threats since the contents of the emails were released, adding he was being treated as a ‘victim of crime’ rather than a suspect in any criminal investigation.
    Detective Superintendent Julian Gregory added: ‘He is one of the people assisting police with their enquiries.'”

  34. bob,
    Yeah, according to Stewart the CRU were just fools, but wait…over there… there is an independent group of climate scientists that have studies showing that the science of Climate Change is robust!
    Forget about those CRU fools.
    What Stewart did was a political maneuver called “limited hangout” which is designed to minimize damage to the agenda.
    Limited hangout is designed to add just enough of the truth, thereby disarming the bomb, to keep the lie alive.

  35. maz2: [….Sources said the interview concerned the theft of emails from the university and alleged death threats since the contents of the emails were released, adding he was being treated as a ‘victim of crime’ rather than a suspect in any criminal investigation.]
    Yeah…..just like the OPP at Caledonia—bear in mind those “plain-clothes” types are equal opportunity inquisitors—and upwardly mobile.
    There no such thing as “forbiden fruit” evidence in British jurisprudence. Evidence is not excluded because of “illegal searches” etc. as in the US.
    “illegal searches” are treated as separate issues—reprimand of the investigating officers.

  36. I just received the following response to a letter that I sent Premier Wall about throwing my tax money away on the so-called “settled science”.
    I would encourage everyone to write HIS office since it appears that he is drunk on the kool aid.
    “Climate change has the potential to impact a number of key sectors in our economy, including forestry, agriculture, and water resources. By investing in technology such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) and exploring alternative energy options, Saskatchewan is building a strong reputation for leadership in innovation and environmental sustainability.
    I assure you that our government will not support any national policy that would work to restrict opportunity or growth in the Canadian economy. Nor would we support measures that would result in a massive transfer of wealth out of our province during these challenging economic times.
    We believe that for Saskatchewan to be successful in our endeavour to reduce GHG emissions we need a plan that will ensure money raised in Saskatchewan, stays in Saskatchewan, to help create innovative solutions to climate change.”

  37. petra,
    Only Leftists use the term “sustainability”.
    It presupposes that the subject of the topic which needs “sustainability” is somehow unsustainable without the intervention of Big Government.

  38. ‘you could always eat your tulip bulbs’
    Yup, but inadvisable, due to potentially deadly toxins …

  39. To proclaim that CO2,one of the essentials of life,is a pollutant is one of the most reprehensible things that anyone could assert.It goes hand in hand with oxygen to support ALL life on earth.The people that proclaim that it is are vile creatures.
