Y2Kyoto: Just In Time For Hopenchangen

“Carbon trading” and “fraud” – not just synonyms anymore!

Denmark is the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper.
Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries.
Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved.

Critics often compare today’s carbon trade to the tulip bubble of the 1600’s. I disagree, for the two differ in a fundamental way. When a trader placed a tulip on the auction block, he actually had a tulip to sell.

52 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Just In Time For Hopenchangen”

  1. [quote]The kids should never have had to worry about these things in the first place. They’re kids for Gods sake. [/quote] gord
    The Psychological damage to the Children and Young Adults can only be determined by a Civil Court.. Teachers knew, or should have known that AGW was flawed. The CBC actively promoted AGW.. (In the US the MSM was mostly silent)
    The Culprits all have deep pockets
    The USSC was Scammed with lies….

  2. and senetor Boxer is so worried about those criminal, illegal, bad guy hackers who should be caught and prosecuted
    will these idiots ever get the information before they shoot off their stupid yaps
    opps, I forgot, they are leftist politicians
