Reader Tips

Welcome to the Wednesday (EBD) edition of SDA Late Nite Radio.
Peter Lilley, one of several senior members of Britain’s ruling Tory party who are questioning whether the science of AGW is settled, and whether a political consensus on AGW actually exists, is quoted in today’s Independent as saying that the “effects (of global warming) tend to be exaggerated.”
In the ongoing debate over AGW, this important question of whether we actually know that a one or two degree increase would lead to environmental Armageddon has been pushed off the proverbial radar screen. Well, never mind a degree or two, let’s up the ante: in tonight’s musical selection, flamboyant Australian songwriter/entertainer Peter Allen is practically on fire as he commences to perform his signature song I Go To Rio, and when he does burst into flames at around the 2:25 mark, he simply grabs a hand fan and uses it to fan the flames! What panache!
Feel free to grab your own maracas and bunny hop your Reader Tips into the comments.

60 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “Mr. Flaherty will have retired before the hard decisions the minister refers to are actually taken”
    The price of Ottawa’s stimulus: Here come the cuts
    Bill Curry
    Ottawa — From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Published on Wednesday, Dec. 02, 2009 7:23PM EST Last
    The Harper government is warning that tough decisions lie ahead as its attention shifts to phasing out the stimulus and tackling the billions in red ink created by its two-year spending spree.
    Staffing budgets for public servants will be tightened and grant money for non-profits nationwide is expected to become scarce. It is the type of spending circled Wednesday by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty as the source of future savings.
    Having ruled out tax hikes or cuts in transfers to individuals or provinces, the government will look to balance the books by scaling back the 3.3-per-cent annual growth in the $100-billion spent each year on federal programs.
    Kevin Gaudet of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation said he’s highly skeptical the government will make the tough spending cuts required to balance the budget.
    “It’s just hard to swallow the whole concept that you can be all things to all people,” said Mr. Gaudet, who predicted Mr. Flaherty will have retired before the hard decisions the minister refers to are actually taken.

  2. The Conservative government believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change.
    Jim Prentice

  3. Liberals call governments stimulus numbers ‘Fiction’
    IMO: I guess the Monies Owed to the taxpayers of Canada from the Liberal Party? Science-Fiction!!
    Btw I wonder how that Liberal Leadership money is coming along?

  4. Sorry, I read a different version of James Hansen story – hopes Copenhagen does not go ahead. My understanding is that he still supports “global warming” but not cap and trade. He wants a carbon tax! On another note the testmony to U.S.Senate envir. committee yesterday, Sec. Holden reiterated the U.S. belief that warming is real by stating that in the last 150 years the world temp increased by 1 and 1/2 degreesC. Yes, assuming the temp Nos. are correct but what about the Med. warm period they were higher.

  5. Vitruvius / EBD:
    Do you think state-funded science CAN be empiriral?
    Drill down into this question and you get this one:
    Can a 100% government created fiat money ever be sound?
    Can a government with a legal mandate to counterfeit money resist the tempation?
    Can counterfeited money be spent wisely? Judiciously?
    Follow the … monopoly money.
    Frankly I can’t see how an essentially criminal state can do “honest” science.
    Can a Mafia accountant be honest?

    Brandenburg Government Under Fire
    Stasi Spy Revelations Rock German State
    Left Party floor leader Kerstin Kaiser has been forced to answer some uncomfortable questions following revelations that a number of her fellow party members were once informers for the East German secret police, the Stasi.
    For years, centrist politicians in Germany shunned the far-left Left Party for its rumored connections to East Germany’s communist past. Now, just months after the SPD began rethinking that position, numerous Left Party parliamentarians in Brandenburg have been exposed as former Stasi informants.
    It was supposed to be the beginning of a new era for Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD). Following state elections in Brandenburg, held concurrently with the Sept. 27 general elections in Germany, SPD Governor Matthias Platzeck entered into a governing coalition with the far-left Left Party. Such an alliance has long governed the city-state of Berlin. But following the SPD’s election-day debacle — a miserable result of just 23 percent of the vote — the party saw fit to begin opening itself up to the left elsewhere as well.
    The experiment, as recent events indicate, has been a disaster. On Wednesday, it was revealed that Michael Luthardt, a member of Brandenburg’s state parliament, was an informant for the East German secret police, the Stasi. Even worse, his was the seventh such case unveiled since the election.
    “What’s happening at the moment is extremely painful,” Platzeck said this week. He intends to go before the Brandenburg parliament on Friday to address the issue.
    ‘Destroying His Government’
    The center-right Christian Democrats (CDU), with whom the SPD had governed Brandenburg for 10 years prior to the September elections, have lost no time in calling for Platzeck to dissolve the current government. “The governor should take this opportunity to extract himself from this coalition,” says Hermann Gröhe, the CDU’s general secretary at the national level. “The almost daily revelations of further Stasi cases are destroying his government.”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. Anyone else notice on the mop and pail (globe and mail) main page how they grouped an evolution related article(that also mentions climate change in the 2nd paragraph) with one about climategate?
    Very interesting indeed, since this is the first time anyone at the mop and pail has done anything about the subject.
