The Bottle Genie

Well, it finally happened. Much of Canadian media broke radio silence on Climategate today. There really wasn’t much choice but to report it, now that Environment Minister Jim Prentice had officially described the allegations as “serious”, coupled with the day-old news that CRU head Phil Jones was “stepping aside” in preparation for his encounter with a double-decker.
As of this evening, there are 23,100,000 Google results for “climategate” – and exactly one on-air report from the CBC.
It’s been 14 days since the cork was pulled from FOIA
And as it turns out, the concerted efforts of a protective mainstream media to ignore the scandal turned out to be worst possible course of events for the University of Anglia’s motley CRU and their supporters in the wealth distribution industry.
They gave us something very powerful – 14 days of time. Time, while scores of bloggers and thousands of readers put in uncountable man hours of dissection and analysis.
Time for those who’d been discussed and copied in the leaked emails to confirm that there was no evidence of tampering.
Time for programmers to sift through Harry’s now famous code line by line, to test it for themselves.
Time for members of the academic community to get their outrage and condemnation on the record, and on their own terms. Time for those who’d been targeted to retell their stories.
Time for opinion columnists and talk radio to break ranks and take on the job their news editors refused to do, to disseminate the facts gathered, checked and analyzed by bloggers to a wider audience.
Time for the comments sections of every online newspaper in the western world to fill with angry demands from their readers to cover the damned story. Not because they were needed anymore, but because we wanted the stupid charade to end.
So when Peter Mansbridge went on the National tonight to admit what he had surely known for days, we didn’t watch to find out what’s contained in FOIA, for we’d read it for ourselves.
We only watched to see if he had.
For perhaps the first time in the history of mass media, the gatekeepers broke a major scandal to an audience fully 10 days ahead of them.
It’s a spin doctor’s worst nightmare.
As I’ve been saying from the beginning, they’re hearing the sound of all hell breaking loose. And as much as it’s being directed at the research institutions and the policy makers following along like so many imprinted penguins, the bulk of public rage has focused on the media.
I don’t think my friends in traditional news gathering truly appreciate what it is they’ve done. I don’t believe they fully comprehend how gravely they have injured themselves, and how they’re driving home the razor into an industry already struggling for survival with abbreviated, dismissive, misleading reports and “denier” and “conspiracy nut” slurs.
The bloggers tried to warn them. The opinion columnists tried to warn them, the talk hosts tried to warn them. Their readers, viewers and listeners tried to warn them.
The news media perfected the business of bombshells. They wind them up, drop them, film the explosion, and move on.
They’re just learning now that we’re in the business of bottle genies.

343 Replies to “The Bottle Genie”

  1. For some strange reason I think we are being played like pawns in a chess master’s hands to bring about one world governance. The creation of a false crisis (AGW). The compliance of the MSM, the destruction of the financial markets (sub prime loans), the election of an empty suit controlled by socialist/communists, the masterful manipulation of modernity’s god’s academia and computers, the marginalization of traditional religions and the embrace of the most violent form of an old religion seems so coincidental and by themselves innocuous. Yet even Lord Monkton points to the same. It is enough to make one go hum. And this from me a guy who is extremely anti conspiracy theory anti end times one world government preacher.

  2. From Drudge today, the response of the tolerant, loving guardians of the Little Guy:
    “[Barbara]Boxer” “You call it ‘Climategate’; I call it ‘E-mail-theft-gate,'” she said during a committee meeting. “Whatever it is, the main issue is, Are we facing global warming or are we not? I’m looking at these e-mails, that, even though they were stolen, are now out in the public.”
    What’s most important now is REVENGE, according to Senator Babs.
    All kinds of truth being revealed all over the place eh? The dominoes are in motion.
    Canada should offer asylum and a free house to whoever released those emails. Courage and commitment to the Truth (capital T) should be rewarded.

  3. It is impossible that a “hacker” could have assembled this package without a very in depth understanding of the issues involved and an immense amount of time. It has to be a leak. No other explanation makes any sense, unless a hacker found the FOIA file through a stroke of incredible luck.

  4. Aaron, a minority government that wants to continue governing needs to work with the opposition. If they can’t agree on an issue, they either set it aside, or go to an election. Only grits are broke and afraid of an election, unless they have an issue they know they can run with. And right now, despite climategate, this would be that issue. The campaign trail is no place to be discussing the validity of the science behind AGW. The conservatives would be branded as “anti-science”. Remember Stockwell Day and his creationist beliefs?

  5. “It has to be a leak. No other explanation makes any sense, unless a hacker found the FOIA file through a stroke of incredible luck.”
    I think the whistle-blower came across the file or files of material that the CRU believed needed to be deleted or left out of FOIA responses.

  6. “Agreed; it’s an economic scam and PMSH will deal with it economically – ie no taxpayer dollars will be thrown at it.”
    If we are not taking a principled stand on this issue on anything else than a monetary angle we are just delaying the inevitable.
    I don’t know about everyone else but I find regulations much more a pain in the a– than taxes from the moment I get out of bed till I climb back in, and I don’t know many bean counters that can stop counting long enough to do anything positive about it.
    Lies are feeding AGW they came first the moneys following second you will still have the lies after the money is gone.
    People used to have the guts to say poop when they had a mouthful.

  7. all we need is Obama to utter a few teleprompted phrases about them investigating the fraud and CBCpravda will be all over it like a fat boy on a twinkie.

  8. “What’s most important now is REVENGE, according to Senator Babs
    Posted by: The Phantom at December 3, 2009 11:04 AM”
    Babs must be talking about leaked national security documents to the NYT’s…oh wait?

  9. Jimby Prentice says it all: “Screw you deniers – you don’t know what you’re talking about”
    Now be quiet, and pay my Tax On Everything (Coming Soon!!)
    OTTAWA – The Harper government said controversy surrounding hacked e-mails of climate scientists doesn’t change its concern about global warming or its position heading into a major international summit this month in Copenhagen.
    Environment Minister Jim Prentice said it was unfortunate that a prominent scientist was forced to resign because of revelations in the e-mails, but the government still believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change.
    “We’re all interested in getting to the bottom of that, finding out exactly what happened,” Mr. Prentice said after the daily question period in the House of Commons. “It does not change the position of Canada relative to the Copenhagen agreement and the Copenhagen thoughts. The science overall is relatively clear on all of this and as a conservationist and as a responsible environmental steward Canada wants to see carbon emissions reduced.”
    Read more:

  10. Has anyone NOT emailed the P.M. or their M.P.? Get on it! I suggested that Mr. Harper forget the alleged mistreatment of those murdering our soldiers, investigate Climategate and send the justice minister to Copenhagen, if anyone.

  11. Just in case you missed it:
    Environment Minister Jim Prentice said it was unfortunate that a prominent scientist was forced to resign because of revelations in the e-mails, but the government still believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change.
    Tell Jimby what you think:
    Constituency Office
    Suite 105
    1318 Centre St NE
    Calgary, Alberta T2E 2R7
    403 216-7777
    Fax 403 230-4368

  12. “…The conservative government has little choice but to support the “official” consensus. Were they to speak out against it, the entire Canadian MSM would be all over them about it.”
    Really Pete? That didn’t stop these clowns from poking the 62 Percenters over the $1.95 vote subsidy. If they were so “scared” of the MSM, or the 62 Percenters, why even do that? They didn’t know?
    This is an even bigger scam than the $1.95. When polls said they were in majority territory on it, they “blinked”. They didn’t even have the strength of their own convictions. They don’t seem to now, either. Don’t amke excuses for them, there is too much climate lolly at stake here, all from the Cons, too.
    Sucks to be all politically warm and fuzzy, eh? Chretein would have kicked their sorry butts all over! And I never voted Liberal. I’m a NEP survivor.
    Tell me, after the Income Trust fiasco, do you really think that the Cons will NOT continue to tax us on carbon? They appear fairly drooling at the prospect from where I sit. Copenhagen was their “green” light to do so. The Libs are only upset because it doesn’t have their names all over it.
    Posted by: jt | December 3, 2009 11:26 AM

  13. Add me to the list of those who received the same form letter from Esther at CBC, word for word.

  14. Wow what a great write up!
    Bombshell?! lol CBC are like the clumsy Iraqi IED bomb layers that blow themselves up.
    I read the George Monbiotic Streptococcus article as well and reveled in the fact that in his fevered imagination we get to be the bad guys for a change. We are petro thugs! When do we get to hang with Hugo Chavez ?– I got my Che t-shirt back from the dry cleaners. The great majority of comments were against him and many quite humorous.

  15. Kate, if there is a best of SDA, this post belongs at or near the top. Well done.
    FYI, here is my response to the CBC form letter:
    Thank you for your reply.
    I see that CBC news finally saw fit to run a news item on this story 1 week after it exploded onto the Internet, and 5 days after appearing in mainstream news bellweathers like the New York Times, after I submitted my complaint to the Ombudsman. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. I even saw a “protestor” on RDI protesting CBC’s lack of coverage of this story by holding a sign behind an RDI reporter talking about an unrelated story. The sign demanded that the CBC report on this story.
    I have a few more questions in response to your email:
    Has the CBC covered this story yet on The National?
    How did the CBC choose the headline for the web article you reference?
    Besides the headline, which is clearly written with the intention of discrediting the leak of the data, the web story also had quotes from 3 people to attempt to discredit the significance of the email leak:
    Kevin Trenberth who claimed “the hackers were selective in choosing documents they believed could be used to make the scientists look bad”, apparently based only on his own intuition and wishful thinking, with no evidence to back his claim;
    Phil Jones statement defending his use of the word “trick” when talking about “hide the decline”,
    Rajendra Pachauri, who defended the credibility of the IPCC’s report that global warming is caused by man made greenhouse emissions in the wake of the scandal.
    My question is, did the CBC attempt to solicit comment from people such as for example Steve McIntyre or Ross McKitrick, both well known Canadian climate change sceptics, to add balance to the web story and more information about the significance of the leaked data? Given that this story ran a week after the leak went viral on the internet, you certainly had time.
    Has the CBC reported, either on the National or on, on the fact that the CRU has now admitted destroying the original raw temperature data that it based its models on? And that Phil Jones, who has now stepped down from his position at CRU, predicted in the leaked emails that he would do exactly that if pressed for the information through a FOIA request? This was reported in the Times in England 4 days ago…see here:
    Finally, you say you expect to publish more stories on the scandal leading up to Copenhagen. The scandal is now 2 weeks old and the CBC, along with most of the rest of the Canadian media, have largely avoided this story. Other than the story you reference, and another reporting on the resignation of Phil Jones, I’ve seen no other reference to it. Searching for “climategate” on Google Canada produces 22,800,000 hits at the time of this email. I think it is more than fair to say that any Canadian wanting to know more about this monumental story has been let down by the coverage afforded to it by the CBC.
    My question is…What are you waiting for???

  16. I have e-mailed my MP (conservative), Prentice and the PM. No response yet. Unfortunately, a few days ago I sent a cheque to the Conservative Fund Canada before knowing what the PM will do at Copenhagen. I’m going to the bank in a few minutes to put a stop-payment on that cheque.
    Just a quote here:
    “Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.” Disraeli

  17. Kate, excellent post! Love the “motley CRU in the wealth redistribution business” line.”
    That says it all, doesn’t it?

  18. Some time ago I stated that ANYONE (including Polis and media) that attached itself to this AGW-CO2 doom con job will have their public repute go down the flusher with this AGW fraud when the truth outted.
    Today I sit in the warm glow of full vindication as the house of cards the climate hysteria scammers in media, academia, finance and politics crumbles around them.
    The AGW fraud and it’s collusive net work has served to open public eyes to that fact that ‘Yes Virginia there are conspiracies”, large ones, and perpetrated on a global scale. And yes, it IS all the usual suspects and our corporate lapdog MSM has been exposed as one of the elite players in massive pseudo science-political-economic con jobs.
    Now – never forget the lesson learned here!

  19. At this point Harper is keeping his cards close to his vest. But judging from all the emails people here have been sending to their MP’s I would think there are a few firm voices speaking out in caucus.

  20. Kate, you have posted some real gems, but this has to be the best one yet.
    Posted by: ron in kelowna ∴ at December 3, 2009 2:14 AM
    Haven’t read all (123 atm) comments yet, but I concur with ron. Kate, this is perhaps your best commentary on any topic I’ve seen you write. God bless you for all your work in the past two weeks on this issue.

  21. Well said, Kate. Keep up the pressure on the MSM – They need to be held accountable in the court of public opinion and the public needs to know the truth.

  22. That was a brilliant post Kate. Thank you!!!
    Here is an email I had just sent to the honorable Jim Prentice this morning;
    Dear Jim,
    I left a voice mail yesterday at your Calagary office expressing my concerns about the recent revelations of corruption amongst several of the worlds most influential climate change scientists. I thought it would also be worthwhile to send you an email with a link to an excellent summarization by Lord Christopher Monckton of the ‘climategate’ scandal (PDF file). This is well worth reading and gives an excellent account of how some of the most pivotal climate change scientists have willfully manipulated there research results to improperly influence political leaders. Please, if at all possible, take a few minutes to peruse some of this file prior to attending the conference in Copenhagen. I believe it is far better that we do not sign on to any agreement, than to sign on to an agreement that would be unrealistic for us to uphold. I believe that maintaining our sovereignty and our economy are far more important priorities than appeasing the so called “global community” on initiatives that will not make an iota of difference to the quality of our environment.
    Here is the link;
    Thank you,
    Mark R*******

  23. lots to comment on here.
    First, Aaron what you suggest is the equivalent of going for it on fourth down while leading, on your own 30 yard line, with 90 seconds left in the game. If it doesn’t work for Tom Terrific, it won’t work for us.
    Second, as usual I agree with ET. Furthermore to her point, the UN is trying to shove it down our throats that the third world is entitled to modern technology, so we should pay for it. BS! Perhaps if the third world wasn’t asleep at the wheel for centuries, they wouldn’t be beggars! Never do they look in the mirror at their own history as the root cause for their meagre lifestyles.
    Finally, to those that exposed this scam, thank-you. You’ve got millions of friends around the world who will look-out for you in your time of need, in a way that counts.

  24. [quote]BUT – since AGW is not about the environment or climate but is about MONEY – then, what will this socialist agenda do to achieve its goal, of getting money from the West? How will they deal with it, since their AGW cover is starting to unravel?[/quote] ET
    Your reasoning is valid, but we may be looking in the wrong direction. The huge Loser in Copenhagen would have been the DNC. 2012 would have devastated the main stream party when the EU connections went ballistic…..
    Who ever leaked the AGW fraud did the DNC a huge favor.
    How does a small flaky group of hidden American EU Communists recover from an over reach????? Who cares.

  25. Well well Atric (see comment Dec 3 5:15 AM)– I received the same letter, word for word, after my remarks to the Ombudsman.
    Posted by: Patrick Armstrong at December 3, 2009 8:22 AM
    As did I — no doubt we were all BCC’ed on a single mass e-mail response to all the complaints the ombudsman got in this matter. I can’t say I was expecting otherwise.

  26. Thanks ‘Kate’ for such excellent posting and follow up links. You have the knack for getting the important news items to your blog readers [1wk to a month] before any news channels decides to put it out there.

  27. The Conservative government believes that human activity is causing climate change.
    Jim Prentice
    Kathryn: the carbon tax is a done deal

  28. The G&M is reporting “A British university said Thursday it would investigate whether scientists at its prestigious Climatic Research Unit fudged data on global warming.
    Thousands of pieces of correspondence were stolen from the unit at the University of East Anglia and leaked to the Internet late last month. The e-mails have been taken by skeptics of man-made global warming as proof that scientists have conspired to hide evidence showing that global warming was not as strong as generally believed.
    Phil Jones, the director of the unit, stepped down Tuesday pending the result of the investigation.
    The university had promised a probe Tuesday, but it didn’t specify what the investigation would encompass. Thursday’s announcement was the first acknowledgment that the data itself would be examined.
    The university said in an e-mail statement that its review will examine the e-mails and other information “to determine whether there is any evidence of the manipulation or suppression of data which is at odds with acceptable scientific practice.”
    The university said former civil servant Muir Russell would lead the inquiry. Mr. Russell said in the statement that he “has no links to either the university or the climate science community.””
    So much for the story from the G&M. But, of course, this investigation is going to be a whitewash (or “greenwash” if you prefer).
    Once more…”The university said former civil servant Muir Russell would lead the inquiry. Mr. Russell said in the statement that he “has no links to either the university or the climate science community.”
    But that does not mean he is independent. In fact, he is very badly compromised and should be removed as the lead of the inquiry.
    Muir Russell is a member of the nine person Advisory Board to Scottish Power.
    “In closing the meeting, First Minister Alex Salmond commented, “Scotland has a vast future as a green energy powerhouse for Europe. We have the natural resources to succeed, the skills base to drive research and development, and a government with the will to ensure that renewables generation is allowed to thrive.
    “ScottishPower are well placed to take a central position in Scotland’s greener future. The significant investment in renewables, outlined in their latest strategic plan, sets ScottishPower on the path to enjoying the success our global potential has to offer.”
    In other words, the investigation is nothing more than a continuation of the fraud already perpetueated.

  29. PM Harper and Minister Prentice, and all Conservative MPs, need to see/digest this internet poll’s question and results.
    Those who have responded are voters/taxpayers.
    “CFRA Polls
    Environment Minister Jim Prentice dismisses “climategate” conspiracy allegations, insisting global warming is real. Do you agree with him?”
    Yes 14.0%
    No 84.2%
    Other 1.68%
    Total Votes: 1128″

  30. “It is a decision made all the more difficult by the limited resources and time available”
    What? A billion plus taxpayers’ dollars annually isn’t enough? Who knew?
    And here I’ve been nagging my MP to cut funding to the CBC and put the money toward health care and the military. It turns out that I should have been asking her to increase the handout.
    What a revelation!

  31. With Mann tossing Jones under the bus the next question is will Jones keep to himself, or is he now the designated fall guy. Keep his silence and rewarded in some other form, the way fall guys often are.
    Should be interetsing.

  32. How can we award / nominate Canadian environmental economist Ross McKitrick and statistical minerologist Stephen McIntyre & Kate for the Order of Canada?
    Bet we could make a great Master Card commercial out of the ceremony if you can have Suzuki be there as they get the awrd. You could show his face when they do the “priceless” part!
    Mike Murphy

  33. Those who have responded are voters/taxpayers
    Posted by: maz2 at December 3, 2009 12:45 PM
    You don’t matter. Pay up.
    Jimby Prentice: “Human activity is causing climate change”

  34. Flood the ombidsman with complaints…make this the issue they have to eat humble pie about…don’t let them have any sleep or rest until this is publically admitted by the CBC as having been repressed by their censors…they were willing to let us pay billions toward their one world governemnt plan and keep Canadians in the dark, lets have heads roll because of this info-control!
