The Bottle Genie

Well, it finally happened. Much of Canadian media broke radio silence on Climategate today. There really wasn’t much choice but to report it, now that Environment Minister Jim Prentice had officially described the allegations as “serious”, coupled with the day-old news that CRU head Phil Jones was “stepping aside” in preparation for his encounter with a double-decker.
As of this evening, there are 23,100,000 Google results for “climategate” – and exactly one on-air report from the CBC.
It’s been 14 days since the cork was pulled from FOIA
And as it turns out, the concerted efforts of a protective mainstream media to ignore the scandal turned out to be worst possible course of events for the University of Anglia’s motley CRU and their supporters in the wealth distribution industry.
They gave us something very powerful – 14 days of time. Time, while scores of bloggers and thousands of readers put in uncountable man hours of dissection and analysis.
Time for those who’d been discussed and copied in the leaked emails to confirm that there was no evidence of tampering.
Time for programmers to sift through Harry’s now famous code line by line, to test it for themselves.
Time for members of the academic community to get their outrage and condemnation on the record, and on their own terms. Time for those who’d been targeted to retell their stories.
Time for opinion columnists and talk radio to break ranks and take on the job their news editors refused to do, to disseminate the facts gathered, checked and analyzed by bloggers to a wider audience.
Time for the comments sections of every online newspaper in the western world to fill with angry demands from their readers to cover the damned story. Not because they were needed anymore, but because we wanted the stupid charade to end.
So when Peter Mansbridge went on the National tonight to admit what he had surely known for days, we didn’t watch to find out what’s contained in FOIA, for we’d read it for ourselves.
We only watched to see if he had.
For perhaps the first time in the history of mass media, the gatekeepers broke a major scandal to an audience fully 10 days ahead of them.
It’s a spin doctor’s worst nightmare.
As I’ve been saying from the beginning, they’re hearing the sound of all hell breaking loose. And as much as it’s being directed at the research institutions and the policy makers following along like so many imprinted penguins, the bulk of public rage has focused on the media.
I don’t think my friends in traditional news gathering truly appreciate what it is they’ve done. I don’t believe they fully comprehend how gravely they have injured themselves, and how they’re driving home the razor into an industry already struggling for survival with abbreviated, dismissive, misleading reports and “denier” and “conspiracy nut” slurs.
The bloggers tried to warn them. The opinion columnists tried to warn them, the talk hosts tried to warn them. Their readers, viewers and listeners tried to warn them.
The news media perfected the business of bombshells. They wind them up, drop them, film the explosion, and move on.
They’re just learning now that we’re in the business of bottle genies.

343 Replies to “The Bottle Genie”

  1. The fact that the MSM isn’t covering the news that Al Gore has cancelled his lecture at COP15 while they cover Al Gore’s every other utterance and appearance shouldn’t be construed as bias on their part, right CBC?/sarc

  2. Focus? With hope, fear, and change? Focus? Ottawa to focus? Focused, again.
    Focused by Our Enemy, The State.
    “Ottawa to focus on ‘absolute’ pollution targets: Prentice
    OTTAWA — The Harper government signalled a change on Thursday in its approach to tackling climate change by focusing on absolute caps on pollution from industry.
    Appearing at a parliamentary committee, Environment Minister Jim Prentice said the government’s strategy would call for a national cap-and-trade system with “absolute caps” to put a price on carbon, under a harmonized structure with the United States.
    “We are talking about a cap-and-trade system, a continental cap-and-trade system that involves absolute emission reductions, not intensity targets,” said Prentice in response to a question from Bloc Quebecois MP Bernard Bigras.
    Prentice said the government’s climate change policies previously had called for “intensity targets” for pollution from industrial facilities that require reductions per unit of production and would allow businesses to meet targets while their emissions were increasing. For example, under an intensity system, an oil company would be required to meet a target per barrel of oil, and could therefore achieve targets by increasing production and reducing the rate of growth of their emissions.
    But numerous experts from industry and governments suggested this would not be compatible with a proposed U.S. system based on absolute reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
    Prentice will participate in an international climate change summit that begins next week in Copenhagen where countries are attempting to reach a new political agreement to address rising greenhouse gas emissions that are believed to cause global warming.”

  3. CTV poll – confusing question. Is it that I agree with those who are denying there is a “so called” scandal or do I agree with those who agree this was a sham?
    Also note the related story underneath “Climate chief: Nations must ignore climate saboteurs”. Wonder what’s in it for him?
    Agree with earlier comments that this story has yet to make it to the mainstream. I have mentioned it to many, much to their surprise. They had no idea.

  4. Busy day today, so unsure if this point has been made.
    CBC only moved on the story when Jon Stewart mentioned it the night before.
    Apparently, their trigger that this is news is when a freakin’ comedy show airs it.
    The funniest part was when Stewart repeated Mark Steyn’s observation that it was a good thing Al Gore invented the internet so somebody could discover the news.
    It is a great victory for science and a bad two weeks for the political scientists at CBC.

  5. So, now we have a hard cap Carbon Tax coming out of the guy who says climate change is caused by man.
    From Prentice’s wikipedia page:
    “Prentice has also been unwilling to candidly respond to questions from the public. On a 10 minute interview with the CBC’s Search Engine radio program he dismissed any question related to digital rights management as “extremely technical” and claimed that the market will take care of copy protected CD’s. Prentice then hung up mid question and refused to continue the interview at a later time.”

  6. ET-Which diagnosis makes him more dangerous?
    I think there may be just a slight tinge of guilt in him. His father was a tobacco farmer, and he seems to feel something like shame, when he speaks of it. Maybe “feels” is too strong a description.
    It seems to me that Gore should have a brighter light on him, in the present situation. After all, he was the front man for much of this. His movie was the basis for the majority of people’s view on global warming. It was he, who spearheaded the assault on school children. People trusted him, in fact they adored him. Pointing out his motives to the common man is the appropriate move, right now.

    Whistler Blackcomb Smashes Record For Snowiest Month Ever With Over 5.5 Metres (18 Feet) Of Snowfall
    November 2009 takes the podium as Whistler Blackcomb’s snowiest month in recorded history
    My prayer is for snow in Copenhagen, lots of it!
    Hey Hans-Christian Anderson’s “Snow Queen” comes to Copenhagen…
    The Snow Queen, queen of the snowflakes or “snow bees”, who travels throughout the world with the snow. Her palace and gardens are in the lands of permafrost, specifically Spitsbergen. She is successful in abducting Kai after he has fallen victim to the splinters of the troll-mirror. She promises to free Kai if he can spell “eternity” with the pieces of ice in her palace.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. Prentice isn’t going to implem
    ent any Tax unless the US would & the Crap and Trade will never pass the US Senate.

  9. Jed:
    Correct. Neither is India, China or Australia.
    The political science is settled. It’s a fraud.

  10. That’s all there is to Al Gore.
    Posted by: ET at December 3, 2009 4:20 PM
    Watch the Alex Jones free on line video “Fall of the Republic” for Al Gore’s background. Last third of the video.

  11. Climate-alarmism is crashing and burning.
    So what is the Media’s reaction?
    ‘roger Houston, go at throttle up’

  12. Kate…I watched the painful presentation by Mansbridge. I think you were much too gracious to him. Of course they included the token university professor handily describing the weirdos that lirk around his office trying to get into his computer. Yep, those deniers are a weird bunch.
    This week will determine Canada’s path.My support, financial and otherwise for the CPC is on the line.I would be happier if I had control over my taxes being wasted on CBC.
    Thanks for all that you do Kate. The Order of Canada doesn’t deserve you.

  13. Good gravy, Marie! What a post! What comments!
    This story should have been on the front pages of every newspaper when it broke out. The media lost an opportunity AND whatever credibility they might have had, so, boo on them. The consumers deserve to have this splashed about as they have been victims of green profiteers. They should get EVERY penny back.
    It fries me to think that there are those who still buy into this bunk.
    Just my thoughts.

  14. Have to agree with Erik Larsen and other posters who see that the general populace in their neighbourhood are still completely unaware of the story let alone the implications. There is good reason for dictatorships to have control of the press and internet surfing tends to be insular – looking at links we are comfortable with (ie. not the very uncomfortable other side) There is still very much to do. We need to promote aha moments – those moments when we finally got it – to change that. I had one of those moments some years ago. Wish I could bottle whatever that was that converted me and release it in a large crowd.

  15. BBC is reporting that David Cameron UK Conservative Leader ( a born again greenie who jumped on the greenie bandwagon so he’s look good to young voters) is being challenged by his rival who say Global Warming is bunkum.
    “Tory backbencher David Davis has launched an open challenge to David Cameron’s climate change policies by criticising the ‘fixation’ of the green movement.”
    Hmmmmm looks like a pattern here. First Australia, then the UK.
    Climategate seems to have provided the impetus for some politicians to grow a pair.

  16. Prentice is a total jerk and is totally out of his depth. I have a simple question for an obvious simpleton.
    Mr. Prentice , what part of the now exposed fraudulent global warming hoax do you not comprehend ?
    Was it the deliberate altering of data , the exclusion of honest peer review , the hopelessly confused computer programs , or the obvious socialist bent of the scientists involved in the CRU and IPCC ?

  17. CTV polls on this issue are such a joke. The poll previous to today’s asked if golbal warming could be stopped. No matter how you answered you werre agreeing that global warming existed. Today’s is just as stupid.
    “Have you stopped beating your wife?” would be just as appropriate.
    It’s CTV’s weak little excuse at spinning.
    What a pack of anuses.
    (what’s the plural of anus?)
    OK substitute assholes.

  18. “You call it ‘Climategate’; I call it ‘E-mail-theft-gate,'” she said during a committee meeting. “Whatever it is, the main issue is, Are we facing global warming or are we not? I’m looking at these e-mails, that, even though they were stolen, are now out in the public.”
    “We may well have a hearing on this, we may not. We may have a briefing for senators, we may not,” Boxer said. “Part of our looking at this will be looking at a criminal activity which could have well been coordinated.
    “This is a crime,” Boxer said.”

    It’s NOT about the e-mails, ya stupid b!tch! It’s about the fudged data that accompanied them.
    I notice the CBC National also employed a similar “limited hangout” technique: Only talked about the e-mails and said exactly NOTHING about the accompanying data! That’s simply not good enough.

  19. The internet has come of age.
    When a rumour from half way around the world can be picked up, confirmed, examined, conclusions drawn, corelations drawn and anyalized, key players scrutinized before the main stream even pick up the ball.
    The body of research put together by anyone who cared to do a search. The mass of information compiled on this in the last 14 days is astounding.
    Breaking updates published within minutes of occurring.
    If the MSM choose not to adapt and serve their consumers they will become utterly irelevant.
    Stratagies should be developed to consoledate
    the power of this new tool. To form a unified voice.
    The significance is not lost on the elites.
    They can not hide anymore.
    I only hope that this emboldens more whistlblowers
    to step forward and tell the world what these “elites” are up to so the common individual
    can stand against them.
    Thats the kind of “New World Order” I could get behind!

  20. Al Gore cancels his Copenhagen speech: Well, Al, you can run but you can’t hide.
    ‘Wonder if he’s thinking about disappearing into a deep, dark jungle somewhere, where no one can corner him? He’s been looking guilty and increasingly ee-vil for years and now he’s caught out.
    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, Al. It’s gonna take a miracle to get you out of this one.

  21. Another topnotch post Kate Thank You.
    The MSM lack of coverage is disgracefull,intentional,agenda driven and biassed. This comes as no big surprise.Look at the way they covered the coalition of the three amigos or protests of coalition. Hopefully this is the last nail in their coffin. What a waste of tax dollars.

  22. When the story broke two weeks ago, most SDA commenters agreed that the media would attempt to make the “theft, hack or leak” the issue. Forget about the content. That’s still how it’s being spun. Kate mentioned prominently that the emails were secondary. That the code in the software contained much more revealing information in the REMS.
    Ask any reporter what REM means and they won’t be able to answer. And they’ll make no effort to find out, because it won’t be in any press release.

  23. Prentice is a total jerk and is totally out of his depth. I have a simple question for an obvious simpleton.
    Mr. Prentice , what part of the now exposed fraudulent global warming hoax do you not comprehend ?
    Aren’t you being a little harsh? Isn’t your assessment based on MSM coverage of the Government’s position? Isn’t it more important to make sound decisions on the matter than to bleat on to the press in advance of those decisions?
    Let’s see what unfolds starting Monday. My guess is that no more money will be committed to AGW – that’s the first step. First we knock the fools down to the ground; the kick in the face can wait.

  24. Good job on Charles Adler today Kate. Although he did throw you a few curve balls and didn’t really stay on subject.

  25. Who is being harsh?
    We are talking about a cap-and-trade system, a continental cap-and-trade system that involves absolute emission reductions, not intensity targets,” said Prentice
    The Conservative government believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change, said Prentice.

  26. “Whistler Blackcomb Smashes Record For Snowiest Month Ever With Over 5.5 Metres (18 Feet) Of Snowfall
    November 2009 takes the podium as Whistler Blackcomb’s snowiest month in recorded history”

  27. ‘If you look at Roman times, grapes grew up against Hadrian’s Wall. In the 1700s they had ice fairs on the Thames,’ he said.
    ‘So the world has been significantly hotter, significantly colder than it is now. We’ve coped.’
    That’s from Tony Abbot, the new leader of the Liberal Party in Australia.
    Read more:
    How long untill we here that from a conservative here in canada? I already told my MP that that 2500 IPCC voices of knowledge crap was going nowhere with me,
    love this one though, it’s a 1974 CIA Climate report, pdf form,

  28. It’s like their coverage of Obama, eventually the story gets so big and rotten that even investigative journalists are forced to notice it.

  29. I just had a call from the G&M wanting to know if I’d subscribe and that they would give me a $25 gift if I did.
    So after I explained to the young lady that it is very unethical to try and bribe someone to subscribe – just so they can pump their circulation numbers and advertising rates, I made it emphatically clear that because of the G&M role in covering up ClimateGate, they would never see a penny of my money.
    She told me she had never heard of ClimateGate until she started her shift dialing for dollars for the G&M, but she’d had an earful all day.
    The financial repercussions of covering up the news comes back to haunt the Lame Street Media in Canada.
    Now, about that Public Inquiry over the CBC News Dept role in covering up the ClimateGate story.

  30. As I have harped here for ages, just think GORE and RICO. I hope I hear it often, Gore and the Rico Act has a nice sound to it.

  31. Even if the MSM wanted to deal with these, they couldn’t – how many MSM actually have journalists with a science background? And I’m not counting Bob MacDonald from CBC Quirks and Quarks – he’s an English major playing a journalist on the radio.
    All the MSM would have been able to tell us is what they have told us – that emails have been hacked and released – they have NO idea or ability to interpret what they mean, what the impact is on the ‘settled science’ or even how real science differs from global warming science.
    Very few MSM employ journalists who have any background in anything beyond J-school – not the best training to analyze anything beyond reporting who attended the city council meeting.

  32. Very nice post. The media has been abysmal on this across the world. Even conservative outlets have missed the big points.
    Ya try and spoon feed em what they need to know but it’s like getting a 3 yo to eat yucky food.

  33. The Conservative government believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change, said Prentice.
    I can’t find such a direct quote, but nonetheless, I would be interested in how you might have responded to the Canadian media. Perhaps something like “yeah eh, we’re heading to Copenhagen to tell the world that we Canadians eh, have discovered this bunk, and we’re just not buying in to it eh” Or might you have been more reserved and simply deferred to watching things unfold, like nobody else buying into it so we won’t either. But always holding in reserve the point that AGW seems to have be debunked, so forget any funding from Canada, eh.

  34. Ottawa urged to pay more into global climate fund
    Allan Woods Ottawa Bureau
    Published On Wed Dec 02 2009
    OTTAWA – Canada needs to contribute more money to a global fund that will help poor countries deal with the ravages of climate change, a new report says.
    The federal government appears willing to commit up to $200-million to an annual $10-billion Copenhagen launch fund that was agreed to at a meeting of Commonwealth leaders last weekend. Environment Minister Jim Prentice said that figure is based on the fact that Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions make up 2 per cent of the global total.

  35. Speaking of change – a lot of it is going down in the lower 48. Come on over to for a snout full of all of it that we have been subjected to over the past year beginning with the great Obama’s first utterances on the national stage “change.” Of course climate change is put in its proper place. Remember the times when we used to chant “change is good”? Those times are gone and in their place – change that is threatening like socialism, climate change and higher taxes. In short, we need to sift through all of this change and get to the heart of the matter – what is and is not REAL change.

  36. …willing to commit up to $200-million to an annual $10-billion Copenhagen launch fund
    Did Prentice say that? Don’t believe everything you read in TheStar.

  37. I’ve always disagreed with hardboiled’s point of view but on this issue I agree.
    As conservatives we better start finding the courage of our convictions and start sticking to them and quit being so damn nice…
    We don’t owe anyone an apology for who we are and what we believe in.
    Harper could help kill this nonsense not fund it.

  38. Kate: You are an inspiration and a blessing to those seeking the truth through out North America and beyond.
    Keep up the excellent coverage.

  39. I just canceled some subcriptions.
    dropped the money in Kates tip jar.
    For me the main stream HAS become irrelavent.

  40. For the first time on uk bbc main news the story has been mentioned, albeit briefly, (20 seconds tops) the camera so close to a printed email it removed its significance. I didn’t relise you were in the same boat. Btw my scepticism is a result of m and m and sda. Keep up the good work.

  41. For the first time on uk bbc main news the story has been mentioned, albeit briefly, (20 seconds tops) the camera so close to a printed email it removed its significance. I didn’t relise you were in the same boat. Btw my scepticism is a result of m and m and sda. Keep up the good work.

  42. The North American media has proved what many small dead animals have known for years,
    1. The media and especially news departments are not about news, they are about money and power.
    2. The last shred of credibility that the mainstream news organizations had is now gone.

  43. TJ @ 1:46 p.m. “Well done Colin in your letter to the CBC! Excellent writing, and good for you for not letting CBC squirm out of your jaws.”
    With due respect to both of you: the CBC has absolutely no interest in the integrity and intelligence of people like Colin. The CBC will completely ignore the verifiable facts and sterling logic of Colin’s letter. Wait and see. The next letter from Ms Enkin or from Vince Carlin, himself (actually, quite quite pleasant man), the “non-partisan” Ombudstoady—he’s paid by the CBC, for heaven’s sake—will be full of the same kind of astonishing bafflegab.
    I know I’m playing fast and loose with the word, “squirm”, but . . . One needs to have integrity and a sense of fair play in order to squirm about one’s transgressions. The CBC is brazen and has no integrity. The CBC won’t squirm out of anyone’s jaws: it punches any dissenter IN the jaws, by treating them with utter contempt, and then just saunters away. So far, the CBC has gotten away with this travesty: it still gets $ 1 billion a year from the hapless taxpayer.
    I’m very glad that Colin wrote the very fine letter he did to the CBC. But the CBC “won’t get it”. Really. The Bible describes this kind of transaction as “throwing pearls before swine”. (I hope I’m wrong, but in over two decades of “interfacing” with the CBC Ombudsman, I don’t think I will be.)

  44. It was announced on Fox today that Senator Ihoff will be going to Copenhagen with his “Truth Squad”. This should make things interesting…no wonder Gore cancelled out!
