Blog Notes

Last road trip of the year. I’ll be checking in once in a while over the weekend, but will resist surfing or posting too much. It’s time for a mental break, and the insulated otherworld of a dog show is the perfect place for it. Cjunk and Lance will be keeping an eye on the place, and our other guest bloggers are invited to post of course.
To everyone who has supported the site over the past two weeks with your background information, reader tips, guest posts, emails, encouragement, donations and plain old “getting the word out” – thank you! I don’t say it often enough.
I’ll be back sometime late Monday, barring a sudden dump of Minnesota warming. With luck the cold front will stay down in Houston.

20 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. Take very good care, Kate. Thank-you once more, for all that you do for all of us; this cannot be repeated often enough or loud enough. Your extraordinary coverage of the AGW fraud has given a voice to all of us. Your site is a magnet for all of us patriots who love our country but hate the PC fraud that has almost run all of the free world over the abyss. But for you, President Vaclav Klaus, Glenn Beck and Lord Monckton (and the gallant ghost – whistle-blower) we would have been flushed down the gulag sewer now or later.
    “Three Magnificent Bastards, the ghost and the Lady”
    Legends in our own time.

  2. I suppose that if MSM can take weeks off from their jobs, you can take take a couple of days off from your hobby.
    Have fun.

  3. Kate, check up on Chris and Bruce while in Minnesota if you can. LOL
    The Happy Gnome is a nice place.

  4. Let me echo what Jeff said: Thank YOU, Kate!
    Btw I (and others) just defended you in the Genie Bottle comment thread. The fellow “Tim” called you a racist. That crosses a HUGE line for me, which opened himself up to absolute ridicule.
    I blogged about this and informed Adler, Green, & Goldstein about it too.

  5. She keeps leaving!
    Oh well, have fun. After all the work you’ve done here on Climategateaquiddick, you deserve a break, if that’s what dog-showing constitutes – anyway, congrats, and thanks.

  6. Break a leg, Kate!
    I’m sure it’ll be a nice change to spend some time with your four-legged friends who don’t argue with you — at least not with words!
    Good luck with the ribbons.

  7. So glad to hear that you can take off for some REST! Those Schnausers will be a wonderful diversion!
    Jema said it well!

  8. Thank you Kate, enjoy your break.
    You made page page 20 in the Comments section of the Toronto Sun today ‘Best of the Blogs’ re climetegate – congratulations.

  9. “The centre can hold” when enough courageous people stand for the facts against the mob. It is never easy being the iconoclast, the sceptic, the nailer of thesis or as we say in ole Saskabush “the disturber of the peace”.Bless you Kate.

  10. The lady works hard and plays as just as passionately.
    Way to be.
    Most bizarre thing happened yesterday, ran to the local hardware store, having the rest of our basement insulated finally and our friend who’s helping us, needed more drywall panels, screws and couple pieces of lumber to finish up, so I hop in our friends truck with my dog and go.
    So left my little beady-eyed four legged family member in the truck – but unlocked, was parked right in front of the store. Not in there five minutes, was waiting for the paper work from the back counter, when suddenly I hear a commotion in the main isle behind me, turn around and see this little black streak about a half a foot off the floor coming full steam at me… it’s my dog! Someone had let him out of the truck, either to be just nasty, or maybe they tried to ‘take’ him which he’d have none of and that I’m sure of. He’s small but strong…so, have to remember that the older trucks don’t have automatic locks. So damn glad I learned a hard lesson without the pain.
    The reason he wound up in the store is: an employee noticed this little dog desperately trying to get in, little paws clawing at the glass door and he’s dancing around in circles on his hind legs..insisting on getting in, so they opened the door and reached to take him up, but he had other plans, evaded capture and bolted to where I was…they are very nice, understanding people there, (and he is a little bit cute) so thankfully a happy ending.
    Have a great break Kate.

  11. Kate, haven’t seen it mentioned yet – congratulations on having your “The Bottle Genie” post reprinted in today’s edition of the Toronto Sun!

  12. Pragmatist
    damn, you beat me to it:-))))
    and Kate have a great “show”, get rested, this place will take care of it’s self

  13. kate is skipping town so YOU gaia-deniers can will take the flak for her climategate crap!!
