Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation, here is Mr. John Williams performing Asturias ¤ (6:00), the fifth movement of Isaac Albéniz i Pascual‘s 1886 collection: Suite Española, Op. 47. Those who like this style of music may also wish to revisit Maria del Rosario Pilar Martinez Molina Baeza Rasten’s performance of Francisco de Asís Tárrega y Eixea’s Recuerdos de la Alhambra, on our 2008-10-24 SDA LNR Show.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

75 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I wonder were this:
    all fits in that ‘breeding’ thing.
    p.s. I got the Cate Blanchette flic and the poster.

  2. Apparently Bob Rae and our national media are big fans of China. No surprise there. It’s sad that they have to live out their lives in the hell-hole of the free world, when they could easily sign on for lucrative work in China. I hear that there is a big demand for organ harvesters.

  3. On tonight’s news we heard of a male suicide bomber dressed as a woman killing and maiming many in Somalia. In the National Review this week we hear of of an ex-prisoner of Guantanamo who was killed by Saudi police trying to cross the border from Yemen, dressed as a woman. A search of his car found automatic weapons, grenades, explosives etc..
    The U.N. Human Rights Council wants to ” ensure that counter terrorism measures do not interfere with the full self realization of anyone’s socially constructed sexual identity”. It goes on to say sarcastically that “.. this misunderstanding could so easily have been avoided – if only the Saudis had understood that terrorists sometimes just like to feel pretty.”

  4. This was buried in the bottom of the pile in the last post and deserves resurrection. Sarah Palin has stepped up to the plate on her facebook page…
    “The president’s decision to attend the international climate conference in Copenhagen needs to be reconsidered in light of the unfolding Climategate scandal. The leaked e-mails involved in Climategate expose the unscientific behavior of leading climate scientists who deliberately destroyed records to block information requests, manipulated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures, and conspired to silence the critics of man-made global warming. I support Senator James Inhofe’s call for a full investigation into this scandal. Because it involves many of the same personalities and entities behind the Copenhagen conference, Climategate calls into question many of the proposals being pushed there, including anything that would lead to a cap and tax plan” …
    By doing so, she has now established herself as the person to beat for 2012.

  5. Thanks for posting that, cinyc. Great news!!
    Hate to think what it’s cost Rev. Boisson, though.

  6. Who was that Rex? Surely not an employee of the CBC.
    He summed up the situation quite nicely. Must have been reading SDA for the past couple weeks to get all his talking points right.

  7. Dennis Miller last night on The O’Reilly Factor:
    “Nancy Pelosi looks like a woman who would lose Tic Tac Toe to a grub worm, yet we’re giving her a billion dollars to play with!”

  8. Rex really nailed it this evening re climategate, he pulled no punches really & was accurate re all the key points & implications.

  9. Is rex on Youtube or the internets somewhere.. for some reason my remote won’t let me access CBC 🙂

  10. gellen-
    I’ve quickly skimmed the decision. Boisson wasn’t awarded costs (at least for those incurred during the AHRC process), so he’s still out-of-pocket. I can’t say I fully understand how Alberta’s cost awarding process works, but Alberta Court of Queens Bench Justice E.C. Wilson seems to have said he’s willing to consider whether to award costs for the appeal.
    Justice Wilson didn’t strike down the Alberta equivalent of Section 13(1) on constitutional grounds, but generally ruled that based on the facts presented, Rev. Boisson’s letter didn’t violate the relevant Alberta Human Rights law. The Justice felt himself too constrained by the SCC’s Taylor decision to find the statute unconstitutional. He didn’t have many nice things to say about the logic of the AHRC “Panel’s” decision, though.

  11. “Greenhouse Effect”
    Why is it that the above term is often used as “evidence” of global warming ^W^W climate change when “demonstrating” the effects of CO2 to children/the easily impressed?
    The experiment is always performed in a controlled indoor earth environment devoid of massive oceans, unpredictable cloud cover, an uncontrollable mass of burning hydrogen and oxygen and a noticeable lack of AGW skeptics saying, “yes, but hold on a minute…”

  12. Oops, sorry. Hydrogen and helium. I must have been thinking about breathing. Breathing in probably won’t be taxed/traded as a commodity.

  13. Mr. Murphy’s commentary will apparently be available in the morning:
    Posted by: Vitruvius at December 3, 2009 10:30 PM
    I’ll see if I can snag it and Youtube it tonight.

  14. Sorry for the multiple posts tonight, I’ve been away.
    The concept of Devil’s Advocate is a worthy one, but might it be possible that some who have played the role for too long have actually gone to the other side?
    I write this as an agnostic.

  15. News item:
    ATLANTA, Dec. 3, 2009 — Days before the United Nations summit on climate change begins in Copenhagen, The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners today announced that 100 percent of their new vending machines and coolers will be hydrofluorocarbon-free (HFC-free) by 2015.
    “Climate change is real and the time to act on solutions is now,” said Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. “Greenpeace has played a critical role in raising our awareness about the need for natural refrigeration. Our announcement today demonstrates a commitment to use our influence in the marketplace to drive innovation and help shape a low-carbon future.”
    Now that’s really wierd, a company that sells a product full of CO2 (labelled by many as a pollutant, and major contributor to AGW)is worried about refrigeration and carbon.
    I’m wondering if Coke plans to start producing its product with a different gas, say methane, so you’ll fart instead of burp?
    Will their new slogan be “Warming goes better with Coke?”
    Have all those polar bears used in Coke ads fallen from the sky?
    Now everbody sing “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.. and keep it carbon free…”

  16. Topper –
    Had this happened later this month, we could have said “once in a blue moon, the MSM reports on Climategate” – which sounds accurate about how often the MSM has reported on Climategate thus far.

    You’ll love this one Kate:
    Dutch: Gore Wrong on Snows of Kilimanjaro
    The Netherlands is afire today over a Dutch study concluding Mount Kilimanjaro’s snow melt — used as a symbol of AGW by Al Gore — is entirely natural.
    Newspapers and news sites in the Netherlands today extensively broke the news of the findings of a research team led by Professor Jaap Sinninghe Damste — a leading molecular paleontologist at Utrecht University and winner of the prestigious Spinoza Prize — about the melting icecap of the Kilimanjaro, the African mountain that became a symbol of anthropogenic global warming.
    Professor Sinninghe Damste’s research, as discussed on the site of the Dutch Organization of Scientific Research (DOSR) — a governmental body — shows that the icecap of Kilimanjaro was not the result of cold air but of large amounts of precipitation which fell at the beginning of the Holocene period, about 11,000 years ago.
    The melting and freezing of moisture on top of Kilimanjaro appears to be part of “a natural process of dry and wet periods.” The present melting is not the result of “environmental damage caused by man.”
    Professor Damste studied organic biomarker molecules in the sediment record of Lake Challa, near Mount Kilimanjaro, and reconstructed the changes and intensity of precipitation in this part of Africa over the last 25,000 years. They observed an 11,500 year cycle of intense monsoon precipitation.
    In the dry period between 12,800 and 11,500 years ago, Kilimanjaro was ice-free.
    At the end of this period, a dramatic climate change from very dry to very wet took place — driven by changes in solar radiation — resulting in the creation of an icecap. At the moment, this part of Africa seems to be at the end of a similar dry period, resulting in the disappearance of the famous icecap.
    DOSR calls Al Gore’s iconic use of the melting cap of Kilimanjaro “unfortunate” — since it now seems to be mainly the result of “natural climate variations.”
    The journal Nature published the highly technical article by Professor Sinninghe Damste’s team.
    The website of Elsevier magazine — the Netherlands’ most circulated political weekly — broke the news as follows: “Dutchman discredits Al Gore’s climate evidence.”
    ederlander ontkracht ‘klimaatbewijs’ van Al Gore
    donderdag 3 december 2009 12:41
    De nagenoeg sneeuwloze Afrikaanse berg Kilimanjaro is ten onrechte het symbool van de ‘door de mens veroorzaakte’ klimaatverandering. Niet de mens, maar de natuur is verantwoordelijk voor de smeltende sneeuw, zo blijkt uit Nederlands onderzoek. Daar gaat een paradepaard van klimaatgoeroe Al Gore.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. cinyc and gellen – excellent. I took a quick look at the ruling as well, It repeatedly referred to the ‘errors of law’ of the HRC opinion, and added that ALL, I repeat, ALL the ‘remedies’ imposed by that HRC on Rev. Boissoin were ‘all without legal foundation and beyond the authority of the Act (HR Act). That is, the ridiculous order to ‘never say such things again’..and ..publicly apologize’..are ‘without legal foundation’.
    I don’t think this judge could suggest, in this judgment, to get rid of Section 13; that wasn’t his mandate, but I thought it was a well-argued and correct decision. And he discusses problems with the HR Commission..and mentions an article by Mark Steyn! p.33..and he also states the Chief Commissioner was openly biased.
    Costs still have to be determined. p. 38.
    A very good decision.

  19. welcome Rex Murphy to SDA.
    glad to have you aboard.
    ps Rex. Peter Pansbridge was noted to have been boinking Wendy Mesley in the past so watch your a$$

  20. Maybe Prentice should talk to the Dutch and have a coffee with Rex. Danke Hans!
    Remind me not to buy any coke for Christmas.

  21. “DOSR calls Al Gore’s iconic use of the melting cap of Kilimanjaro “unfortunate”
    Is that a polite way of saying, “f*ck off, now go away and let the adults do research”?

  22. Vitruvius:
    Thanks for that wonderful piece of music. It’s one of my favorite guitar pieces and Williams is fantastic (those tremelos and harmonics…wow).
    I love the setting too….just a long hallway and the guitar. Is that the Alhambra BTW?

  23. Jed @ 10:30pm: “Rex really nailed it this evening re climategate, he pulled no punches really & was accurate re all the key points & implications.”
    That said, still no context provided, either by Rex or last night with Adrian Arse… what’s her name? The second night this was reported with no examples of the emails read by either. From Rex, it was to tell viewers to “go check them out for yourselves”. Most certainly, had the shoe been on the other foot, had it been those doubting the man-made global warming theory having had their e-mails hacked, plenty of examples would have been read; the CBC’s way of saying, see, don’t believe us, here’s the proof of their evil-denying words and ways.
    Just CBC’s way of now trying to be able to say that they’ve done stuff on it. No where was it mentioned in the main news cast. Just like with Lawand’s smear of Harper during Hezboolah’s war against Israel… provide the smear at the beginning of the news cast when you know most viewers are watching; give the retraction/apology at the end of the next night’s broadcast when you know most are not.

  24. I entered ‘climate’ into slashdot and found this comment. By no means is it representative of most of the community, but it shows that either 1) more AGW skeptics are posting, or 2) the moderation community is slowly coming out of their Mom’s basement.
    Quoted comments below this line, not mine:
    Maybe they will get more funding to carry out more science, but you do know that they don’t get to have any of that money, right?
    Sir, you are a moron. Just where do you think the salaries of the professors and graduate students and research assistants doing research into global warming comes from? Grants.
    It is extremely tightly regulated and controlled by the grant providers.
    Unless a grant has money included to buy lots of equipment or rent ship time, the vast majority of the money in a grant is salary. This “tightly controlled” money destined for salary GOES to salary. A certain percentage of the grant goes to “overhead” — money skimmed right off the top, taken by the University to fund management and physical plant, etc. And to fund professors in stuff like English and History.
    After you reach 100% grant funding for the principal investigator salary, new grants go to fund more students and more research assistants and post-docs. The more students and post-docs a PI has, the more prestige and the bigger his realm. The more overhead he provides to the Uni the more respect and more prestige he’s given by the Uni. The more he can demand in offices and lab space.
    Disclaimer: I am a researcher in a university lab.
    So am I, in a college deeply invested in climate research, and 100% of my salary comes from grant money. If we don’t get grants to pay me, I don’t get paid. If my PI doesn’t get grants to pay him, he doesn’t get paid. If my PI told the funding agencies “We have solved the question we were looking at” he doesn’t get any more grants to study that question. If we were doing AGW research and said “humans aren’t the cause”, we wouldn’t get any of the grants going to find “the solution”. We’d be cutting our own throats. We’d be sitting on the unemployment line reading about all the grants going to the researchers like CRU who fudge the numbers so they look like AGW is real.
    About fudging numbers. I’ve seen what today’s grad students are being taught about data processing. If their dataset is supposed to look like a smooth line they will make it look linear, even if that means they throw 90% of it away as “outliers”. There is no consideration given to why those points exist, if they don’t fit the assumption about what valid data should look like, out they go. There are tools to take a plot that looks ugly and simply point at the data you want to go away, and it does. Magically, their dataset matches the prediction.
    I remember very well one of the emails coming from NCAR a few years ago, trumpeting the fact that they’d made a small change to the hockeystick model and the upswing in predicted temperatures got much larger. There was no physical reality to the parameter they changed. It didn’t make the hindcast fit better. It just made the scare factor bigger, so the result was BETTER!
    Being right has nothing to do with success, being able to create a desire for your particular kind of research does. “We’re all going to die unless…” works better at the latter than “we understand the issue and it isn’t serious”.
    Why are people so ready to claim “follow the money” when the money comes from oil companies, and then claim that money has nothing to do with it when it appears in the pockets of the people doing the research?

  25. CTV introduced their news story tonight by comparing denialists to moon landing doubters, 9/11 conspiracy buffs and Kennedy assassination theorists. They ended the story with some young college prof saying if he could prove ‘climate change doesn’t exist’ he’d be the most famous scientist in the world. Not AGW, not co2 induced, just plain ‘climate change’. My local TV station’s news anchor blinked her pretty little eyes and said Copenhagen is about ‘a sustainable future’.
    No, I do not plan to contact the CRTC and express my support for cable companies sharing their revenue with the local stations. The bankruptcy of any TV station can only be a good thing for our country.

  26. Vit, many thanks. That’s one of my favourite pieces.
    Just curious, who do you think has produced the best performance of that piece over the years?

  27. On Coren’s show tonight, one of the guests (he was the youngish atheist guy) said that he didn’t have a good knowledge of WW2.
    How can Coren have the representative of an organization that claims to represent “reason” and his followers to be “critical thinkers” if the representative doesn’t even know basic WW2 history?
    I was flummoxed and a bit angry that this guy was so ignorant.
    This guy apparently doesn’t even know about the original non-aggression pact between Stalin and Hitler, nor the psychotic games Hitler played to justify his interloping across Europe.
    Apparently some only know dates when things happened, and that’s what “history” is for them.

  28. Finally.
    Youtube of Rex Murphy is here.
    Quality at the moment is poor, but Youtube will make a 1080p version shortly.
