Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation, here is Mr. John Williams performing Asturias ¤ (6:00), the fifth movement of Isaac Albéniz i Pascual‘s 1886 collection: Suite Española, Op. 47. Those who like this style of music may also wish to revisit Maria del Rosario Pilar Martinez Molina Baeza Rasten’s performance of Francisco de Asís Tárrega y Eixea’s Recuerdos de la Alhambra, on our 2008-10-24 SDA LNR Show.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

75 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. There truly are some advantages to living on the Left Coast. We get to be up late when some of kookiest comments get added to SDA.
    Case in point is this one by a fellow named Tim.
    I’m not even going to tell you here what he wrote because it’ll spoil the hilarity of the responses to Good ‘Ol Tim by yours truly, Abe Froman, and others. Please add your own. Oh please, DO!!!

  2. Wait a second. Let it be perfectly clear, the culprit is “tim” not Tim! The impostor is corrupting my good name….
    Thanks Matt for the video of Rex.

  3. On Coren’s show tonight, one of the guests (he was the youngish atheist guy) said that he didn’t have a good knowledge of WW2.
    How can Coren have the representative of an organization that claims to represent “reason” and his followers to be “critical thinkers” if the representative doesn’t even know basic WW2 history?
    I was flummoxed and a bit angry that this guy was so ignorant.
    This guy apparently doesn’t even know about the original non-aggression pact between Stalin and Hitler, nor the psychotic games Hitler played to justify his interloping across Europe.
    Apparently some only know dates when things happened, and that’s what “history” is for them.

  4. I remember last year we had a good series of comments about people’s favourite Christmas song. I will once again nominate the Canadian the Huron Carol:
    The Huron Carol (‘Twas In The Moon of Winter Time)
    ‘Twas in the moon of wintertime when all the birds had fled
    That mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel choirs instead;
    Before their light the stars grew dim and wondering hunters heard the hymn,
    Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
    Within a lodge of broken bark the tender babe was found;
    A ragged robe of rabbit skin enwrapped his beauty round
    But as the hunter braves drew nigh the angel song rang loud and high
    Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
    The earliest moon of wintertime is not so round and fair
    As was the ring of glory on the helpless infant there.
    The chiefs from far before him knelt with gifts of fox and beaver pelt.
    Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
    O children of the forest free, O seed of Manitou
    The holy Child of earth and heaven is born today for you.
    Come kneel before the radiant boy who brings you beauty peace and joy.
    Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
    Written in 1643 by Jean de Brébeuf, a Jesuit missionary (later martyred!) at Sainte-Marie of the Hurons in Ontario. Called Jesous Ahatonhia in the original Huron lyrics. In the song the Algonguin word for God is used (Gitchi Manitou).
    Set to a traditional French music.

  5. Iffy Liberal$: What money? Ad$Cam money?
    Iffy Liberal$: We didn’t got no Ad$Cam money.
    Here is the best part:
    “Corbeil’s lawyer argued he shouldn’t have to serve any jail time because the money went to the party and not into his own pocket.
    The party says it never saw Corbeil’s kickback money, and Crown prosecutors also reject his explanation.”
    “Ex-Liberal organizer to be sentenced on fraud, influence-peddling charges”

  6. I don’t know if this link has been put up yet,apologies if it has; — , The good people here and elsewhere who have left the blinders off are now climate ‘saboteurs’. I like that much better than ‘deniers’. It kind of has a dashing,daring,romantic ring to it.

  7. Islam is a cannibal.
    Surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, >>>
    “an overwhelming majority of al-Qaida victims are, in fact, co-religionists.”
    Translation: Muslims kill Muslims.
    “Pakistan Rawalpindi mosque attack kills many
    BBC News – ‎47 minutes ago‎
    At least 32 people have been killed and dozens injured in a coordinated attack at a mosque in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, military officials say.”
    “Surprising Study On Terrorism
    Al-Qaida Kills Eight Times More Muslims Than Non-Muslims
    By Yassin Musharbash
    Few would deny that Muslims too are victims of Islamist terror. But a new study by the Combating Terrorism Center in the US has shown that an overwhelming majority of al-Qaida victims are, in fact, co-religionists.
    In the battle against unbelievers, can one also kill Muslims? Even the terror network al-Qaida is troubled by this question.”,1518,660619,00.html

  8. Well, we’re not going to panic. What we are going to do is issue hard caps on CO2 production, limiting economic growth and distributing investment where we want to buy votes, and we are going to put in a Carbon Tax – and laugh while pulling in billions.
    Screw you Canada. We’ve won.
    Canada won’t be swayed by Copenhagen ‘hype’: Prentice
    Mike De Souza, Canwest News Service Published: Friday, December 04, 2009
    “There’s always a lot of hype and drama that gets built into this sort of international event, much of it intended to force the hand of participants,” Mr. Prentice said in the prepared speech. “We aren’t going to buy into that. We are not going to panic. We are confident about the actions we are taking on the domestic and the continental fronts.”
    “Make no mistake,” Mr. Prentice said. “We absolutely understand the urgency around environmental issues – and I make a practice of meeting regularly with Canadian companies, associations and ENGOs [environmental groups] who share that desire to move forward boldly.”
    Read more:

  9. Jim Prentice: The science is clear that human activity is causing climate change
    OTTAWA – E-mail controversy doesn’t change climate science: Prentice
    Mike De Souza, Canwest News Service Published: Wednesday, December 02, 2009
    Environment Minister Jim Prentice said it was unfortunate that a prominent scientist was forced to resign because of revelations in the e-mails, but the government still believes the science is clear that human activity is causing climate change.
    Read more:

  10. Prentice worked summers, in a coal mine, to pay his way through university. It left him a bitter, vindictive man.

  11. and it was the last time he got a paycheque from the private sector. He went into the Indian Industry, and never looked back.
    Just down.

  12. meanwhile, a Librano get an amazingly short time in jail for fraud, influence peddling, and more fraud. The irony? He has to pay the Libranos back.
    About that $43 million that went to other riding associations? The taxpayer is still waiting.
    And Cretin the Thug enjoys his kung-pow chicken with communists and dictators. Political parties are a cancer of democratic society……
    Ex-Liberal official gets stiff sentence
    Benoit Corbeil, former director-general of the Liberal Party’s office in Montreal, leaves court on Friday, April 18, 2008.
    Bênoit Corbeil, a key player in the sponsorship scandal, faces 15 months behind bars, a $20,000 fine and must reimburse $117,000 to party for unrelated fraud
    Mr. Corbeil testified at his sentencing hearing that the money derived from the $50,000 kickback was redistributed to then-Liberal bagman Joe Morselli, as well as two Liberal riding associations outside of Montreal, prior to the 1997 general election.
    He added that the money from the six fake invoices was largely used by Mr. Morselli to organize two Liberal events in 1999 and 2000. The goal was to pack halls with supporters of then-prime minister Jean Chrétien, whose loyalists were involved in internal fights with the supporters of then-finance minister Paul Martin.
    Mr. Corbeil said the Liberal Party’s Quebec wing was always short of money, and he said the fake invoices were used to obtain cash to pay for Liberal “volunteers” at party events and to organize matters like transportation.

  13. Wrapping GO Train in Stimulus Propaganda Cost Double What John Baird Said It Did
    By the gargoyle Fri, Dec 4 2009 COMMENTS(1) Gargoyle: the Blog
    Filed under: stimulus spending, baird, propaganda
    Faced with howls of outrage this fall over the decision to wrap two GO Transit commuter trains with decals promoting the Economic Action Plan – that is, the federal budget – Transport and Infrastructure Minister John Baird’s office claimed the ads were “good value” for taxpayers.
    “As part of our advertising campaign to inform Canadians about the Economic Action Plan, we paid $44,000 net (before taxes) to fully cover both sides of two cars on the Lakeshore,” Baird’s spokesman, Chris Day, told the Toronto Star.
    Now, however, some new figures on the train wrappers. In response to a question tabled in the House of Commons by Toronto-area Liberal Dan McTeague, the government on Thursday produced some additional information. Yes, it cost $44,000 for the space on the trains, but it seems that didn’t include the creative design costs of $1,320 and another $39,650 to produce the decals.
    Actual total cost: $84,970.

  14. Winston’s* $ewer $ucking $ervice presents:
    The Liberal Party China Connection,
    star-ring: Mao Stlong Strong, Mao’s nephew Boob Rae, Jeancula Chretien, CSL Cap’n Paul MartinJr, Citoyen Dionky, Hezbollah Coderre, et al,.
    >>> “He said the only cash he ever received from Mr. Morselli was $5,000 to pay for the cost of adopting a girl in China in 2000.”
    (*H/T Red Green Show)
