Rex Murphy ~ Climate Change: Science or Politics?

Here, courtesy of Mississauga Matt, is Mr. Rex Murphy’s latest commentary, Climate Change: Science or Politics? Interestingly, perhaps, on 2006-07-06 it was noted here at SDA that Mr. Murphy wrote, in Selling something, Dr. Suzuki?, in the Globe and Mail, on 2002-09-28:

“Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol is a real debate, has real costs, is a mix of guesses, best estimates and conflicting claims, with real consequences whichever way it’s decided. For the sake of the debate, let’s lay off the science unless it is science.”

Now, seven years later, here we are. The climate change shysters lied to us. For two weeks now I’ve been waiting for a definitive public summary of the situation ~ not for students of politics, for Kate has covered that ~ rather something my mother, god bless her, at 83, can understand. Thank you, Rex Murphy.

Updated on Friday Afternoon (Bumped):

I am pleasantly encouraged by the number of commenters, in the discussion of Mr. Murphy’s commentary in the article about it at Anthony Watts’ blog, who have realized just how good that video is. I think that sometimes some of those of us commenting here at home can’t see the effective result we have at hand because they are so livid over various other things. After hearing Mr. Murphy’s comments, normal people aren’t going to, for example, fixate on some television news reader’s facial expression.

Anyway, I found a transcript at the Paths to Knowledge blog, where Mr. Murphy’s commentary is described as “An amazing editorial by Rex Murphy. Stunning in it’s clarity. Absolutely stunning. Breathtaking in it’s scope. A video that everyone interested in their planet must see”. Pick the Continue Reading link to view the transcript.

Please email Rex’s video to everyone you know:

Transcript of Climate Change: Science or Politics?

“When Jon Stewart, the bantum rooster of conventional wisdom, makes jokes about it you know Climategate has reached critical mass. Said Stewart: ‘Poor Al Gore, Global Warming completely debunked via the very internet he invented’.

“Stewart was half joking, but Climategate is no joke at all. The mass of emails from the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia University let loose by a hacker or a whistle-blower pulls back the curtain on a scene of pettiness, turf protection, manipulation, defiance of freedom of information, lost or destroyed data, and attempts to black list critics and skeptics of the Global Warming Cause.

“Now the CRU is not the only climate science advisory body but it’s one of the most influential and feeds directly into the UN Climate Panel on Climate Change. So let’s hear no more talk of the science is settled when it turns out some of the scientists behave as if they own the very question of global warming, when they seek to bar opposing research from peer review journals, to embargo journals they can’t control, when they urge each other to delete damaging emails before freedom of information takes hold, when they talk of ‘hiding the decline’, when they actually speak of destroying the primary data, and when now we do learn that the primary data has been lost or destroyed. They’ve lost the raw data on which all the models, all the computer generated forecasts, graphs and projections are based. You wouldn’t accept that at a grade nine science fair!

“Now CRU is not the universe of climate research but it is the star. These emails demonstrate one thing beyond all else, that climate science and global warming advocacy have become so entwined, so meshed into a mutant creature, that separating alarmism from investigation, ideology from science, agenda from empirical study is well neigh impossible.

“Climategate is evidence that the science has gone to bed with advocacy and both had a very good time. That the neutrality, openness and absolute disinterest that is the hallmark of all honest scientific endeavor has been abandoned to an atmosphere and a dynamic not superior to the partisan caterwauls of a sub average Question Period.

“Climate Science has been shown to be, in part, a sub branch of Climate Politics. It is a situation intolerable even to serious minds who are on side with Global Warming such as Clive Crook who wrote in Atlantic Magazine about this scandal as follows, ‘The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering’.

“Climate Science needs it’s own reset button, and Climategate should be seen not primarily as a setback, but as an opportunity to cleanse scientific method. To take science away from politics, good causes, and alarmists, and vest climate science in bodies of guaranteed neutrality, openness, real and vigorous debate, and way from the lobbyists, the NGO’s, the advocates, the Gores, and professional environmentalists of all kind.

“Too many of the current leadership on Global Warming are more players than observers, gatekeepers not investigators, angry partisans of some global re-engineering rather than humble servants of the facts of the case.

“Read the Climategate emails, you’ll never think
of climate “science” quite the same way again.

“For the National, I’m Rex Murphy.”

130 Replies to “Rex Murphy ~ Climate Change: Science or Politics?”

  1. Oh for petes sake Rex wants to ‘reset’ AGW ‘science’- translation: hire more science hacks to start another ‘take’ on the same old fanatical cult. Rex gets his paycheck from taxpayers…Vaclav Klaus he is not! Rex has sat at his tax funded desk for 14 days while the blogosphere exploded. This is the mother corps knashing teeth and grasping at straws…leaves a bad taste.

  2. For two weeks now I’ve been waiting for a definitive public summary of the situation ~ not for students of politics, for Kate has covered that ~ rather something my mother, god bless her, at 83, can understand.
    Exactly! For the last week I’ve been trying to explain the situation to my parents and other family members whose main source of news is the CBC. Being loyal CBC viewers they obviously had no background knowledge of any developing controversies, just suspicions that they weren’t getting the whole story. I had a lot of material to cover….

  3. Okay Jema54, instead of LAME STREAM MEDIA we’ll amend that and call it the:
    Better late than never…?
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. Um, Jema, Rex has been reasonable about this since, as noted above, at least 2002. Can you separate the man from the medium? If so, then nota bene: this is a video you can use, over and over again. It’s your tool. Do with it what you will, but if you don’t use it for marketing to your audience, then you are not realizing your potential benefit.
    You wanna’ email your MP: send this video.

  5. I sometimes wonder how the CBC puts up with Rex Murphy or perhaps they need someone they can point to him as an exception when people state that the CBC is comprised of moronic moonbats.
    Rex Murphy has always been interesting to listen to and this piece was no exception. I too believe that we need to reboot climate science as we need to know what the long term climate trends are based on objective scientific study that is OPEN. There is definitly a human effect on climate which is now predominately the urban heat island effect. This is easily seen when one happens to live in both downtown Vancouver and a much smaller center in the interior which I used to do and spent as little time in Vancouver during the summer as possible. Dr. Pielke Sr. has been studying this phenomenon and climate effects of human land use.
    The problem has come about when a trace gas was vilified and used as an excuse to bring in a global totalitarian government. That is what we are fighting and I think more and more people are realizing this.

  6. Yeh, the CBC needs Rex for balance alright. On Sunday, CBC Newsworld is going to run An Inconvenient Truth AGAIN! Does anybody have any idea of how many times that is? It must be at least six. What a bunch of sleazy fellaters.

  7. Look, it’s Rex Murphy’s commentary, not the CBC’s. Did I miss
    the memo? Are y’all starring in the movie “We Shoot Our Allies”?
    Rex Murphy, Mr. Canada, is on your side.
    It’s not about the f*cking CBC.

  8. Jema,
    I will follow the facts … wherever the FACTS take us. The AGW Theory is effectively dead in the water. But if a new generation of REAL scientists – both paid & unpaid – were to work together collecting & analyzing data – in an open source kind of way – then I would VERY much support that.

  9. Vit said: ‘Are y’all starring in the movie “We Shoot Our Allies”?’
    I don’t believe I advocated a “friendly fire” incident. Most reasonable gunhandlers don’t shoot themselves in the foot.
    While there are many things worthy of criticism over at the CBC, Rex Murphy for the most part has some thougthful things to say.
    When someone of from the bastion of statism, namely the CBC, is passing you the puck, you try not to score on your own net.
    I think that’s a two minute “Mann sticking” penalty.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Ah yes, sorry Hans, I didn’t mean to catch you in that net, for you were quite clear in your Good on ya Rex Murphy. It’s just that, crikey, we search for allies in explaining to the public the appalling nature of the fraud at hand, and we find one such an ally in Rex Murphy, and some people still can’t help themselves but talk about the CBC rather than Mr. Murphy’s arguments to their favour. I guess I just don’t get it.

  11. People need to understand that there is no “real science of understanding climate change” out there that some miscreants have denied, at least I don’t believe there is. People make various claims, but the fact of the matter is, people in the science generally cannot routinely predict what will happen two weeks, a month, or a season ahead. Some people are better than others at it, but nobody is so routinely good at it that we could turn to them and ask for their infallible opinion about what long-term trends will be.
    As much as it pains both the professionals and the confused public, we are not at that stage of understanding in atmospheric sciences. The current “theory” was bound to fall apart sooner or later, for purely logical reasons. If nobody can tell you with assurance what the weather will be like in March or July of 2010, then how could they tell you with greater assurance what it would be like in 2020 or 2050 in various parts of the world?
    This would be like NASA saying, “sure, we can land a probe on Saturn’s moon Titan, in about seven years, but we have no clue where that probe will be in two years, or four, or six.”
    Give me a break. This whole question has been dead obvious since it first surfaced in 1982. In the 1980s, people were talking very confidently about how the ski resorts of Ontario and New England would all have to close down by now. Remember? Or something about palm trees growing in New York City.
    That’s really the exact same balderdash as the hockey stick and the feared 6 C upswing in global temperatures by 2050, all the myths that are just pure fantasy projected by drawing lines on a computer model art program.
    This won’t stop the Church of Climate Change from assembling in Copenhagen and going through their Dan Brown rituals, but somebody should ask them where they lost the Ark.

  12. I’m with Jema. Rex should have denounced “cllimate science”. What the hell was “climate scince” prior to AGW? Local weather forcasts.
    Rex is calling out the frauds without discrediting the entire idea of AGW – which is what current “climate science” is based upon.
    AGW is “climate science”.
    Rex simply (intentionally?)leaves the door open for AGW alarmists to reorganize, while giving the impression he is dicreditting it.

  13. This is excellent! I can finally send something to my AGW-believing CBC-loving friends and relatives that they might actually pay attention to and who knows they might even want to read the emails for themselves. This also gives PMSH lots more leeway re Copenhagen without courting defeat in an election.
    I’m with Vit and Hans. What’s the goal, after all, to trash CBC or to ensure that the AGW agenda is defeated? To feel good or to win?

  14. ward:
    “What the hell was “climate scince” prior to AGW?”
    Actually there was such a field.
    Professor Lindzen in the Wall Street Journal
    recently wrote a column
    saying that the worst scandal of the AGW cult is
    the damage done to the field of Climate Science
    in which he has long been a researcher.

    Falsi cation Of
    The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Eff ects
    Within The Frame Of Physics
    Version 4.0 (January 6, 2009)
    replaces Version 1.0 (July 7, 2007) and later
    Gerhard Gerlich
    Institut fur Mathematische Physik
    Technische Universitat Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
    Mendelssohnstrasse 3
    D-38106 Braunschweig
    Federal Republic of Germany
    Ralf D. Tscheuschner
    Postfach 60 27 62
    D-22237 Hamburg
    Federal Republic of Germany
    Peter, ward:
    While Rex could hardly launch into a full blown discussion on ‘climate science’ in the space of a ~3 min segment, at least from a physics point of view CO2 as the “AGW greenhouse gas villain” is decidedly a dead letter.
    This does not mean however that there is no such thing as a “climate science” per se, only that the incredible complexity of trying to model the planet with n number of non-linear partial differential Navier-Stokes equations will make the enterprise hugely difficult and expensive.
    If there is a climate science it is decidedly in its infancy with many more physical interactions to be determined.
    For example, there is today no known physics description which adequately models the formation and dissipation of clouds.
    How in God’s green earth they are going to make 50 year projections based on these missing fundamentals can only cause one to wonder?
    Professor Richard Lindzen might have a few thoughts to offer in this regard.
    Read more:
    “Stern states boldly that the scale of global warming has been unprecedented for at least the past 1,000 years, but he cannot possibly be sure on this point because data from previous centuries is unreliable.
    At most, we have a 50-year span of accurate measurements. The only genuine global records of temperature come from weather balloons, since 1958, and from microwave sounding units, since 1978.
    What they indicate is a very gently warming trend, nothing approaching the apocalyptic vision of Sir Nicholas.
    Moreover, this minor trend could have easily have been caused by irregularities such as volcanic eruptions or El Nino events (major fluctuations in ocean temperatures in the Pacific which affect climate).
    Genuine science is about gathering evidence and testing the veracity of theories, not cheerleading for a particular ideology.
    That is what is so disturbing about the current debate on global warming. Healthy scepticism, which should be at the heart of all scientific inquiry, is treated with contempt.
    Far from being the powerful masterpiece that Blair claimed, Stern’s report is manifestly incompetent.
    It is another dodgy dossier, where assertions are presented as facts and data is twisted to suit a political purpose.”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  16. anudder newfie spoke out today too , he did , Danny Williams , said dat ye cant punish Alberta wit da carbon tax because dey pay de lions share of da tranfer payments by jeezus dey do.

  17. Zog:
    “On Sunday, CBC Newsworld is going to run An Inconvenient Truth AGAIN!
    Does anybody have any idea of how many times that is?”
    I don’t know
    but last December
    over the Christmas holidays
    while channel surfing
    I saw that Gore’s movie was on CBC Newsworld
    3 times in 2 consecutive days.

  18. You wanna’ email your MP: send this video:
    Climate Change: Science or Politics? by Rex Murphy – CBC
    Posted by: Vitruvius at December 4, 2009 2:19 AM
    Vitruvius has clearly and plainly put the truth on the table. The Rex Murphy video is a great tool!!
    Climate Change: Science or Politics? by Rex Murphy – CBC is now in my MP’s email In-Box with instructions to take a pass on Copenhagen.

  19. I liked the expression on Peter Mansbridge face. To me it looked like he was thinking “Oh gawd, Rex is off his meds again and talking crazy shite”

  20. Bravo. Rex est Rex!!
    I would LOVE to get my hands on a hard copy of that text. Anyone ? Any ideas ?

  21. and now this, you cant even believe the rocket surgeons.(sp) ~ cal2
    At what point does group-think become conspiracy?

  22. It’s not about the f***ing CBC.
    C’mon now Viv, is this explaining things in a way your 83 year old mother can understand?

  23. Mr. Murphy being the APEX of journalism in this country I now counsel, caution and patience, as hard fought a battle as this has been the diligence of Kate and of course others like Watt’s up with that must not be squandered. Let not hysteria be the hallmark nor the end of what must be an end to easy taxation schemes.
    Hard work and of course diligence, honesty, honor and integrity must be adhered to at all costs.
    Pray please proceed but with humility dignity and Honor.

  24. Mao Stlong ask, you wan pet lock?
    Wlong question, Mao say.
    Light question: How many indurgences my nephew, “Liberal leader” Boob Lae, wan?
    “*China explicit[ly] understood that “climate change” was a pet rock business and went into selling the Westerners the worthless environmental indulgences they craved.”
    “China grants Canada key status
    National Post – ‎2 hours ago‎
    Jason Lee, Reuters Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister, and his wife Laureen pose for photographs as they tour the Great Wall of China in Beijing yesterday.
    China deserves rebuke Calgary Herald
    China’s show of pique Toronto Star”
    “Despite the lip service paid to curbing “carbon emissions”, many countries have been slow to pay up. Talk is one thing. Money is another. The WSJ reports that developing countries, the poorer European countries and even the richer European countries are puzzled over where the billions for “climate change” prevention are going to come from.”
    “On the arm”

  25. Wipe that damned smile off your face, I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-you’re-not. This is no laughing matter, you twit.
    My only “problem” with Rex Murphy is that although he named Gore, he didn’t mention Suzuki — ‘lumped him in with “lobbyists, NGOs, … advocates, and professional environmentalists.”
    ‘Small quibble. Rex’s piece is gold and eminently usable to explain the scandal of scandals to laypeople.

  26. I suspect, Jema54 and ward, that Rex Murphy had to run a gauntlet with the CBC top brass (tarnished and “green”) in order to do this report.
    As I posted on another thread last night, the David Suzuki Foundation has George Strombopbopbop…oulos on its Board of Directors.
    The CBC’s up to its ying-yang with the AGW crowd, and seems to have no trouble with Global Warming as Entertainment.

  27. BBC: What’s a “Moderation queue 474”?
    Your opinion, please.
    “Will the climate change email claims affect Copenhagen?
    A United Nations panel is to investigate claims that scientists manipulated global warming data to boost the argument that it is man-made. What is your reaction?”
    Total comments:
    Published comments:
    Rejected comments:
    Moderation queue:

  28. “Jo Nova finds the Medieval Warm Period
    4 12 2009
    From Jo Nova a look at how the MWP looks when other data is used, not just a few trees in Yamal.
    These maps and graphs make it clear just how brazen the fraud of the Hockey Stick is.”

  29. Remembering back about “Climategate” not showing on autofill with Google…
    Yes, Al Gore is on the board with Google, but he’s not the only one in bed with alarmism:
    Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils dramatic climate change map which shows flooded San Francisco of the future
    “The map, named CalAdapt, which was revealed at a press conference on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay by Mr Schwarzenegger and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, was created as part of a plan for the state to adapt to global warming.”
    I’ve already removed Google as my home page, and will not use any Google products. Giving Bing a shot – not bad so far. At least Gates puts his money where his mouth is with his philanthropy, not like Gore, Bono, Suzuki who only preach to us to make sacrifices.

  30. FFS, REX is a newfie! Let’s not deny him his bullshit detection ability by calling him an Irishman (not to say that Irishmen do not have their own bullshit detection devices).

  31. Know what I liked about Murphy’s rant? He didn’t deny or support the idea of AGW. He called for reintroducing into climate science ideas like transparency, integrity, and the search for the truth wherever it made lead, and put aside the sensationalism and political advocacy.

  32. Rex Murphy is a conservative in the heart of neo-liberalism, and I have much respect for him. Particularly on the climate file, where he has been consistently questioning the charade since the early days of Kyoto. Rex is the only good reason to turn on The National one night per week.

  33. What the hell was “climate scince” prior to AGW?
    Apparently, now “Climate Science” is some kind of uber controlling, political discipline that must not be questioned.
    Mechanical and chemical engineers, geolologists, statisticians, computer analysts (f*ck them for their gentle questions to, gasp, ask for raw data) anyone having remotely anything to do with questioning data are complete morons deserving a shutdown if they ask questions. f*ck em, the science is settled.
    Thank god these heretics are being pilloried in the mainstream media.

  34. For a full, albiet brief, explanation for the lack of MSM coverage:
    Please see Mansbridge snicker at Rex at the end of that piece.

  35. Cal2, in the Fox article doesn’t this seem like a familiar UN and most government focus on anything, like EHealth, the gun registry, Toronto’s Homeless industry etc.
    “Rather than sustainable bricks and recycled mortar, almost all of the $3.8 million in the Greening as One budget appears to go to funding squads of analysts, advisors, consultants and coordinators to carry out assessments, set up benchmarks, devise strategies for raising money, advise procurement bureaucracies, share information and coordinate between U.N. organizations, and write reams of reports, listed in the Greening as One documents as the “outputs” of the pilot phase.”
    Its all part of the left philosophy of group hugs, meetings and endless talk, talk, talk on the taxpayer’s dime. As in AGW nothing is real and practical just political.
    Is the next step for the CBC firing Suzuki? Didn’t think so.

  36. When Rex was done, Peter Pansbridge came back on and to me his grin looked like the shit-eating kind.

  37. Finally my G and M subscription is cancelled, it took about a week, I really wonder how many others have done the same thing?

  38. A couple of comments – Murphy does stand in stark contrast to his colleagues on CBC. Loki’s comment about others in the mothercorp being moronic moonbats is spot on and having Murphy do an op-ed reveals just how much higher on the food chain of intelligence he is. Kinds of debunks the “dumb newfie” image. (now if they could only hide Danny Williams somewhere)
    I’m with dopowleb on Vit’s use of the ‘F’ word. I’d have thought that with his/her mastery of the English language and obvious ability to express him/herself clearly – the choice of the ‘F’ word for emphasis would be a long way further down the list.

  39. Thanks for that, Matt, or I otherwise would not have seen it. Just can’t stand to watch Peter Mansbridge. As for George S-alphabet — he is twice as hard to watch.

  40. I’m writing a new song, hope to get Ray Stevens to help me, it’s called “AlGore the Climate Whore”. Good on Rex, poor old Peter had a hard time not out and out sneering, sucks to be stupid doesn’t it you Climate Whores. Whats next. virgins into volcanos Al and Dave, maybe a sacrifice of Lizzie May into a smoke stack in Toronto, if you can find one big enough.

  41. Cal 2, I also couldn’t believe my ears when Danny Millions came to our defence, finally Danny is evolving and seeing what has been happening in this country for years, Alberta supporting most everyone else. Good on Danny, but why can’t Slow Eddie point out that fact when he has instant access to the media?

  42. Bottom line:
    The science IS NOT settled, therefore AGW political and economic ‘solutions’ cannot be locked down as urgent nor fully justified.
    Green tax revolt anyone?

  43. OK – I’m not a scientist and let’s say that I ‘accept’ global warming, well, because The Authorities have all told me their ‘Just So’ reports.
    Then, I listen to Rex Murphy, and what do I get out of it? That SOME scientists have become so impassioned about their work that they have moved out of the objectivity of science and SOME have lied, fudged, prevented dissenting publications. [Frankly, that’s not new in the academic world but that’s not the issue here.]
    Rex says that they’ve “lost the raw data upon which the models are based”. Hmm. But remember, I’m a believer, so this doesn’t mean that those models are now wrong. It just means that the data is lost…ho hum.
    That is, Rex, in 3 minutes, had a choice of style of report. He could have done as he did, which was to point out the corruption of data and politicization of the agenda and suggest a reset of the science; or, he could have shortened this and added that these two actions, with the rejection of large amounts of contrary data suggest that ‘climate change’ is not a scientific FACT but a political agenda of worldwide socialism. What to do?
    He suggested that we’d best redo the science properly but he made no suggestion about the problem of the political agenda which is THE key activator in this whole scenario and must be confronted. That is, the point is not resetting the science; the concern ought to be with the political agenda. Now – that’s something that has to be ‘reset’.
