Rex Murphy ~ Climate Change: Science or Politics?

Here, courtesy of Mississauga Matt, is Mr. Rex Murphy’s latest commentary, Climate Change: Science or Politics? Interestingly, perhaps, on 2006-07-06 it was noted here at SDA that Mr. Murphy wrote, in Selling something, Dr. Suzuki?, in the Globe and Mail, on 2002-09-28:

“Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol is a real debate, has real costs, is a mix of guesses, best estimates and conflicting claims, with real consequences whichever way it’s decided. For the sake of the debate, let’s lay off the science unless it is science.”

Now, seven years later, here we are. The climate change shysters lied to us. For two weeks now I’ve been waiting for a definitive public summary of the situation ~ not for students of politics, for Kate has covered that ~ rather something my mother, god bless her, at 83, can understand. Thank you, Rex Murphy.

Updated on Friday Afternoon (Bumped):

I am pleasantly encouraged by the number of commenters, in the discussion of Mr. Murphy’s commentary in the article about it at Anthony Watts’ blog, who have realized just how good that video is. I think that sometimes some of those of us commenting here at home can’t see the effective result we have at hand because they are so livid over various other things. After hearing Mr. Murphy’s comments, normal people aren’t going to, for example, fixate on some television news reader’s facial expression.

Anyway, I found a transcript at the Paths to Knowledge blog, where Mr. Murphy’s commentary is described as “An amazing editorial by Rex Murphy. Stunning in it’s clarity. Absolutely stunning. Breathtaking in it’s scope. A video that everyone interested in their planet must see”. Pick the Continue Reading link to view the transcript.

Please email Rex’s video to everyone you know:

Transcript of Climate Change: Science or Politics?

“When Jon Stewart, the bantum rooster of conventional wisdom, makes jokes about it you know Climategate has reached critical mass. Said Stewart: ‘Poor Al Gore, Global Warming completely debunked via the very internet he invented’.

“Stewart was half joking, but Climategate is no joke at all. The mass of emails from the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia University let loose by a hacker or a whistle-blower pulls back the curtain on a scene of pettiness, turf protection, manipulation, defiance of freedom of information, lost or destroyed data, and attempts to black list critics and skeptics of the Global Warming Cause.

“Now the CRU is not the only climate science advisory body but it’s one of the most influential and feeds directly into the UN Climate Panel on Climate Change. So let’s hear no more talk of the science is settled when it turns out some of the scientists behave as if they own the very question of global warming, when they seek to bar opposing research from peer review journals, to embargo journals they can’t control, when they urge each other to delete damaging emails before freedom of information takes hold, when they talk of ‘hiding the decline’, when they actually speak of destroying the primary data, and when now we do learn that the primary data has been lost or destroyed. They’ve lost the raw data on which all the models, all the computer generated forecasts, graphs and projections are based. You wouldn’t accept that at a grade nine science fair!

“Now CRU is not the universe of climate research but it is the star. These emails demonstrate one thing beyond all else, that climate science and global warming advocacy have become so entwined, so meshed into a mutant creature, that separating alarmism from investigation, ideology from science, agenda from empirical study is well neigh impossible.

“Climategate is evidence that the science has gone to bed with advocacy and both had a very good time. That the neutrality, openness and absolute disinterest that is the hallmark of all honest scientific endeavor has been abandoned to an atmosphere and a dynamic not superior to the partisan caterwauls of a sub average Question Period.

“Climate Science has been shown to be, in part, a sub branch of Climate Politics. It is a situation intolerable even to serious minds who are on side with Global Warming such as Clive Crook who wrote in Atlantic Magazine about this scandal as follows, ‘The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering’.

“Climate Science needs it’s own reset button, and Climategate should be seen not primarily as a setback, but as an opportunity to cleanse scientific method. To take science away from politics, good causes, and alarmists, and vest climate science in bodies of guaranteed neutrality, openness, real and vigorous debate, and way from the lobbyists, the NGO’s, the advocates, the Gores, and professional environmentalists of all kind.

“Too many of the current leadership on Global Warming are more players than observers, gatekeepers not investigators, angry partisans of some global re-engineering rather than humble servants of the facts of the case.

“Read the Climategate emails, you’ll never think
of climate “science” quite the same way again.

“For the National, I’m Rex Murphy.”

130 Replies to “Rex Murphy ~ Climate Change: Science or Politics?”

  1. ET, Lorrie Goldstein stated what you are saying in his column last week.
    “it’s because Big Government, Big Business and Big Green don’t give a s*** about “the science.”
    They never have.”
    Unless there is a huge upswelling from citizens everywhere demanding this fraud is fully exposed and their governments stop their plans for tax and trade or carbon credits you are right, the battle may be won but the war is lost.

  2. Jim Prentice: “If we do more than the U.S., we will suffer economic pain for no real environmental gain — economic pain that could impede our ability to invest in new, clean technologies and other innovative solutions to climate change,” Prentice said. “But if we do less, we will risk facing new border barriers into the American market.”
    So we’re going to do no more and no less than the US. Isn’t it comforting to know that our fate is dependent on 11 Democrats voting “No” on Waxman-Markey? Of course, it could be worse – 10 Dems could vote against it, leaving it up to Biden.

  3. Rex Murphy is absolutely right. We would not accept the kind of partisanship displayed by these climate scientists if our judiciary displayed it. While our judiciary decides matters of similar import to the way we conduct our lives, their decisions do not have world-wide and debilitating economic consequences and our Parliament can, if need be, ignore their worst decisions.
    These ‘scientists’ have unduly influenced policy decisions by hiding under the soothing cloak of ‘science’. Yet they appear to be pseudo-scientists, unwilling to share the science (indeed, their publicly funded knowledge) with anybody who might invalidate their conclusions.
    Brittle egos have colluded to influence our fate.

  4. Somehow the Monty Python Parrot Sketch comes to mind.. with some minor edits.
    Blogosphere: Look, I took the liberty of examining that parrot when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the first place was that it had been NAILED there.
    Climate Scientist: Well, o’course it was nailed there! If I hadn’t nailed that bird down, it would have nuzzled up to those bars, bent ’em apart with its beak, and VOOM! Feeweeweewee!
    Blogosphere: “VOOM”?!? Mate, this bird wouldn’t “voom” if you put four million volts through it! ‘E’s bleedin’ demised!
    Climate Scientist: No no! ‘E’s pining!
    Blogosphere: ‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
    Climate Scientist: Well, I’d better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter) Sorry squire, I’ve had a look ’round the back of the shop, and uh, we’re right out of parrots.
    Blogosphere: I see. I see, I get the picture.
    Climate Scientist: {pause} I got a slug.
    Watch out for the slug..

  5. Murphy’s law — whatever can go wrong, is quite possibly about to demonstrate a non-predictability of outcome so blatantly obvious that even the aging mother of a Liberal civil servant in an old folks’ home without full access to the facilities of her once-functioning brain, and by brain I refer to the mass of protoplasm contained in the cranium, a part of the anatomy so revealingly illustrated by your humble servant, that I realize that I have used up my five minutes and I just wanted to say, in my enigmatic and somewhat indirect way, rather cold outside, would you not concur?

  6. Rex mentions Gore but not Suzuki by name. Was he being tactful – Suzuki is a big guy for the CBC and naming him would perhaps have meant the end of Rex on the CBC – or was he censored?

  7. Notice how the CBC is really ramping up the “climate change” stories now?
    ooh look! Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth is on again this weekend! what a shocker eh?

  8. Via Drudge:
    For the fourteenth straight day, the three broadcast networks have failed to report on the great and growing ClimateGate scandal on their weekday morning or evening news programs. How to explain this?
    Perhaps it is that ABC, NBC and CBS have not yet heard of the story, despite two weeks of non-stop reporting on and discussion of ClimateGate in a whole host of media outlets.
    Perhaps the broadcast networks only trust their fellow liberal press outlets, like the New York Times. Perhaps they don’t realize the Times exhibited journalistic diligence on ClimateGate, with a front page story the day the story broke.
    In the event that ABC News, NBC News and CBS News missed the news, the Media Research Center (MRC) is today rushing each of them a copy of the Times story, in the hopes that armed with this new information, they will finally report a story that has been roiling nearly everywhere else for a fortnight.
    So as not to offend the networks’ pro-global warming sensibilities, MRC President Brent Bozell is looking to have the stories delivered by bicycle messenger.

  9. ChrisinMB – The CBC has to pander to that 8% of Canadians who actually watch it. If they don’t and it ends up that nobody watches it there will be no reason to keep the beast alive. So, what can we expect from the mothercorp? More Gore!
    They understand that they cannot lose any more of their base. It is survival and they know it.

  10. A different bob at December 4, 2009 8:55 PM …
    Exactly …. and Vitto …. whether or not you like it this IS about the CBC as much as anything else.
    Rex Murphy had to get this past the gatekeepers in the programming and production office … that means that unless Rex has way more pull than all of that there is a contingent within the CBC that is willing to have the sacred cows tipped.
    That makes it about the CBC… and it means there is a chance for reform of this cesspool of malignant progressivism.

  11. A comment seen at the Globe and Mail
    Funny how a few redacted emails prove to some that a government is guilty of war crimes…case closed.
    And yet other emails indicating a far greater crime may have been committed on the worlds population are so easily dismissed by these same people.

  12. Our prime-minister is in Copenhagen promoting this crap and it costs us money. Just another reason (one of many) not to vote conservative,” I didn’t in last election, and don’t regret it.”

  13. “Rex Murphy had to get this past the gatekeepers in the programming and production office ..”
    I’m hoping this could trigger a “changing of the guard” at the CBC. It’s a perfect excuse for the Conservatives to flex their muscles and do a little restructuring. Then a little more. Then a little more.
    I would bet there are a lot of people at the CBC who have had to bite their tongues for years who would just love to change things.

  14. Instead of showing Al Gore’s piece of trash AGAIN on the Canadian taxpayers’ broadcasting corporation , I would suggest giving Rex Murphy, A CANADIAN, the air time. The ratings would increase, no doubt.
    So much B.S. to fork through, and so little time. Keep at it Rex.
    Lois – I would say the same only I would replace “Rex Murphy” with Kate from sda, Lorrie Goldstein, Mark Stein or Steve McIntyre – ALL Canadians and ALL have been ‘on to’ the hoax for a very long time. Kate has been posting evidence pointing to false data collection for years and Lorrie has written many articles out and out stating that the scheme was a Bolshevik hoax. Rex was very late to the party of questioners…and he didn’t peep when the media trashed Rona Ambrose for speaking the truth.
    I like Danny Williams because he always speaks for the people who elected him – Newfoundlanders. Newfoundlanders were thrown under the bus by red tories and liberanos when Que. swindled NFLD out of the Churchill hydo project – somehow I cannot see the powder puff Premier of Que going anywhere when facing off with Danny Williams!! Special Ed in Alta…not so much…Danny is the only Premier in the country that I would vote FOR at this time.
    Joey Smallwood sold out the rich resources belonging to the people of NFLD NFLD for the baby bonus.
    I trust the Prime Minister. He knows what he is doing.
    Not one person who would lower themselves to work for a nefarious outfit like the CBC deserves my trust. I have seen Rex veer left far too many times to trust or elevate him to the most credible source to send to the PM. The PM is on to the media and their games of playing nicey, nicey to one’s face and catching an honest person off guard long enough to stab that person in the back. Good examples are Rona and Stockwell Day.
    I, like others here, see Rex Murphy’s ‘little cozy talk’ as a token to install a notion (in the audience) that the scientists made a wee mistake so we better scrap some of the work and refinance so they can start again… ‘this hopydopy changy temperature is waaay too important to scrap’!!
    The motive: someone might poke some holes in some other ‘scientology’ baseless ‘truths’. Cover-up, cover up!!
    Facts must be proven, in any real science study, to justify the conclusions that any credible scientist reaches. There have been no observable facts presented to prove the hypothesis in this case, IMO.

  15. Breach in MSM coverup of AGW/CRU fraud.
    “Breach in global-warming bunker shakes foundations of climate science
    Leaked e-mails from Britain’s Climatic Research Unit threaten to undermine Copenhagen summit on carbon emissions”
    “a crisis of confidence in global-warming science that is threatening to destroy the political consensus around next week’s carbon-policy summit in Copenhagen.”
    “On a political level, coming on the eve of the Copenhagen summit, the controversy has been catastrophic”.
    “Saudi Arabian officials now say that they will argue in Copenhagen that carbon-emission controls are pointless because the CRU scandal has nullified any evidence of human-caused atmospheric temperature increase.”
    “Unusually, even sympathetic scientists and some activists have concluded that the credibility of climate science has been seriously harmed.”
    “Prof. Hulme is one of several scientists calling for the raw data of climate-change research to be made available to everyone, including climate-change skeptics, on the Internet.”

  16. The CBC would never dump Rex at this time as he is the only one there who gives it any legitimacy at all. The CBC is only too aware that conservatives are calling for them to be taken down i.e. removal of tax funding. Rex is very secure at this point, though he may get some better offers from one of the independents.

  17. A real live MSM commentator mentioned Climategate after its been burning up the web for two weeks? As in, one, single, solitary guy?
    Wow! Like, wow we are so privileged to have such awesome news service from our CBC.
    Could be why I don’t watch any MSM any more, at all, ever.
    Mr. Prentice, I’d like that tax cut wrapped in bacon please. Make it a BIG frickin’ cut, seeing as how I am supposed to pretend the Canadian government has had no way to figure out the AGW scam was a scam, even though I’ve known damn well it was since the 1990’s.
    The only excuse the “conservative” politicians of Canada, Britain, Oz and the USA have is that they’ve been in the minority for most of the time this scam has been perpetrated, and facing a rabidly hostile press. Because you can’t tell me the frickin’ FBI or the CIA or even our sad sack alphabet soup goofs couldn’t have winkled this information out of these Ivory Tower drunks if anyone had been even slightly interested in finding out the truth.
    I’d like to see some earnest GOVERNMENT chap blow the lid off some data-hiding in Canada for a change. You know, earn all that pay we fork out every month.

  18. Peter at 9:29pm – “Our Prime Minister is in Copenhagen”
    He must have a double – last I heard he was still in China.

  19. I admit I haven’t had the time to read the other comments on this thread as I usually do b4 posting. I want to say I am pleased that Rex did a segment on the CBC last night on climategate and I was hoping that Kate or one of her readers caught it. I thought it interesting though that Rex’s segment came right after the @issue segment in which Mansbridge stated that they wanted suggestions for the next @issue program which climategate came immediately to my mind then low and behold Rex does a quickie on at a succinct quickie but a quickie. It’s like the CBC was saying ok we need ideas for our next @issue show – we want public input but we know you will say climategate so we will just do a quickie on it and hope the public requests something else. I want to see a whole half hour or more dedicated to Climategate on @issue – to join me in voting Climategate as topic to cover indepth. here is the link:
    Also Rex’s 3 minute Climate recap video on climategate can be seen here:

  20. I would suggest that Rex Murphy try listening to CBC’s the Current. Anna Maria Tramonti actually does her homework on climategate. Listen at If you had been doing your homework on climate skeptic history you would have known that these so called scandals were very public for a decade.
    This is old news repackaged with new bits of hacked emails taken out of context. Once you know the ‘rest of the story’, as Paul Harvey used to say, it is not news, just climate skeptics spinning every gullible media host they can to derail Copenhagen.
    Even if you disregard land temperature readings, you still have to deal with bed rock records, tree rings, areal photography, and ice core readings by independent scientists around the world all saying the same thing. The increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere is destabilizing the climate at a accelerating rate.

  21. No, there is no evidence to suggest that increasing concentrations
    of CO2 are destabilizing the climate at any rate, increasing or not.
    May we have the next non-scientific contestant please.

  22. Seems to me that anyone that liked Rex’s bit should go directly to the CBC site and re-watch it from there.
    My guess is that many watched it on YouTube, which would allow CBC to downplay how many “actually” saw it.
    Help melt the CBC servers so they can’t say, “well, 30 million ‘claimed’ views at YouTube isn’t something we can independently verify.”
