Subject: Re: ATTENTION. Invitation to influence Kyoto.

“This email has been sent to you for good luck. The original copy is in England. It has been around the world nine times. The luck has now been sent to you. You will receive good luck within days of receiving this letter, providing, you in turn send it on.
PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE to up to three colleagues in your country who are working in climate-related fields, who you think may support the Statement and whom we have not targeted. To identify colleagues whom we have already invited you can examine the email address list we have used for your country in the email header (or else appended to the end of this email).
Do not keep this email. It must leave your hands before Kyoto. A dendrologist who thought his proposal dead discovered millions more pounds were now available than was the case earlier. A climatologist in Germany received millions of marks to to compare model and palaeodata …”

4 Replies to “Subject: Re: ATTENTION. Invitation to influence Kyoto.”

  1. Just when you thought this whole affair couldn’t stink any more, another rotting corpse shows up.

  2. …?! Chain letters for science? Pyramid schemes?!! Bouquets to Dr. Tom Wigley for taking the high road, and the smackdown.
