12 Replies to “Y2Kartoonists”

  1. like they say “when they start laffing at you you’re finished”…..the Ryerson journo ‘doctor’ and warren kinsella are good examples….after Kate tattooed warren’s buttockeries and Steyn had the good doctor’s creds leaking out his basic fundament one never hears the teensiest combative peep from either of these morons…
    now i see Algorerhythm has begged off lecturing at Hopenchangein ..AND he was booed a few days back….i so look forward to this false philosopher king’s deshabillement…which is coming down the pike at 60 minutes and hour…

  2. Soooo..I guess that caged canary just would not die….had to kill that ‘singer’. Nice photo of ALgore, white adds poundage to that beached beluga. Note to wardrobe.

  3. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,665182,00.html
    Gropenhagen Conference
    Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex
    Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to city hotels warning summit guests not to patronize Danish sex workers during the upcoming conference. Now, the prostitutes have struck back, offering free sex to anyone who produces one of the warnings.
    Copenhagen’s city council in conjunction with Lord Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards out to 160 Copenhagen hotels urging COP15 guests and delegates to ‘Be sustainable – don’t buy sex’.
    “Dear hotel owner, we would like to urge you not to arrange contacts between hotel guests and prostitutes,” the approach to hotels says.
    Now, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has no business meddling in their affairs. They have now offered free sex to anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and their COP15 identity card, according to the Web site avisen.dk.
    The “Hope ‘n Whoring” Conference has arrived…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. It may be over for Al Gore, but I can’t help but think of what Ringo Starr once said when a reporter asked him what he would do if the Beatles suddenly stopped selling records. “Sit on my yacht and sulk”
    The 100 plus million he has made on this Sting will probably go a long way in helping his bruised ego. However, it is not just money he seeks. He wants power. We have not heard the last of him.
