65 Replies to “Brilliant Moments in Science”

  1. When your losing an argument,always resort to name calling.
    Suggest you all watch Lord Monckton on Prisonplanet.com he has some interesting things to say about the whole climate fraud.

  2. looks like the deer in the headlights.
    Can’t run.
    Can’t hide.
    Just waiting to be put out of their self-inflicted misery.

  3. Character assassination? The same group of people calling skeptics “Deniers” to make them sound as evil as Holocaust Deniers???
    Wow. They are experts in character assassination.

  4. If Jones and Mann et al hadn’t been engaging in character assassination themselves behind the scenes by rigging the peer review process and blocking science journal publication of opposing views then there would be less ammunition to prove that they themselves are people of bad character.
    Projection: it’s the Progressive default position on every issue.

  5. Of course, as Professor Watson states, we must
    “…look at the important issues, not the issues of of character assassination.”, and
    “It’s, it’s, it’s a real setback not because there’s anything wrong with the science but because the character assassination …
    and the temperature of the debate … is just obscuring the important issue, which is has the world warmed …”
    Job well done, Professor.

  6. On the 5 stages of grief, it appears as though the professor is moving from denial to anger. Next stop will be bargaining (as in just give me more time and I can fix this mess) and then comes depression.

  7. If these idiots weren’t simply trying to accommodate the take over of the world’s economies to create a totalitarian slaves paradise, they might be able to see that a warmer world is a good thing.
    It is also strange that the same people who desperately want population reduction are so concerned about saving the world’s population from … guess what? … a warmer world.
    That is the how the mind of the leftist works. In complete contradiction. That is why they cannot win a debate … their are so many paradoxes in their philosophies that they can’t keep things straight.
    That is why they always resort to name calling … it is exactly the same as when Homer Simpson has nothing left to offer but an asinine “Doh!!!”

  8. “It’s, it’s, it’s a real setback not because there’s anything wrong with the science but ……..”
    Nothing wrong with the science?
    Well even a meth lab freak wouldn’t destroy his notes/recipe.

  9. Hmmm ….. ” Our colleague in America is obscuring the most important issue, which is ‘has the world warmed in the past hundred years or not’?”
    Whatever happened to “The science is settled”?

  10. Google hits at the moment
    “Climategate” 32 million
    “Climate Change” 24 million
    and for comparison on a popular search
    “Obama” 47.9 million
    I think we need a new expression besides “going viral”

  11. Coffin. Nails. Hammer.
    Nothing wrong with the science !?
    Al Gore’s “documentary” was supposedly based on ‘the science is settled’ line.
    Add this ;
    [DOSR calls Al Gore’s iconic use of the melting cap of Kilimanjaro “unfortunate” — since it now seems to be mainly the result of “natural climate variations.”] …
    to CO2 conc FOLLOWS temp – not, as Gore claimed, leads…
    and Atlantic hurricane numbers and intensities have decreased NOT increased as Gore fearmongered …
    and sea levels are NOT increasing anywhere near what Gore imagined …
    But the world diverted $Billion$ of dollars from worthwhile environmental and health initiatives to the the Gore/Kyoto/IPCC/CRU/UN scam.
    And yet this idiot professor says there is nothing wrong with the science !!
    There is enough evidence to hang Al Gore up by the scrotum.

  12. “There’s nothing wrong with the science”. To utter such a statement while we examine the damning comments in their code… he must think the hundreds of thousands of competent, experienced non-academic people reviewing the gw-model-contraption are less intellectually gifted than himself.
    Ivory Tower Delusional Syndrome.
    Come to terms with it, Watson, the work is not being peer-reviewed via the Internet… rather, it seems to be being superior-reviewed.

  13. Seriously,
    AGW theory has been Titanicked. But the prof was right. He was an asshole.
    Screaming down the opposition is a poor debate. Look at how CHRC commisar was made to hang herself. With calm, cool, hard questioning. That is a good example.
    If we want to bring down the Goraclists….make sure we let them hang themselves.
    Ummm…..where is that information?…OH! in the garbage…….So why should I trust your 12 American house per month burning energy fat ass?
    Nuff said.

  14. Given the body of evidence released and analyzed, by literaly 100,000s, if not now in the millions, of readers Prof. Watson is clearly in delusional denial.
    It’s not about the emails demonstrating human foibles, its about the damnably FORKED CODING which guarantees a predetermined result.
    It is about the fact that some of us with enough mathematics, physics and computer knowledge can see with out a scintilla of doubt that the UEA CRU, IPCC, UN, Copenhagen ‘Shakin Downin’ is a financial fraud that makes Bernie Madoff look like a kindergarten ponzie scheme.
    It really is rather sad that people with PhDs behave as though this is not patently transparent.
    CO2 is not gassing the planet!
    Give yourself a shake and wake up from your somnolent slumber!!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  15. When a so called Doctor of Science calls someone and asshole, you know the heat is on and it’s widespread. The warm mongers are in complete panic mode.
    “They can’t handle the truth.”
    Sorry Dr. Watson, there are too many Sherlocks out there.

  16. Damage control mode is all they have now. The blurring of entertainment, religion (ghia), politics, science and the old media has amalgamated into a fetid blob of quivering stench.
    From Suzuki and the maggotts to Mann and the stick, from Gore and da bears, Hollywood and their schtick, from Messiahs that balk to ex Prez’s that quit, from the media whores to to the useful twits….
    Suffice it to say I’ve had enough of yer …..

  17. Damage control mode is all they have now.
    The blurring of entertainment, religion (ghia), politics, science and the old media has amalgamated into a fetid blob of quivering stench.
    From Suzuki and maggotts to Mann and the stick, from Gore and da bears, Hollywood and their schtick, from Messiahs that balk to ex Prez’s that quit, from the media whores to the useful twits….
    Suffice it to say I’ve had enough of yer …..
    With all due respect to Theodore Geisel.

  18. “CRU’s programming ‘way below expected standards'”
    “As the row caused by the Climatic Research Unit’s leaked e-mails continues, Newsnight has been told there are now serious concerns over the quality of the computer programming used to produce the global temperature records at the heart of the debate.
    Newsnight’s Science Editor Susan Watts looks at how the source code used in the CRU’s computer files is way below expected standards for this type of commercial software, according to software engineer Dr John Graham-Cumming.”

  19. ….and typically, we see the mediot host cutting off commentary from the realist, but letting the warmongering ‘scientist’ carry on and on at his leisurely pace.
    They are in the bag for the leftoids.
    Yes, looks like the nutters are moving to the second stage, from denial to anger…..
    And the nutters are riding their silly bikes in Angleterre, painting their faces blue and waving flowers. Decrying those bloody awful tar sands, in a foreign land.

  20. I love how he rolls his eyes. These guys must be pulling their hair out; they’ve rode the PR/media train for years, and now it’s coming off the rails.

  21. Something else occurs to me… I imagine there’s a lot of skeptics out there who’ve been in the closet for fear of bucking the mainstream opinion. Climategate is going to make it easier for them to come out.
    Two weeks ago I thought this might blow over. No way now.

  22. There’s just something about his particular accent, that makes me have visions of extreme violence. Every time I’ve met someone with his particular accent, I’ve come away with a bad experience.
    He seemed to be directing his disdain through the other gentleman, directly at the US. Well, maybe the US should, finally, wash their hands of the UK. Let them fend for themselves.

  23. “they might be able to see that a warmer world is a good thing.”
    I remember years ago seeing a cartoon in a…um…men’s magazine. There were 2 very Geritol old men sitting on a bench, both without a stitch of clothes on (maybe they had shoes) and a bevvy of voluptuous young girls strutting around equally naked and one guy said to the other: “Boy I’m sure glad I lived long enough to see Global Warming!”

  24. Prof Watson was half right.Two assholes there – both with British accents.
    Silly old dear didn’t seem to realize all his “thoughtful” pauses while meandering when his rival is waiting on a sat feed come across as “your turn, say something”. Or maybe he did. Wouldn’t put it past him. He had a bit of that “ridden hard and put away wet” look to him.

  25. This scam, brought to us by the New High Priests of Eco-Grifters, Academics and our Progressive Elites has been 40 years in the making.
    Excellent summary . . . everyone should take time to study this:
    Global warming is now like a couple of huge oil tankers lashed together, slowly lumbering along, seemingly impervious to being stopped. There are far too many snouts in far too many troughs for it to end with a bang, even if, hopefully Copenhagen gets a 10 out of 10 on the Gong Show scale.
    So Copenhagen will go ahead, the Warmongers and Eco-Profiteers will scream ever louder. Don’t be upset if the their main enabler, the Late Stream Media continues to front the great scam. They haven’t figured out yet they are so far behind they think they are leading opinions. They have been played like a cheap piano for so long they can’t change their minds too quickly or they’ll give away their game.
    But know that ClimateGate is like a major torpedo attack on the great” lashed up” supertanker fleet. Deep below the waterline there is severe damage, water is pouring in, the crew, or should I say the Team, can’t close off the water tight compartments fast enough, can’t plug the holes because they are too numerous.
    They will try and pretend all is well, but they’ll first notice their Great Cause is slowing down a bit, then some more. Then a list will appear, a list to port of course because everyone knows the Great Global Warming Scam is a socialist ponzi scheme. Then some smoke will appear coming from the engine room.
    When you see the Captain and the other officers abandon ship and leave the crew to their fate, then you’ll know it is really over.
    Patience my fellow realists, patience. We have an impending long global cooling period, a new Minimum that their models don’t predict. While they lie cheat and obfuscate over the emails, the data continues to show “non-warming”.
    I’m thinking 12-18 months before the majority of the afflicted can figure out their chosen theology is bunkum, smoke & mirrors, gone they way of the Lysenko and Alchemy.

  26. The medieval Warm Period lasted 400 years, climate scientists were worried about the possibility of a new Ice Age at the end of the ’70s and beginning of the ’80s.
    Then the climate began warming and after a mere decade they began cobbling together the Kyoto Protocols.
    One decade is too short of a period to view as a trend.
    The climate warmed for about 2 decades or less, reached stasis, and is now cooling despite that fact that CO2 concentrations are going up.
    Time to scrap the Climate Crisis fad.
    The hypothesis that rising CO2 concentrations lead directly to rising temperatures is false.

  27. I have read above the references to the mind of the Left, and polar bears, which
    bring to mind the falling-polar-bear video.
    That video gives remarkable insight into the Leftist imagination. It is remarkable
    for the cruelty and sadism with which large and largely unobjectionable animals are shown,
    with great skill and enthusiasm, bloodily splattering over buildings, roof ledges, and cars.
    Whoever devised that video was a fiend from Hell. And it, and its enablers, no doubt
    feel pride that they have made a “statement” about environmentalism.
    Such are our would-be masters.

  28. Speaking of character assassination and assho!es: Professor Watson takes first prize.
    What an assho!e! ‘Just sorry I didn’t get to say that on camera.

  29. Like cockroaches, these alarmists are now scurrying for the nearest cool, dark space.
    Sounds like they’re in denial of AGW fraud, and it is only a matter of time before the politicians and the reluctant media ask the true believers to PROVE that it isn’t a fraud!
    Science may yet prevail, but the war has only begun.

  30. I wonder if those econuts really realize that every time they open their mouth they are emmitting co2. Every time they open a bottle of a carbonated beverage, they emit carbon. Maybe we should ban all carbonated beverages.
    I also think that when pollution was first mentioned as a problem, most of us were thinking dirty rivers, lakes, smoke stacks, garbage, and were in favor of cleaning it up. Somehow, someone hihacked the program.
    Does Vancouver still dump raw sewage into the ocean.

  31. Getting caught with hand in cookie jar TO THE SHOULDER makes yer Lefty watermellon all cranky, don’t it?
    Instant replay of gun control. I remember the likes of Kellerman and Wiersema getting all hot under the collar just like this guy when somebody pinned them to the wall too.
    Never gets old, either. Speak on Prof Watson, speak on I say! Louder!

  32. “just obscuring the important issue, which is has the world warmed …”
    Straw man argument. That isn’t the issue at all. It’s the cause of the warming that’s the issue. I notice Morano wasn’t allowed the opportunity to correct him. Seems they’re still trying to salvage AGW.

  33. Was it just last week that SDA clicked over 15M views?
    288K additional since then! Where can I buy shares? 🙂

  34. Prof. Watson obviously doesn’t like a “colonist” having an opinion which differs from his cultured British superior intellect.
    If the interview had been more neutral and Morano had been able to point to the CRU “hockey stick” software which was fudged to give the same result even when random data was entered , I wonder what the superior intellect of Prof. Watson’s response would have been … asshole ?

  35. Hmpffff. The guys sounds like just another elderly british hippy faggot to me. His jig is up and he knows it. Any further imposture as an intellect is pretty much pointless.
    But to be fair, our guy was essentially beating up a retard. Any battle of the wits between these two would be grossly one-sided and our Global Warmer didn’t really have any other choice but to act like a petulant child.
    This should be a lesson on how stupid the average human being is – and that goes double for their supposed self-proclaimed intellectuals.

  36. dp […There’s just something about his particular accent, that makes me have visions of extreme violence. Every time I’ve met someone with his particular accent, I’ve come away with a bad experience.
    He seemed to be directing his disdain through the other gentleman, directly at the US. Well, maybe the US should, finally, wash their hands of the UK. Let them fend for themselves.]
    Yeah…me too….how often is the image these idiots project is not intellect and elegance but rather insufferable arrogance….
    The AGW PR people would do well to muzzle these idiots…
    The most obvious hypocritical aspect is that knowing we have read the unjustified character assassinations in the e-mails these frauds have the unmitigated gall to cry foul/character assassination.
    In principle it seems impossible to assassinate characters which have been discreadited/ dishonoured so thoroughly by their own e-mails.
    I say cry havock and unleash the dogs of war.

  37. Love it how you guys praise the bellowing beefsteak-face guy who talks over everyone else to make his’point’ (can’t allow the other guy to speak, gotta keep bullying to impress his fellow troglodyte barbarian followers inthe same manner as Rush, Beck, etc.). You weak types are always such fans of obese ignoramuses (who always end up being discovered going on all-male vacations w/ a suitcase of Viagra) Wonder why?

  38. What a hypocrite…Watson displays indignation over character assassination and then calls his opponent an asshole – priceless.

  39. I wasn’t going to mention this, but bleet opened the door, with his allusion to the sexual disfunction of American conservatives.
    The reason I despise people(like prof Watson) with that particular accent, and demeanor, is I’ve had dealings with two such individuals, who served time for child molesting. One was a boxing coach in Ft. Mcmurray, the other a city employee in Grande Prairie. Both were found guilty, so I’m at no risk for speaking the truth.
    Don’t open a door, unless you know what’s behind it, bleet.

  40. And, bleet finally makes an entrance with the usual ad hominem nonsense. What has kept you away these past two weeks my lefty friend?
    No need to answer. I probably need to point out that it’s a rhetorical question.
