65 Replies to “Brilliant Moments in Science”

  1. Character assassination.. more like the wounds were self inflicted!! Resorting to comment like a**hole means he has nothing intelligent to add to the debate.

  2. Watson epitomizes many years of tenured unnaccountibilty and pimping for politically correct causes. It would take a unique individual, near renegade to stand up to the university institutional fog of leftist green politics. Take that environment and lavish it with manna from heaven and you find it filled with former scientists acting tribally as exposed by the leaked information. This is an army of David Suzuki clones on a global scale. We need an asteroid to hit the conference in Copenhagen next week.

  3. syncro- I used to see old Rex at every tournament. He sure acted a lot like prof Watson. The hair on my neck stands up when I hear that voice.

  4. “It’s a setback not because there’s anything wrong with the science….”
    SDH & Eastern Paul also saw the absolute stupidity of this comment.
    I can’t imagine what more could be done to discredit science & scientists than this. It’s truly a shame.

  5. dp
    I delivered papers to that pos in Beacon Hill back in the day….needless to say self affected british accents make my skin crawl as much today as they did then.

  6. Protests call for action over climate change”
    “In today’s demonstration, called “The Wave”, protestors are wearing blue clothing, with many wearing blue gloves or painting their hands.”
    They’ve been planning this for months and months. Poor fools have no idea of what sheeple they are.
    Actually, that’s not fair. They’re good folks that have been lied to and tricked, not only be their scientific communities, but by the media that have played the one side to such alarming results.

  7. And with the very last of the compassion that I can muster for these folks….It’s not a good time to be a Climate Change Advocate.

  8. Patrick, has me recalling Pelosi’s strange eye-blinking episode; Between that and this climate science prof’s exaggerated eye-rolls as well as losing his decorum, given that he actually had some to start with – has me chuckling and we can’t find great political satire on tv these days.
    Speaking of strange, just checked out LGF and Charles is now quoting Dizzy May as an authority on AGW with links to her blog to share her her informed view of the emails.
    Things I’d never expect to see. ( and didn’t even know he was a greenie!)
    They don’t want to talk turkey though
    But real data bytes – it won’t lie.

  9. Decrying “character assassination” while making exaggerated eye-rolls and school-yard faces and calling names. Yeah, that’s so professional and mature.

  10. The “bed wetting” sky is falling crowd is losing it. And you can see the panic in their eyes. They have had their way in this debate for so long that they just cannot handle any argument or dissent.
    “Actually, that’s not fair. They’re good folks that have been lied to and tricked”
    Pat, I am not so sure about that. These “good folks” will now go out of their way to ruin the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.
    As I said, these idiots are starting to panic, and they will do or say anything to stifle debate.
    BTW…bleet…..G F Y !

  11. Yep Kingstonlad, they’ll do their worst, no doubt about it. Too bad that they got sucked in by lies and manipulation.
    That having been said, I’ve got very little illusion in front of me about what they are now, and one thing they are not, and that is that they are not my friend.

  12. Anyone else notice that Watson has a bit of a Richard Dawkins thing going on? – all swept-back grey hair and fey borderline hysteria and vulgar bullying to show that, however brilliant, he’s really one of the lads at heart, bless him! It must be all the style.
    ‘Course, to be kind, his Christmas has almost certainly been pretty much ruined. If I were him, I might just be losing it.

  13. Well, Watson should know sphincters. He appears to be something of a connoisseur, eh wot?
