Bring Me a Shrubbery

It just doesn’t end:

Coming to light in recent days has been one of the most extraordinary scientific detective stories of our time, bizarrely centred on a single tree in Siberia dubbed “the most influential tree in the world”. On this astonishing tale, it is no exaggeration to say, could hang in considerable part the future shape of our civilisation. Right at the heart of the sound and fury of “Climategate” – the emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia – is one story of scientific chicanery, overlooked by the media, whose implications dwarf all the rest. If all those thousands of emails and other documents were leaked by an angry whistle-blower, as now seems likely, it was this story more than any other that he or she wanted the world to see.
To appreciate its significance, as I observed last week, it is first necessary to understand that the people these incriminating documents relate to are not just any group of scientists. Professor Philip Jones of the CRU, his colleague Dr Keith Briffa, the US computer modeller Dr Michael Mann, of “hockey stick” fame, and several more make up a tightly-knit group who have been right at the centre of the last two reports of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On their account, as we shall see at this week’s Copenhagen conference, the world faces by far the largest bill proposed by any group of politicians in history, amounting to many trillions of dollars.
It is therefore vitally important that we should trust the methods by which these men have made their case. The supreme prize that they have been working for so long has been to establish that the world is warmer today than ever before in recorded history. To do this it has been necessary to eliminate a wealth of evidence that the world 1,000 years ago was, for entirely natural reasons, warmer than today (the so-called Medieval Warm Period).
Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a “hockey stick” pattern, and it was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU’s studies, which led McIntyre to dub it “the most influential tree in the world”.
… keep reading.

34 Replies to “Bring Me a Shrubbery”

  1. a Canadian Solution.
    1)Find that tree
    2)Cut it down
    3)fashion into a hockey stick
    4)High stick Suzuki

  2. Back in the mid 90’s there was a company called Bre-X. So successful had this gold miner become that it was included in the TSE 300 index.
    So successful that a series other Gold behemoths came to audit this company with the intention of a takeover. One of those massive gold companies was Barrick. Another Freeport Macmoran.
    When Freeport had concluded it’s discovery to determine the value of Bre-X it was found that they had salted the cores.
    Well the next day the Indonesian army arrived
    to bring the geologist back to explain what was going on, however the geologist fell out of the helicopter that was transporting him.

  3. I wonder how many trillions of dollars have been expended based on the faulty information these so called climate scientists have created. Anyone have any information on that?

  4. If he is real,I don’t think our Marxist friend is the slightest bit funny. Too many people were executed in my family by scum like this.

  5. This guy is left to the point of being cartoon like if it is real (and I’ll treat it as such until proven otherwise) all I can say is wow.

  6. Ken
    Not much of what Groucho has produced is mainstream funny but if you think Colbert/South Park the man/woman may have a point.
    All historical realities aside.

  7. Warren Z:
    I think the total cost of AGW is completely unknowable. Most estimates I’ve heard make Bernie Madoff look like a piker.

  8. Syncro Looking at some of his other blogs this guy just might be the real deal. Though I wouldn’t swear to it.

  9. I have a neighbour that is a retired scientist.
    Not what you would expect…a friedship between a farmer and a Phd. His perspective from “sitting on the other side of the desk” is that grant and research money is very hard to get. He has also felt, that for some time, if you could somehow tie your work into global warming it would improve the chances of getting the money. Ever notice that almost daily there are reports of global warming leading to this and that and the next thing? One of the latest “studies” I saw was that global warming leads to an increase in prostitution.
    Anyways my perspective is…some one that sells themselves for money is a _______ (fill in the blank).

  10. Core enough trees and you’ll probably find tree ring patterns to replicate the rise and fall of the Dow Jones industrial averages, and the seasonal performances of the Toronto Maple Leafs. It’s called the “Texas sharpshooter error” as I’ve described in previous posts and it’s taught to most students in a basic research or statistics class. For these guys at the heart of climategate to call themselves “scientists” is like a weekend pug calling himself a neurosurgeon.

  11. The Glengarrian “One of the latest “studies” I saw was that global warming leads to an increase in prostitution.” You are right, and this will manifest itself in Hopenscamen when the local ladies of the night will be offering the services for free to the delegates. All in the interest of science of course.

  12. .
    I think we can forget about the new-deniers listening to any form of reason any time soon. Reading the relative few articles by the typical media herd-turds leads me to suspect they won’t give up. World Power and Control is almost within the grasp of their masters. Dollars, even quadrillions of them are of no import. For them, nothing trumps Power and Control.
    My scientific colleagues have typically gone ballistic with anger when I ask them simple (elementary-school) questions. Although our field of science is not climatology, it is closely linked. But they have run with the lies, without so much as a glance at the climate data, the temperatures, the statistics, the rationale.
    And now that thousands upon thousands of Internet instances of opposition are easily available, those who have touted the scientific-method tradition in my line of science will overlook it in a closely associated line. You even get remarks about going beyond science, relaxing truth, relaxing old methodologies — especially in the light of straight lies, data manipulation, and many forms of cover-up.
    More and more there appears to be a new paradigm forming. The scientific revolution has been around for hundreds of years; now, we are returning to an unscientific revolution where the “green” gods and the “red” gods are the new visible benefactors of invisible bondage.
    In Galileo’s time the liberal philosophy had infiltrated the Church, and they dealt with him.
    In our day the liberal element has transfixed a defiant child of prosperity and liberty.
    More links in the chains of bondage are welded by the week.

  13. Ken…I have always wondered why they are called ladies of the night.What’s wrong with a little afternoon delight? Or a morning perk you up?

  14. If we all chipped in, d’ya think we could buy each COP15 delegate a nice departing gift – ya know, for de missus – for their solaria, back home?
    Maybe throw in a couple of gold-plated ones for Big Al, Fleeing Phil, Hey Mikey, One-Tree Keith, “Asshole” Watson, Raja Rajendra, etc.

  15. Justthinkin, I suspect they are called ladies of the night because generally those that patronize this activity do not want to be seen.
    noel, if you are right in your thoughts, we are in for a new dark age.

  16. funny that some dinasours don’t see it…
    Don Cherry is #1 at BOURQUE, with Harper’s solid performence in China at #2, Paul Anka and Tiger fit into his world before ClimateGate, which is well down in the side-bar level.
    Bye bye Bourque.

  17. yes shrubberies are my trade, i am a shrubber. my name is Roger the Shrubber. i arrange design and sell shrubberies.

  18. .
    Ken, you are quite right.
    As I wrote, we are nearing the end of the Scientific Revolution.
    Before our eyes and ears, and supersaturating the very air we breathe, is a new age of maleficence. A new liberal defiance like a mimetic contagion transmogrifies in a paradigm-shift to a new Great Absolute of world domination…
    the UNscientific Revolution.
    Recall the words of Petrarch concerning the Dark Ages…
    “Amidst the errors there shone forth men of genius; no less keen were their eyes, although they were surrounded by darkness and dense gloom”.
    More links in the chains of bondage are w(i)elded by the week as the “green” gods and the “red” gods have a field-day among the peasants and the elites, alike.
    But there will rise up great writers and poets, and the depths of understanding will shine once again…
    “‘Mongst horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights [UN]holy”
