29 Replies to “Holy ostrich!”

  1. So very stupid.
    As far as I can tell so far, the commenters on this article haven’t been duped.

  2. Ah, sometimes you just wish folks would keep their mouths shut, but she must be missing the clues.
    My MP and Mr Prentice and Mr Harper are getting minimum 1 email a day from me, latest headlines and constant reminder that only 4 or so short years ago they were in the correct position on this issue.
    I keep pushing Tony Abbott at them,
    “I don’t say there aren’t problems, but I refuse to be terrified of the future,”
    “If you look at Roman times, grapes grew up against Hadrian’s Wall. In the 1700s they had ice fairs on the Thames. So the world has been significantly hotter, significantly colder than it is now. We’ve coped.”
    As the brit’s would say, Brilliant!

  3. Meanwhile, real scientists fight back against the alchemists from CRU and Penn State.
    Let the hockey game begin . . . because when real scientists get finished with The Team, they won’t have enough credibility left for a game of shinny.
    Dear fellow member of the American Physical Society:
    This is a matter of great importance to the integrity of the Society. It is being sent to a random fraction of the membership, so we hope you will pass it on.
    By now everyone has heard of what has come to be known as ClimateGate, which was and is an international scientific fraud, the worst any of us have seen in our cumulative 223 years of APS membership. For those who have missed the news we recommend the excellent summary article by Richard Lindzen in the November 30 edition of the Wall Street journal, entitled “The Climate Science
    isn’t Settled,” for a balanced account of the situation. It was written by a scientist of unquestioned authority and integrity. A copy can be found among the items at http://tinyurl.com/lg266u, and a visit to http://www.ClimateDepot.com can fill in the details of the scandal, while adding spice.
    What has this to do with APS? In 2007 the APS Council adopted a Statement on global warming (also reproduced at the tinyurl site mentioned above) that was based largely on the scientific work that is now revealed to have been corrupted. (The principals in this escapade have not denied what they did, but have sought to dismiss it by saying that it is normal practice among scientists. You know and we know that that is simply untrue. Physicists are not expected to cheat.)
    We have asked the APS management to put the 2007 Statement on ice until the extent to which it is tainted can be determined, but that has not been done. We have also asked that the membership be consulted on this point, but that too has not been done.
    None of us would use corrupted science in our own work, nor would we sign off on a thesis by a student who did so. This is not only a matter of science, it is a matter of integrity, and the integrity of the APS is now at stake. That is why we are taking the unusual step of communicating directly with at least a fraction of the membership.
    If you believe that the APS should withdraw a Policy Statement that is based on admittedly corrupted science, and should then undertake to clarify the real state of the art in the best tradition of a learned society, please send a note to the incoming President of the APS ccallan@princeton.edu, with the single word YES in the subject line. That will make it easier for him to count.
    Bob Austin, Professor of Physics, Princeton
    Hal Lewis, emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
    Will Happer, Professor of Physics, Princeton
    Larry Gould, Professor of Physics, Hartford
    Roger Cohen, former Manager, Strategic Planning, ExxonMobil

  4. It is Canada’s fault . .
    “I was amazed to find that the same names kept appearing. In fact the same person is listed as the chief author of all those documents I just listed. He also headed the UN Reform Committee, authored the UN report on Global Governance, was the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN (#2) in charge, president of the UN ‘University of Peace’ and the leader of the Baha’i movement in North America. His name is Maurice Strong. ”

  5. Vote for an “At Issue” CBC segment on Climategate! Go to the website link posted below – the CBC is asking for programming topics.
    reposted: I admit I haven’t had the time to read the other comments on this thread as I usually do b4 posting. I want to say I am pleased that Rex did a segment on the CBC last night on climategate and I was hoping that Kate or one of her readers caught it. I thought it interesting though that Rex’s segment came right after the @issue segment in which Mansbridge stated that they wanted suggestions for the next @issue program which climategate came immediately to my mind then low and behold Rex does a quickie on at a succinct quickie but a quickie. It’s like the CBC was saying ok we need ideas for our next @issue show – we want public input but we know you will say climategate so we will just do a quickie on it and hope the public requests something else. I want to see a whole half hour or more dedicated to Climategate on @issue – to join me in voting Climategate as topic to cover indepth. here is the link: http://www.cbc.ca/thenational/blog/2009/11/whats-your-question-for-the-at-issue-panel.html
    Also did anyone notice the subliminal advertising for BO on Showbiz tonight – CNN? A witten message stayed on the screen for approx 5 seconds that stated “Americn Idol” will soon be Barack” I’m thinking it should have read back as opposed to Barack – don’t you. Not the first time CNN has done this sort of thing – this instance occured on Wednesday during the Tiger Woods scandal segment.

  6. “Not the first time CNN has done this sort of thing – this instance occured on Wednesday during the Tiger Woods scandal segment.
    Posted by: Vote for coverage at cbc at December 5, 2009 4:26 PM”
    I think he’s going by the name Cheetah Woods now.

  7. A question posted at the CBC regarding the last posters post.
    “I would like to ask the panel and Peter Mansbridge if they would be willing to invite a less conservative voice onto the panel. It is quite shocking to realize that all the panelists come from the conservative end of the spectrum.”

  8. Actually, I think everybody’s wrong. The biggest problem with the global warming issue isn’t whether the science is right or wrong (although the science IS in fact wrong). But it’s the solution that is wrong in spades, even if the science happened to be right!
    This whole “cap and trade”, “carbon credits”, scheme etc. has to be the biggest White Elephant mankind has come up with yet, and it doesn’t address the problem of pollution. It attempts to address the problem of guilt — not pollution. There is simply no Grand Master Theory for dealing with pollution and it is arrogant beyond belief that mankind would think it could resolve it on a Global scale. Pollution is a local problem, to deal with on a case by case step by step basis, and over time the natural environment will get better. It took 150 years for industrialization to mess up the environment, it will probably take another 150 years to heal it, develop cleaner technologies, etc. There’s no big panic.

  9. Ricardo the Cap & Trade / Carbon Credits nonsense was never intended to control CO2 output. It was a way to buy off/pay off the useful idiots in the corporate and political realms.
    AGW’s roots lie in an attempt to control humans through one world government.

  10. Yes, Hamlet. There is a professional “professor of VAT policy”.
    “Copenhagen summit: Denmark rushes in laws to stop carbon trading scam
    Climate change summit host embarrassed as criminals make most of lax laws to pocket VAT on emissions trading
    Europe’s flagship carbon trading scheme suffered a blow today as the Danish government was forced to rush an emergency law through parliament to clamp down on a virulent form of VAT fraud.
    On the eve of the Copenhagen climate talks, which will attract world attention to emissions trading schemes, police and tax investigators across Europe are believed to be investigating hundreds of millions of euros worth of fraud involving carbon quotas originating in Denmark.
    Since British, French and Dutch governments took similar action in the summer, much of the “carousel” fraud involving carbon credits moved to Denmark, where registration of carbon quotas for the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is easy and a VAT rate of 25% makes the fraud attractive to international criminals.
    Experts said today that Copenhagen had long been an accident waiting to happen in terms of carousel fraud.
    Richard Ainsworth, professor of VAT policy at Boston University in the US said: “It is extremely surprising that after the French, British and Dutch had to move against this fraud in the summer that the Danes did not act more quickly, especially with the climate summit about to start.”
    The Danish government today said it did not know how much money it had lost to the fraud but the number is likely to run into hundreds of millions – if not billions – of kroner.”

  11. Holy Allah, Mao. Red is Green; green is red; red is green. Moh’s Green movement?
    “The Many Shades of Iran’s Green Movement
    As Iranian demonstrators are quietly gearing up for the next uprising and as the regime is nervously and secretly devising strategies and scare tactics to keep demonstrations under control for the upcoming December 7th, the color Green manifests itself in various forms by various groups to signify their cause.
    Green was the color chosen by Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi during the 2009 presidential elections. However the “Green Movement” refers to uprisings which have been taking place since June12th elections in Iran.
    In part, the Green Movement was conceived after hundreds of thousands of supporters of Mr. Mousavi took to the streets to protest their votes. Demonstrations were met with a brutal crackdown and Khamenei, instead of deferring to the demands of the people, resorted to violence, giving birth to the Real Green Movement of Iran.
    True that there might have been strong initial support for Mousavi and his Green campaign. But seizing the opportunity, the campaign quickly transformed itself to the real aspirations of the Iranian people and can no longer be considered as an expression of support for Mr. Mousavi. Mousavi’s Green officially came to an end when he formed a new social front called the “the Green Path of Hope.” Several Mousavi sympathizers have been trying to resurrect the Mousavi Green, but it seems that it has lost traction among the Iranians.
    Notwithstanding, there are still many shades of Green lurking inside and outside of Iran, but can be categorized into three..”.

  12. Did anyone else sense the irony when Kady had for her site pick of the week Wikileaks after slagging the CRU emails for questionable provenance? LOL! Only at the CBC.

  13. I’ve been visiting blogs all over the ‘sphere ,and the ClimateGate deniers are getting rather pathetic,especially in view of the number of real scientists who are acknowledging the enormity of the scandal.
    Maybe someone inside should write a book,”The Last Desperate Days”, the inside story of the world collapsing around Al gore’s ears.
    Kind of reminds me of late April 1945, in a certain bunker,”the new panzer divisions are attacking the Russians and driving them back,Mein Fuhrer”.

  14. Climategate on the CBC video
    Kady O’malley said she didn’t see any significance of climategate to Canada. WHAT !!
    She says she is busy covering Canadian politics.
    * The science of climate alarmism is a proven fraud.
    * Chretien, as PM, signed on to the fraud.
    * Maurice Strong, Godfather of Kyoto, is a Canadian. (UN oil for food perpetrator)
    * If Canada signs on to this fraud in Copenhagen, Canada’s economy and lifestyle will be dealt a severe blow.
    * For a decade now, some great Canadians have been calling bullshi!! on climate alarmism but the media fawned all over Suzuki instead.
    Hey there O’Malley – ever hear of Patrick Moore ? Steven McIntyre ? Tim Ball? They are all being vindicated – the alarmists have been caught red handed.
    O’Malley is being paid big bucks by taxpayers – she, and nobody else can be this stupid. There is indeed a conspiracy by Canadian media to try and whitewash the whole climate alarmism scandal.

  15. Climategate on the CBC video link.
    Kady O’malley said she didn’t see any significance of climategate to Canada. WHAT !!
    She says she is busy covering Canadian politics.
    * The science of climate alarmism is a proven fraud.
    * Chretien, as PM, signed on to the fraud.
    * Maurice Strong, Godfather of Kyoto, is a Canadian. (UN oil for food perpetrator)
    * If Canada signs on to this fraud in Copenhagen, Canada’s economy and lifestyle will be dealt a severe blow.
    * For a decade now, some great Canadians have been calling bullshi!! on climate alarmism but the media fawned all over Suzuki instead.
    Hey there O’Malley – ever hear of Patrick Moore ? Steven McIntyre ? Tim Ball? They are all being vindicated – the alarmists have been caught red handed.
    O’Malley is being paid big bucks by taxpayers – she, and nobody else can be this stupid. There is indeed a conspiracy by Canadian media to try and whitewash the whole climate alarmism scandal.

  16. Temperature, Dec. 05-09
    4:00 PM CST Eureka Station, Nunavut.
    -22° C
    Do icebergs melt at that temp??

  17. The ignorance, unobjectivity, and hyper-partisanship of the Canadian MSM is reaching new heights (and professional lows). You’ve provided one good example.
    I just briefly turned on Sean Leslie on CKNW’s “World This Weekend” program. He went through the run-through of today’s program. On the environment he’s having a single guest on, and surprise, surprise … someone who is a huge proponent of Global Warming Theory.
    I just don’t get it. But frankly, I’ve stopped tried to understand how these folks pretend to be professional journalists any longer.

  18. UNce mo started up a website just before the scandal broke.
    …hasn’t been updated since.
    was just over there searching for Tongsun Park, oil for food.

  19. Those cunning Danes: UNOrgy.
    “The Danish government is cunningly spending a million kroner (£120,000) to give the protesters KlimaForum, a “parallel conference” in the magnificent DGI-byen sports centre.”
    ” On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.
    “We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention,” she says. “But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report.””
    >>> “As Mr Singh suggests, the interesting question is perhaps not whether the climate changers have got the science right – they probably have – but whether they have got the pitch right.”
    “Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
    Copenhagen is preparing for the climate change summit that will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough.”

  20. Kady is having somewhat of a pity party at her blog. She seems to think she is the whipping boy/girl for the media.Suck it up Princess!
    And she really shouldn’t have claimed That she didn’t have time to read all the info, and she couldn’t see the Canadian connection.Proof that she is overpaid and not connected to Canadians.
    Kate and others on the hand, have other ‘jobs’ and had plenty of time to keep us informed.
    Lame one Kady.
    Adrian (Unamgig-Ambi) did an excellent job if only to ruffle their ever so sensitive dander.
    Can the CBC vid be posted here? It is a seperate article from the post that Mark has linked to.

  21. Sry for spelling errors and omissions last post.
    Point is: Kady O’malley was skating.
    Adrian rocked.

  22. Holy Emu.
    “Australia’s ‘Mad Monk’ deals blow to eco-campaign
    THE new leader of Australia’s opposition, Tony Abbott, was celebrating two by-election victories over the Greens yesterday after proclaiming his doubts about climate change.
    Abbott, dubbed the “Mad Monk” for his conservative Catholic beliefs, moved within hours of becoming leader last week to dump his Liberal party’s carbon tax and emissions trading policies championed by Malcolm Turnbull, his predecessor.
    He provoked outrage among climate experts and dismay in the run-up to the Copenhagen climate summit when he said that better land management, more trees and fuel-efficient lorries would meet the ruling Labor party’s carbon reduction target of 5%-25% by 2020.
    Abbott branded the carbon reduction bill of Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, as a “great big new tax”. Pledging to fight the next election on climate change, he said the bill “won’t improve the environment, it will just increase prices”.”
    “Paul Kelly, a political journalist, said yesterday: “From right field Abbott has emerged, suddenly, shockingly, swinging hard, a knockabout intellectual with a flair for populism that puts Rudd in the shade.””

  23. Well that was interesting, from my perspective the left has to believe in climate change; I myself need convincing from facts. Katie tends to lean towards untruths when she squints. Or is it just me.
