Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. One of the interesting things about YouTube is that items come and go. Thus, if one occasionally revisits searches for favourite works that were not previously available, one occasionally finds that they have become now available. And so it is that tonight, for your delectation, here are Praful performing one of my favourite works: Sigh, from their One Day Deep album, in 2002 (6:07).

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Honestly, I would say that it is far more a demonstration that Layton and Ignatieff will do and say anything to oppose Stephen Harper than anything else. If Stephen Harper say’s 1+1=2 Jack Layton would proclaim tht 1+1 must equal 3 …

  2. Vit your Rex video is now:
    #3 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics
    #1 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics – Australia
    #1 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics – Canada
    #2 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics – New Zealand

  3. Erik Prince, a simple fambly man:

  4. Scandal shakes foundations of climate science
    Front page link on the G&M web page. And the story doesn’t end with a typical CBC-style antisketpic slur:
    “Prof. Hulme is one of several scientists calling for the raw data of climate-change research to be made available to everyone, including climate-change skeptics, on the Internet. That, he says, would allow genuine research to proceed unhindered. Some of his colleagues also say the IPCC now does more harm than good and should be disbanded.”
    “That position has led some of his colleagues to attack him. This week, several said in Internet posts that such transparency would be unworkable because the matter of climate is too urgent and the stakes too high to allow skeptics to have any influence on policy.”
    “That, Prof. Hulme said, is exactly the attitude that led to the sort of questionable practices chronicled in the CRU e-mails.”

  5. Drained Brain- I don’t know Rev Boisson, but he sure seems to have poor judgement. In a recent interview with the Red Deer Advocate, he went out of his way to defend Cam O’Connel, a local amateur boxer, who’s been charged with major weight cocaine trafficking. People in the boxing community have been cocerned for some time, that Cam seemed to be exhibiting gang leanings. His crew is suspected of moving 50 Kg. of cocaine a month, and turning powder cocaine into crack cocaine.
    Some advice for the Rev., and everyone else. Keep your head down, and your mouth closed, when it hits the fan.

  6. The Maurice Strong Iggy Chretien Chinese ambush sorta fell flat.
    PMSH; Nice energy hungry country ya got here Chairman. Say, did I ever mention;
    Canada is the 7th largest oil producer in the world.
    Canada is the 3rd largest natural gas producer in the world.
    Canada is the largest producer of uranium in the world.
    Any questions about those ‘short & curlies’ ?

  7. Just heard on the radio: Harper went to a market and was recognized by some of the local Chinese who began chanting “Stephen, Stephen” Good to know that our PM is respected by foreigners more than Canadian opposition and press.

  8. Stephen Harper’s supposi-Tories will follow Obama down the cliff.
    “Environment Minister Jim Prentice said the government’s strategy would call for a national cap-and-trade system with “absolute caps” to put a price on carbon, under a harmonized structure with the United States.”
    Stephen Harper’s supposi-Tories have taken the winning approach of appeasing global warming nuts, precisely now that the globull warming “science” is going down in flames.
    Remember this is the guy that chastised Steffy Dion for the green shaft. Now it looks like he will be the one implementing it.

    Despite the vast leftist wasteland of Hollywood, one in which a pathological mocker can produce garbage like “Capitalism: A Love Story,” the movie “Sunshine Cleaning” delivers a surprisingly refreshing look at Capitalism’s role in developing human virtues.
    It’s doubtful the writer (Megan Holley) is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, having been inspired to write her screenplay based on an NPR ‘news’ piece in 2001. Nonetheless, the film’s better points wouldn’t have been believable without a backdrop of capitalism, and as such Sunshine should be a must see movie, even months after the movie’s fairly non-descript release earlier this year.

    A molecular test that analyzed a piece of Coree Hanczyk’s breast tumour told her something no oncologist in the Canadian health-care system could – she didn’t require chemotherapy after all.
    And she paid for it out of pocket: Ms. Hanczyk had a chunk of tumour couriered from a Toronto hospital to a California laboratory, where the test cost her $3,776 (U.S.). In so doing, she saved medicare an estimated $10,000 in unnecessary treatment and spared herself such gruelling side effects as nausea and hair loss.

  11. dp @11:55 – surely Rev. Boissoin’s judgement or lack thereof – or bigoty, or lack thereof, or dress-sense etc., whatever – is beside the point. I mean, isn’t that the real point?
    Vitruvius – dreamy, with saxophones. Very nice.

  12. Drained brain – this is indeed good news, and evermoreso rare; but we still have people in place like Liberal appointee Peter Leask who are making very questionable decisions. Oh oh, does that put me in contempt of court?

  13. From Doug Saunders’ belated article on Climategate in the Probe and Fail:
    “That has not stopped right-wing politicians in Western countries from using the scandal to dramatic effect: Yesterday, a group of Hollywood conservatives launched a campaign to revoke the Academy Award given to Al Gore, the former vice-president and a carbon-cap advocate, for his climate documentary An Inconvenient Truth.”
    Good on the right-wing Hollywood conservatives!
    But a note to Mr. Saunders: Your use of “right wing” and “conservative” to describe certain politicians/groups — that is, the politicians/groups you wish to discredit — is totally illegitimate UNLESS you begin to write about the politicians/groups you favour as “left wing” and “liberal.”
    The MSM just doesn’t get it. Saunders’ lopsided, entitled viewpoint is exactly what got the pro-AGW scientists and their toadies in trouble in the first place.

  14. last nite on our local radio station(cfos) they had someone on from the Sierra Club? when the talk got to the false stats All the guest could say was These Emails were hacked & someone should be charged with invasion of privacy & that there were thousands of emails that were edited & criminal charges should be laid.
    Talk about changing channels Not a mention at all about the fudged numbers. The host even tried a number of times to get an answer to the Fudged Numbers Answer there should be charges laid for hacking & the Govt of Stephen Harper wont do anything about it blah blah blah …….
    sorry cant give the name of guest & dont know if broadcast avail. on line.

  15. I may be wrong about the above ‘polar bear sculpture’ story not being worth linking. Evidently,it is important,very important,so important that CBC has it up in four different news categories,World ,Canada,Arts & Entertainment,and also Technology & Science. Doesn’t that make you wish that you could somehow or other send CBC more money to pursue the truth?

  16. wallyj: “Doesn’t that make you wish that you could somehow or other send CBC more money to pursue the truth?”
    ‘How about just sending them a letter of protest? They won’t pay any attention, but at least it’s on record. 🙁

  17. Doug Stanton, How to win in Afghanistan, one village at a time
    Obama’s stated purposes — to disrupt, dismantle and ultimately defeat al-Qaeda, and to train an Afghan army and police force capable of providing for the nation’s security — are sensible and even noble. Accomplishing them will go a ways toward creating a more stable country. But his new strategy is not enough, and it may prove a mistaken effort to replicate an Iraq-like approach in a situation that is vastly different…
