The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose: Our Friends, The Saudis

The Australian;

SAUDI Arabia has seized on a series of stolen British university emails to become the first country to cast doubt on the consensus about man-made climate change ahead of next week’s Copenhagen summit.
[C]hief Copenhagen negotiator, Mohammad al-Sabban, suggested in an interview with the BBC yesterday that there was now no longer any point in seeking an agreement to reduce emissions.
“It appears from the details . . . that there is no relationship whatsoever between human activities and climate change,” he said.
“Climate is changing . . . but for natural and not human-induced reasons. So whatever the international community does to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have no effect on the climate’s natural variability.”
His government might be prepared to take “no cost” measures to control emissions but more drastic and painful action would be out of the question until there was “new evidence” about what was causing climate change, he said.

Globe & Mail readers must be wondering what rock their paper was hiding under for the past two weeks.

On a political level, coming on the eve of the Copenhagen summit, the controversy has been catastrophic…

Those stupid bastards gave us a whole two weeks to blanket the internet with the contents and analysis of those files. Now, that it’s finally hit the “news”, guess what’s waiting for those folks just sitting down at their computers for their first search…
Like I said, it’s a spin doctor’s worst nightmare.
And I’m lovin’ it.

51 Replies to “The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose: Our Friends, The Saudis”

  1. whoa! check out all those suspiciously smog like “carbon emissions” in the photo of a Chinese city accompanying the article in the G&M. The G&M didn’t mean to be misleading did they?

  2. Coincidentally I’m currently reading the fabulous book “what it takes” by ben cramer on the ’88 potus race and I am just at the part in ’86 where Iran contra has broken. Dole and GHWB both know how important it is to get to the bottom of the story and to get it public ASAP – but not before everyone is on the same page do you go public with ALL of facts. They had both been around when Watergate broke and that the hiding and slow leak of the facts killed the presidency and the GOP.
    During the early days of watergate the vast majority of the MSM – did not believe that RMN was in on it – after all a huge majority of them voted for Nixon (lots for the second time, some forthe third time).
    Climategate has the AGW lobby making the same mistakes as RMN did – lawyered up I suspect many of them are taking the advice of their counsel and not destroying any of their emails in the correct belief that it could be a crime and even if not it could be far more damaging to the CAUSE. The breadcrumbs will stay in place – the tapes won’t be burned. More evidence is to come I am sure of it.
    Meanwhile the press – as possessed with envy as any group of humanity anywhere is beginning to see the mistake of following the AGW’s lead of downplaying – even denying (how ironic) – that the leaks have any subtance to the argument that man is producing too much carbon and that we are all going to die.
    Like the immolation of small mountains of vinyl discs in chicago a few decades ago, the Hadley leaks have made AGW as dead as disco and that their already fragile careers in the buggy-whip bankrupt media channel are going to be as well if they don’t make a break from the herd and try to … well … be a real, objectivie journos instead of reading what comes across the AP, CP and Reuters wire and sniggering at Jon Stewart’s shared condescension of people who actually try to do what’s right.
    It kills them that steyn and malkin and coulter are making fabulous dough with books – and they never even took journalism in school – while they read yet another email memo on yet another budget cutback in the office.

  3. Hold up on your judgement, folks, just for a while: Britain’s Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change has reassured us that “there is an inquiry going on in East Anglia into the precise nature of these emails and what they said.”
    That is truly welcome news, because what we need at this point is for the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change to tell us what’s in the emails. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is thrilled that the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change will conduct an investigation and then provide us with an ex cathedra pronouncement on the matter of what’s in the emails.
    I respectfully suggest that we all withhold judgement on what’s in the emails until the Cabinet Secretary for Climate change tells us what’s in them.

  4. More than thirty million results hits the (intentionally reluctant) late comers. Imagine the shock when they see how many are sda !!!

    aka dump all stocks related to Kyoto/Copen
    [ This, in effect, is what’s happening now: global warming has become a near-religious test of civic virtue, just as being invested in Internet stocks became a test of investment savvy in 2000. Which is why many investors dazedly held on to Nortel all the way down to zero, even after its accounting issues had been revealed. And now, even though you can’t trust the climate change data, the Copenhagen conference still goes on and promoters including Al Gore are out begging the public to give the scientists the benefit of the doubt. This is the same Mr. Gore who is profiting from tax credit-based environmental investments.]

    aka dump all stocks related to Kyoto/Copen
    [ This, in effect, is what’s happening now: global warming has become a near-religious test of civic virtue, just as being invested in Internet stocks became a test of investment savvy in 2000. Which is why many investors dazedly held on to Nortel all the way down to zero, even after its accounting issues had been revealed. And now, even though you can’t trust the climate change data, the Copenhagen conference still goes on and promoters including Al Gore are out begging the public to give the scientists the benefit of the doubt. This is the same Mr. Gore who is profiting from tax credit-based environmental investments.] Avner Mandelman
    Avner is from the same paper as Jeffrey Simpson.
    Jeffy just wrote a column on global warming also. Not one word about that climategate thingy that is sweeping the world.
    He has totally lost it !! Ya, shirt too, probably.

  7. Actually I don’t think they have all lawyered up yet, at least Mann and Gavin from RC haven’t, they held a press conference today sponsored by a Soros funded group. No Lawyer worth his salt would have allowed that, at least no lawyer working for them and not Soros. Oh here is an aside the next time a warmist calls you a Big Oil shill, turn it around on them. You will find in the emails that CRU was getting funded by Shell and BP/Amoco and were looking to get a handout from Exxon(Esso). There is also one document in the documents part that says Shell was giving the money not for basic research but they wanted a say in the research direction. So it turns out that the AGWer’s were not only funded by Big Government they were funded by BIG OIL. Here is the Big Oil emails:

  8. Actually I don’t think they have all lawyered up yet, at least Mann and Gavin from RC haven’t, they held a press conference today sponsored by a Soros funded group. No Lawyer worth his salt would have allowed that, at least no lawyer working for them and not Soros. Oh here is an aside the next time a warmist calls you a Big Oil shill, turn it around on them. You will find in the emails that CRU was getting funded by Shell and BP/Amoco and were looking to get a handout from Exxon(Esso). There is also one document in the documents part that says Shell was giving the money not for basic research but they wanted a say in the research direction. So it turns out that the AGWer’s were not only funded by Big Government they were funded by BIG OIL. Here is the Big Oil emails:

  9. Check out this story – abc basically parroting the WH talkng points and then check out the 261 comments that far as I could see were almost all calling out the network and the WH.
    Just as this blog hasn’t heard boo from the left-wing trolls of late.

  10. Canada, the whole country, only produces 2/3 of the emissions of the airline industry,not including private planes like the Goracle transporter. That is right, airplanes carrying 1600 people to Copenhagen to rob us are producing GHG’s too. Irony there, yes?

  11. The Investigations in the UK just annouced will probably not get going until the new year. The UK has to have a federal election by June 2010. The makeup and direction of the investigations could take a dramatic turn once -not if – the consevatives take power.

  12. There will be a large number of whores going to Copenhagen for the opportunity of big money.
    However, the prostitutes are willing to service these guys for free, in exchange for the warning card from their hotel rooms.
    Another irony.

  13. The Investigations in the UK just annouced will probably not get going until the new year. The UK has to have a federal election by June 2010. The makeup and direction of the investigations could take a dramatic turn once -not if – the consevatives take power.

  14. I saw that the Globe and Mail finally, after all this time, decided to report on the story and just knew Kate would have something to say about it.
    Sure enough! And well said Kate.

  15. You don’t need to read too far between the lines to notice that Doug Saunders of the G&M (Kate’s second link) has shed at least some of his previous spin – just a bit – and is, albeit grudgingly, forced to admit the true significance of this story.
    It might be finally starting to sink in to certain elements of the MSM that the AGW debate has shifted a bit. In several outlets I’ve noticed a slight shift in tone. It’s not that there’s a complete absence of the previous Chicken-Little direness, but I’ve seen something I can’t exactly put my finger on, something resembling lightness about the issue, with the warmists occasionally on the chuckling end of it. It’s kind of ineffable, but it’s *there*.
    In this L.A. Times blog-piece, for example, by Andrew Malcolm, there’s not only a clear acknowledgement that there IS a debate about AGW, but one also gets an unmistakable sense that the overall tone has somehow shifted; there’s a subtle, unmistakable – if still nascent, at this point – element of sarcasm about the warmists: the Academy “sanctified” – that’s a great word – Gore’s message, “despite (his)… in a large house with lots of energy-driven appliances…”
    There are subtle putdowns like “…the debate is what’s heated….”
    And this: “The startling leak comes at an inconvenient time just before next week’s United Nations’ climate change meeting that will cause an immense carbon footprint, with thousands of people flying up or over to Denmark to talk about saving the environment…”
    The article – and again, this is the LA Times we’re talking about – helpfully links to the assembled CRU documents, and then notes:
    “The television news-watching world in America has not learned much about the so-called Climategate scandal because it has not really been mentioned on the air except for a notorious cable news channel named for a three-lettered, wily, wild animal that often seems to revel in debunking liberal shibboleths….Network news programs have been far more concerned with the obviously more important White House party-crasher story involving a couple of formally-dressed phonies.”
    Here’s an interesting question: was the seamlessly expressed belief in AGW among certain types as monolithic and sincere as it appeared, or was it simply the case that the shrill invective and the social enforcement of this view made “denial” unacceptable and perhaps career-threatening? Maybe the effective social threats of the warmists within certain milieus have lost at least some of their efficacy; put differently, maybe the CRU scandal and the contents of the emails have made it safer for certain elements of the media to question the soundness of the science. If that’s the case – and it’s hard to see how it couldn’t be the case, in light of the highly un-scientific culture revealed in the emails – this right to publicly disagree without being labeled a vile heretic might be a significant victory in the ongoing battle between reason and hysterical, threat-uttering propaganda.

  16. Found two very good bits via RCP
    1. The founder of the weathernetwork Weighs in:
    (very well written and argued)
    2. A commenter on the above provided a link to growing speculation that the leaker is none other than James Hansen.
    What’s interesting to me is that Coleman thinks it’s important the the leaker reveal his identity in order to strengthen the power of the scandal. Perhaps he knows or has a very strong suspicion of who the leaker is. Hansen being the leaker very much fits the bill for Colemans theory.

  17. And hansen would be very much in the John dean mould were he to intact be the leaker and his going public with thatbwould devastate the AGW cause for at least a decade as everyone would have to prove thatvthere data and analysis was sound.

  18. Sylvanguy:
    I checked out Ritt Bjerresgaard’s Wikipedia entry. Naturally, she’s a Social Demcrat and some of the material is exactly what you’d expect. A sample:
    During her time as minister of education in 1978, she stayed in a luxury suite at the Ritz Hotel in Paris during a Unesco conference, and this forced her to step down when it became known. In the early 1990s it was revealed she had used her connections within the Social Democratic organisations to get a large flat in Copenhagen, although she rarely used it, living on Funen. She was then forced to step down as parliamentary group leader of the Social Democrats. At one occasion, she used her political status to hold back a Great Belt ferry. When asked by the Council of Agriculture what she wished for her 50th birthday, she replied she would rather just have money than a gift.
    Lots more in the same vein. They’re the same everywhere.

  19. EBD, You over analyze. The answers are really simpler than you think … ignorance comes to mind.

  20. Does anyone have a list of the main companies involved in carbon trading? I’d be interested to see how they are actually doing in the last 2 weeks. No one seems to be covering that part of the story.
    Now that Bullshit has Walked, is Money Talking?

  21. The next time some MSM rep says ‘Bloggers just steal the news from real media and link to it’, bloggers can ask ‘what time machine was used by bloggers to reveal the AGW fraud two weeks before it hit the MSM’.

  22. The MSM Climategate suppression strategy is now clear if the Globe method is being repeated elsewhere. The “gate” wasn’t “suppressed”, it was being “held back two weeks” as a minor sidebar to mix in with mountains of effusive coverage of the “Hopenhagen saves the world” press fest. Sort of like not opening any presents until almost everyone officially invited has arrived and all of them are prepared to sing together to drown out those who won’t keep in tune.

  23. “The most contentious e-mail was written by Prof. Jones, the director of the CRU, who wrote to colleagues in 1999, as they studied measurements of Siberian tree rings, which scientists have long realized do not reflect local temperature changes after 1961: “I’ve just completed Mike’s trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 to hide the decline.”
    While it seems clear that he is using “trick” to refer to a change in algorithm to remove the nonsensical data after 1961 and “decline” likely refers to the quality of the data, the phrase has led some of the more extreme critics to conclude that a data-shaping plot was at work. ”
    Did anybody notice this little bit of BS. Who is this fool trying to kid? How does he know that the data after 1961 is nonsensical? And what kind of disordered pinko mind would conclude that “hide the decline ” means to a “decline ” in the quality of the data.? Nothing he says in these 2 paragraphs makes any sense . This writer does not realize that there is an army of educated individuals(via the internet) out there who have been reading on their own for years because the propaganda did not line up with the facts. Anybody who lives in Canada can attest to the fact that our winters have become much more severe in the past several years. The revelations of all of this hanky panky is vindication for logic and rational thinking.

  24. CBC called Adscam the “Federal scandal” to avoid reminding people it was a LIBERAL scam.
    So I expect the main sreatm media will trun Climategate into something more “tame”, more convenient to the left = their master.
    The MSM may be weaker than it was years ago but it has not trown in the towel yet.
    Yes it will hard to spin this story but a name change will be the first step.
    I wish I could copyright my ideas because I could come up with about half a dozen names that the left would love to use.

  25. The MSM finally “breaks” the story.
    the real news in the MSM is the comments section where they get just hammered for being blind to the news for two weeks.
    The commenters know more than the News.

  26. The federal Libranos and the 2 provinces of British Columbia and Ontario with their Liberal governments that have totally drank the AGW koolaid will be wearing do-do after all the policies they have put in place.
    There should be a shitstorm befall them at the polls with a backlash from the voters.

  27. Here is a whiny little piece in the Washington Post that of course covers no new ground and tries to cover for the warming cabal: The article is not worth reading if you have kept up on the scandal here at sda, but the comment section is priceless. Most comments are reaming the Post for its previous non-coverage, and some of the citizens sound more informed than the reporters. Climategate will be the gift that keeps on giving if it further discredits our lefty news industry while crippling the “warming” industry.

  28. Your hard core enviro-lefty has not been swayed,thier minds are made up,its not science its ideology. This is just some scam created by the “oil companies” It’s going to take a little more time.

  29. Kate, the G&M changed the headline of the article. It’s revealing.
    Yesterday evening it had a headline that was appropriate to the story:
    “Breach in global warming bunker shakes foundations of climate science”
    Today they couldn’t resist pulling back:
    “Breach in the global-warming bunker rattles climate science at the worst time”
    They still cannot bring themselves to tell the whole truth to their readers.
    I know the original title said “shakes foundations” because I can clearly remember my amazement when I saw it. Also, your link, which is the link from yesterday, has the old headline encoded in it.

  30. Glebgarrian
    There’s lots of reasons to kick Gordo out of office, his watermelon ways notwithstanding. Very few people like his carbon tax, so far, it has been minimal, but it is there on fuels, home heating, and hydro bills. And it is going to increase soon.
    We also now hate him because of his quick about face regarding the HST.
    Gordo has turned into a leftard, and has turned on his base. The party’s numbers have declined 15% since the election 6 months ago.
    He’s done and so is his party, thanks to turning on their supporters. Unfortunately, it means the Moonbat goosestepping unionistas of the NDP may get into power.
    The choice between dumb and dumber.
    The only chance to keep them out,is a new leader, who renounces the carbon tax, and rediscovers responsible government spending and operation.

  31. “It appears from the details . . . that there is no relationship whatsoever between human activities and climate change,” he said.
    “Climate is changing . . . but for natural and not human-induced reasons. So whatever the international community does to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have no effect on the climate’s natural variability.”
    See that, Jim Prentice?
    The representative from a country that is stuck in the 7th century can read the writing on the wall and you can’t.
    Is it willful ignorance on your part, Jim, or just flat out ignorance?
    Informed Canadians want to know.

  32. Meanwhile, back at the CeeB……..
    Saw an interview this morning with some rep from some inocuously named institute, from Alberta no less, bashing the ‘tar’ sands, and how the processes must be changed from water extraction, to ‘solvents, microwaves, and ultrasound’ methods.
    Funny how these leftards always know whats best for others……but the thought of using chemical solvents, rather than water? What? This envirotard wants to use potentially harmful solvents, or unproven methods. Sheesh
    Oh, and as far as acting on CO2? Our esteemed expert said the usual talking point. “Well, it’s better to do something than nothing, because what if change is worse than feared?”
    These pea-brains are dangerous, and is another proof that this is all faith based, not on science.

  33. Rita: Yes, I noticed that BS too, but you beat me to it. It’s last-gasp spin. That writer’s interpretation is going to have zero traction.
    And by the way, while at this stage I hold out little hope for effective “investigations” from governments and governmental organizations, it really won’t matter in the long run. There will be so many intelligent and talented people independently working at this for years to come that any attempts to whitewash will be seen and declared to be what they are.
    As Kate says, the MSM’s failure, and the failure of governments, to get ahead of this story, and the fact that they gave the blogosphere two weeks’ head start (and counting) will contribute mightily to their undoing.

  34. Oz: “The representative from a country that is stuck in the 7th century can read the writing on the wall and you can’t.”
    Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark.

  35. Ditto, DanBC @ 11:42. I’m hoping the BC Conservatives can put forth a more credible threat to the Libs, forcing them to dump Gordo and change some policies. Then we can be hopefully be saved from the socialist hordes salivating at the thought of power again…

  36. Soccermom and DanBC:
    I agree. Campbell has to go. No doubt about it but the trick is to find the way to see him on the outside looking in without the horrific NDP being afforded the opportunity to once again drive us back into the dark ages of provincial “have-not” status which their socialist dogma dictates as our proper place in the nation.
    The non-NDP coalition of Conservative/Liberal government has to prevail and to do so we must find a new leader from the ranks of the conservatives.
    Any suggestions?

  37. BCer at 3:28
    You can’t have Randy Hillier. He’s our precious politician here in Ontario. But there has to be someone with that sorta backbone…
    Beautiful BC…just like Ontario all your natural wealth has been squandered away by the socialist-sh*ts.

  38. Saunders and the G&M are still struggling to deal with this, and chose to be rather economical with the truth. Take this quote from the article regarding “hide the decline”
    “While it seems clear that he is using “trick” to refer to a change in algorithm to remove the nonsensical data after 1961 and “decline” likely refers to the quality of the data, the phrase has led some of the more extreme critics to conclude that a data-shaping plot was at work.
    Saunders tries to defend this view when he should be asking the obvious follow on question, if the data after 1961 had a problem (“nonsensical”), how do you really know your data before 1961 is any good?
    In Science, there is no “nonsensical data”, you need to be able to explain all of it. You can’t just say, “I don’t like this data as it interferes with my theory so I’ll just throw it out”
    Or put another way:
    “Science is organized common sense where many a beautiful theory was killed by an ugly fact.”
    Or put one more way (Richard Feynman – The Key to Science):

  39. hansen the “deep-climater”, too funny that would be. But a scorned lover is IRS/Rev.canda’s best friend, maybe someone PO’d the poor soul, or he felt “leftout”???
    and as far as BIG OIL financing fraudualent climate research? One way to get people to use less energy is to up the price, thus reducing demand and the need to produce said product and reducing relivent “costs”, as a result bottom lines improve, and all with the blessing of the government. It’d be a win-win situation for both big-oil and IRS/RevCan

  40. DanBC: solvents are already used for pipeline transport; they’re called diluent (actually, it’s naptha) and the mixed solution is called dilbit.
    The diluent is recovered and re-used because it is expensive.

  41. DanBC
    I certainly agree with “the Moonbat goosestepping unionistas of the NDP”
    Those of us living in BC are truly screwed. On the one hand we have Gordo,and on the other we have the NDP still loaded with the likes of Dix,Farnsworth and others of the Glen Clark old guard who just elected Moe Sahota as party president!
