The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose: Our Friends, The Saudis

The Australian;

SAUDI Arabia has seized on a series of stolen British university emails to become the first country to cast doubt on the consensus about man-made climate change ahead of next week’s Copenhagen summit.
[C]hief Copenhagen negotiator, Mohammad al-Sabban, suggested in an interview with the BBC yesterday that there was now no longer any point in seeking an agreement to reduce emissions.
“It appears from the details . . . that there is no relationship whatsoever between human activities and climate change,” he said.
“Climate is changing . . . but for natural and not human-induced reasons. So whatever the international community does to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have no effect on the climate’s natural variability.”
His government might be prepared to take “no cost” measures to control emissions but more drastic and painful action would be out of the question until there was “new evidence” about what was causing climate change, he said.

Globe & Mail readers must be wondering what rock their paper was hiding under for the past two weeks.

On a political level, coming on the eve of the Copenhagen summit, the controversy has been catastrophic…

Those stupid bastards gave us a whole two weeks to blanket the internet with the contents and analysis of those files. Now, that it’s finally hit the “news”, guess what’s waiting for those folks just sitting down at their computers for their first search…
Like I said, it’s a spin doctor’s worst nightmare.
And I’m lovin’ it.

51 Replies to “The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose: Our Friends, The Saudis”

  1. Today I cancelled my subscription to the Vancouver Sun
    Dear Sir
    Please cancel my subscription effective immediately to the Vancouver Sun
    I take this action after two significant failures by your newspaper;
    First, little, if any, coverage was paid to the ACORN scandal in the United States. When a major, federally funded organization which boosted of being a major player in the current president’s election, is caught REPEATEDLY counciling tax evasion, tax fraud, procurement of teenage prostitutes in several of its offices it is NEWS.
    Second, a week after ClimateGate started, the Sun finally reported on it. Where? On B6! Massive fraud is exposed in the science causing our political leadership to embark on a massive tax increase and restructuring of the economy, what story received Page 1 above the fold? Why, Tiger Woods was in a minor car accident.
    Either your editors do not understand what is news or they are in on the long con. Whichever it is, I can no longer have any trust in the stories printed in the Sun
