The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose, Pt 13

Jim Prentice – call your office;

The Met Office plans to re-examine 160 years of temperature data after admitting that public confidence in the science on man-made global warming has been shattered by leaked e-mails.
The new analysis of the data will take three years, meaning that the Met Office will not be able to state with absolute confidence the extent of the warming trend until the end of 2012.
The Met Office database is one of three main sources of temperature data analysis on which the UN’s main climate change science body relies for its assessment that global warming is a serious danger to the world. This assessment is the basis for next week’s climate change talks in Copenhagen aimed at cutting CO2 emissions.

Poor Harry.

65 Replies to “The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose, Pt 13”

  1. I think I might owe Jema an apology. I was a tad short with her yesterday when this issue was discussed.
    She was very pessimistic about the AGW crowd being given a renewed chance to collect new data. I was more optimistic that this would provide all parties a chance to collect proper, agreed upon data, which would be openly available for EVERYONE to review & comment on.
    But now I sense that we’re dealing with a bureaucratic hegemony that already knows what conclusions it WILL REACH in 3 years.
    We’ll see, but I’m skeptical

  2. Sounds like a 3 year gravy train to me, to prove what? That I still don’t believe them.

  3. I once forgot to check my field notes, and had to drive back to the field, and check my work, at my own expense. Why do I get the feeling nobody does that any more?

  4. Robert W.,
    Your joking, right? There are literally hundreds of real scientists in the various Met bureaus. Do you really think that any one them wants to be a Dr. Jones 3 years from now? I say bravo to the Met Bureau.

  5. I am totally blown away. Spin it however you want, this is an admission of guilt. They fudged the numbers and want to buy three years to let the dust settle.

  6. I am not sure where exactly to ask this; hopefully someone here knows the answer.
    Against my better judgement, I got into a conversation with a lefty-greeny at work today about the leaked emails. I commented that the story was weeks old at this point and that it was receiving no coverage from the CBC. He claimed that CBC Radio had been covering this story since Day One.
    I remain skeptical, but as I don’t listen to or watch CBC I don’t know. Are there any CBC Radio listeners in the SDA audience that could confirm or refute this? It seems odd that CBC Radio would be all over this while CBC TV ignores it (although to be fair, he did say that their reporting on it was that the emails were nothing to be excited about, and no mention at all of the leaked source code or “hide the decline”).

  7. @Daniel Ream: Your greeny friend needs to provide proof if you suspect he is making things up.
    In Calgary there was deafening silence on CBC Radio about the emails until this week, days after the story broke on the blogosphere.
    Hope this helps.

  8. Anybody heard of this bunch, I am on their regular mailing list,this was part of their last news letter. They just don’t give up.
    That’s why the weekend of Saturday December 12 will be one of the largest global climate actions in history. Thousands of towns and cities will light up with climate vigils with one united message — The World Wants a Real Deal!

  9. I was in the local watering hole this evening. TV news was on. I actually SAW something about Climategate on CBC News, but the sound was off so I didn’t get any value from it.
    Then the Tiger Woods story came on. A lively discussion in the bar ensued. I went to download some excess draft, and returned to the discussion. I said, “You know what’s really sad? Here we are blathering about Tiger Woods, and you know what? He just doesn’t matter. Plain does NOT matter! What does matter is the news out of England that which reveals that most, if not all of the work done by the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia is suspect or has been compromised by data falsification.” (I didn’t use those exact words. but that was the thrust of my remarks.)
    Well, you know what? About 3/4 of the folks at the bar, mostly farmers, knew EXACTLY what I was talking about, and the conversation immediately shifted focus to Climategate. I was both surprised and delighted. And the general mood was one of extreme skepticism toward the received wisdom of AGW.
    There’s hope for us yet.

  10. No worries, Robert. You have been correct about many issues that I did not agree with when I first read certain articles. A person never learns much if opinions are not questioned.

  11. The perfect Turd Comb Filter has not been invented………The science is a crock,, end of story.. You can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together.
    Lie after lie followed by cheating (science NOT) Then cue the gangsters trading Carbon.. Evil in the extreme
    The very idea that phony, or not, temperature records can determine future, or past, climate “control” is ludicrous.

  12. This is great. Can’t be spun; not that that matters. It is victory. The Gore sycophants were wrong. They promised an open process. Their feet will be held to the fire on this. No matter what Gordon Brown or Barrack Obama have to say about it.
    I think the real driver may have been that their strategy simply didn’t work; the polls were going against them. But I also have a sneaking suspicion that professional pride had something to do with it, a lot, in fact.
    It is hard work to get a PHD in a science discipline, no matter how fuzzy climatology is, the math is a real discipline. It involves childhood dreams.

  13. The big problem yet to come for the warmists:
    The probability of the Republicans retaking the house or senate in the U.S. increases exponentially every passing week.
    Public sentiment against big government there is skyrocketing, as is any patience for this AGW bunk.
    With Inhofe at the healm of a majority Senate, expect hearings, investigations etc.
    (It may even happen sooner with the “blue dog” dems terrified by the resurgence of conservatism in the U.S.).
    It will make what’s happening in Aus. seem like tea time.
    Also, once again Kate, congrats on leading the charge on this. You truly have outdone yourself… and nearly everyone else for that matter.

  14. CBC Radio – the news ignored it for about 2 weeks but individuals, such as Anna-Marie Tremonte, did look into it sooner. She had a gushing interview with 3 experts who stressed the illegality and sabotage of the hacking violation which they said did little more than reveal the human side of the, dedicated scientists. For balance, she interviewed ‘denier’ Lawrence Solomom of Energy Probe. He was barely allowed to get a word past her open hostility.

  15. CBC Radio – the news ignored it for about 2 weeks but individuals, such as Anna-Marie Tremonte, did look into it sooner. She had a gushing interview with 3 experts who stressed the illegality and sabotage of the hacking violation which they said did little more than reveal the human side of the, dedicated scientists. For balance, she interviewed ‘denier’ Lawrence Solomom of Energy Probe. He was barely allowed to get a word past her open hostility.

  16. This is just the scientists at the Met announcing that they are not going to Copenhagen. Nothing to see here, move along.

  17. “Rathergate”
    “Green Helmet Man”
    Reuters photoshopping
    Now “Climategate”
    Blogosphere — 4; MSM — no score

  18. Meanwhile, a lib goes to jail.
    at 17:53 on December 4, 2009, EDT.
    By Sidhartha Banerjee, THE CANADIAN PRESS
    Benoit Corbeil, former director-general of the Liberal Party’s office in Montreal, is shown in this file photo. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz
    MONTREAL – A Quebec judge handed down a prison sentence to a former federal Liberal organizer with a message for anyone involved in politics: public confidence in democracy is paramount and the court will crack down on illegal practices.
    Sorry, my bad, totally off topic. But it’s Saturday morning; it’s good news. And I just can’t resist poking a stick in the cage.

  19. Hey CW, I would not hold my breathe for a vigil Dec 12th. Based on the long range, most of us will still be digging out.

  20. Gord:
    You’re so right. I love golf, but where Tiger decides to put his member is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things, compared to the rape of our economy that will go through if opinions on AGW aren’t changed. And, yet, every MSM jumped on Tiger in a single day, while letting this far more important issue linger.
    As Kate often says, it’s really suicide.

  21. Daniel Ream – look at it this way – your lefty friend probably get his news only from the CBC. For your lefty friend the day he heard it on the CBC would be day one for him. He would honestly believe that this was the day the story broke.
    Same applies for anyone who gets their news only from the MSM.(make that read “latestreammedia”)

  22. Stephen @ 8:31, I agree.
    OT, I tried to contact Coca Cola to register my opposition to their support for Copenhagen and that our family would be no longer purchasing their products, but I could find no tab on their web site that facilitated this.

  23. Scientist: Check, re-check and check again.
    IPCC Scientist: Fudge, re-fudge and fudge again.

  24. well this is my mea culpa.
    still a big fan of Mr ‘the truth will out’ Shakespeare. more so now:

  25. Three years eh?
    Enough time to get through the American mid terms, the British general election, maybe a Canadian general election…..
    With all of the computing power at the hands of these “bed wetters”, I am sure they could crunch these numbers a lot sooner.
    Leftoid jerk off artists…wrong about:
    nuclear power
    the population bomb
    global cooling
    and now…………….
    global fking warming
    I just wish that Jackson Browne, Sheryl (one sheet)Crowe, Sting, Bono and the rest of these idiot entertainers would stick to singing and keep their pet causes to themselves.

  26. After the leaked CRU data, the pro-AGWer debaters had three main points.
    1. You’re too stupid to understand any of this so shut up. (not really an argument but being obnoxious is a natural reflex for progressives)
    2. If there is a story, it just reveals the humanness of scientists not the quality of their work. (The data deletion/loss finished off that argument)
    3. It does not matter because there is still a mountain of evidence that confirms the theory. (Investigations at Penn State and the UEA CRU, lawsuits at NASA and the Met Office’s offer to reanalyze data erodes much of that remaining mountain.)
    None of those arguments has held and time is of the essence. Pressure sales and impulse buys must be handled quickly, three years is an eternity in politics. The delay gives politicians and voters time to think and suggest cheaper, less intrusive alternatives. I doubt that momentum to “save the world, by any and all means necessary” can be maintained. The fat lady has sung.

  27. The Met office doing an investigation?
    Enron investigating Enron????
    BTW…Adscam??? Remember???

  28. Sientists, who are really on the side of science not politics, now have a new impetus to come forward without fear of ridicule. Hats off to those who had the courage to do so for the past 20 years.
    The jig’s up.

  29. I wonder how the worlds school educators will explain to their students why they are shown to be nothing but ignorant propagandists. Will they apologize to parents and children for showing Al Gores video over and over. Will progressive teachers resign due to incompetence? Ha! A pox on socialist twits. My my, how embarrassing.

  30. Stan@9:54
    There were some discussions on this, saying that a reporter had received the information about 2 weeks prior to the hacking at CRU. Now the reporter/BBC are covering their tracks and saying that the information was not for public consumption, but private. Therefore they had been seeking and getting legal advice as to prosecution if they were to publish.
    That is what I have read and heard, but sounds like natural prairie hockey pucks to me. Since when are news companies worried about obtaining stories legally. If it sells enough papers, it will cover the legal costs and provide the scoopmeister a nice little vacation in their favourite sunny vacation spot.

  31. You’re right, Fred. The teachers have a whole lot of ‘splaining to do.
    Do you think they put them in rooms and brainwash them all?
    Can you imagine the media if this had been a hackjob on Rumsfield’s computer about 9/11?

  32. In the (UK) Daily Telegraph today, columnist Simon Heffer coined an engaging new term for warmenist hardliners: “thermomaniacs”.

  33. As is evident from another thread, the e-mails are really just a side show. The REAL damage comes from the analyzing of the data that is going on. For example, the Harry “read me file”
    This shows HOW they manipulated that data.
    When the alarmists say that the emails just show that scientists are human the next question should be “then how do you explain the blatant manipulation of the data?”. Methinks that McIntyre et al will be coming out with a LOT more analyzing of data to show more of the scam.
    Horny Toad

  34. Daniel I have heard the controversy mentioned on the CBC but the coverage is nowhere near the real story. It has been about the criminal aspect of the dump but does not go into the numbers. Skeptics breaking the law is pretty much the spin. They do not relate the science is dis-reputed. Nothing about codes or trends, just the e-mails and not in any depth on those..

  35. excellent opinion piece by Salim Mansur today’s TO Sun, a must read, as it addresses some of the underlying issues that effect not just gorebullwarming, but human inability to grasp the complex issues in a complex world, they just believe the experts (priests of their belief) just as the religious people do. This fault line crosses both sides of most issues

  36. John L – I second your comments about Anna Maria Tremonti. Her interviews were a combination of superciliousness and condescension.

  37. kingstonlad wrote: “I just wish that Jackson Browne, Sheryl (one sheet)Crowe, Sting, Bono and the rest of these idiot entertainers would stick to singing and keep their pet causes to themselves.
    It’s probably just their way of saying: “Yeah we’re gonna get all of you bastards for downloading our songs!”

  38. Frankly, I wonder if we are naive to expect that the ideological level of AGW will/ought to, move into the scientific level. The two levels of reality and fiction/ideology cannot be bridged.
    Indeed, I’d say that there are THREE levels to this scenario.
    1) The deepest level is the political level. Its agenda is a socialist/communist massive world government run by an unelected Set of Elites. A cabal. Unelected and therefore unremovable.
    To set up this infrastructure, which is after all, unchosen, unelected and essentially a dictatorship, can only be done by war or subterfuge.
    2)Using the second tactic of subterfuge, we arrive at the Second Level, which is pure emotional hyperbole. It uses the emotions of: sin, greed, fear, hope – all of them. It sets up a scenario where Man is a Sinner, and because of his Sins, the apocalpyse is nigh.
    Redemption IS possible, not by contributing to the church..oh wait..yes, by contributing to the church of Redemption, the UN, which will take all your money derived from industrialism, and theoretically, ‘give to the poor’. Right. Remember Oil-for-Fraud run by the UN?
    3) To ‘ground’ this Second Level, which is pure emotion, the scam relies on a Third Level, the ah, scientific level. But note, this ‘research’ is being done only by the Industrial countries. The ‘developing’ world, China and India, aren’t involved in this.
    The scam has moved into political funding of research, where millions and millions have been made available to ‘climate research’. BUT, only within one hypothesis: That industrialism causes apocalyptic global warming.
    This mindset is found only in the West. Not in the countries of China and India which are busily industrializing.
    It’s found predominantly in the anti-capitalist, socialist, left of the Western universities in the UK and the USA.
    That’s the thesis. If you want a grant, and universities and labs totally rely on grants to fund their faculty, their buildings, their students..then, you’ll write up an application that focuses on the validity of this thesis.
    Then, you have the award review bodies, which are infected with leftism, anti-capitalism, and anti-industrialism, and they fund those applications.
    The system, which is heavily biased by the political and funding agendas, ‘narrows’ itself down to exclude ANY applications/research that denies the central thesis.
    Same with publications; the review boards, that famous peer review, is made up of the same people who award the grants, and they refuse to publish ‘rogue’ research which denies the central thesis.
    So, you’ve got THREE levels.
    1)The real agenda which is political.
    2)The emotional scam which hides the political.
    3)The ‘scientific’ scam which hides the political.
    The most expendable is the weakest level, the ‘scientific’. Since it’s based on false data, it can be discarded. And believe it or not, even discarded, those other two levels can remain alive.
    But – don’t ignore those other two levels. Don’t ignore the power of ‘hope-and-change’ emotions.
    What has to be talked about and exposed is that First Level, the real agenda, of a global political structure that removes national sovereignty and sets up a global dictatorship.

  39. If there were anything to the hypothesis that increases in CO2 lead to increased temperature to the point of a tipping point or run-away effect where the temperature would rise to unbearable levels the researchers at EAU CRU wouldn’t have had to hide the decline.
    These researchers state that “the temperature has stopped rising and we don’t know why” only because they have ruled out accepting that their hypothesis has already been falsified.
    It is only after they rule out the possibility that they were wrong all along, the one true answer to the decline, that they could state that they don’t know why CO2 levels are increasing while temperatures are declining.
