The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose, Pt 13

Jim Prentice – call your office;

The Met Office plans to re-examine 160 years of temperature data after admitting that public confidence in the science on man-made global warming has been shattered by leaked e-mails.
The new analysis of the data will take three years, meaning that the Met Office will not be able to state with absolute confidence the extent of the warming trend until the end of 2012.
The Met Office database is one of three main sources of temperature data analysis on which the UN’s main climate change science body relies for its assessment that global warming is a serious danger to the world. This assessment is the basis for next week’s climate change talks in Copenhagen aimed at cutting CO2 emissions.

Poor Harry.

65 Replies to “The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose, Pt 13”

  1. The new analysis of the data will take three years, meaning that the Met Office will not be able to state with absolute confidence the extent of the warming trend until the end of 2012.
    “Sentence first, verdict afterwards” isn’t just for children’s books anymore.

  2. Thank you ‘ET’. I agree with all 3 but this is the most important ‘What has to be talked about and exposed is that First Level, the real agenda, of a global political structure that removes national sovereignty and sets up a global dictatorship’.

  3. Free Advice from Globe/Mail Investor.
    Avner Mandelman.
    “How close are we to the unravelling of the global warming fad? I think it has started.
    There are already calls in the United States and Britain for probes into Climategate, and dragging out all the lies and airing them in public will be the end of global warming.
    So don’t get stuck with investments tied to it, either directly, or via tax credits.”
    “Don’t let ‘Climategate’ melt down your portfolio
    If someone is pushing a theme for investing, check to see how they might profit from it
    I’ve said before that you are more vulnerable to skillful rhetoric than you think. Well, the past week proved it.
    You’ve probably read about “Climategate” – how thousands of hacked e-mails from climate scientists revealed that they colluded to fudge their conclusions about global warming, told each other to destroy incriminating e-mails and perhaps even dumped raw data to mask the fraud.
    Why did it work? Because the falsified conclusions appealed to people’s good nature, and because the conspirators co-opted above-average rhetoricians to deliver their message.
    Now why am I going on about this? For two reasons: First, because global warming is an investment theme that a few brokers are pushing; so, if you are a theme investor, be careful. Second, this sort of revelation is a perfect teaching moment of the madness of crowds.” (more)

  4. let us have 3 bleak bad winters to go with last years. Houston, Texas had snow yesterday. Alberta is buried in snow, Whistler mountain had the most snow ever in November. CO2 will continue rising over these 3 years.

  5. And another thing.
    The lads at CRU East Anglia have so jaded public opinion on climate science that the Met Office will be more or less forced to have a big website just for this re-examination. On that site, every last bit of information, down to the rawest of raw data will have to be fully and freely accessible to anyone who wants to look at it.
    Otherwise there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell (ha ha!) that the Met Office will be taken seriously.

  6. Q. Why are prostitutes offering free sex to climate summit delegates?
    A. Professional courtesy.

  7. I wonder what Jeffrey Simpson thinks of the articles on climategate? Damning articles. Trickling out of his Globe&Mail ??
    After all, he is the senior G&M something or other.
    After all he wrote a book(Hot Air) pushing the need for Kyoto/Copen. The need to ban carbon dioxide.
    After all he replied (July 08) to my doubting the climate alarmism with;
    “But there’s nothing I could say or point you to that would make you change your mind. Polls here show that about 10 per cent of Canadians deny the relaty of global warming, and as the song says “they will not be moved.” It’s frustrating, I guess, because the world has passed them completely by, so they bray at the moon.”
    Will you ever change YOUR mind Jeff? Some of your colleagues in the room have.

  8. So does this mean…THE SCIENCE IS NOT SETTLED? If the conclusions are based on data, and the data is wrong, How could the science be settled?
    Daniel Ream try that as an argument with your lefty friends.
    Kingstonlad……….. you might want to think about adding Y2K and H1N1 to your list.

  9. oldandportly@1:52
    Q. Why are prostitutes offering free sex to climate summit delegates?
    A. Because they have members that can really stretch it.

  10. You have nailed it ET. When a person or an organization is corrupting themselves there is always a motive. Lord Monckton has laid out the ‘plan’. Read ‘Cancer Ward’ by Solzenitzen for the method…if IF a person wishes to ‘work'(survive) in a totalitarian state they must spew the state propaganda. We have been ‘ruled’ by the totalitarian financed media (public opinion, it is miss named) for many years and anyone who disagreed with the totalitarian (UN WHO..)approved ‘line’ to feed to the peons(us) found themselves trashed by the media and cosequently looking for a job or in jail (as Conrade Black did).
    It happened here, it started with the anti tobacco fanaticism and moved on to the next phase without a hiccup ..because the first phase worked so well.
    First they came for the Jews….

  11. The headlines are temporary. A lot of different non-net sources are sending new readers this way, so I’ve put the bullet points at the top so they don’t have to dig for them. It doesn’t take long for a post to be pushed way down the page around here.
    And yes, I’m at the dog show, but it’s pretty laid back. Finished for today.

  12. The end of 2012? But what’s the point – surely all moonbats agree the world is ending then anyway?

  13. there ain’t no hard times folks: Prentice is gonna get his Carbon Tax.
    And you’ll still donate.
