26 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: We’re Number Two!”

  1. Based upon what I’ve learned in Hollywood movies, isn’t it time we start shooting it with nukes to give it a kickstart again?

  2. Economists used to base commodity prices on these cycles, then they were told sunspots don’t affect weather. Maybe they need to look at their old system again.

  3. Too bad the sun has no influence on the earth’s climate (1). If it did this oddly minimal solar phase could result in global cooling which could offset the impending global warming catastophe which can only be avoided (2) by the signing of a binding GHG reduction treaty at the upcoming Copenhagen conference.
    1. as agreed by 99% of the world’s scientists and 100% of the world’s scientists who are not funded by Big Oil.
    2. as agreed by 99% of the world’s scientists and 100% of the world’s scientists who are not funded by Big Oil.

  4. Nary, no nary a Sun Spot,
    Nutley CRU has finally been caught
    And now they find it grows hot
    In the midst of a troubling spin plot.

  5. but, but, but….that can’t possibly have anything to do with climate change…..can it?
    Damn – where the hell is that hockey stick….. where Did I put that thing????

  6. sylvan – surely you are being facitious….. aren’t you? You can’t be that moronic without being facitious……… can you?

  7. The Copenhagers will be very edgy and very nervous – for days.
    They will all be on guard for a possible rug yank.
    When someone takes to the stage in front of live cameras, they will be thinking the ‘what if this is him/her’?
    “I, COP15 Delegate WB, am here to announce that I am the Whistle Blower. And you are all dome like dinner”.

  8. If the Earth remains in a 20 to 30 year cold spell, I can assure you all – you will be begging for some global warming.
    I remember the 60s and 70s while in MB – lotsa brutal winters. Many cold, late springs. A typical summer was three weeks long.

  9. Tonite – word out of the White House is that Chairman O will show up later in the summit rather than earlier – just so he can save the day……….. just like he did for the Olympic Games for Chicago!!!!
    Go Chairman!!!!

  10. Yup
    The Big Owe is delaying his trip. Playing for time to see which way the climate wind is blowing. And whether it’s hot or cold.

  11. a different bob:
    Of course sylvan is being facitious. Nobody could be that stupid. Well okay, a lefty certainly could be, but it wouldn’t be fair to slag him with that label without giving him a chance to respond.

  12. I sure could use some global warming Ive been unemployed almost two years now. The only jobs i can get is minimum wage and part time weekends giving out samples. My last job I worked in billion dollar company, in a seiner position; the company moved to china. I guess I should be happy now because the economy is turning around and I landed that great new job, for 9.50 and hour 12 hours a week, unlike my last one at 67,000+ a year.I’m sure with the new HST and the lower manufacturing taxes that company will come right back.

  13. What’s particularly interesting about this phenomena is that 2012 is predicted to be the mother of all solar maximums. The last seriously big one happened back circa 1914 or so.
    However, back then we…meaning the entire planet…were not living in an age of massive electrical grids, widespread electronics, global communications, and…last, but not least…computers that run everything from pocket calculators to stock markets (and massive electrical grids).
    If the proverbial shinola hits the solar fan as is expected in a couple years, it could make the east coast black out some years back look by comparison like lights out on a Sunday afternoon tea party by the pool.
    …as in, calm before the storm?
    Just sayin’…

  14. What’s particularly interesting about this phenomena is that 2012 is predicted to be the mother of all solar maximums. The last seriously big one happened back circa 1914 or so.
    However, back then we…meaning the entire planet…were not living in an age of massive electrical grids, widespread electronics, global communications, and…last, but not least…computers that run everything from pocket calculators to stock markets (and massive electrical grids).
    If the proverbial shinola hits the solar fan as is expected in a couple years, it could make the east coast black out some years back look by comparison like lights out on a Sunday afternoon tea party by the pool.
    …as in, calm before the storm?
    Just sayin’…

  15. Hey.Didn’t you people get the memo? The sun has ZERO effect on the climate! It is a nuclear reactor,and has been outlawed by Vancouver.Jeezzz,get with it!
    On a more serious note,every AGW advocate should be strung up for crimes against humanity.

  16. it takes about a million years for a photon generated in the nuclear furnace that is the sun to make it to surface. It is likely another 5 million years or more for material to infall deeo enough to get to reaction temperature and pressure. so figure if the solar system was going through a dense area of the molecular clouds 5 to 6 million years ago and you have the answer.

  17. Time to do some serious mapping. GPS works at its best, during these calm spells. If we are in for a peak period, all guidance systems will be affected. It might even get to the point, where pilots have to rely on old fashioned navigation.
