62 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Happy St. Nicolaas Day!
    Patron saint to children, sailors, fishermen, merchants, the falsely accused, repentant thieves, pharmacists, archers, pawnbrokers
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden (Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. On CTV’s Question Period,Layton once again shows Canadians why the NDP will never,EVER,be more than a place for idealists to park their votes until reality and maturity kick in… Mr.Layton, for the first half, tells us that we must move forward NOW to combat climate change,even in a time of recession.He then goes on in the second half to tell us how the HST should not be imposed NOW because we are in a time of recession.—http://watch.ctv.ca/news/ctvs-question-period/dec-6/#clip243169

  3. A little more info on Canadian Sentinel’s post. The top cop says; There is no indication of religious or ethnic motivation,” said Mollen in a printed statement Saturday. -Wally J
    — Weird how they say “no religious motivation; Islamic Supremacism not a factor; Islam’s a ‘religion of peace’, so better shut up, folks, or be charged with incitement to hatred and contempt” when the perps are Muslims… But when the victims are Muslims, GLBTs and/or visible minorities, and the perps aren’t “special” folks, ie., regular, everyday, JudeoChristian-and/or-just-plain- conservative folks, then the automatic, mandatory first assumption is that it’s a “hate crime” motivated by “hatred” of the victims’ “characteristics”, etc.

  4. A little more info on Canadian Sentinel’s post. The top cop says; There is no indication of religious or ethnic motivation,” said Mollen in a printed statement Saturday. -Wally J
    — Weird how they say “no religious motivation; Islamic Supremacism not a factor; Islam’s a ‘religion of peace’, so better shut up, folks, or be charged with incitement to hatred and contempt” when the perps are Muslims… But when the victims are Muslims, GLBTs and/or visible minorities, and the perps aren’t “special” folks, ie. they’re just regular, everyday, JudeoChristian-and/or-just-plain- conservative folks, then the automatic, mandatory first assumption is that it’s a “hate crime” motivated by “hatred” of the victims’ “characteristics”, etc.

  5. Hardboiled, we get it. You’ve posted the same thing (intent, if not pure substance) every day for about a week. Seriously, we get it.
    Trust me, all of us are waiting to see what Prentice will actually do. If he follows through, then I believe we’ll see a tectonic shift in support not only here but across the country.
    But wait for the action, rather than what he tells the slavering media.


    WTF?! They let those dry-running Islamic Supremacist terrorists get back on the plane despite the way they behaved, creating apprehensions of terror amongst the passengers?!
    Hey! I guess now it’s ok to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater, too! Or to yell, “I’ve got a bomb!” on a plane, or to simply make people think you’re about to conduct another 9/11…
    But these criminal Muslims weren’t charged for their criminal behavior. Of course not. They’re Muslims, after all, and we’re forbidden to hold Muslims to the same standards of legal behavior as we do ourselves…
    He went to check out the terrorists in the back of the plane, who spoke only Arabic. Guess what, folks? The terrorists were LAUGHING!

  7. But wait for the action, rather than what he tells the slavering media
    Posted by: Johann at December 6, 2009 3:14 PM
    yeah – never believe a politician huh? Lemme guess, you see it in his eyes huh?
    …tasty, tasty koolaid…

  8. Well of course you should never believe a politican,
    Hardboiled. People won’t vote for honest politicians,
    so elected politicians are liars. What, are you stupid?

  9. 12 of 26 ClimateGate scientists wrote Copenhagen Diagnosis
    “The “small group of scientists” up to their necks in Climategate include 12 of the 26 esteemed scientists who wrote the Copenhagen Diagnosis. Who would have ever guessed that forty-six percent of the authors of Copenhagen Diagnosis belong to the Climategate gang? Small world, isn’t it?”
    More commentary on this at http://www.climate-skeptic.com/2009/12/25-not-2500.html

  10. What, are you stupid?
    Posted by: Vitruvius at December 6, 2009 8:50 PM
    Enjoy your Conservative Party Carbon Tax. You’ve earned it.
