Second Thoughts About Climategate

I think we all need to take a deep breath and perhaps rethink our excitement about the CRU leaks … especially in light of the most recent stunning revelations by CTV.
It would appear that the leak was … “politically motivated”.
Oh my:

The head of Greenpeace Canada says the timing of the release of stolen climate change emails is “politically motivated” to distract people ahead of the Copenhagen summit.
“People are going to look at the solid body of scientific evidence that is out there and realize that this is really a distraction and a politically motivated one,” said Bruce Cox, the Executive Director of Greenpeace Canada.
“I think there are probably vested interests out there that knew that this would harshly — I don’t want to say derail — but would act as a distraction,” he said in an interview with CTV News Channel Sunday.
“Clearly it’s a huge distraction from what needs to be done in Copenhagen.”

A distraction? No kidding Sherlock!

51 Replies to “Second Thoughts About Climategate”

  1. The comments following the CTV story were sure telling. Most are questioning what has gone on and want more work done or an investigation before our government spends big dollars on an climate change legislation. And for some reason, Prentice still think cap and trade is the way to go. That man is truly dangerous to the Canadian economy.
