“The scientists have been tied up and gagged in the back room”

Christopher Essex is Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario.

Governments leaders wanted something where they could absolve themselves of the responsibility for making informed decisions. They would have to read science stuff otherwise. They ordered up a kind of unnatural scientist that would tell them precisely what they wanted to hear.
But they gave the puppeteers clubs to deal with those of us who remained true. And the perps of Climategate are what they got. All of my colleagues have had to endure these bullies and criminals for a very long time.
You should understand that (real) scientists have had to pay the heaviest price for the creation of these monsters for decades. And they were not created by us.

Read the whole thing, and then send it to your MLA.
Related – 28 years with the BBC, then…. it’s how they build concensus!

51 Replies to ““The scientists have been tied up and gagged in the back room””

  1. Good post Loki. It’s one of the issues that’s dealt with in “Taken by Storm”. The very idea of a “mean global temperature” other than as a purely statistical construct, is virtually meaningless. And the idea that a meaningful change in global temperature can be discerned to within 0.2 C is even more fatuous if that’s possible. The whole global warming debate has its own “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” quality.
