The Tiger Woods Index

What did I tell you?

[Pages on Google] …ranked by importance to the general public, against media interest….
1. Climategate: 28,400,000 – 2,930 = 9693
2. Afghanistan: 143,000,000 – 154,145 = 928
3. Obama: 202,000,000 – 252,583 = 800
4. Tiger Woods: 22,500,000 – 46,025 = 489

Related – those who have been following the side story of “Googlegate” are aware of the hijinks with their auto-suggest. It doesn’t end there, however – in recent hours they’ve carried out more purges than Stalin.
As you can see above, a couple of days ago there were over 28 million results for “Climategate”, today – just under half of that. In contrast, Bing’s count has been steadily rising, and currently stands at over 51 million.
Google is also infamous for penalizing the page rank of sites critical of leftist issues (this one included – my page rank was whacked back a couple of months ago, despite the fact that both incoming links and traffic were stable.). Watch for the same to happen to prominent blogs in the skeptic sphere.

58 Replies to “The Tiger Woods Index”

  1. Awesome Kate!
    When enough people become aware of this scam we will hopefully tar and feather the politicians who want to pass this abomination.

  2. Marcia McMillan on CTV News yesterday did a gossip segment on the marital travails of Tiger Woods, after a very brief clip on the climategate issue. Shows where the priorities are.

  3. The mainstream media, which has been criminally and monolithically tendentious on this issue, is only beginning to show some cracks in terms of what it’s willing to report, and already, public interest in the previously-suppressed truth is soaring. The whole house of cards should soon start to come tumbling down most satisfactorily.
    I’m completely in favour of treading lightly on the earth – I’m sure we all are – but it’s buck-naked obvious that the AGW scare isn’t about concern for the planet in any way. It’s a money-thieving, power-snatching, agenda-controlling international confidence scam of breathtaking scope and audacity, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with anything other than corruption, conspiracy and greed.
    Many otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people have been successfully and comprehensively misled about what’s going on due to the reprehensible complicity of the media, despite the fact that the preponderance of evidence, even prior to recent damning revelations, has consistently failed to support claims of anthropogenic climate change – but not for much longer.
    I dislike being scolded and bullied by liars, flakes, the credulous and the misinformed, and I’ve put up with a lot of it in recent years. Now, the authors of this giant lie and, one hopes, the powers that stand behind them, are going to have to admit their fraud and acknowledge the almost incomprehensible magnitude of the scam they have perpetrated, and their shrill supporters and promoters will at last be obliged to stand down.
    A lot of egg is about to hit a lot of faces.

  4. Climategate is a beautiful thing and has brought me great joy despite the fact I have been out of a job since November 2008 and do not qualify for EI. I can not remember the last time I felt so vindicated – it’s like truth and justice have graced the earth with a mighty presence. Something is finally right with the world. Drink deeply from this cup of vindication my friends.
    We must be patient with the deniers and conspiracy theorists who are obviously experiencing the first stage of grief and loss: denial, anger and bargaining. They are almost delusional in their shock and unbelief – the emails were tampered with they shout- denial. They were secured through illegal means – anger (akin to stating the cops walking into a home w/o a warrant a catching a man red handed stabbing his wife in the heart renders their eyewitness inadmissible and the arrest illegal). There is still other data like tree rings that prove global warming and what about the C02 – barganing.
    I can only hope that this mighty truth and justice will grace and defeat every other lie that threatens our freedoms.
    This is truly spiritual – its like I can imagine the release of legions of whistleblowers upon the earth – who begin to hack all the university and government servers around the world – the UN is a where they will start and then move on to Harvard, Oxford, and Yale then the msm servers like CNN NBC, and ABC…leak everything onto the internet for the world to see – hey one can dream and imagine. I wonder if this is what judgement day will be like.

  5. It’s a strange thing to toss some of the information that is available in front of some of the “We are all going to die” global warming folks and to watch the reaction to the presentation of just plain fact that shows that the science was cooked.
    It’s like you just admitted to being a child rapist. They get this sick look in their face and wander away.

  6. exetaz, prepare for assimilation.
    Unless you think we won’t let that happen.
    Maybe be prepared anyway.

  7. That should be a “/” or a “:” between the numbers indicating division or ratio, yes?
    My experiences, people who thought this was a scam or didn’t believe the science are more willing to express their views without fearing that they will be labelled a denier or politically incorrect. And many people are aware of and discussing the medias attempt to cover this up. Instead of reporting the story, they became the story.
    Thanks CRU/MSM.

  8. Truly, the underbelly of the lamestreammedia is being exposed – and it not pretty. I feel ashamed for them but I can offer no sympathy.

  9. I still have to pinch myself to realize its not a dream!
    Christmas came early.
    More games to watch. Its gonna be funny as the Politicians scramble to deny their involvement in this scam.

  10. When our main media outlets are passing over Climategate in favor of tabloid journalism and re-running Armageddon Al’s “Inconvenient Truth” we know they’re running on empty.

  11. cbc’s question of the day at their ‘Point of View’ site wants your opinion on climategate.Have at ‘er!

  12. cbc’s question of the day at their ‘Point of View’ site wants your opinion on climategate.Have at ‘er!

  13. Just as Catholics survived the Borgia popes and devoted communists managed to overlook the excesses of Stalin, so will the ‘activists’ and true believers in AGW shuffle off Climategate. It has little to do with climate. As Nigel Lawson says, since the collapse of the Soviet system ‘green is the new red’ — same folks, same goals.

  14. But…but…. Kady O’ sez she couldn’t see the Canadian connection and she did not have enough time….
    That’s ok Kady…proof again that you and you lazy media buddis are overpaid and redundant.

  15. “Google is also infamous for penalizing the page rank of sites critical of leftist issues”
    says Kate
    The question is: Why does anybody thats NOT a leftist even use Google?

  16. since denying AGW is punishable by jail time according to Dr. Mengele Suzuki, shouldnt he be considered for jail time for falsifying evidence or perjury?
    Dr. Fruitfly has been strangely silent for one that usually has far too much to say.
    expect him to show up on CBCpravda soon, all lathered up and remember David , the louder you speak , the truer your words.
    nothing from Taliban Jack , nothing from Lizzy May? I think the silence speaks for itself.

  17. Kate,
    What a great site & a great job you do.
    I’ve just finished my sign for the holiday shoppers-“Climategate The Truth Matters”. I’ll be standing at the busiest intersection in Vermont (the Heart of the Beast).

  18. exetaz: “It’s a money-thieving, power-snatching, agenda-controlling international confidence scam of breathtaking scope and audacity, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with anything other than corruption, conspiracy and greed.”
    Well said!! Why not an audacious money-thieving, agenda-controlling, international confidence scam when Canada’s own Maurice Strong is in the thick of it? This guy is a scandal/scam artist of the first degree — for years able to fly under the radar here protected by the Librano$ and their Backroom Boys at Power Corp, where Mo Strong was appointed as its Executive Vice President and then President in 1961 through 1966.
    Strong’s connections with the UN are octupussian, and he’s now living in China to cash in on the carbon offsets coming their way (IF Copenhagen can be pulled off according to his agenda) and to avoid being questioned in the US, where he’s been indicted, about the Oil for Food Scandal in which he was a major player.
    I guess we’re supposed to feel sorry for him and forgive his peccadilloes, as Wikipedia’s first entry in his biography is “Early years: overcoming poverty and hardship.”

  19. The CBC was supposed to do show with Gorical and Suzukster as guests—never heard anymore about it.
    I have spoke to EVERYONE I meet about this and surprisingly they have heard and GW/AGW is a joke.
    Not much anger yet.
    Yeah Suzuckster, Lizzie have dropped out of sight….and Gore.
    The nutters in the UK are blue in the face but even their government/media are aware that this just a bunch of $hit-disturbers using it as an excuse to make a fuss. Most of the anti-Viet Nam marchers from the 60’s now admit it was “a lark.”
    I had a Google tool bar but I purged that when I heard ManBearPig had shares….Bing rocks….
    I daily e-mail my MP, Prentice and PMSH….only to inform them that we know that they know.

  20. It is demonstrations of public ignominy like this, choosing base sensation over reflective substance, which emboldens the predatory class who feed on public gullibility.
    If superficial distractions such as Tiger Woods extra marital affairs did not break up the public attention span from dwelling on the advanced state of corruption they endure from the political class, these treasonous corrupting elements infecting our society would be [rightfully] be hanging from a gallows for crimes against the republic.

  21. No wonder Google is trying to hide climategate, they use the same tricks with statistics to hide the truth and produce fake results.

  22. I’m a natural born cynic. While I am thrilled that climate gate has broken open the slime of settled science I do believe that Copenhagen will hurt us.
    First, Canada is a very small player in world events and the ideologue down south can’t be trusted. The momentum for a major re-distribution of wealth is so large that we may never be able to stop it.
    I watched on Global while May was allowed to spew lies and fear while I never saw a legitimate scientist given 10 seconds.
    The truth may be out there for folks to see and hear to…but, only if they look and listen!
    In the mean time the crass manipulation of information goes on.

  23. WRT Google.
    Is it common knowledge here that Gore is on the ‘board’ at Google?
    Posted by: bluetech at December 6, 2009 9:16 AM

    Sad, is it not?   Here’s a political hack (and boop) who is treated like some sort of technological, and maybe, scientific expert/genius type.

  24. “When our main media outlets are passing over Climategate in favor of tabloid journalism and re-running Armageddon Al’s “Inconvenient Truth” we know they’re running on empty.”
    Posted by: Liz J at December 6, 2009 7:21 AM
    Canadian groupthink MSM have long ago swallowed the Kyoto Global Warming tale like a Yellow perch swallowing the baited hook deep into its belly.
    Getting that hook out of its belly means ripping its guts out.
    The internet is analogous to ripping MSM guts out in this story of fraud.
    This is just a replay of the duplicitous Canadian MSM that sat by, mute, while the corrupt and malfeasant Chretien /Martin Liberal regime fleeced Canadian taxpayers for a decade while fattening Quebec’s crooks.
    CBC, CTV and Glbal TV need a FOX Cable competitor in Canada, because we are still not getting the full story of the Copenhagen world tax on carbon Cap & trade issue.
    Kate McMillan should be given the highest “Order of Canada” honour for SDA’s involvement in carrying the story of the “Mann-made global warming” fraud to Canadians AND the rest of the world.
    I suspect she would decline the medal.

  25. On Dec 2, I tuned into 1010 around lunch time. The host canceled an interview with Lorrie Goldstein re: “climategate” to blather on about really, really, important news just in: the THS/SPCA pissing match.
    Apparently the AGW fraudfest was small potatoes to this guy. No wonder the guy is on in the middle of the afternoon…

  26. Just googles climategate and it now shows 30,100,000. Google’s ass got spanked pretty good.

  27. Oh, c’mon now, there’s more important things to talk about than this, they’re just stolen e-mails, taken out of context, nothing to see here, move on people….
    LOOK, Tiger Woods racy e-mails exposed!!!!
    LOOK, Billy Joel’s, and Christie Brinkley’s offspring narrowly avoids tragedy!!!!!
    Now THAT’S NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
    /sarc off

  28. This googlegate thing is just as interesting as climategate. I think google is pissing me off even more….
    Thank god for the internet….you can see how easy a totalitarian ideology can corrupt millions of people…it’s scary.

  29. I always wonder about google, they make all cash from ad revenue, I for one never click on them, and I know web people have told me the same thing, who does?
    Of course there was thier massive stock capitalization.

  30. Compounding the UNinterest: A blast from UNabomber Mao Stlong.
    Mao’s nephew, Canadian “Liberal leader” Bob Rae, has veted/apploved this.
    “One effect of this is to make scientists lose lots of time checking things.”
    “It’s very common for hackers in Russia to be paid for their services.”
    Watelgate = Crimegate.
    More advertising, please.
    “Climategate controversy has echoes of Watergate, UN says
    UN officials likened the Climategate controversy to Watergate today, claiming that computer hackers who stole thousands of e-mails sent by a senior climate scientist were probably paid to do it by people intent on undermining the Copenhagen summit.
    Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the theft from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was not the work of amateur climate sceptics but a sophisticated and well-funded attempt to destroy public confidence in the science of man-made climate change.
    He said the fact that the e-mails were first uploaded to a sceptic website from a computer in Russia was an indication that the culprit was paid.
    It’s very common for hackers in Russia to be paid for their services.”

  31. This is what ‘my’ loyalty to Google has wrought? I have dutifully assigned the search engine of choice to Google, for all friends, family and customers; Nevermore~

  32. Very interesting – especially in light of the fact that I have been trying to upload videos and articles to my facebook account – they go through Google. Google keeps telling me that my account is not available at this time despite the fact that my facebook account is alive and well in another tab! At first, I wondered whether Google was stopping it being uploaded and I should wear the tin-foil hat my husband made me earlier today. Now I’m not just wondering!

  33. claiming that computer hackers who stole thousands of e-mails sent by a senior climate scientist were probably paid to do it by people intent on undermining the Copenhagen summit
    That makes no sense, but then it’s the UN – not making sense is what they do. Unless you knew there was something, let’s say odd, about the emails and code, why would you “steal” them? If nothing odd was going on, Copenhagen couldn’t be undermined.

  34. Very interesting – especially in light of the fact that when I have been trying to upload articles and videos on climategate to my facebook account I have been having a lot of difficulty – Google keeps telling me my account is either ‘temporarily suspended’ or ‘currently unavailable’, despite the fact that it was alive and well in another tab. A few days ago I wondered whether Google was taking an active stance here – but then my husband made me wear the tin-foil hat he made for me. However, after reading this, I’m pretty happy to wear the tin-foil hat!

  35. Still trying to purge google from my computer.
    Damn thing just keeps popping up.
    Our overall power stems from the choices we make.
    Better examine your investment portfolio…

  36. I do not have Facebook myself, but I am wondering if there is a Climategate Facebook page? Perhaps someone familiar with this social tool could make a climategate facebook page and download all the hacker emails on docs onto it and add the videos and links to the articles here at SDA. I know my kids go to all sorts of facebook pages on video games, snowboarding, and hiking sites that have facebook members that share there info on these subjects.

  37. Anyone still using Google (other than to expose its bias) needs to give their head a shake. Google has long been recognized as being on the far left. Look no further than their refusal, on numerous occasions, to reflect patriotic events on their header bar.
    I have no experience with Bing, but I am happy with Dogpile, which is a search engine aggregator. It runs your search simultaneously on a number of search engines, with both Bing and Google included. And as far as Google ads go, I never click on them. I have Adblock Plus installed in Firefox, and it really helps.

  38. .
    How long will it be…
    Before Google completes Google Street View?
    Before Google initiates Google House View?
    Before Google initiates Google Person View?
    Before Google completes Google Mind View?
    Now, simply change the word “view” to “control”.
    Go ye into all the World and preach the Google News. Thanks Be to Google.

  39. I get over 32,000,000 when I type climategate into google. Are you sure it was not just a minor glitch?
