45 Replies to “Understanding Climategate’s Hidden Decline”

  1. Attend East Anglia University or Penn State and you can get a Climate Scientology degree, with a Major in Alchemy or Astrology.

  2. Nah, attend any university and you can take a course on “how to do this”, with any type of data.
    I know, because I took a geography course back in the 70’s called Graphical Analysis. When I was done I could do what these Phd’s do. After that I took a course in Statistics to learn how to “test” my data and make it do what I wanted it to do and withstand somone else’s scrutiny. Nothing to it.

  3. This article clearly explains the fraud perpetrated on the world.
    One thing though that I am unable to understand is why do so many of these warmist fraud exposure sites have ads by Nature Canada that are in fact touting the fraud.

  4. That’s excellent! I just sent a letter to the editor of the local paper, including a link to the AT article. Thought they might want to investigate the story of the decade. Ha ha. No wonder they’re going broke.

  5. I am having a problem understanding why ‘Climateologists’ are inputting data or doing computer modeling in the first place. Data is data. Doesn’t matter whether you are talking widgets, temperature or solar flux. Statistitions or mathematitions do computer programming usually blind and simply enter the data into an agreed upon template. The data comes out the other end then it is analyzed by the appropriate persons in the appropriate areas of expertise. Then it is what it is. At least I thought that is the way it is supposed to work.

  6. Ken (Kulak) at December 6, 2009 10:10 AM
    [….This article clearly explains the fraud perpetrated on the world.
    One thing though that I am unable to understand is why do so many of these warmist fraud exposure sites have ads by Nature Canada that are in fact touting the fraud.]
    Simple! Follow the money!!
    Ads are revenue and if Nature canada wants to sponsor—-that has a nice ironic twist to it.
    The WARMongers are well financed…this is a way to use some of that to get OUR message across.
    It also shows the WARMongers don’t understand economics…HEE HEE!!!

  7. Sasquatch.
    Google ads are automatically generated after scanning for keywords in posts. The advertisers pay Google to place their ads. The more you pay the higher up on the ladder you are. Some of the funniest ones are on sites that talk about Islamic terrorists and the ad for mail order Islamic brides come up. The Daily Bayonet always seems to have WWF ads up.

  8. Now that is what I call real “peer review” and I think the science is becoming more settled all the time. Gore may never give another speech. Now wouldn’t that be nice.

  9. I got a little chuckle out of the part of the article that made reference to US weather reporting stations date being out by as much as 2 degrees because the instrumentation was within 10 metres of an artificial heat source.
    Kate has been posting pics of that for years. It all contributes to the fraud and we knew it all along.

  10. I just posted the following on Google’s ‘Success Stories: http://services.google.com/feedback/share_success.
    I’ve been searching ‘climategate’ on a routine basis for the past couple of weeks. I started to notice that the ‘number of hits’ has decreased this week, rather than increased – almost as stunning as the fake hockey stick.
    The ‘number of hits’ counter showed me that you guys seem to be in on the fraud.
    Perhaps best questioned – How did I hear about Bing? The information above got me looking for an alternative. Thank you – Bing is sitting at 51,000,000 hits for climate-gate instead of the 11,000,000 you’re showing today.

  11. CBC Newsworld has John Stone,former UN chairman IPCC,on live right now. He is pushing the usual,”how dare they hack and use stolen info” meme.

  12. Just caught the end of the Calgary Bubblegum Company’s (CBC) interview with Stone. Try as he might, he’s not much of a spin doctor though….

  13. Laurie Goldstein, today’s Toronto Sun, quite an article, never thought I would see the day they would print that. MSM finally catching on? CBC still absent but who cares.

  14. Gleetings flom China. My nephew, Canadian “Liberal leader” Boob Lae, joins with Iffy in wishing youse a Happy Goreacle Footprint.
    Vely Impotent Mao Stlong.
    “Potent winter storm set to sweep country
    The Weather Channel ^ | Dec. 6, 2009 | Mark Avery
    A potent storm system getting ready to move into the West Coast will bring precipitation and wind to much of the country this week.
    By tomorrow, the surface low will begin to strengthen in the Southwest. As the low strengthens, winds will increase over much of the West.
    With very cold temperatures in place in the Northern Rockies and High Plains, this will result in dangerously cold wind chills in parts of Idaho and Montana, where wind chill watches, warnings, and advisories are posted.
    Blizzard conditions are also possible,”

  15. This guy really can’t simplify it enough for simpletons like myself, though we appreciate the attempt, which the other side seems uninterested in bothering with. I do get the gist of it, and I have always been sceptical of scare tactics which this seemed to me to be. I am also enough of a religionist to put matters into the hands of God, realizing too, that He helps those who help themselves. Being an “older folk” I also remember being taught in school that Martin Frobisher traveled the coast of Baffin Island in a dinky wooden caravel in 1576. How So?

  16. sasquatch @ 10:47, thanks for irony angle. Never thought of that, but it is good.
    WTF @ 11:00, thank you for the technical information.
    Lorrie Goldstein calls a spade a spade.

  17. I often wonder about the whole quality of the academic “scientific inquiry”. I think about the investment we are making in it and whether it is improving the everyday lives of average Canadians. Take medical research in Canada. Isn’t it really just another form of wealth transfer? Follow the money! Wouldn’t we be better off spending these dollars on basic delivery, improving the life of a senior with a new hip??? Does it make sense to develop more technology that no one can afford? What is our deficit and debt at all levels of government? No, it makes no sense at all. Maybe we should be letting countries with little or no wait times to do the research and we concentrate on fixing our very broken system before we invest a dime on more hockey sticks.

  18. After reading through this twice, I’m getting the impression that the leaking of these documents were done by an insider/ whistleblower. Maybe others could clarify for me, but the e-mails and codes seem too related for a hacker to compile and release so quickly and in a timely fashion.

  19. Steve, just read Sue-Ann Levy’s articles in the Sun on the cost of “affordable housing” being built in Toronto. One small building was purchased for $2M over what it was worth, the estimate by City Hall real estate clods to update the building was $560k, now to open 1 1/2 years late at a cost of $4.93 million with $62,500 per year per unit in maintenance. Another is being built at a cost of $360k per unit! Affordable, not to citizens of Toronto. Imagine how many apartment rentals you could have for the so-called homeless for this money.
    When Phil Jones of CRU has received almost 14 million pounds for climate research it is just an inkling of money pissed away by unaccountable governments dolts. In the US some $78 billion has disappeared into the Climategate black hole.
    The growth of governments with their public unions and their endless spending of money will destroy our society. Unless I am totally wrong I believe carbon taxes, tax and trade will be implemented next week with the help of the MSM to feed these insatiable maws. The science means nothing, the fix is in.

  20. ctv has Dale Marshall from Suzuki Foundation on live from Hopenchangen…blames all Canada’s problems on…wait for it…Tar Sands! Sounding desperate I must say,and has anyone seen David Suzuki lately? Where is he??

  21. Meanwhile back at Hopenchangen, Christmas trees are being banned. I kid you not.
    “… Christmas is a religious holiday that has no place at a United Nations function, according to the Foreign Ministry’s Svend Olling, who is the head of practical planning for the climate summit.”
    Well, I guess he told those pesky Christians, eh? The nerve of ’em!
    No word if turbans, hijabs or other non-Christian religious paraphernalia will be confiscated from attendees at the door.

  22. The science means nothing, the fix is in.
    Posted by: Dave at December 6, 2009 12:53 PM
    This means torches and pitchforks.
    Time to storm the castle

  23. It’s still a bit dispiriting to read about the climate marches in London and Glasgow and the BBC reports on Copenhagen. They appear to have gone so far down the path of folly, there doesn’t seem to be a way for Europe to retreat. If Obama doesn’t hold (and I don’t believe he will), we’ve all been sold. Not sure where to go with this, but I think it’s important to keep getting the message out–and not just to the converted. It was never about climate. It was always about a big money grab. The US is proving such a disappointment. From a country that fought for freedom and independence, they are sure letting themselves down. They deserve better than their present government.

  24. That evil, medieval warm period has to go – it is ruining our climate alarmism party.
    Stroke of pen. There !!
    That damn little ice age is screwing up the hockey stick and Armageddon.
    Stroke of pen. There !
    But how will the climate alarmists hide their credibility decline ? Tut tut there media, the blogsphere is watching you 🙂

  25. Pray for exceedingly large hailstones to pummel Copenhagen. I hope there are reporters placed at the numerous outlets in Copenhagen to buy weed so they can get some good photos of the delegates doing some christmas shopping. Apparently, the prostitutes are capitalizing on the conference, advertising their services would be nice to get some photos of those taking advantage of the special.

  26. Daddy,why did they keep using a broken hockey stick?
    It comes down to a battle between science and ideology, he(Dr.Andrew Weaver)said. While science is about explaining all observations, ideology is about using only those observations that support a preconceived notion, he added.
    Judith Lavoie, Canwest News Service; Victoria Times ColonistDecember 6, 2009
    The Hockey Stick lives:

  27. I don’t have the smarts to understand much of the data,but why isn’t the thirties decade more prominent in any of these graphs? If 1934 was arguably one of the hottest years in the past century,should there not be a spike that is comparable to 1998?

  28. [quote]Unless I am totally wrong I believe carbon taxes, tax and trade will be implemented next week with the help of the MSM to feed these insatiable maws. The science means nothing, the fix is in.[/quote]Dave
    Only a suicidal gangster would continue to think that carbon is connected to AGW…everything about the science has been “absolutely” destroyed.
    The world needs to find an exit strategy from the AGW mental midget communist goals…. The issue is not about AGW science but how to crush the cockroaches.
    Words are cheap…find me anyone that is willing to die for a religion (AGW) that depends on lies, cheating & corruption… Not happening,, we have the GUNS and those that are politically engaged in treason are the open targets. DMW (dead man walking)

  29. This climate alarmism religion – too big to fail? Has gone to far to be stopped? Is too powerful, can not be arrested?
    Remember how powerful communism was just 20 years ago?
    Remember thinking the communists may indeed take over the world?
    Remember, also, that you knew communism/socialism was a big lie?
    Remember how it all collapsed without a whimper?
    The citizens behind the Iron Curtain gradually realized the “evil west” was a better place. (Returning Russian hockey summit players in the early 70s was a start)
    Media reports (yes, media!)from the west were leaking through the Berlin Wall for years and became a torrent in the eighties.
    Today, blog reports are leaking through the ‘media spin wall’ and into millions of home computers around the world.

  30. Want to have some fun? This link came off the greenpeace nutter homepage.
    Send a ‘package’ to Hopenhagen. Remember, it has to be a short phrase, so ‘Suzuki is a fraud’, etc, is about what you can say, lengthwise…send the nutters a ‘message’

  31. Apparently Copenhagan hotels are posting cards/ notices for climatehoax guests NOT to hire the local hookers.
    The girls have countered: present us a card, and we’ll do you for free!
    What a country!-Jakov Smirnov
    Gotta love that spirit of giving, at this time of year….
    Anyone have a good scanned image of these cards?
    Make a great Christmas/birthday gift: “Good for one free….” you get the idea?

  32. It is hard to know what is the worst aspect of “Climategate”. Even worse than cooking the data,
    is cooking the review process. I was discussing
    Climategate last evening at a dinner and the chap I was talking with,
    an oncologist actually, said, “but surely there are all kinds of data supporting global warming”?
    Well, if the review process is as skewed as the emeils boast it is, then, say, if 20 papers
    reporting warming and 20 reporting cooling were submitted to Nature or the JGR then
    hey presto! a preponderance of “warming” papers would appear!
    I don’t read JGR on a regular basis, but it is
    an important and supposedly solid journal, but I
    do read “Nature” issue by issue. On climate issues
    it is now nothing but a propaganda organ. No critical sense remains. I do hope that the editors
    nonetheless would be balanced in selection of reviewers and their own
    appraisals of climate papers, but I don’t know that they would be, and I don’t have confidence in them.
    I hope to see a thoroughgoing discussion of Climategate in Nature in the near future.

  33. What a well-written piece. Thanks for the link Kate.
    Meanwhile the alarmists are collectively putting hands to ears and yelling “lalalalalalalalalalalalala”.

  34. Choo-Choo’s Trainwreck.
    Find the euphemism for indulgences* in this paragraph.
    “*Officials from Deutsche Bahn said that they had worked out the precise amount of energy needed to move all the passengers and that they had bought the equivalent amount in the form of renewable sources to feed into the grid that powers the German railroad system.”
    *Indulgences, aka carbon CO2 credits:
    $$$ to Gaia:
    >>> “had bought the equivalent amount in the form of renewable sources”.
    AGW = Stinking Hypocrites.
    Barf Alert.
    “*Seeking to Set an Example on the Climate Express”
    “During the train’s odyssey of more than 13 hours, a magician did tricks, Indian dancers performed, and a discothèque beat with energy.”

  35. This is one of the best articles I have read on the Climategate story. It allows a lay person to get an understanding of who, what, why and when of the doctored data.
    As usual another sharped eyed post by Kate!

  36. CBC is not included here, Peter.
    This is tomorrow’s MSM editorial today, er yesterday’s tomorrow’s editorial, er editorial from tom……
    Meanwhile, behold the grim/humourless socialist reaper of the left, aka The Guardian: Blowing the walls down.
    “‘Fourteen days to seal history’s judgment on this generation’”
    [Bannered newspaper logos]
    “Tomorrow 56 newspapers in 45 countries take the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice through a common editorial. We do so because humanity faces a profound emergency.
    Unless we combine to take decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet, and with it our prosperity and security. The dangers have been becoming apparent for a generation. Now the facts have started to speak: 11 of the past 14 years have been the warmest on record, the Arctic ice-cap is melting and last year’s inflamed oil and food prices provide a foretaste of future havoc. In scientific journals the question is no longer whether humans are to blame, but how little time we have got left to limit the damage. Yet so far the world’s response has been feeble and half-hearted.
    Climate change has been caused over centuries, has consequences that will endure for all time and our prospects of taming it will be determined in the next 14 days. We call on the representatives of the 192 countries gathered in Copenhagen not to hesitate, not to fall into dispute, not to blame each other but to seize opportunity from the greatest modern failure of politics. This should not be a fight between the rich world and the poor world, or between east and west. Climate change affects everyone, and must be solved by everyone.
    The science is complex but the facts are clear.” […]
    “This editorial will be published tomorrow by 56 newspapers around the world in 20 languages including Chinese, Arabic and Russian. The text was drafted by a Guardian team during more than a month of consultations with editors from more than 20 of the papers involved. Like the Guardian most of the newspapers have taken the unusual step of featuring the editorial on their front page.”

  37. Breaking News! Hockey stick proves universe expansion inflation caused my man.
    NASA just released evidence that the universe is expanding! Not only is the universe expanding but the universe is expanding at a continuing faster and faster rate. Evidence complied from NASA’s Hubble, Chandra, and Spitzer space telescopes absolutely proves that this inflation of the expansion of the universe corresponds with the evolution of the human race. When you chart the universe’s expansion inflation rate it creates a hockey stick with the highest point of the hockey stick corresponding with the rise of the human race on earth. This cannot be a coincidence so this absolutely proves that human are the cause of this expansion inflation of the universe which NASA is calling Anthropogenic Universe Expansion (AUE). If the world’s governments don’t do something soon to stop this expansion inflation the Milky Way Galaxy will be left all alone with no near by galaxies to keep it company in about 100 billion years. World governments are now looking to either a universe expansion tax or some kind of expansion cap and trade system to prevent this coming AUE catastrophe.
    The science is sound!
    There is consensus among all real scientist!
    AUE denialist are just a few nut bars and Flat Earthier!
    A meeting of world’s governments is schedule on Dec 9 2009 in Never Nerve Land to hash out the details of this AUE cap and trade tax. Pray to whatever gods you believe in that the world governments do what is right and tax this AUE out of existence!

    EPA, controlled by Obama’s Marxist-leaning bureaucrats, will take over the management of life and work in America, to protect us all from the dangers of air-borne plant food, carbon dioxide. It is like second-hand smoke, only in this case it is second hand plant food. Instead of hanging with the unjustified notion of global warming by lighter-than-air plant food blanketing the earth, they are using the smoking argument. If we inhale that plant food, we’ll all die. Of course, the same people are hell-bent on euthanizing the elderly, infirm or too young to contribute as a means of decreasing medical care and plant food expiration. When we view the people as one mass, a community, instead of individuals with peculiar interests, it is appropriate to amputate parts of the community body that do not contribute, or stand in the way of their social progress. Hitler did it! We didn’t approve of it then, why do we approve of it now? claysamerica.com

  39. Forgive my naivety, but I simply do not see what the problem is with the ice caps melting. First of all, who is the authority that thinks they are programmed to never melt? Ice melts. Seriously, where is it written that there are to remain in the same state, same thickness for eternity. Anyone else think this could be a good thing? It appears the mining industry is exited about it. Speculating that under the melt there may be a nice supply of gold, diamonds, iron ore and copper for Canadians to trade.
