Climate-Gate: Leaked

“The details of the files tell a story that was compiled internally and most likely released by an internal source.”

Some time starting in mid November 2009, ten million teletypes all
started their deet-ditta-dot chatter reeling off the following
headline: “Hackers broke into the University of East
Anglia’s Climate Research Unit….”

I hate that. It annoys me because just like everything else about
climate-gate it’s been ‘value-added’; simplified and distilled. The
contents of demand more attention to this detail and as
someone once heard Professor Jones mutter darkly, “The devil is in the
details…so average it out monthly using TMax!”

Update: I’ve updated the original page with new information. Many thanks to all in the comments and who emailed regarding the filenames. Cheers.

As has been pointed out to me, the filenames are Unix epoch
timestamps. (Like, duh, Lance.) This invalidates certain parts
of my analysis, but doesn’t in any way invalidate my

The point of the original information was to provide more
circumstantial evidence pointing to the location of the email
archives. The fact that the emails are named with epoch
timestamps that relate to the creation date of the emails
actually enhances this point.

You definitely do not want multiple machines naming files
based on a Unix timestamp. It has to be a single machine because
the opportunity for overwriting a file is simply too great.


102 Replies to “Climate-Gate: Leaked”

  1. Canada’s Prime Minister must enthusiastically and ardently oppose any form of a “Cap, Tax, & Transfer” system which will devastate the Canadian economy, our jobs and our standard of living. Now that communism has been invalidated, “Climatism” is the new “ism” adopted by the extremists as their vehicle to increase taxes and transfer wealth similar to Trudeau’s National Energy Program. The “Cap, Tax & Transfer” system that left-plunging Harper and Prentice are advocating is a stealth strategy for an enormous, disingenuous, long-term tax increase on all Canadian households. “Cap, Tax & Transfer” would evolve around an economic Ponzi scheme that includes an enormous new source of tax revenue to the Canadian government to allow it to continue to expand into the private sector, demolishing thousands of high paying manufacturing and service jobs, result in the transfer of world power to the emerging global governance, would be a devastating disasters for our children’s standard of living, and a overwhelming transfer of wealth by means of the Climate Change Fund (CCF) which is being established to transfer $10 billion annually to the nations ( many corrupt, some communist) of the world who repudiate creating their own wealth.
    This tax increasing and wealth transferring vehicle would immediately massively increase the cost of goods and services such as gasoline, electricity and a wide range of industrial products. The increase in the price of Canadian goods would make them less competitive in world markets. Canadian firms would suffer in export markets and domestically in competition with goods imported from countries that do not impose such a high implicit tax on CO2 emissions resulting the massive manufacturing and service industry job losses.
    The latest scientific evidence clearly illustrates that the climate has not changed in the last eleven years, and that the so-called “climate change” is a socialistic hoax to transfer wealth. Therefore, at this time our PM must not annihilate the Canadian economy just to please the left-wing extremists who insist on higher taxes and wealth transfers. British climate expert Anthony Cary reports that “climate science is in its infancy….only fools or rogues pretend to be sure of what is going on……Our climate models are barely predictive.” Therefore reasonable people would think that the first step must include research and informed discussions rather than relying on erroneous computer models which are based on left-bias assumptions and manipulated data by some rogue “scientists”. Step two would mandate the private sector including the investment community, possibly with tax incentives, to research, develop, produce and implement technology necessary, such as carbon capture and sequestration, to resolve any climate problems that might be scientifically and legitimately confirmed to be acute
    It is becoming transparent that the so-called “climate change” panic is nothing more than a hoax by far-left wealth redistributing advocates. Unfortunately Canada does not have a small-c fiscal conservative PM, nor are small-c conservatives represented in the Conservative Party or the Canadian Parliament, so Harper will likely fully partake in the dismantling of the Canadian economy.

  2. “*Socialism is in fact nothing but the religion of the Stomach.”
    “Copenhagen Offers Climate Warriors $470 Menu, 24-Carat Desserts
    As eco-warriors crowd through Copenhagen urging restraint, a city famed for Michelin-starred restaurants with $470 menus and desserts covered in gold leaf may test their resolve.
    The United Nations Climate Change Conference starts today; 15,000 delegates will be dining and deal-making in the Danish capital.”
    *GUSTAVE LE BON. 1831 – 1931. HIS INFLUENCE. Socialism is in fact nothing but the religion of the Stomach. …

  3. Just now on cbc: eco-terrorists (greenpeace) are on the roof of Parl buildings in Ottawa! How the hell did that happen,and where was security?

  4. Choo-ChooUN blathers, emits CO2 “in the face of the Climategate assault.”
    Best publicity ever from Choo-Choo. More, please.
    “‘Climategate’ at centre stage as Copenhagen opens
    The ‘Climategate’ row immediately took centre stage at the Copenhagen climate summit today when one of the opening speakers went out of his way to defend the scientific consensus on global warming from the attacks of climate change sceptics.”
    “But the smooth run-up to the conference has been upset by a row over the publication of about a thousand e-mails sent by and to the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia which appear to suggest a deliberate attempt to skew the science of global warming.
    In his opening address to the conference, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), mounted a passionate defence of the organisation’s integrity and and objectivity in the face of the Climategate assault.”

  5. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has promised to investigate the scandals, although its chairman said Monday that it provided no basis for questioning the science behind global warming.

    Trust Us!
    Climate science is set in stone and large tax grants.

  6. Yes it definitely appears it came from a central source. Now there is still the possibility that the FOI office was hacked into….but it may be a leaker from the FOI office, who probably was disgusted by the process of flouting the law.
    Here is another possibility. Which is more damaging, having the FOI release it, or releasing it yourself.
    One way or another this is a distraction from content, and yes the focus of the carbonistas is on the illegality of the release to reduce its content value….just like I would advise if I was there PR advisor.
    Challenge for the Skeptics is to focus on content, reduce the complex to some simple memes backed by the detail if anyone pushes. They also need two or three experts to appear on TV, Mann is doing interviews now…the PR point is if Mann is afraid of something he wouldnt appear on TV, but of course being questioned by a news anchor on detail wont happen, so he is safe.
    A friendly, neutral media friendy face, none angry, none nasty needs to come forward to provide the air cover for the all the great work taking place within the blogosphere.

  7. Madass Saddam’s ghost haunts the CO2 fraudsters.
    Canadian Mao Stlong’s Oil-for-Food connection*.
    Mao Stlong Strong is the Uncle Mo of Canadian “Liberal leader” Bob Rae.
    World Agenda: Oil-for-Food scandal ‘a warning for all at Hopenhagen’
    Delegates to the climate change conference in Copenhagen should remember the dread words “Oil-for-Food”.
    World leaders plan to design global “Cap-and-Trade” system — which could grow to $2 trillion (£1.22 trillion) — to limit greenhouse gas emissions in a last-gasp bid to reverse global warming. Environmental critics such as James Hansen, the Nasa scientist considered the “grandfather of global warming”, have made conceptual objections to Cap-and-Trade, which they dismiss as ineffectual.
    But even if the system is created, there are enormous pitfalls.
    Key parts of Cap-and-Trade have a “corruption” warning written all over them in red flashing lights, because they are to be run by the United Nations.”
    *MAURICE STRONG – The U.N.’s Man of Mystery
    Oct 11, 2008 … Thus did Maurice Strong offer me a seat on his living room sofa. … for almost $1 million, bankrolled by the U.N.-sanctioned regime of Saddam Hussein. …. He insists:…

  8. More whistleblowers should be encouraged to come forward in this fraud. I expect some are already in negotiations to do so.

  9. Lance, great work. I just hope this whistleblower saved another wave of emails and documents to blow away these crooks. With the amount of money involved I am sure the person(s) involved are fearful for their lives.
    We were discussing this at a couple of parties over the weekend and I was amazed at how many people knew little about this or even realized the implications of carbon credits and the leftist push for world government.

  10. “The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has promised to investigate the scandals, although its chairman said Monday that it provided no basis for questioning the science behind global warming. ”
    I believe their “investigation” is primarily to allow them to cook up some kind of story to make it all still look legitimate. It also helps to distance them from the scandal. The UN’s IPCC along with the CRU have lost credibility.

  11. Your explanation is quite plausible. The UAE legal office would be the likely recipient of the FOI and their legal staff probably asked the files be rounded up, collected to one place. The files probably came from the university mail servers, or their backup files.
    I propose one addition track, the BBC was the FOI requester, and when they sat on the files for weeks, someone public released them on purpose, a whistle blower if you will. May have even been from the UAE legal office, because they sensed big trouble for the university.

  12. Get the kleenex out (To wipe your mouth after you regurgitate your breakfast), Vanity Fair has a article about Al Gore book containing a poem…Apparently written by the Goreacle himself!…
    Be sure to read the article too and more so the comments afterwards: The whole thing must be coming apart at the seams as everywhere I read comments and it does not matter which side of the political sphere it comes out of, and we all know 90% of the media sphere is to the left anyway, the comments are all screaming SCAM!…I’m lovin it!
    Here’s the link: (Via Drudge)
    Here’s the poem: (Untitled)
    One thin September soon
    A floating continent disappears
    In midnight sun
    Vapors rise as
    Fever settles on an acid sea
    Snow glides from the mountain
    Ice fathers floods for a season
    A hard rain comes quickly
    Then dirt is parched
    Kindling is placed in the forest
    For the lightning’s celebration
    The shepherd cries
    The hour of choosing has arrived
    Here are your tools
    40 years ago, Black Sabbath (The undisputed originators of heavy metal music and kings of doom) wrote songs about pollution and technologies dooming manking; NOTE HOW THE LYRICS ARE ALSO INTERTWINED WITH RELIGION WHICH IS VERY FITTING WITH TODAYS AGW CULT.
    here are two famous ones:
    “Electric Funeral”
    Reflex in the sky warn you you’re gonna die
    Storm coming, you’d better hide from the atomic tide
    Flashes in the sky turns houses into sties
    Turns people into clay, radiation minds decay
    Robot minds of robot slaves lead them to atomic rage
    plastic flowers, melting sun, fading moon falls upon
    dying world of radiation, victims of mad frustration
    Burning globe of oxy’n fire, like electric funeral pyre
    Buildings crashing down to a cracking ground
    Rivers turn to wood, ice melting to flood
    Earth lies in death bed, clouds cry water dead
    Tearing life away, here’s the burning pay
    Electric Funeral
    Electric Funeral
    Electric Funeral
    Electric Funeral
    And so in the sky shines the electric eye
    supernatural king takes earth under his wing
    Heaven’s golden chorus sings, Hell’s angels flap their wings
    Evil souls fall to Hell, ever trapped in burning cells!
    “Into the Void”
    Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
    Up into the night sky they blast
    Through the universe the engines whine
    Could it be the end of man and time
    Back on earth the flame of life burns low
    Everywhere is misery and woe
    Pollution kills the air, the land and sea
    Man prepares to meet his destiny, yeah
    Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
    Up into the black sky so vast
    Burning metal through the atmosphere
    Earth remains in worry, hate and fear
    With the hateful battles raging on
    rockets flying to the glowing sun
    Through the empires of eternal void
    Freedom from the final suicide
    Freedom fighters sent out to the sun
    escape from brainwashed minds and pollution.
    Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
    find another world where freedom waits.
    Past the stars in fields of ancient void
    Through the shields of darkness where they find
    Love upon a land a world unknown
    where the sons of freedom make their home
    Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves
    leave them to their future in their grave
    Make a home where love is there to stay
    Peace and Happiness in everyday

  13. Lance ..that is an amazing post you have prepared.
    The UN investigation is just fodder for the MSM to let us know that UN is on top of this, nothing to see, move along folks.
    It was extremely difficult to watch an excerpt on CTV news with an interview of a John Bartlett(?) from Sierra Club last evening.Spin city. Instead of challenging the Sierra guy on his broad statements, the CTV anchor did the typical smile and nod.
    News nets of course are giving Greenpeace the attention they want now at the Hill.

  14. “Meanwhile in MSM enabler land, here’s a link saying it’s those evil Russians who have too much to loose economically and don’t care about their northern permafrost melting that have probably hacked in and stole the work of those poor and honest Scientists…”
    What’s funny is that, while who did the hackingit and why is certainly a legitimate news story in its own right, it’s also a complete aside from the central issue: the reliability of the data.

  15. “Meanwhile in MSM enabler land, here’s a link saying it’s those evil Russians who have too much to loose economically and don’t care about their northern permafrost melting that have probably hacked in and stole the work of those poor and honest Scientists…”
    While who did the hacking and why they did it is certainly a legitimate news story in its own right, it’s also a complete aside from the central issue: the reliability of the data.

  16. The CBC opened up their radio news with the sound of wailing children from a U.N. agitprop video followed immediately by a particularly sanctimonious denouncement of Alberta.
    Better don the high rubber boots people. The doo-doo is already ankle deep.

  17. From: “Ian Harris (Harry)”
    Subject: Re: [ngp-list] Press Release ‘Global Warning’ talk establishes West Norfolk Green Party
    Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 10:24:05 +0100
    . . .
    We’re looking at an *unprecedented* acceleration in temperature, and it’s not due to a sudden lack of volvanic eruptions. Even if it turns out to be
    naturally-occurring, who’s willing to take that chance? We should be trying to wean ourselves off of unsustainable energy generation and use anyway.


    Ian Harris – “Harry” Telephone: +44 xxxx xxxxxx
    Climatic Research Unit Email:
    University of East Anglia
    Norwich NR4 7TJ

  18. It was extremely difficult to watch an excerpt on CTV news with an interview of a John Bartlett(?) from Sierra Club”
    Difficult to watch? I found it impossible. The stupid interviewer tossed a softball and the equally stupid Sierra Clubster could only harp on the illegality of released emails while maintaining that the science was rock solid. Absolutely no mention of the doctored data.
    Unfortunately, this is the kind of utter bullsh*t that the average joe is inundated with on TV. Although the average guy on the street can be excused for being overwhelmed by this crap, our politicians should know better.
    If the media insists on interviewing the climate change alarmists, when will they quit lobbing softballs and ask a tough question?

  19. Excellent work Lance! It further reveals the idiocy of Babs Boxer’s vindictive statements about hunting down the so called “criminals” responsible for “email-theft-gate”.

  20. Lance,
    This is a good analysis. It had to be an independent UEA FOI Officer who was applying due diligence in his auditing processes of CRU information. This information then would have been stored on UEA servers just for pure due diligence and independence reasons. I would also suggest that the audit information would have been placed under configuration and access control – meaning that the leeker must of had access priveleges.
    Also, this would explain why the CRU had to state that the emails were authentic.

  21. Good work Lance.
    Another possiblitiy is that this FOI archive was prepared by CRU but they decided not to release. They may have left the zip file on an internal file server which was subsequently hacked.
    Or, another senario (putting on the conspiracy hat)
    CRU new it couldn’t hide behind IPP for long and engineered a controlled release of these docs and emails in the hopes that the turmoil genrerated would assauge the skeptics so they would not have to release the truly damaging data. Pure speculation.

  22. Perhaps a collective project needs to be started to help the helpless interviewers.
    Assume one is interviewing an AGW advocate.
    What are the 5 questions, with one follow up to each one, that need/should be asked, provide the back up documentation to the question, as in you should never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to.

  23. Drudge is breaking a story that Obummer is just going to ignore the house and senate and impose a COP15 deal thru some sort of executive power he holds via the EPA.
    Anyone smarter than me on how the U.S. works able to comment on the consequences of him doing the big nose thumb at the houses of congress?

  24. Thanks for the great info Lance.
    Never really bought the line that the obvious leak was a ‘hacker’, but this confirms it.
    If one were to say that the KGB/FSB iced Litvinenko with Polonium 210, that is a story which would be more likely and believeable and have their ‘fingerprints’ all over it.
    I would buy into the inside leaker with privileged computer access story who posted on one of their own servers and ‘let it out into the wild’.
    This doesn’t in any way mitigate the contents of emails, programs and data manipulation. The CO2 climate scam is good cover for governments around the globe to increase their tax take to feed the ‘lumpen proletariat bureaucrats’ ever increasing appetites on the backs of ordinary middle class and poor wage earners.\
    CO2 is not gassing the planet, but we’ll try and scare the bejesus out of everbody and have them running for the hills…
    Oh the climate deniers!!!…Hunt them down eliminate them…”Beat the crap out of them”…
    These clowns are behaving little better than goon squad antics.
    This is such an empty, vacuous, over reaching towering wave of unadulterated bullshit reaching to the very heavens themselves, one has difficulty in suppressing the gag reflex.
    As far as I’m concerned they can send all their clever machinations and taxing proposals straight back to Hell where they belong. I might add in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    The whole “Hope ‘n Whoring” lot should recieve no less than a lump of burning coal in their shoes, which beats freezing in the dark.
    Oh and did I mention Merry Christmas?!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden (Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  25. Great job Lance. Just (once again) shows how idiotic journalists just take a meme and repeat it ad-nauseum without any kind of independent analysis.
    Journalists make pond scum look smrt.

  26. Well folks, Copenhagen is here and conservatives watch with baited breath expecting our politicians to sell us down the river. To that I say, “don’t worry, PMSH’s got our back!”
    Now, if we’re expecting fireworks I think we’ll be disappointed, but if we’re looking for nothing to happen then I think there will be reason to celebrate. It appears that PMSH is making a bit of an gamble, he’s decided to bet on President Obama’s weakness. Harper’s Gambit is as follows: PMSH understands that President Obama’s number one priority is passing healthcare reform. Harper understands that if President Obama signs a climate treaty, he will not have the political capital to pass such a treaty in the Senate. Furthermore, the tenuous Senate support for the Health Care reform bill would likely also eviscerate considering the smack down he recently laid on his base with the Afghanistan decision.
    It’s not likely that President Obama will do anything on the Climate file except vote “Present”. PMSH should be able to deflect any criticism from the MSM by pointing to the fact that he simply followed the Fresh Prince of Hot Air’s lead. Conservatives may not be happy with the pandering to the AGW supporters, but I suggest thinking of it as “patronizing” them. We may hate the window dressing, but we should all be happy with the tangible results.

  27. Why on Earth would UEA want an investigation, if not to clean house? The University’s administration
    and Board of Directors, certainly know by now if the ‘leak’ was internal or external. They also know that the documents are genuine. Their first priority has to be limiting the damage, to the individuals involved.
    This is a no-brainer for any CEO.
    There are Alumni, with deep pockets, who are not amused one could assume…

  28. “Avery: Are Politics Realigning for a Non-Warming Planet?
    As the Copenhagen climate conference tirelessly discusses the “evidence of climate change,” it also asserts the need for massive energy taxes and energy “rationing” to prevent still more climate disruption.
    That’s a bait-and-switch tactic. The discussion has never been about the planet’s historically variable climate. It’s always been whether humans caused climate change.
    To date, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [1] has never offered any evidence of a “human fingerprint” on the modest (0.5 degrees Celsius) warming that occurred between the 1850s end of the Little Ice Age and 1940. They haven’t even given us a convincing story about the 0.2 degree Celsius warming that occurred from 1940 to 1998 (part of that tiny warming has disappeared). James Hansen’s predictions of massive overheating, given to the Senate in 1988, have been overtaken by a quiet sun and a telling drop in global ocean temperatures.
    The public has noticed there’s been none of the long-predicted runaway warming — or any warming at all since 1998. They’re reading the Climategate [2] emails of the “consensus scientists” confessing they don’t know why warming stopped. That’s a huge confession.
    The public cares less and less for tired scare stories of a parboiled planet.
    Are the world’s political parties now suddenly realigning on the basis of non-warming? Have global warming taxes become the Greens’ defining moment?
    Australia’s Senate has just thrown out its long-time Liberal (conservative) leader, Malcolm Turnbull [3]. He’d agreed with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that Australia should suppress greenhouse emissions. In his place, the Liberals elected conservative Tony Abbott, who has often called man-made warming a fad. He knows heavy fossil fuel taxes would penalize the coal that provides Australia’s electricity and much of its exports.
    The Senate immediately rejected Rudd’s cherished cap-and-trade plan, and Rudd may now have to call a snap Australian national election.
    In Britain, both Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Tory opponent David Cameron have long professed their belief in man-made global warming. But a recent London Times poll [4] found only 41 percent of Britons agree that warming is man-made and a serious threat. The top ten Tory bloggers doubt or dismiss the “scientific consensus” on man-made warming.
    Mr. Cameron’s British Tory leadership mantle rests uneasily on his shoulders.
    In America, Sarah Palin has already announced her divorce from John McCain’s man-made warming beliefs. In July, her Washington Post column [5] on “The ‘Cap And Tax’ Dead End” stated:
    I am deeply concerned about President Obama’s cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. … Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security.
    Sarah may not be the next Republican presidential nominee, but she’s positioned well for a newly skeptical American public. An October Pew poll [6] found only 36 percent saying that humans cause warming. That’s down from 47 percent in 2006, in part because of the heavy energy taxes Congress has proposed to wring from a fossil-dependent economy.
    A Rasmussen poll in January found only 21 percent of Republicans believed the recent warming was man-made. And that was before Climategate! Newt Gingrich is wrong-footed for such a warming-doubtful Republican Party.
    The European Union says it believes — but its new emission reduction targets are non-binding and must be re-reviewed after the Copenhagen conference that promises failure on a new warming treaty. Coal-dependent Eastern Europe wants to keep its coal and reject imports of Russian natural gas.
    Al Gore may be left holding a lot of unsold carbon credits.”

  29. Superior job, lance.
    NOVEMBER 20, 2009
    The director of Britain’s leading Climate Research Unit, Phil Jones, has told Investigate magazine’s TGIF Edition tonight that his organization has been hacked, and the data flying all over the internet appears to be genuine.
    In an exclusive interview, Jones told TGIF, “It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails.”
    Just another chapter in a career of lies and deception by Dr. Phil Jones.
    The whole “hacked’ meme is Phil Jone’s invention.

  30. Thanks to Lance for a very interesting analysis. It seems clear to me that the entire file resided on a machine somewhere in the UEA network before being released into the wild by a leaker.
    What still puzzles me is the fact that most, or at least a large part, of the material in this file is so damaging to the warmist cause. One would think that if the file were really gathered for the purpose of compliance with an FOIA request, that it would be full of mundane, and quite non-controversial documents and e-mails.
    Is it possible that this file represents the stuff that CRU deemed necessary to withhold from any FOIA releases? If I were a party to some of the stuff we saw in those e-mails, I’d sure want to cover my tracks.

  31. Lance; “I’ve been a Unix, Windows, OS X and Linux systems and network administrator for 15 years.”
    And Jeffrey Simpson? Anna Maria Tremonte? Oh ya, they don’t do science/facts – just sky-is-falling-stuff.

  32. “Comprehensive network analysis shows Climategate likely to be a leak
    7 12 2009
    This lends cred to WUWT’s previous analysis done by our own Charles the moderator: The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation,
    Climate-Gate: Leaked
    by Lance Levsen, Network Analyst – courtesy of Small Dead Animals”

  33. Those of us in the sysadmin biz know that most (75-80%?) of the attacks on a network come from within.

  34. Two Days of Infamy:
    December 7, 1941, Japan’s attempt for hegemony in the Pacific.
    December 7, 2009, United Nations attempt to destroy democracy and western civilization.

  35. Goreacle Report: The Gore Effect.
    The Extortionists Duke It Out.
    Big State vs Big Criminals.
    “The Climate Mafia
    Fraudulent Emissions-Trading Schemes Rob German Tax Authorities
    The Kyoto Protocol introduced a scheme for trading emissions certificates as a way to help reduce CO2 emissions. German tax authorities are now investigating almost 40 companies that traded certificates for allegedly taking advantage of loopholes in sales tax laws to bilk the taxman out of hundreds of millions of euros.
    German Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen has hardly been in office for much more than a month, but he’s already choosing his words for dramatic effect. “It’s about the way we live, and it’s about survival,” Röttgen said last Thursday before the German parliament, the Bundestag, referring to the climate summit beginning Monday in Copenhagen. At the summit, the nations of the world will search for ways to reduce the CO2 emissions behind global warming. One of the tools to be discussed is the trading of emissions certificates.
    In Germany, though, it is precisely this instrument that is causing a huge headache for Röttgen, as dozens of tax offices across the country are investigating shady emissions trading companies. All of the companies in question maintain accounts with the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt), an arm of the ministry Röttgen heads. According to DEHSt head Hans-Jürgen Nantke, since September, his agency has “received official requests for assistance in cases relating to suspected sales tax fraud from various regional tax offices and tax investigation offices.”
    The authorities are investigating questionable transactions in Germany’s central emissions trading registry. As in any other EU country, public utilities and industrial enterprises maintain accounts in the registry, which provides them with a certain number of emissions credits. Under the 2005 Kyoto Protocol, the emissions of climate-harming carbon dioxide are to be reduced as efficiently as possible with the help of this method of trading emissions certificates. According to this system, companies that invest in new, eco-friendly technologies no longer need all of their certificates and can, in turn, sell them to others — and at a steep price.
    Current prices for these certificates are set on exchanges, such as France’s Bluenext, the ECX in London, the EEX in Leipzig and, more recently, the Greenmarket segment of the Munich Stock Exchange. At the moment, the right to emit one ton of CO2 into the atmosphere is worth about €14 ($21). In the first half of 2009, the volume of trade in emissions certificates in Europe alone already amounted to €40 billion.
    Going after the Climate Speculators
    The high-stakes deals being made with certificates are attracting more and more speculators. While investment banks, such as Goldman Sachs, and US-based hedge funds are speculating on emissions certificates, small trading companies are now trying to bilk tax authorities out of the sales tax that is part of many of these certificate-trading deals. Tax authorities are investigating “an estimated 30 to 40 companies,” says Nantke, adding that some of these companies are based abroad.
    Investigators are apparently also interested in bank transactions.” (more),1518,665594,00.html

  36. Thanks for your work. Once again showing people who “know” tend to be be free marketers and classical liberals (e.g.Conservative at the Canadian federal political level); Socialists are invariably Sciolists, whereas brokerage parties such as the Liberals in both Ontario and at the Federal level contain many people who feel proximity to power means entitlement. Cheers; Mike Sr.
