Climate-Gate: Leaked

“The details of the files tell a story that was compiled internally and most likely released by an internal source.”

Some time starting in mid November 2009, ten million teletypes all
started their deet-ditta-dot chatter reeling off the following
headline: “Hackers broke into the University of East
Anglia’s Climate Research Unit….”

I hate that. It annoys me because just like everything else about
climate-gate it’s been ‘value-added’; simplified and distilled. The
contents of demand more attention to this detail and as
someone once heard Professor Jones mutter darkly, “The devil is in the
details…so average it out monthly using TMax!”

Update: I’ve updated the original page with new information. Many thanks to all in the comments and who emailed regarding the filenames. Cheers.

As has been pointed out to me, the filenames are Unix epoch
timestamps. (Like, duh, Lance.) This invalidates certain parts
of my analysis, but doesn’t in any way invalidate my

The point of the original information was to provide more
circumstantial evidence pointing to the location of the email
archives. The fact that the emails are named with epoch
timestamps that relate to the creation date of the emails
actually enhances this point.

You definitely do not want multiple machines naming files
based on a Unix timestamp. It has to be a single machine because
the opportunity for overwriting a file is simply too great.


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