How Important Is CRU Data?

… very:

The data from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University — headquarters for Climategate — is now discredited. This discredits any findings by other research bodies that relied on the Climategate data.
How much falls from Climategate, whose participants read like a Who’s Who at the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? Not much, says CRU’s disgraced director, Phil Jones, pointing out that CRU’s data for global temperatures is but one of several datasets, all in general agreement. Besides, many argue, CRU was no linchpin to the science. The IPCC relied on numerous other sources. Throw CRU out, they say, and the IPCC’s conclusions remain unshakable.
In truth, if you throw CRU out, you’ve eviscerated the findings of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, the most recent and most definite opus from the UN. This is the report, received with universal acclaim in 2007, which scarily stated: “The warming of the climate system is unequivocal.”
The argument over global warming requires evidence that the globe is warming in dangerous ways. This evidence the IPCC presents forcefully in its third chapter on surface and atmospheric warming, which rests overwhelmingly on the official global temperature record of the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, called the HADCRUT3 temperature dataset.
And who produced the HADCRUT3 dataset for the World Meteorological Organization? The Hadley Centre of the UK government’s meteorological office (the HAD of HADCRUT3) and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (the CRU).

… keep reading.

55 Replies to “How Important Is CRU Data?”

  1. “This insanity has to be stopped and taxpayers have to contact their MP’s and MLA’s demanding so…”
    Well sport, I did. My MP IS Harper. No response, not even an acknowledgement of the email. Same with Prentice.
    Want my 2 cent’s worth? Sellout, just like Income Trusts. I wouldn’t trust these guys any more than I would trust the 62 Percenters, with my last dollar or life. I don’t worry about the 62 Percenters, because I know what I’m doing when/if they get back into power.
    CINO. By the way, when you are up against the Agenda 21 guys, incrementalism isn’t going to work. These guys need serious disruption from their path. The problem is that even 62 Percent of your own countrymen are against you, they are that f/n neutered.

  2. Heh. And still it continues. As of this AM, the googlemaster has dropped the hit count to 15,400,000. Bing still has it @50,500,000.

  3. Well said bartinski!! Contact the troika coupi dupies (Liberanos/dippers/blocistas) too, so they can’t claim that they didn’t know the thing was a hoax, at a later date.

  4. I have just read Lance Levsens post and he has created a new genre:
    Sys Admin Fiction
    A choice error:
    Eudora 3.0.3 didn’t have the option to leave email on the server. WRONG!
    If you wish you can download and install it and take a look for yourself.
