78 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “The ‘small group of scientists’ up to their necks in Climategate include 12 of the 26 esteemed scientists who wrote the Copenhagen Diagnosis. Who would have ever guessed that forty-six percent of the authors of Copenhagen Diagnosis belong to the Climategate gang? Small world, isn’t it?”
    More commentary on this at http://www.climate-skeptic.com/2009/12/25-not-2500.html

  2. We better not hear of any of these scientists cracking a Carlsberg or Tuborg; releasing those nasty carbon bubbles.

  3. Sorry, Larben. Pet peeve, you know. It’s like that time that chick in the Globe and Mail wrote that we shouldn’t eat too much sodium. Well, yeah. But she said that salt was an unnatural, learned taste ~ of course, that’s why mammals travel tens to hundreds of miles to visit salt licks. Most people can eat way more than the “recommended” amount of sodium chloride, and all you get if you eat too much is salty piss. Still, in excess there will be a stressing of sub-systems, so why bother?
    And yet it remains the case, I think, that we can all agree that you shouldn’t eat too much sodium. Thus, while I do not think that it would be a good idea if we pumped too much carbon into the atmosphere, I do think that it is imporant that we maintain the disctinction between that and what I generally tend to think of when it comes to carbon dioxide: the more the merrier. Well, to a degree of course, but we’re nowhere near that degree now.

  4. Tks Sounder
    Keep hammering that poll. It’s going horribly wrong for a non topic/ nothing to see here item of public concern.

  5. An absolutely fantastic report on Climategate and the history of the AGW cause here:
    if you know someone who is unfamiliar with what’s going on send them to the link above.
    It is my opinion that the weekly standard is the best weekly newsmagazine extant. They regularly put out the best reportage on a number of issues. For example Fred barnes a few weeks back did an excellent report on the alberta oilsands. It it the kind of stuff that should be in the likes of time and the economist but tragically is not.

  6. never eat too much sodium chloride.
    Never eat any sodium at all, the first layer is too oily and the next one is downright nasty.
    activated charcoal, pure carbon is pretty beneficial. might take the flavour out of ones beer though..

  7. I think it might be time for a Conservative Leadership review. If we’re going to have a record deficit, and sign a international climate agreement, we may as well have a liberal government.
    From the National Post:
    Harper’s aides also say they are not being distracted by, nor do they want to argue about, the scandal involving some climate-change scientists who, in private e-mail messages that have surfaced over the past few weeks, suggested data supporting the conclusion that man-made pollution is causing climate change were altered or deleted.
    “One or two scientists fudging data doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist. It’s real,” said one of Harper’s closest advisers.
    Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2309959#ixzz0YySx6NPu

  8. Here’s a slight twist for you all to ponder . . .
    Today, BC’s Premier Gordon Campbell came on the radio and went on & on about the extreme importance of the Copenhagen Conference. He was asked about Climategate but said that the whole scandal is just about a few scientists and doesn’t affect “the overwhelming evidence” at hand.
    You can listen to it here, beginning at 48:00:
    Now, he is not a stupid man. I do not believe he is a “true believer” in AGW. So I conclude that he knows that Climategate has revealed Global Warming to be a complete myth.
    But what if your province was betting great future fortunes on “Green Technology”. If you were the premier of that province, might you not be highly motivated to find a way to criticize the scientists at Hadley et al but not derail the giant fraud itself?
    Remember something important: If you are reading this blog then you are keenly aware of a lot of information surrounding Climategate. But you are not part of the vast majority of the population.
    So in a politically clever & devious way, Campbell has perhaps tried to lessen the concerns of that majority by providing a plausible explanation, thus allowing the AGW steam engine to chug on down the tracks.
    This is not a conspiracy theory of mine but rather an attempt to explain the psychology of a business-friendly politician.
    Just my 2 cents. I would very much welcome 4 or 8 of yours!!

  9. Salt in beer…one of the few things that makes draught Pilsener sort of palatable.
    Clamato and total inebriation seem to work too.
    (My apologies to all the folk out there who love their Pil.)

  10. I have the answer to the CO2 problem! It has been staring me in the face for years, and I simply failed to recognize it.
    All we need do is tune our automobiles and heating appliances to run exceedingly rich. The CO2 output will drop, and be replaced by CO and unburned hydrocarbons. Needless to say efficiency will also drop, so we will have to burn a great deal more fuel, and put bigger engines (Yeah, baby!) in our cars to make up for the drop in performance. But it’s a sacrifice we can and must make, for the sake of the polar bears.
    What’s a little CO and HC when the future of life on the planet is at stake?

  11. Colin, I saw that article and must admit I’m having a hard time getting a clear read on the Conservatives on this issue.
    This holds true for my own MP, who I have been in touch with and who is giving answers which are hard to interpret.
    If we give the Cons the benefit of the doubt, then we must assume that Harper is trying to carefully navigate through this mess.
    But the signals they are sending out publicly are worrying.
    Of course the Liberals signed on to Kyoto and never met any of the targets, so it does seem that most of this negotiating is not worth much in reality.

  12. Great piece of music and pipes to go with it. That lady knows how o play. Isn’t that also the tune for the Christmas carol “What Child Is This”?
    If Harpers aids are correctly giving us the official view and the feelings of the Conservative party, I guess my twenty years of supporting them has been for nought. We might as well have the thieving Liberals or go directly to Bolshevik heaven with the NDP.

  13. But the signals they are sending out publicly are worrying.
    Of course the Liberals signed on to Kyoto and never met any of the targets, so it does seem that most of this negotiating is not worth much in reality.
    Right you are, TJ.
    It wasn’t the Liberals who crafted the incandescent light bulb ban.
    It was a gratuitous freebie from Harper to the Climate Crisis Crowd who would never be caught dead voting Conservative.
    I see it as a portent of evil to come.

  14. “total inebriation seem to work too” Yeah but then you can’t count the rabbits on the label.
    Reminds me of the old farmer that would stop in at the local watering hole every Saturday afternoon when he and the Missus went to town. The dear Missus decided that enough was enough and she decided that she had to find out what her dear husband found so fulfilling that he would drink that much beer every Saturday. After much nagging she convinced him to escort her to the ‘ladies and escorts’ side and decided to order what ever hubby decided to drink. Of course dear hubby ordered the ‘man’s beer’ Pil. Dear Missus also ordered a Pil. After the first sip the Missus wrinkled her nose and spit out the beer. “That stuff tastes terrible!”, She exclaimed. “And you thought I was coming for fun.”, snorted the old farmer.

  15. An interesting article from Pajamas media regarding John Coleman’s (a respected “denier”) take on Climategate
    “John Coleman is the founder of The Weather Channel. He has spent over five decades as a television weatherman, and currently holds that position at KUSI in San Diego. His blog, latest speaking engagements, and writing is available at Coleman’s Corner.”
    “Coleman: Media Will Ignore Climategate Until They Hear ‘I Was Wrong’ (PJM Exclusive)”

  16. Globe, Thursday, Andre Picard: “Should a senior executive of a large pharmaceutical company sit on the governing council of an institution whose role is to fund health research on behalf of taxpayers?”
    “For some, Dr. [X] is the personification of evil, a Big Pharma operative who has infiltrated a body that Canadians depend on to finance unbiased, independent health research in the public interest.”
    “For others, the [drug company] vice-president will bring a much-needed private-sector voice to the table and help ensure that [the Canadian Institute of Health Research] invests tax dollars wisely in innovative and beneficial research and gets more bang for the buck.”
    I understand the concern, of course, namely that a company exec may be tempted to funnel tax money into research that may ultimately benefit his company. What is left unsaid is that non-private-sector personnel have their own biases too. What if someone on the board had a family member suffering from a particular form of cancer — might not he or she feel more inclined to fund research into the problem? Or what if the board felt that certain research was more “politically correct” or favoured by government than others?
    Everybody has different “interests” with regard to health issues, and there is no such thing as the “public interest”. There is no way to spend other people’s money in the exact proportion in which it is collected, and government employees are far from the perfectly objective overseers that left-wingers would like us to believe they are. The real problem is that taxpayers’ money is used to fund medical research in the first place.

  17. Ontario is reviewing its education curriculum.
    Like the drug research issue, there is really no way a government body can come up with something that treats everyone equally or fairly, paid out of tax dollars. The only way everyone can get the best possible education for himself is when he’s responsible for paying for it too. The least we can do is to start with a voucher system so that competing schools can try different things.
    When the education establishment follows flaky trends like instituting an alleged reading method that results in skyrocketing illiteracy rates, the problem can go undiagnosed and unremedied for decades. Under a voucher system, a school that didn’t get results would have to change its ways quickly or go under.

  18. Ottawa is shutting down funding for certain left-wing advocacy groups that sometimes criticize government policy.
    To which we can only say, Bravo! There are many such activist groups, and one reason for our economic problems is that the people funded in this way are not producing goods and services of value to actual human beings. Cut ’em all off! The same goes of course for non-leftist groups, but there are probably far fewer of the latter.

  19. Sodium chloride can contribute to high blood pressure, in some people. I should say, too much sodium chloride. I stopped adding salt, at the table, and I’m the only person, in my family, with “normal” blood pressure. I do have the odd urge to taste a bit of salt, and my recent bout with the flu left me with a strong craving, after a few days. I just sprinkle a bit on my hand, and lick it off. Ten years ago, I would have followed with a shot of tequila, and some vitimin C, but that’s no longer in the cards.

  20. hang onto your wallets gang. we are about to be bent over by my conservatives. the news releases out of ottawa are very troubling and i am questioning my membership with the harper crew. as they say in the prisons…DON’T DROP THE SOAP …..is their a chance for a wild rose party in federal politics?????

  21. Re: un-conservative Conservatives and your voting intentions:
    Newsflash for everybody…ALL POLITICAL PARTIES AND MOST POLITICIANS ARE CORRUPT! Therefore, voters should vote for the LEAST CORRUPT party / candidate that has a chance at forming the government. At this point, the only such party is the Conservatives.
    When they are AS CORRUPT as the Liberals, then we can vote them out and vote the Liberals in.
    Till then…stay the course. Don’t split your vote with an alternate party UNTIL you are ready to kick them out (and hence, bring in an equally or more corrupt party).
    Provincially, you should pour your money and votes into a separatist party…THAT will get the federal politicians’ attention…that AND cutting off your federal donations entirely.

  22. TJ, Colin, Others: “I’m having a hard time getting a clear read on the Conservatives on this issue.”
    I am hopeful that the Conservatives are not going to Copenhagen blidly (that is taking claims of AGW at face value). It is possible that it is necessary to continue to give lip service to this “problem” in order to negotiate effectively. If they come out at Copenhagen and suggest “this is a load of crap” they would surely be ostracized and ganged up on — not a good negotiating position. Unfortunately, once you have taken a public stance such as this, you are expected to deliver something. It is kind of a lose, lose.

  23. Wasn’t Copenhagen supposed to fix the climate?
    Via NP:
    “SOUTH BAR, N.S. — Heavy snow and strong winds were no help in the search for a young autistic boy missing in Nova Scotia on Sunday”

  24. Jennifer Rubin, The Business of Copenhagen
    The Washington Post gave away the game regarding Copenhagen. Sure, the science underlying the climate-change hysteria is facing new skepticism. And sure, Obama can’t really bind the U.S. to much of anything, given that cap-and-trade legislation is stalled at home. But there’s real work to do nevertheless: a massive transfer of wealth from rich to poor countries. The Post’s editors explain…

  25. 0826hrs AB Time
    Poll Result
    Should Canada put its climate change policy on hold due to information gleaned from the ‘ClimateGate’ emails?
    1793 votes (60 %)
    1216 votes (40 %)
    Total Votes: 3009

  26. Aaron: It’s December. December in Cape Breton.
    Snow and winds aren’t unusual.
    But, sunny days and warm temperatures until the boy could be found would have been a real blessing.
    My thoughts are with him and his family.

  27. This is the Liberal story hidden in the Delacourt/MSM fable:
    Uncle Mao Stlong Strong + Power CorpDesmarais + Bob Rae + John Rae + Ad$Cam ChretienMartinJr + Citoyen Dion, et al = Iffy’s Gonzo.
    “Donolo’s arrival is part of an overhaul in which Rae’s influence is subtle, but evident. Donolo supported Rae in the leadership contest. Eddie Goldenberg, Chrétien’s former principal secretary, seems to have been working as a senior counsel to the reorganization, and he’s still close to John Rae, brother of the Toronto MP and a campaign director for winning elections in the 1990s up to 2000.”

  28. Therefore, voters should vote for the LEAST CORRUPT party Capiche?
    Posted by: Eeyore at December 7, 2009 9:11 AM
    Bullshit lightweight.
    You lever your vote against the lying asshole who is standing in front of you. Everytime some lying sack of politician is holding your chin while their hand is in your wallet – you call them on it.
    Same as the Cons – and Prentice’s Carbon Tax. It’s already done. Finito. Done. Installed. The apparatus is ready to go, and the funds that it will generate are already committed. And so, you organize in his riding, and get the Progressive Conservative Joe Clark of Calgary Centre North thrown out.
    I will be doing such, because I have the unhappy reality of being in that felcher’s riding.
    That’s why partisanship is just plain dumb. Because all you will ever do is negotiate downwards.
    Your position is absolute bullshit. Grow some stones. Or go hide under your bed.

  29. “It’s not about the planet, it’s about bucks”
    Climate change: Life and death or cash grab?
    Last Updated: 7th December 2009, 8:25am
    The thing to understand about the 12-day UN meeting on climate change starting in Copenhagen today, is it’s not an environmental conference. It’s an economic mugging.
    That it’s not about saving the planet. It’s about making you poorer.
    And finally, that the “solutions” it proposes to “fix” the climate, far from being intended to succeed, are guaranteed to fail.
    How do we know? Because they’ve already failed.
    The two major initiatives that emerged out of the UN process that created the Kyoto accord, were the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which is a multi-billion-dollar European cap-and-trade market in carbon dioxide emissions, and several mechanisms to generate carbon credits for industry.
    A carbon credit, the basic stock unit of cap-and-trade, entitles the bearer to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, with the daily price set by market trading, as occurs with any stock.
    In the five years since Kyoto came into force in 2005, cap-and-trade and carbon credits have proven to be disasters.
    The ETS hasn’t helped the environment. All it’s done is drive up energy costs, making ordinary people poorer, while showering Big Business and speculators with undeserved profits……”

  30. Just so’s Kate’s adriot and nimble readership can remain on top of the latest in Carbon Taxes – below details some of the infrastructure of the 1,800 bureaucrat strong ‘Greehouse Gas’ division of Environment Canada. And growing.
    (sidebar: the 100kt reporting requirement? Gone. Prentice reduced it to 50kt last month. The plan? Household reporting by 2015. You see, if you’re going to transfer that much wealth to the nice people everywhere else in the world, people must see that it is measured, and applied fairly to all Canadians.)
    Read up on it, and see what Canada’s new Conservative Government is planning to do with your wallet.
    About the GHG Division
    Environment Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Division is Canada’s central agency responsible for Canada’s National System for monitoring, analyzing and reporting emissions and removals of greenhouse gases (GHG’s), in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Kyoto Protocol
    One key function of the division is the annual development and submission of Canada’s National Inventory Report, a mandatory obligation upon which compliance with our Kyoto Protocol target will be assessed. The report documents emissions and removals of GHGs in Canada , including an analysis of emission trends, factors affecting those trends, and detailed descriptions of the methods, models and procedures used to develop and verify the data. The report is produced annually according to the requirements of the UNFCCC.
    The Greenhouse Gas Division is also responsible for the GHG reporting program from facilities. The program requires facilities that emit 100 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (100kt CO2eq.) or more each year to submit their GHG emission information to Environment Canada.

  31. Martine van Biljert, A very high-ranking dog
    A sniffer dog with the Australian military in Uruzgan had been lost a year ago and had recently returned to the troops where he was welcomed like a long lost war hero. The man smiles from under his turban, “The dog was with Mullah Hamdullah.”…
    The villagers couldn’t help but find the story quite amusing. The commander and his dog, the PRT and their efforts to get him back, the attempted (and refused!) prisoner swap, the money that was lost.
    “Did you hear that they gave they dog a medal?” He keeps a somewhat straight face. “And when the Australian Prime Minister came to Afghanistan, they showed him on the news, together with the dog.” He tries not to smile too broadly. “It must have been a very high-ranking dog”.

  32. “Together, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec speak for three-quarters of Canadians. Slowly but surely their green ambitions are making the laissez-faire attitude of the Harper government politically unsustainable.
    But if those three provinces do meet their stated objectives, the other seven could actually increase their carbon emissions without Canada missing the minimalist national target set in the current federal framework.
    That possibility has the Bloc Québécois daily accusing the Harper government of giving Alberta a pass at the expense of greener provinces such as Quebec….”

  33. Iran demands that female nurses don the hijab in response to Iran’s providing $1.2 million for funding of the new El Alto city hospital in Bolivia
    Extortion….and Islamic superiority in South America, the one continent I thought would resist the most.

  34. Whether against global warming, or someone who might have had a half-beer too many, your government and proud civil servants are eager to assist and protect Canadians….
    “Too tough to prove before a judge or a jury, a spokesman from B.C.’s Ministry of Attorney-General tried to explain.”
    ‘Gross misconduct’ for RCMP officers questioned
    Posted: December 05, 2009, 3:32 AM by Daniel Kaszor
    The Crown in B.C. has decided to go easy on Benjamin “Monty” Robinson, the RCMP corporal who downed some beers at a party last year and then ploughed his Jeep into a 21-year-old motorcyclist.
    As Orion Hutchinson lay dying in a Delta, B.C. intersection, Cpl. Robinson left the scene on foot. To drink some vodka shots, he claims. Some 10 minutes later, reeking of booze and his eyes bloodshot, Cpl. Robinson returned to the fatality. Delta police were on scene. Cpl. Robinson’s blood-alcohol level was well over the legal limit, they determined. He was drunk. Mr. Hutchinson was dead.
    Cpl. Robinson was the senior of four RCMP officers to confront Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver International Airport a year earlier, in 2007. After dithering for months, the Crown this week announced it had rejected charge recommendations from Delta police. It would not attempt to prosecute Cpl. Robinson for impaired driving causing death, as recommended. It would not charge him with dangerous driving causing death, also recommended. Too tough to prove before a judge or a jury, a spokesman from B.C.’s Ministry of Attorney-General tried to explain……
    Read more: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2009/12/05/brian-hutchinson-what-constitutes-gross-misconduct-for-rcmp-officers-questioned.aspx#ixzz0Z1dWjqmO

  35. Below is an article i just received by e-mail. the e-mail said the article was written by a housewife from New Brunswick. I did a quick internet search and it seems this article has been around for a while but i was not able to confirm it’s source. Having said that, I wish I had written it myself and after reading it many of you will feel the same.
    “‘Are we fighting a war on terror or aren’t we? Was it or was it not
    >> started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September
    >> 11, 2001 and have continually threatened to do so since?
    >> Were people from all over the world, not brutally murdered that day,
    >> in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from the nation’s capitol
    >> and in a field in Pennsylvania ?
    >> Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible,
    >> burning or crushing death that day, or didn’t they?
    >> And I’m supposed to care that a few Taliban were claiming to be
    >> tortured by a justice system of the nation they come from and are
    >> fighting against in a brutal insurgency.
    >> I’ll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents
    >> for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.
    >> I’ll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start
    >> caring about the Holy Bible, the mere belief of which is a crime
    >> punishable by beheading in Afghanistan .
    >> I’ll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking
    >> off Nick Berg’s head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed
    >> throat.
    >> I’ll care when the cowardly so-called ‘insurgents’ in Afghanistan
    >> come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own
    >> religion by hiding in mosques and behind women and children.
    >> I’ll care when the mindless zealots who blows themselves up in search
    >> of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their
    >> suicide bombs.
    >> I’ll care when the Canadian media stops pretending that their freedom
    >> of speech on stories is more important than the lives of the soldiers
    >> on the ground or their families waiting at home to hear about them
    >> when something happens.
    >> In the meantime, when I hear a story about a CANADIAN soldier
    >> roughing up an Insurgent terrorist to obtain information, know this:
    >> I don’t care.
    >> When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told
    >> not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the
    >> bank:
    >> I don’t care.
    >> When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat,
    >> and ‘fed special’ food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is
    >> complaining that his holy book is being ‘mishandled,’ you can
    >> absolutely believe in your heart of hearts:
    >> I don’t care.
    >> And oh, by the way, I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s spelled ‘Koran’
    >> and other times ‘Quran.’ Well, Jimmy Crack Corn you guessed it,
    >> I don’t care!!
    >> If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail
    >> friends. Sooner or later, it’ll get to the people responsible for
    >> this ridiculous behavior!
    >> If you don’t agree, then by all means hit the delete button. Should
    >> you choose the latter, then please don’t complain when more
    >> atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great
    >> Country! And may I add:
    >> ‘Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a
    >> difference in the world. But, the Soldiers don’t have that problem.’
    >> I have another quote that I would like to add, AND……..I hope you
    >> forward all this.
    >> One last thought for the day:
    >> Only five defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
    >> 1. Jesus Christ
    >> 2. The British Soldier.
    >> 3. The Canadian Soldier.
    >> 4. The US Soldier, and
    >> 5. The Australian Soldier
    >> One died for your soul, the other 4 for your freedom.
    >> AMEN!”

  36. hardboiled, if you are truly a small ‘c’ conservative, then you are a completely stupid one.
    You espouse kicking out the (at least marginally or superficially) conservative Conservatives which will result in us getting a blatantly socialist Liberal party in power? Supposedly on a matter of principle? Cut off your nose to spite your face?
    Explain to me how voting against the Conservatives is going to make this country more conservative. I don’t understand your logic.
    Methinks you’re (at best) just a miserable old crank or (at worst) a Liberal party operative.

  37. Bill Good on CKNW just had Dr Weaver on to dispel any unpleasantness due to Climate-gate. He just said that there are Pacific islands that are being evacuated at this time due to sea level rise. Is this true?

  38. I would take anything Bill Good says or any so called expert on his show with a grain of salt.Bill Good has repeatedly chanted the AGW mantra that the science is settled and refuses to debate it.

  39. EPA Said to Issue Carbon-Emissions Rule, Giving Obama New Tool
    By Jim Efstathiou Jr. and Kim Chipman
    Dec. 7 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will declare carbon dioxide a health hazard today, paving the way for limits on emissions from sources such as power plants and factories, people familiar with the matter said.
    The move, on the opening day of an international climate summit in Copenhagen, arms President Barack Obama with new regulatory powers that could help forge consensus in efforts to curb global warming…”

  40. Eeyore – enjoy your Carbon Tax on Everything, and keep shilling for the Cons partisan.
    But hey, if one politician steals less from me than the other, he must be a winner huh?
    That should keep you busy for awhile.
