78 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. You’ll never crack that egg Eeyore, I’ve posed a similar question to Hardboiled many times; he does appear to be idealistic to a fault.
    That being said, Hardboiled has at least got this part of it correct: “the politics of AGW are settled”. PMSH made it clear when President Obama visited Canada early in the year that we would work together on a Cap’n Tax scheme. I said long ago that we must “regroup” and carry-on to the next battle. Cap’n Trade is the compromise the right is/will make with the left in order to push forward the rest of the Conservative agenda. This is where Hardboiled and I disagree, and I sincerely hope he is wrong.
    See “Harper’s Gambit” on the other thread for my prognostication regarding Copenhagen. We’ll see in a week or so whose guesses are correct.

  2. Randall, I also heard part of the discussion. Dr. Weaver also said that 2008 was one of the top 10 warmest years on record. I don’t have the facts at hand but have heard before that this is completely false.
    So I wonder if the old ‘Doc can provide any evidence of this evacuation? Me thinks not. Just another Lefty posing as a scientist.

  3. “This is where Hardboiled and I disagree, and I sincerely hope he is wrong”
    So did I.
    Unfortunately, the carbon tax is a done deal. These things don’t turn on a dime, and everything the Ministry has been doing for the past 4 years has been preparing for a national carbon tax. It will be done by a ‘cap and trade’ mechanism – with all its attendant weaknesses.
    The horse left the barn long before the last election.
    And I dislike being lied to a progressive tax and spender like Prentice. I thought conservatives might be too.
    Now there I was wrong.

  4. There is a world of difference between the two;
    1) Harper imposing a carbon tax (UUUggg !!)
    2) Going along with Kyoto l.
    Harper said he would never agree to destroying the Western World’s economy and lifestyles while allowing China, India, Brazil, Russia to continue with out restrictions. And ultimately becoming the First and us the Third World.

  5. “@Eeyore & Indiana Homez: Not everyone who criticizes you is your enemy.”
    Oh no you di…n’t!
    I wasn’t defensive, I was simply supporting Eeyores argument. When it’s all said and done there is a very good chance HB will be able to nail me with an “I told you so”. Until then I will do my best to make my point with as little vitriol as possible.
    btw, we’re all big enough here to take a little name-calling since we’re usually debating emotional issues. Crying “foul” because someone hurt your feelings is very liberal and pathetic. To those with hurt feelings I say “SUCK IT UP PRINCESS”.

  6. Further to Bill Good’s interview with Dr. Andrew Weaver . . .
    I have directly written officials in the Pacfic atolls of Kiribati, which appear to be the ones cited by environmentalists as “being in the process of evacuation”. Let’s see what those actually in Kiribati have to say.
    I’ve also written Dr. Weaver through his assistant, Wanda Lewis, to get confirmation of which islands he was referring to. Let’s see if he bothers to respond.
    If it turns out that Dr. Weaver was lying, I will demand a public retraction from him, from Bill Good, and from CKNW for I am absolutely fed up with lies being stated on that station on a seemingly increasing basis.

  7. December 3, 2009
    Greenwash: The last chance to stop global warming…until next time
    The Copenhagen summit is part of a never-ending circus that is about so much more than just climate change.
    Most will arrive by plane, generating an enormous carbon footprint, though a special climate express will carry 400 delegates on a 13-hour train ride from Brussels to Copenhagen. Yet when the conference ends and no one is watching, many of the rail martyrs will quietly fly home.
    The delegates may come from 192 countries but they all belong to the same travelling circus and they greet each other like old friends. Many going to Copenhagen are veterans of the Rio Earth Summit of 1992….”

  8. EPA issues GHG Endangerment finding and will regulate emissions. Just add regulations, no Democracy required.
    Brought to you by the Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the 7.2B in additional funding therein.
    I spent 7.2B and All I got was EPA GHG Regulation.
    Obama can now go and sign the COP15 agreement with a regulatory hammer to enforce it, no pesky elected representatives required. Read Friedma’s columns and took the too much democracy talk to heart.
    End of Days my Friends.

  9. Ignatieff’s paradox: a grand son of Count Ignatieff, who had an appointment with bolsheviks’ firing squad and just missed it, is hell bent on building communism in the country, where his prominent grandfather fled to safety.
    Does the jester still speak Russian? I’d love to ask him how he feels about collectivism and big government. Not that I would give any weight to his answers (yeah, their lips are moving) but it would still be interesting to hear what he feels about Lenin’s dictatorship of proletariat.
    Did any of you actually read Lenin’s works?
    You probably should, in order to realize what monster he was and how sneaky was his vile language. I feel many of you are not right enough – reading Lenin could drastically shift you towards the right side of political spectre.

  10. Look folks, hardboiled and several other commenters are complaining that the Conservatives aren’t conservative enough (or aren’t conservative at all). For the record, I don’t disagree with them.
    THEIR recommended solution is to NOT vote for the federal Conservatives. I disagree with this.
    It should be obvious that:
    – Not voting for Conservatives will bring Liberals to power.
    – Liberals in power will bring MORE socialism and LESS “conservatism”.
    – More socialism would be bad.
    Again I ask all of you dissenters…how does YOUR logic work? How does voting AGAINST the ONLY party that has ANY conservative bent at all INCREASE conservatism in Canada?
    We are being given the choice between ONLY two alternatives:
    – eating crap (what we would get with the Liberals); and
    – eating crap with a spoonful of sugar sprinkled over top (what we get with the Conservatives).
    Hardboiled et al apparently would rather eat crap with NO sugar, just so they can trumpet that they are sticking to their principles.
    Me, I’ll take whatever sugar I can get.
    As I see it, the ONLY way to get the Conservatives to change while NOT contributing to the ACCELERATION of the destruction of the country (which is what would happen by having the Liberals in power) is to give the Conservatives your vote but NOT your money.
    Money talks.

  11. more bullshit Eeyore.
    “Explain to me how voting against the Conservatives is going to make this country more conservative”
    This action won’t. But neither did voting for the Conservative Party either.

  12. Looking at what Conservatives achieved so far I have to put on one side of the scale the GM and Chrysler bailout (worth how many billions?) and on another
    – a couple of deportation orders
    – Status of women funding and several other cuts (worth a few millions)
    – a couple of statements in support of Israel
    – a photo op with the troops
    – kayak, mounty and a flying squirrel.
    The scale is heavily tipped towards communism and it will take how many billion dollars to level it?
    Give you head a shake! We’ve been betrayed and had.

  13. Star is wrong on many points, but one is most peculiar!
    They have stated that the food prices of this year are inflated. On the contrary, the food prices I am observing when shopping have declined quite a bit.
    I used to buy flour for $1.35/lb, then at c99/lb and now it’s c85/lb. And my family buys lots of flour – we bake our own wheat and rye bread and all pastry.
    Rice is down from $14 a bag to $9 a bag.
    Do Star reporters actually eat???

  14. John Lee, thanks for that. I wasn’t very familiar with Andrew Weaver but now realize he’s just another AGW sycophant like Suzuki & Gore.
    May I add to everyone generally that I’m disappointed no one has responded to my post about what Gordon Campbell said. Well, Lorrie Goldstein did privately, but I’d like to hear theories from SDA readers.

  15. Pain relievers linked to more deaths: Study
    By Laura Stone, Canwest News ServiceDecember 7, 2009 3:34 PM
    OTTAWA — Experts call it Canada’s hidden drug problem, one that kills more people than heroin overdoses. The difference? Instead of scoring on the street, you can get it with the flick of doctor’s pen.
    When oxycodone-type drugs became available publicly in the late 1990s, opioid-related deaths rose by 40 per cent, and oxycodone-related deaths increased more than fivefold. For example, 103 people died from oxycodone in 2003, as compared with 16 in 1999, the study said.”
    State backed Tiger, rebuffed cop’s subpoena plea
    By Edward Mason
    Monday, December 7, 2009 – Updated 3m ago
    A bid by Florida cops to probe whether Tiger Woods mixed a powerful potion of painkillers, sleeping pills and booze before he crashed near his home was rejected by a Sunshine State district attorney, according to a newly disclosed document.
    The report states Woods had access to the sleeping medicine Ambien and the painkiller Vicodin.
    The state attorney for Orlando, Fla., brushed off a subpoena request by the Florida Highway Patrol to obtain blood tests from Health Central Hospital, where Woods was taken after the Nov. 27 crash, according to the subpoena request obtained by the Herald.
    The state attorney rejected the request the same day it was made…”
    A committee of the Liberal-dominated Senate has amended a law-and-order bill, eliminating an element that would automatically jail marijuana growers for at least six months if they’re caught with as few as five plants.
    [Justice Minister] Nicholson called on Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff to “lean on these people” in the Senate and urge them to pass the bill in its original form.”
    5 whole plants.
    What a beautiful world.

  16. Robert: 5:40pm
    Your welcome.
    My Just Right link was the first result from typing Andrew Weaver + arrogance in Google.

  17. Robert W:
    RE: Premier Gordo, the reason we are getting the CRU climate ‘scientists’ were naughty but doesn’t undermine the science talking point is that the BC Libs enacted ‘climate change’ legislation along with climate change cheques to almost every BC resident last year.
    Making a climb down would then necessitate a repeal of the golden cash cow legislation. Given the BC govt. is projected to be a billion in the hole that is never going to happen, regardless of whether the political narrative has been completely undercut by the real scientific narrative.
    The BC Libs are not giving up on the climate change golden idol because their bottom line is so completely knackered at the moment. This is also the reason the BC Libs took the billion dollar federal bribe on HST harmonization. This eliminates the PST, or as I call it the Piracy Sales Tax.
    The smoke and mirrors is just for public consumption, nobody actually believes that palaver. As usual its all about the money folks…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. Thanks, Stan. Here’s the comment I posted … which is TBD whether they ever publish it:
    Mr. McDonald,
    Is it now your sole intention to insult the intelligence of those who pay your salary with each & every missive you publish?
    How dare you use the phrase “good, peer-reviewed scientific publications” when you know fully well that the entire peer review process around Hadley et al has been thrown into disrepute by the Climategate scandal.
    You sir, are the true denier, unwilling to face facts that disagree with your political views. The thing I’m most upset about is that a portion of my hard earned tax dollars are allowing you to keep on doing what you are in such a public forum.
