27 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Even crazier people in Europe . . . a major steel mill closes, 1,700 jobs are cancelled and why?
    Because the plant is worth more in carbon credits if it closes then if it stays open – it was a profitable mill.
    So 1700 euro jobs go, the company rakes in big bucks via the scam of carbon credits and now the steel will likely come from a highly inefficient and polluting mill in China or elsewhere.
    The new Green Economy.
    “With redundancy and decommissions costs, very little of that can actually come from the process of closing down the Redcar plant. But, with a capacity of 3,000,000 tons of steel, closure of the plant will deliver further “savings” over 6 million tons of carbon dioxide, worth an additional £80 million per annum at current rates but around £200 million at expected market levels.”

  2. Teleologists. Interesting. To me that means delusional. Materialsist vs teleogists. Fact vs fancy.

  3. “To a materialist this sounds like insanity. It is, as Chip Morningstar memorably put it, “epistemologically challenged”. And it doesn’t survive real world test. But to teleologists, “real world tests” don’t matter. The teleological world view inherently rejects all of that stuff.”
    Yesterday, Sunday December 6th, hundreds of people across the country burned candles in parks and elsewhere to commemorate the 1989 massacre in Montreal. What good does that actually do? I have never been able to understand the disconnection between this act of candle burning and and actually taking steps to make our gathering places safer. Can you name a college or school that employs armed security people? (UBC has RCMP, but only because it is as large and complex as a large town.) Burn your candles if you must, but also take responsible action as well. And lets not hear any crap about that (symbolic) gun registry.

  4. The cacophony that you are hearing and that is slowly driving you mad is the new world version of the tower of Babel.
    The next clash, the next world war will not be fought in foreign lands but right here in your own neighborhoods, your town, your country.

  5. The teological viewpoint is closely tied to postmodernism, a philosophy that was all the rage in American universities during the 1990’s. Postmodernism had it that reality was a personalized, not universal, phenomena. The argument that “well, that’s your truth but it’s not my truth” makes perfect sense to a postmodernist.
    Postmodernism became passe at the turn of the millennium, but modern academic thinking is still steeped in this relativistic thinking. And the Democrat party likely reflects it.

  6. Right Honourable Terry Tory: “The next clash, the next world war will not be fought in foreign lands but right here in your own neighborhoods, your town, your country” reminded me of a passage from Scripture about times such as these:
    “[Jesus said] I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division! From now on five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided: father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you immediately say, ‘It is going to rain’; and so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat’; and it happens. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?”
    Those with eyes to see let them see, and ears to hear, let them hear.

  7. “The teleological world view on the left has been a factor in American politics to a greater or lesser extent since the 1960’s, but this is the first time it was largely in control. And the most likely outcome of it is to make most Americans understand just how deeply worthless, and outright damaging, it is. Which, in the long run, will be very good for America.”
    This is exactly what some people at SDA prescribed in 2008. I believe Anne Coulter said she’d campaign for Billery if McCain won the nomination. Although I disagreed with this sediment at the time, it seems that Obama’s socialism is exactly the wake-up call that America needed.
    It is/was obvious to political observers that “time is/was of the essence” for Obama’s platform. The Democrats and Obama understand that if they don’t get the homerun the first time at the plate, they will likely lose whatever follows the first implemented priority. This is why I believe Obama will not sign a meaningful treaty in Copenhagen. Such a treaty would hamper the success of his larger goals.
    Obama and the Democrats are trying to run-out the clock while we must extend the proverbial game as long as possible.

  8. I disagree that the world is being run by crazy people.
    Very sane,intelligent,powerful, and ruthless people are running the useful idiots/insane to further their agenda,while all the heat is on the UI’s.
    So far.it’s working beautifully.

  9. With the 21st century we’ve turned a political corner and are being led down a dark ally by our political leaders. As they take us deeper and deeper into the darkness of an alley called absolutist statism, we over hear them wispering to each other how they intend to mug us, rob us then dispose of us.
    When we ask questions about what we’ve overheard we’re told that we’re imagining things and to just trust them – only they can get us through the dark.

  10. interesting stats.
    The “science” has been reviewed by 2500 scientists according to the IPCC and Global warming advocates. However, I took the trouble to look them up (based on the names attached to the IPCC report) and found who they are VERY revealing. I found 7 climate scientists, 243 sociologists, 28 historians, 1109 political scientists, 2 physicists, 9 chemists, 1 vulcanologist, and the remainder being untraceable as to degrees or specialties.”
    I lifted this from a post on another article but it seems credible.

  11. Left-liberalism manifests itself as a mental disorder.
    One of the natural end results: eco-terrorism.
    “Man arrested for vandalizing 500 pine trees in northern Minn.”
    “BACKUS, Minn. — A man in northern Minnesota faces criminal charges for driving six-inch nails into hundreds of red pine trees near Backus.
    According to a criminal complaint, 41-year -old Stephen Louis Olson of Backus was angry the county planned to log the trees.”
    “Olson, who owns the adjacent property, allegedly told several people of his plan to spike the trees with nails. Investigators also spoke with Olson’s son who admitted he and his father had purchased six boxes of pole barn nails and had spiked the trees over the span of about seven days. Olson’s son also admitted he was the primary person vandalizing the trees. Another teenager was also involved.
    Authorities say the entire forest must be cut down due to safety concerns. Mike Diekmann of the Cass County Sheriff’s Office says that if a saw hit one of the nails, “it would explode like a gun going off” and could cause serious injury.”

  12. Sure they are logical bunch at that! Kill 50 million unborn children but don’t hurt a lab rat or a – GASP – baby seal. That wouldn’t be nice in our perfect world!

  13. No electricity , no civilization. Just the way Mahmoud ordered it.
    The Kaffirs committed economic suicide on the bed of environmentalist nails.
    While allowing themselves to be Colonized. Than persecuting their own citizens against the very people committed to kill them.
    They followed the pied piper of weather lies walking over the cliff blind.
    Thinking themselves wise, they lost what they had.

  14. I we all followed the golden rule, the 10 comandments, loved our neighbours, and placed our faith in Jesus………….
    just a different road to utopia!!!
    teleologists, just another religion

  15. The world is being run by crazy-as-a-fox people; cold, calculating and ruthless people who would sell their own grandmother into sex slavery. They all exhibit an over-developed sense of self that has gone to dangerous heights. They think they are immortal therefore there is nothing they would hesitate to put us through if it appealed to them. In the US, the FOX is in the White House. He is very clever. Like Ben Jonson’s VOLPONE, gold is his focus. Obama himself is probably socking away some gold while doing what his goal has been – dismantling the US. If you want to know how crazy Christmas will be under Obama, come see me at samandimp.wordpress.com.

  16. I just sent the article about the Redcar steel plant to Tony Clements, Minister of Industry. I wonder if I’ll get anything beyond a pat on the head?

  17. In Atlas Shrugged the most profitable railroad was the one who did not run any trains but got the most government money for shutting down so-called unprofitable lines. This story is eerily similar.

  18. Canuck49,
    I posted about Atlas Shrugged the other day on another thread….the way things are progressing these days is, as you say, eerily similar….a corrupt cabal of power brokers at the head of a quasi-government….and the U.S.S.A. is high stepping it right along side them….

  19. Careful. Some of you may be a bit uncertain of what you’ve just waded into. Teleological thinking is platonism. You know; all-wise and powerful philosopher kings? The philosophical basis of Christianity, and by implication just about every other religion?
    Before you know it, some of you true believers here might end up agreeing that the handful of atheists here might just have a point, namely the irrationality of things that cannot be demonstrated in the observable universe.

  20. or, cgh, it might just be that you have mis-identified the audience here, and you have no f-ing clue who you’re talking to.
    Materialism does not require atheism, just as teleology does not require theism. In fact, most of the atheists who post here, with a couple of notable exceptions, exhibit the most amazing cases of magical thinking I’ve ever come across.
    Also as you may know, “things that cannot be demonstrated in the observable universe” is an ever-shrinking list thanks entirely to the diligent work of rational materialists. It may not be possible to demonstrate there is a God just at the moment, but it will never be possible to demonstrate there isn’t one. You can’t -prove- a negative.
    However if the existence of God ever is proven, it will be done by a materialist.

  21. Global Warming Theory Not New, But Simple Reborn Malthusianism.
    The recently uncovered British hoax regarding Global Warming should shock no one. This theory’s source was never analytic science, but modern politics fused to old superstitions.
    To summarize, the Global Warming myth has all the parts of a true fairytale: an evil enemy: capitalism; a hero: savior scientists; and potential ruin for readers who don’t heed the story’s moral: Decrease selfish carbon-belching commerce to save mother earth, or we are all doomed.

  22. My, my, Phantom. Touchy today aren’t you? Or did you just have the sensation of stepping off the bottom of the pool and having forgotten how to swim? Maybe you should stop pretending that you can reconcile refusing to accept one set of irrational beliefs while accepting another set of irrational beliefs.

  23. Fine, cgh, have it your way: your hobbyhorse is perfectly lovely, with that cute little “I Hate Christers” brand on the rump. Now, just as an exercise, do you think you could find some subject – any topic at all – that is important enough that it can be treated as something other than an excuse to trot that damned hobbyhorse out yet again? Or do you actually have nothing to say?
