I Can See Washington From My House

Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

Regular Ticket readers will recall how in this space in late November we pointed out that Obama’s closely watched job approval slide was coinciding with Palin’s little-noticed rise in favorability. And it appeared they might cross somewhere in the 40s.
Well, ex-Sen. Obama, meet ex-Gov. Palin.

More – someone’s testy this morning.

21 Replies to “I Can See Washington From My House”

  1. Yes I still have to laugh at people who deride Sarah Palin’s lack of “foreign experience”. Like Community Organizin’ is the way to get said experience….yes, he’s so qualified.

  2. Aaaah HaHAh Ha Ha…Obama!
    No more waffles for you.
    It’s what’s for breakfast.
    Sarah Palin is a class act and she is being perceived by U.S. voters as a breath of fresh air.
    Hope and change, yeah baby.!

  3. Oz @ 1:14 p.m.
    I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning.
    Looks good on both Bam Bam and the vile Sarah-haters.

  4. Cheney/palin in 2012.
    That would make bush derangement syndrome look like a paper cut versus stomach cancer.

  5. My 8 year old daughter armed with sharpies could draw a better conclusion than Gibbs.
    As my old Pal Charlie Brown says; ” Good Grief ! ”
    On another note; Are there any grownups in this Administration ?

  6. Graciousness has returned to America – and it is not in the adolescent ‘playpen’ they call the Whitehouse! Way to go Sarah!

  7. We could sleep at night if the Prime Minister of Canada had a positive, intelligent, grown -up person like Sarah Palin to work with; think how great this continent could be? I really feel sorry for the Americans having such a dud for a President but I feel sorry for us Canadians too because the President is not on the North American team. He appears to wish to throw the game.

  8. The Palin column is substantially the same as what she posted on Facebook a couple of days ago so it’s great this is getting out.. and in the WAPO no less.
    I predict that Sarah will be POTUS in 2012. Of all the GOP wannabe’s Sarah has taken a firm stand on this and other issues. Like the Liberals in Australia who have seen the light and will replace Rudd if he holds an election, we are starting to see politicians who will reap the benefits by taking a stand against the AGW fanatics.

  9. Palin will never be allowed to be POTUS. Not the Sarah we know now anyway…Unless…maybe after the pitch fork and torch crowd have gone through Washington…and the guy behind the curtain been removed…

  10. son of Atilla – yeah, caught that in the NP today. I think Hitchens sounded a bit too snarky.
    Palin may be a great person with many attributes, but I think a country of 200+ however many million can produce another Republican candidate more suited to the job of presidency. She serves a great niche role now for the party, hope they just go with that and leave well enough alone.

  11. Perhaps Erik Larson is right.
    The rabid, thorough, left-wing MSM character assassination of Sarah Palin has, right or wrong, likely left a deep mark…..which will probably endure as a permanent scar.
    OTOH the same MSM’s overwhelming endorsement of OBOZO may due to events and OBOZO’s disasterous presidency, nullify their treasonous attack on Palin….
    Pretty hard to call.
    The continued belief in AGW/CO2 CC and support for Cap and Tax, although weakening, indicates that, that much momentum is difficult, and possibly impossible, to deflect.
    The lemmings are in full tilt and the cliff looms. The voter base has been “dumbed down” and brainwashed by the lefties over decades….”stuck on stupid” IOW.

  12. These polls are non-comparable. It’s a very silly comparison. POTUS OTJ approval vs a “favourable” view.
    She is way to Right to be electable, the old blood Republican powers that be won’t stand for her, and the MSM are licking their chops praying for an opportunity to shred her to pieces.
    As cool as the Rogue is, her finding her way onto the 2012 ticket would be the biggest boost to a second term for Obama you could imagine.
    As Erik said above, there has to be someone more suited to the job.
