52 Replies to “Not Waiting For The Asteroid”

  1. The editorial could have come out of the Old Testament.
    The delusion these guys live under is the scary part.

  2. “The biggest lobbying group at Copenhagen will be the International Emissions Trading Association which was created to promote carbon trading more than ten years ago. That’s why every corporate newspaper and TV station has been telling us that the science is settled since that time.
    Its members include :-
    BP, Conoco Philips, Shell, E.ON AG (coal power stations owner, EDF (one of the largest participants in the global coal market), Gazprom (Russian oil and gas), Goldman Sachs, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley..
    This is from one of the commenters at the link,”Big Time”.
    I think it’s worth reposting,especially when you look at those Big Time bankers and oil companies who are involved in carbon credits trading.
    Forty-one years of propagandizing our kids in educational institutions has worked very well,most of them believe in Al Gore and David Suzuki and are totally oblivious to the machinations of the players behind the scenes.
    Perhaps our only hope is China’s refusal to dismantle their economy in the name of Climate Change.

  3. I’m not sure where to submit this but Dave Rutherford was talking to the Sierra Club this morning. They have filed a law suit against the Friends of Science for posting the “stolen” emails on their website. Friends of Science refused to talk and denied that there was a lawsuit, but the spokesman for the Sierra club confirmed it.
    The Sierra club is so reaching on this.

  4. I am fighting Brampton Guardian about annually for a few days. They insist they have a right for littering their paper on my property and I warned them several times that if they don’t stop, I’ll arrest the delivery guy for trespassing and charge them with conspiracy to commit a crime.
    The delivery supervisors just don’t stay long enough at the paper – every year I am dealing with a different person, for whom it is totally new thing: “How come someone may not want Guardian delivered for FREE?”

  5. Further to hypocrites…
    If you’d like to see a perfect example of the hypocrisy that is the modern day Enviro-Leftist, look no further than here. This fellow, Luc Binette, co-exists between Quebec and Mexico, and attends endless conferences every year.
    Please don’t even bother mentioning him buying “carbon offsets”, for that is pure nonsense about fighting carbon emissions. If Monsieur Binette REALLY cared about supposed climate change then he would live in one place and rarely travel. He does not, but expect everyone else to.
    H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E ! ! !

  6. A commenter at Ace’s posted another [UK] Guardian enviro link this morning, and I noted that alot of comments had been censored on that page too. Gee, I wonder whose comments have been deleted?

  7. I ‘spects many of these 54 will be making a ‘contribution’ whether they want to not for the cause in due course anyway, be patient lol – so hey don’t sweat it!

  8. Something is Rotten in Copenhagen Denmark!
    Fifty-four newspapers for starters!
    And every one complicit in a massive worldwide wealth redistribution Taxing and Carbon Trading fraud.
    The Dutch Tulip Market reinvented.
    Camco shares anyone?

  9. I noticed that all the comments at the guardian article were moderated, and any comments that didn’t accept AGW as truth were deleted.

  10. We are all going to h*ll in a handcart. It is as stupid as cops arresting a couple outside a bar while they were waiting for the tipsy taxi. The lack of common sense in this world is getting scary.
    What is truly scary though is the fact that you and I are going to be paying for all this crapola. NS Power recently sent in a request to drop the rate by 1.5% due to the cheaper cost of fuel. Trouble is that the regulator tacked on a 1.5% increase for “conservation” so the consumer loses again. Lord knows what this crap & trade stuff will cost us.

  11. I’ve started taking down my mailbox on weekends. If I didn’t, there’d be 5 kg of flyers in there, by Monday morning. Most of them originate with the local newspaper, and they stick the odd weekend edition in with the flyers.
    A few years ago, someone just dropped them on my step, and the wind and rain made quite a mess. I phoned, and gave them a couple of hours to clean it up, before I had them charged for littering. Sure enough, two hours later, they were all cleaned up.
    My letter carrier is very co-operative, even though he’s been ordered to stick flyers in the mailbox. He told me he won’t deliver anything, against my wishes. Good guy. I hope he doesn’t get fired over it.

  12. Strange that so many “undeveloped”, “developing”, “once highly developed but regressing”, and “impossible to develop” countries are ruled by nominal marxist thugs who rightly regard any wealth outside their direct control as a threat to their personal security.

  13. But if it saves just one polar bear!
    Let’s see now….the polar bear is the poster child of sorts for the AGW movement. The polar bear is also a favourite ‘look how cute’ mascot for the Coca-Cola Corporation. Coke is made partly from carbonated water. Millions of bottles are sold every year.
    I’ll bet the icebox on Gore’s Gulfstream jet is crammed full of similar fizzy drinks. I’ll bet Coke and fizzy beers will be served at many of the dinners at the Copenchangen climate-palooza over the coming days.
    Ironic, huh?

  14. hardboiled you took the words out of my mouth!
    It reads like a biblical text.
    Scary stuff indeed.

  15. Just as these evil bastards don’t want to let a good global ravaging go to waste ala AGW. We will have to not let a good global communist attempted coup go to waste.
    We need a good revolution now so we can toss all these elites into a black hole in the ground where they belong.
    Short of that … we need ALL Smaill business to withhold their money … governments will respond to that and that would get things going. nez paw?

  16. The Blubb and Wail has been excruciating. Now I know
    how Russians felt, in the Cold War, reading Pravda,
    and how decent Germans (there were a few) reading
    the Voelkischer Beobachter under the Nazis. TOTAL
    mindless propaganda. Jeffie Simpson has at least
    read a little of SmallDeadAnimals, I think, because
    today he goes to great lengths to point out that
    a weather forecast is not a climate forecast. He
    can’t bestir himself to think why nonetheless
    something might be learned about the second from
    the first.

  17. Yes lets concentrate on a gas we all breath & is indescribably part of keeping life alive.
    Co 2 is indispensable for the whole life process.
    While we allow Billionaires to promote global money scams with this set of lies . Our politicians smelling unlimited power to tax & control people, are like hounds to fresh meat. While our True enemies that we have fought a real war with slowly take over as the drums are beat for this fantasy. Meanwhile the Billionaires have moved to China. Where industry is still allowed even though their Communist.
    Our leaders are so smart I almost black out at the thought of such brain power.
    Nobody believes the media anymore. They just let them go on like children at play. There only good for entertainment news about fallen human Idols.

  18. Have not looked at the Guardian article yet, but saw something similar, either on the front page of yesterday or todays torstar about the same 54 newspaper hug fest.
    On a happier note, Lord Monckton was on WJR, Detroit. He seems to think that the EPA will have to be sued,after which more will be revealed with regard to the climategate story, spelling the end of AGW mythology.
    By the way, anyone know what has happened to Moe Strong? He’s a shoe in for a show up at the conference in hopenchangin’. We’d never see a main stream reporter do this, but he needs to be questioned big time.

  19. Eskimo @ 2:26 regarding the polar bear on the Coca Cola website. Did you notice the partnership between Coca Cola and Greenpeace? We just purchased our soft drink beverages for our children and their families coming home for Christmas and we did not buy any Coca Cola products. If they can make a statement, so can I.
    What is the significance of the so called Danish leak of earlier today? Could somebody who has time to look into this post something on it?

  20. 54 newspaper around the world. WOW!
    How many countries are in the UN?
    How many newspapers around the world?
    Did it take 54 people to write it?
    Did they sing Kumbaya before or after publication?
    Was Yoko Ono there?

  21. What. The bloody hell.
    What facts is the writer alluding to? The facts that we’ve now been made aware as falsified? At the every least, someone should question why assumed respectable scientists deleted data and concocted ways of firing other scientists. There can’t be a handful of people blowing the lid off this huge money-making machine. There should be screaming from rooftops.
    If the writer wishes his readers to be green, so be it. Cancel the damn newspapers!

  22. ‘Never, in the history of mankind, have so many been driven to destruction by so few’…Churchill would be belching smoke from his cigar and the brave fighter pilots would heap scorn and ridicule on the big blobs of hot air in glob a hapenen; and on the free (educated??) citizens cowering in their dark corners hopin and a hopin that it would all just go awaay.
    Newspapers are showing their true colors here, they are up to their filthy necks in this attempt to make a ‘coup d’ etat’ and enslave the people of the world via grinding poverty for all.
    Thanks for the link, thywillnotmine; this will let the poor nations know that there is nothing good for them in this hoax; there is nothing good for any citizens, anywhere, in this hoax. It is corrupt to the core and we, the people should go to the streets and send them all a big ‘shout out:’ “No we won’t”.

  23. uncle Mo has his own website now.
    I go there quite often to search oil for food, criminal fraud, corruption etc, funny thing is there are never any search results.

  24. Ken, it’s good for you and your kids.
    We make our own pop, guess what we use? You got it – the CO2 chargers. One day I feel I’ll get a SWAT team visit for ordering those: ‘Sir, did you know it was an offense to release CO2 in the atmosphere?’

  25. You mean the warmers are switching from Kool Aid to Coke? I though things went better with Kool Aid? no CO2!

  26. 54 (56 ?) rags with coconut college journalist graduates as editors not worthy of a bookmark for daily reading pleasure or ever to be trusted again.

  27. The confab these dead tree oligarchs are taking part in tells it all. It’s like a mobster’s orgy; Hookers, limos, caviar and planning the greatest con job based in the greatest fraud of the century.
    They are there because they’re part of this establishment plundering cartel. They sold the fraud for the thugs to capitalize on.

  28. Copenhagen’s Hidden Agenda: The Multibillion Trade in Carbon Derivatives
    Architect of Credit Default Swaps behind the Development of “Carbon Derivatives”
    And I have pointed out that (1) the giant banks will make a killing on carbon trading, (2) while the leading scientist crusading against global warming says it won’t work, and (3) there is a very high probability of massive fraud and insider trading in the carbon trading markets.
    Now, Bloomberg notes that the carbon trading scheme will be centered around derivatives:
    The banks are preparing to do with carbon what they’ve done before: design and market derivatives contracts that will help client companies hedge their price risk over the long term. They’re also ready to sell carbon-related financial products to outside investors.

  29. O’Iffy! O’Harvard Crimson. O’dinosaurs.
    More Leaked Email.
    “Staff Tension at Harvard Newspaper Explodes into Epic, Graphic Scorched-Earth Email
    A group of disgruntled staffers at heralded Harvard rag The Crimson said good-bye to the outgoing leadership with a group email that includes the phrases “epically unpopular,” “forever-flaccid penis,” and “group-fisting.”
    IvyGate redacted the names and has a moratorium on outing senders and recipients in their comments. But you can totally take a stab here, and/or email me with your deepest, darkest secrets.
    ————— Forwarded message ————— From: [redacted] Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 17:53:52 -0500 Subject: Open Letter to the 136 To: [redacted]
    Dear 136,
    As you approach the time when you are stepping down from your positions, we will not lie that there is a collective sigh of relief and joy out of every single person in the board (except for maybe [redacted], though that may be unclear, since he can’t express much emotion anyways).
    I’m sure you guys are not surprised to learn that you were epically unpopular, as you probably were for most of your pre and post-pubescent lives. Although the power trip of weeks past may have given you a slight feeling of euphoria, let us assure you, as you go forth in life, you will still be losers and nerds and weirdoes.
    But we digress. The more important issue here is not how much you stroke eachother’s egos (or ***** for that matter—that includes you, [redacted]—that’s two now, right? [redacted] and [redacted]? Do I hear a threesome—then you get your chocolate and your vanilla in one Sunday), instead, how you have left the biz board an atrocious mess that rivals that of [redacted]’s puke on [redacted] during Grand Elections. We have written an acrostic poem below to further expound upon our discontentment a la Governor Schwarzenegger:
    F **” (more)

  30. Wow! They can’t even keep the simplest details of their own BS straight!
    From the Guardian article:
    “Climate change has been caused over centuries, has consequences that will endure for all time and our prospects of taming it will be determined in the next 14 days.”
    For centuries, eh? Well that pretty much destroys the “anthropogenic” portion of their argument, doesn’t it? After all it’s really only since WWII that human activity has been at a level where it MIGHT conceivably begin to have an impact on the environment, and even that is a bit of a stretch!
    Is there any reason at all to bother reading any further?

  31. Best comment of all in response to that Guardian article:
    “I want to know which country was responsible for the LAST ice age, and all the previous extinctions of animals from the dinosaurs to the mammoths.
    My bet is it was the United States, damn them.”

  32. It would seem to me that if it were only 54 newspapers x the number of readers… pretty puny reach… and if the world’s newspapers are like the Calgary Herald.. the only time I get one is on a free one from Home Depot or Rona when I need fire starter.
    NOW.. If you published it Kate! … Now you got reach; and not only that but an audience!

  33. Following up on Fred’s comment I looked around and found “Copenhagen Climate Treaty, Version 1.0”, developed by NGOs (61 pages, no date, seems to be a more detailed version of the draft Copenhagen Accord).
    I don’t understand how this is supposed to be enforced. Ok, one way is via “international financial architecture”, providing loans only to those who obey, but (to quote Stalin) how many divisions do they have?
    Why should the governments of most countries give up their sovereignty? (And, for that matter, why are they?) I get the distinct impression that this is the first attempted dictatorship (and a world dictatorship to boot — the tranzis think big!) without military support. Do they believe that hypnotism and propaganda are sufficient for a successful coup-d’etat? Do they believe that the only army needed is composed of activists and lawyers? Do they believe they own the US Armed Forces? Or what?

  34. Has anyone considered WTF the “developing world” was doing for the last 300 years while the west was industrializing?
    The greatest tragedy of all will be empowering those that have accomplished next to nothing in the last 300 years to lead the world. It is fair to say that: had the west not progressed over the last few centuries the “developing world” would be far worse off then they are now. It is the 2nd and 3rd world that owe US a debt of gratitude, and it’s our responsibility to prevent these underachieving corrupt and contemptible leeches from bleeding mankind of it’s accomplishments.

  35. Sierra club “have filed a law suit against the Friends of Science.” (Thanks Knacker)
    This looks very bad on the Sierra club. It makes it look like they too are attempting to shut down voices on the other side. Instead of inspiring confidence, they play into the theory that this is all a conspiracy — especially since the Friends of Science are in general, reasonable and factual. It would probably be good if this went to court — it would give Friends a great platform.

  36. Is anyone paying attention to the claim (UN originated, I think) that 2000 to 2009 has been the warmest decade? Is this true? What about no warming for the past ten years? I thought that was also true. Now I know both could theoretically be true (if previously it really warmed), but I had understood that it only warmed about 1 degree over the past century. So can anyone enlighten me about the veracity of this recent claim? (On another note, I would be curious about where UN’s figures come from if not from the discredited CRU.)

  37. Doesn’t the World Bank chair have a lot of connections to the players in derivatives that caused our recent world recession? Do we trust the World Bank with (cough) carbon credits?

  38. Strange how they can come to a consensus on a mythical issue-anthropogenic global warming, and want to literally tax a gas which is exhaled when breathing. CO2 is the gas, and it is a necessary constituent of plant growth, which most sensible people would agree is a good thing.
    CO2’s contribution to the much vaunted greenhouse effect is minimal, water vapour plays a much larger role, but perhaps that should not be pointed out to these science-challenged cretins they may wish to ban oceans and drinking water reservoirs. No relationship has been shown between CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and global temperature rise even from the discredited
    work of the IPCC.
    When a really important issue affecting the worlds survival occurs- muslim immigration and it’s related terrorism -these same commentators ignore it.
    The world of politics and how it is reported is indeed a strange and uneducated place.

  39. ***), but I had understood that it only warmed about 1 degree over the past century****
    that’d be 1.2 degrees F, of which the last two years lost .7 degrees F, the remaining .5 degrees falls within the margin of error of any study on the matter
    therefore we are discussing 0 temp change for all intense and purpose
    also, when confronted by,”there are other studies” that validate the “climate change” scenario, just ask, “then why did Jones, Mann, and Biffra, lie and not just correct their study”, because if there was valid data, there would be little problem to correct the mistakes.

  40. Destroying the UN would be a good thing …. replacing it in any way would not.
    There is no reason to either sustain an entity that is at best useless and in fact degenerate and destructive or to replace it once it is expunged from existence.

  41. CHeck this out on YAHOO it is discusting and where are they getting this crap from ? .http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/091208/world/un_climate_warming_25
    …….ooooooooooooooooo yeah !!! The cru …what a crock thisi s what they are spewing blatant lies , i am soo sick of this man seriously I beleive PMSH will follow the right path ..the one of truth .
    But if not i will be investing heavily in guns and ammo. It is that bad ,i am just soo tired of not having a voice in all of this .
    I do beleive that we should respect the environment by not littering ,or youk now make seem like you were never there and all of that …but to ruin a country and an economy based on a gas that every single humna on this planet emit’s from there lung’s naturally is sick , not to mention ALL TREE’S, PLANT’S,AND BASICALLY ANY THING THAT HAS GREEN LEAVES, NEED THIS AND WE HAVE A PERFECT UN ENDING SUPPLY TO THEM FOR FREE!!!!!……wait a second i am on to something If i have to pay the socialist’s,communist’s environmentallist’s, stalinist’s,leninist’s,green tards for carbon , then i am going to start charging all of them for the tree’s and forest’s for using my carbon to grow themselves at a rate that witch is equal to the tax that is imposed on me for emitting it !! and the govornment can purchase my carbon on behalf of the tree’s . If this sounds retarded …wait till you see what happenes in hopeandchangin
    Paul in calgary

  42. “We need a good revolution now so we can toss all these elites into a black hole in the ground where they belong.”
    Shades of the trouncing of the Charlottetown Accord.
    How sweet it was.
